[] [SR] Rotate governors (All periphery states with at least one province cost -1 Diplo/turn each turn, have Min. 2 Loyalty)
This choice is very frustrating to me. We can get something we can really use (Econ) but doing so will probably hurt our Loyalty. And the choice that would actually help us in the long run is unaffordable. So I'm not voting, but expressing my desire for the option you see above.
[] [HS] Main Build Gymnasium (Does not advance Reforms, +1 Stability)
I almost want to take this, not even for the Stability, but just because it would advance our education a bit.
[X] [HS] Increase Professionalism (Found Mercenary Company, Reforms advance)
Going to go with this one. The shot at finishing with the Moronic Yeomen Bullshit is worth it. We could also use an army to protect us against vague portents from AN (It's obviously Highlanders with gunpowder).
[X] [Attack] Hire out mercenary company
-[X] [Attack] Both
--[X] [Attack] To Freehills
I'm so over Trelli. On the other hand, I like Freehills. It's a match made in heaven. Have fun with the strait, guys, you can come party at our awesome Games soon, I promise.
[X] [Policy] Special: Vassal Support (+1 Subordinate while active, increases Loyalty while active at less than full subordinates)
It was this or Infrastructure, but since we're probably going to piss off our subordinates even more than before ...
Division of Power
By preventing the accumulation of power into any single person or faction, the damage of someone throwing a tantrum is mitigated... although it also makes breaking up widespread support harder.
Pros: Faction quest failures have a free negation, requiring two completed quests or Support Faction actions to reset. Unsuppressible failure states become Suppressible
Cons: Addition -1 Stability when suppressing factions
I love it, and I hope we adopt or fuse it as soon as possible.
By the way, shouldn't we get +5 Diplo every turn with Western Ymaryn being separate from us, but still participating in the Games?