Like Tinriver being able to send exploratory missions and trade missions again instead of looking longingly at landgrabs.
Like restoring diplomatic contact with the Khemetri, which was too difficult for our provinces to do without controlling Trell.
Like culture pushing our values across the mediterranean via religion.
And any of these help us... how?
Tinriver can send trade missions to the people around us; that is a perfectly reasonable use of its time.
If Khem wants to stay strangers, that is fine by me. The real problem is if they decide to be real neighbors, but hostile ones - but if it is too dificut to reach them as it is, that isn't too much of a worry, is it?
If we don't interact with people, why bother pushing our culture to them?
Like expanding the market to widen what we can get from trade, noting that we didn't even know about a market existing until we expanded sufficiently and picked up a trade value.
More neighbors means more trade, sure. It also means more of our dominances are up for challenge.
Like billing neighbors wealth per turn for strait access...or opening it to them for diplomacy.
Like using the largest natural trade center on the continent to extend intrigue networks internationally.
Like importing Khemetri grain to feed the cities.
Billing neighbors wealth for strait access can be lucrative if that is a thing. I'm not sure it is; we might have been the only ones stupid enough to go for such a deal. (Did we get
anything at all out of those 6 or so points of Wealth we spent in fees, other than just making our traders happy?)
EDIT: Forgot the Intrigue Stuff. Basically, why would we want to? If anything, we'd rather avoid this, since if we can reach them, they can reach us.
Importing Khemetri Grain... well. Not sure how that would work, honestly. Would it just be buying Econ from Khem? Because I doubt that we can find deals that are better than the 5 Econ/action we will soon be getting from Expand Economy.
Like having the ability to deploy our mercenaries out into the med for hire rather than being limited to our direct neighbors.
Deploying our mercenaries can get us some extra wealth if they aren't tied up at home, sure. Though given the current trend, we will tend to need them ourselves...
All in all, it sounds like the story you are preaching here is "More neighbors! More interactions! More opportunities!"
Only, right now, we don't
want more neighbors, or anything to do with them. We are overextended and have been overextended for a LONG time now. And in part it is because of stuff like taking the Strait - building WIDE instead of TALL.
Well, it is time to stop. Every interaction we have with a neighbor is a potential problem. If we are lucky, we can maintain peaceful, harmonious relations... for a time. If we aren't lucky, we end up on opposite sides of frequent conflicts, with our opponents launching wars, intrigue missions, or other attacks in our direction.
So if your argument boils down to simply being exposed to more, I would count that as a reason to AVOID Trell, not a reason to fight for it.