How do you see us bringing Trelli, with walls and momney, 'back to heel' once they are back to full health if we dud not even mabage to do it for those way weaker colonies?
By moving our capital there, it's the best place to rule from per AN. It lets is dominate our vassals economically and the canals will let our lowlands vassals reach us quickly as well.
Noting that Land Reform will increase province count.

Western Wall is enormously oversized.
Txolla can probably be eaten soon.

We now know our Centralization tolerances modifiers more explicitly.
Min is 0, we've been there (so the min base is 3 for our model)
Max is at least at 8, if the max is the same as the min. Assuming a range of 5 between min and max at base, we're looking at a max of 16(?!) I probably made some bad math here.
Where did you get this information?

9 diplomacy per turn.

There are easier ways to suicide
But what about overflow?
Still, let me say that I find Guild's quest extremely funny. I just imagine a dialog like that if we complete it:

- Man, our king really came through for us with those Ironworks.
- Yeah, he is a pretty cool guy.
- You know, we should build something in his honor, free of charge.
- Wow, that is a good idea! Like what?
- Hmm. Like, I dunno, a giant channel through all of North? Or another Trelli strait?
- Yeah, sounds good. Let's get on with it.

Weren't we supposed to gain a free textile technology?
By moving our capital there, it's the best place to rule from per AN. It lets is dominate our vassals economically and the canals will let our lowlands vassals reach us quickly as well.
So... you want to take the entire bureaucratic apparatus, the tens of thousands of clerks and take them away from the Palace and The Library? Then ship them across the sea and put them in a place which has none of the infrastructure they rely on. That sounds like a terrible idea.

It also sounds like another megaproject, plus do the Ymaryn even have a concept of moving a capital? Is it going to be something we can even do?
By moving our capital there, it's the best place to rule from per AN. It lets is dominate our vassals economically and the canals will let our lowlands vassals reach us quickly as well.
How do you imagine managing Lowlands from there if reaching them will take way longer than ittakes us now to reach Greenshore - which we cannot control?

Also we do not yet have the channel sorelying in plans on it is hilarious.

Oh, about "quickly": water travel is cheap, not necessarily fast. Travel to Lowlands, say, Thunder Horse, from Trelli would mean:
  1. Going to Redshore
  2. Going from there to Valleyhome, part if the road on foot
  3. Going downstream from there
  4. Going *by land* to Thunder Horse necause they are on different river.
All in all, about a month or so?

And yes, moving the whole Palace is, by amount of work, at least ~Tier 2 megaproject with all those annexes.
Still, let me say that I find Guild's quest extremely funny. I just imagine a dialog like that if we complete it:

- Man, our king really came through for us with those Ironworks.
- Yeah, he is a pretty cool guy.
- You know, we should build something in his honor, free of charge.
- Wow, that is a good idea! Like what?
- Hmm. Like, I dunno, a giant channel through all of North? Or another Trelli strait?
- Yeah, sounds good. Let's get on with it.
I swear to god if we pick something over than dam even though it has been stated again and again to be needed for bulk transport to the lowlands (including soldiers) i will scream.
E: In fact we will end up at 7 Cent in the main turn I think and if we take Professionalism then that means our martial is at 3 which is pretty good for ending Second Son. Leaves us to deal with the Liquidity and Myranyn reforms.
But, our stability would still be affected. We are predicting to exit out of this turn with -1 stability IIRC. That would mean EJ would get used, and it would be best to use it twice, not once. A centralization drop by taking Trelli would be helpful. That way we can continue using [secondary] EJ.

Edit; I'm doubtful of Veekie's 16 centralization cap.

@veekie can you show your work, with examples, on how you got 16 centralization cap?
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I swear to god if we pick something over than dam even though it has been stated again and again to be needed for bulk transport to the lowlands (including soldiers) i will scream.

It's not up to us - the reward is a random Megaproject. Which is part of what makes it so funny, honestly.
But, our stability would still be affected. We are predicting to exit out of this turn with -1 stability IIRC. That would mean EJ would get used, and it would be best to use it twice, not once. A centralization drop by taking Trelli would be helpful. That way we can continue using [secondary] EJ.
If you want to take Trelli for the cent drop alone(which is only somewhat possible), please be aware of the risks involved.

Secondary EJ's would just fuse as well.

Something like:

Main ??
Sec ??
Sec ??
Sec EJ
Sec EJ

Is not possible and that vote simply reads as:

Main ??
Sec ??
Sec ??
Sec EJ
Sec ??
[X] [HS] Main Build Gymnasium (Does not advance Reforms, +1 Stability)

I just don't want the chance of hitting -3 Stability.
[X] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)
[X] [HS] Increase Professionalism (FoundMercenary Company, Reforms advance)
[X] [Attack] Attempt to take the Trelli Strait
[X] [Policy] City Support (2 True Cities have their maintenance paid for each turn)
Academy - There have been some suggestions that the way that the elite are trained could be improved, to the benefit of all who appreciate learning. (3-5? action commitment, -2 Culture and Mysticism per action, 0/1 Econ commitment)
Great Dam - The river can run wild and dangerous when the rains come strong, but could it not be controlled by the same principles by which the water on the hills is channelled and contained, merely on a larger scale? (4-6? action commitment, -2 Econ per action)
Great Library - The libraries thus far are fine, but with many of them and one on a port location, the possibility of an even larger library where everything might be stored presents itself (5-7? action commitment, -3 Mysticism and Culture per action, 0/2 Econ commitment)
Triangle Canal - There is land in the north where the soil is mostly clay and can be cut efficiently, allowing for a great canal to be cut between the two forks of the Black River, from which smaller irrigation canals can be built to water the land of the Stallions, massively increasing the available well watered land (8-11? action commitment, -3 Econ and -1 Tech per action)

Great news, we have 1/4 chance of completing the Dam project that we need.

