We will also need to take into account reform costs. I am not sure that we're going to make it.
NO don't you dare Murphy! Go away!
What I was
trying to say was that I think we are going to make it. Under Shard's plan we lose 2 Econ(
@Shard it's only 1 stab hit and those are worth 2 Econ) to our kid. Plus Trelli refugees in the mid turn.
Personally I like their plan as it doesn't makes us shit out bloodsoaked Econ to badly. Still a net loss but could be worse.
Lemee just check the math.
[][Main] Enforce Justice
[][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[][Secondary] Enforce Justice x2
[][Secondary] Suppress Faction (Traders)
[][Secondary] Expand Economy
[][Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
[][Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns x2
+2-4 Stability, 4-6 Cent, -1 Stability & -5 Culture & -2 Econ from West Ymar, -4 Econ & Wealth, -2 Tech, -6 Sustainable Forest used, +4 Econ -4 Expand.
Net: +1-3 Stability, 4-6 Cent(which I consider a tad dangerous due to how close I think we are to our cap), -5 Culture, -2 Econ +2 Expansion, -4 Wealth, -2 Tech, -6 Used forests. Panem costs another 6 for a total of 8.
E: Of course Sivantic raises a good point that we will have event chain stuff we need to do, which is going to be expensive and under cut doing the above stuff. I personally think we are going to have to finish the Urban poor quest to nail the plague to the wall so we have enough peeps, build another gym for more training grounds and raise army, or maybe double main raise army to finish it off.
E2: Just in general I think it will be a good idea to have 8+ Econ going into the Main turns for now since we need so much.