Great Library - 33 stats cost. Culture gets refunded at half.
Academy - 15 stats cost. Culture gets refunded at half.
Great Dam - 12 stat.
Triangle Canal - 33 stat. Tech don't count because they get refunded.

In term of stat efficiency and getting what we need, we should hope for Triangle Canal completion, which should give us access to bulk food. But I find the Dam+canal project more important than the triangle canal.

Completing the Great Library would be nice, but it doesn't get us food.

E: Just realized that reformer legacy doesn't give us full refund. Just half.
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"Guild (6) - Power: Half faction power added to Max Wealth. Objective: Have a Level 2 Ironworks within 3 turns. Success: Free random megaproject AN: Yes, an entire megaproject, in a single turn, no charge"


Maniacal Laughter aside there are a lot of interesting choices this turn, lets see if we can't make the best of it.

[X] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)
This seems to be the best decision we can make between the taxes, no real contest.

[X] [HS] Increase Professionalism (Found Mercenary Company, Reforms advance)
Professionalism seems like a good idea right now, lowers our martial and is not too costly. It might even let us resolve the second son crisis.

As for the rest of the options... I am rather torn on what to choose. On one hand I really want to take trelli. On the other, there is no longer any penalty for ignoring it and we have a lot of other problems to focus on. If we aren't going to claim it ourselves I think assisting Freehills would be the best choice. Not sure what is the best pick for a policy either. So until further notice, this is my vote.
Why are you people trying to take more land when we're already massively overextended and in the middle of multiple crises?
Trelli is not going to stay loyal and will rebel once they recover. Do people think that this is a videogame where painting the map our colour makes them unquestionably loyal? We have so many problems we need to fix and adding so many more is not going to be helpful. Conquering Trelli is going to be no good when we can't hold it. Please just wait, there'll be opportunities to take it when we're not dying. Also, if it was taken with found mercenary company, we'd be over our subordinate cap.
Wait, I'm confused. How much econ per turn is City Support worth now? Don't care about per city or where it comes from, just curious about how much it benefits us in the end.

Not really against it winning, just want to know what we're getting.
If you want to take Trelli for the cent drop alone(which is only somewhat possible), please be aware of the risks involved.

Secondary EJ's would just fuse as well.
Right, I forgot, two secondaries would just combine into one main. That's why we went [Main] EJ, and [Secondary] EJ one turn. We used to be able to have something like [secondary]EJ, and [secondary]EJx2 in the same turn. The two would just fuse into one main for the turn result. Are we still able to have the X2, or did AN change the rules at some point?

This would mean taking [secondary] EJ at least once a turn. If the cap is 16, being more proactive with build roads shouldn't be a problem. Personally, I'd rather slowly crawl past 9 centralization, to make sure 16 is most likely the cap, than rush over that number 9.
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[X] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)
[X] [HS] Increase Professionalism (FoundMercenary Company, Reforms advance)
[X] [Attack] Attempt to take the Trelli Strait
[X] [Policy] City Support (2 True Cities have their maintenance paid for each turn)
Personally, I'd rather slowly crawl past 9 centralization, to make sure 16 is most likely the cap, than rush over that number 9.

We have a crisis that requires high Centralization to end, and PSN votes at the midturn to dump any excess we end up with. How is overcentralization more of a risk than letting the Second Sons crisis continue to drag on?
Colony taxes
[] [SR] Money (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Wealth/turn each)
[] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)
[] [SR] Warriors (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Martial/turn each)
[] [SR] Rotate governors (All periphery states with at least one province cost -1 Diplo/turn each turn, have Min. 2 Loyalty)
[] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)

[X] [SR] Food (Colonies and vassals transfer 1 Econ/turn each)
THIS ONE. This one thisonethisone.
Right, I forgot, two secondaries would just combine into one main. That's why we went [Main] EJ, and [Secondary] EJ one turn. We used to be able to have something like [secondary]EJ, and [secondary]EJx2 in the same turn. The two would just fuse into one main for the turn result. Are we still able to have the X2, or did AN change the rules at some point?

This would mean taking [secondary] EJ at least once a turn. If the cap is 16, being more proactive with build roads shouldn't be a problem. Personally, I'd rather slowly crawl past 9 centralization, to make sure 16 is most likely the cap, than rush over that number 9.
Yeah, its always been the case from what I recall that for Secondaries we can do x2 and fuse them into a main: An example is Expand Econ -> Sec Expand Econ + Sec Expand Econ x2 = Main Expand Econ.

We are also going to be taking lots of PSN so we have to have in the range of +2 Cent per turn in order to actually increase Cent, which means main EJ's.