Actually, fictionfan is right about one of those. It's, "Yammar."
...I could have
My apologies to
@fictionfan .
We don't actually know that. That's just what Dandeer told Berra to put herself in the right light. In fact, we know for a fact she was lying about something as she apologizes in her mind for decieving Berra when Kakara went super saiyan.
Reading Dandeer's thoughts in the relevant episode...
She is my last hope, and my greatest, shining champion. Somehow I knew it would come down to this. Holy, Penitent, and Saint, forgive me for deceiving Berra.
I never needed Berra -- not that man with so much power and so little strength. It is so easy to hide behind your laws and fail to do the right thing. I'm sure he thinks he does good, but I didn't need that. No, she is what I need. I need her able to act, to protect. To do what Berra refused to. He will retreat to his Clan after this and I will never receive his support again.
But she will never go back. She moves now, as she must. She prepares to stop him. There is no chance of her losing. My son is mighty and skilled, but weakened. She will stop him. She will hurt him to save him, and redeem him through pain. And in his maddened rampage, he will fail. She will give me back my family... Stop him, Scion.
That doesn't sound a lot like Dandeer having secret deeply evil schemes. That sounds a lot like Dandeer genuinely thinks she is doing the right thing.
Furthermore, we
KNOW Lord Vegeta was brutishly abusive towards Dandeer, we know that because other people knew it. She has made unguarded outbursts that make it quite clear she
believes that Lord Vegeta's abuse was caused by some defect in the character of the saiyan race that she has to 'fix' in her own family with the Sealing. That Jaffur is crazy because he's inherited this defect.
While we have good reason to think Dandeer has been deceptive about important things, we have no good reason to put her motivations on the list.
WadeSwiftly said:
It still is a bit suspicious that Dandeer needed Berra's help to seal Jaffur when she could do it while he was asleep like she did to Jaffur's dad.
The only knowledgeable expert on sorcery that we've talked to, Dandelor the House Senzu sorceror, has already commented on this. Jaffur is not trained as a sorceror. Dandeer needed Berra to physically restrain Jaffur because Jaffur was alert, aware that Sealing could happen, and something like a hundred times more powerful than herself.
Even if Dandeer had utterly evil motives, and had lied about literally everything else,
THAT part of her motivation would still make sense. It is not in the least suspicious that Dandeer would need to call on another super-saiyan to help restrain Jaffur, in order for it to be
remotely safe or even possible for her to Seal him.
Because we know what happened to Dandeer when she tried it at a moment in time there
wasn't another super-saiyan in the room to restrain Jaffur. It happened right in front of us.
Perhaps in another situation, you might have taken note of the shaking in your hands.
Perhaps in another situation, you would have realized that you were crying.
Perhaps in another situation, you would have noticed Mom trying -- briefly -- to attack Jaffur, and Lady Vegeta -- again, quite briefly -- trying to cast the Sealing before her son responded.
Yeah, that didn't work out too well for Dandeer; it's strongly implied that she got knocked on her ass effortlessly, because super-saiyan Jaffur can act faster than she can blink.
WadeSwiftly said:
Edit: Also if you read the inivisible text from the sealing it also shows that she litterally goes out of her way to mindrape Jaffur by making his sealed self unconditionally love her.
I am not absolving Dandeer from responsibility for her actions, nor am I denying that those actions were unethical. There are obvious motives for why she tried to brainwash Jaron. Not valid
justifications, but motives. Ones that are psychologically comprehensible in the context of the motives we have reason to think Dandeer has.
My point is not "oh, look at me, I'm pro-everything-Dandeer-did."
My points are:
Very specifically, that Lord Vegeta was not a victim of Dandeer's aggression or abuse in any meaningful sense. Indeed, his vicious, brutish abuse has triggered all of the present troubles involving his family. We have effectively zero reason to believe otherwise.
2) Dandeer's stated motives are internally consistent, consistent with what she says in unguarded moments and with what she
thinks. There is no compelling reason to think she has a whole separate category of secret motivations that are somehow so deeply hidden from us that we can't even begin to find evidence to support our guessing at them. She is
definitely lying about at least some events that have taken place, but that doesn't automatically translate into lying about why she does the things she does.
Do we get a bonus to our ki manipulation at these low levels of ki? I mean Kakara is used to handling many orders of magnitude more ki then this and even if she isn't right now she still has the experience.
She's used to handling a lot more ki than this, but only at much higher power levels. Just because she can power up to one billion and easily manipulate the ki blasts of someone who's blasting at half a billion... That doesn't mean she can handle the blasts of someone at
half a million while only at half a million herself. Nor does it mean she gets a bonus to handle the half-million blasts because she's "used to" handling blasts a thousand times larger.
It's sort of like how being the greatest racecar driver alive doesn't give you bonuses in a footrace, and probably won't help you very much in winning a race with bumper cars.
To be blunt, I'm almost positive she has a "FUCK EVERYTHING" button primed in the event of her death or otherwise neutralization. She's a good enough schemer to know she's rapidly running dry the well of sympathy everyone has for her, and the best way to be left alone is to ensure that your loss guarantees their destruction.
And I'm fairly sure even if everything goes right, she'll just find herself getting offed anyway. Like, she smacks of being the one who Ruins Everything Forever.
I would like to speak up for some caution in trying to use 'trope' logic to figure out what Poptart has in mind on an issue this important. Poptart seems to base most of the plot on the refreshingly simple process of giving characters motivations and knowledge, and then having them act as seems logical to them in the context of those things. As a general rule, this is strongly opposed to the process of giving people pre-designated or "canned" roles in a storyline.
We would likely lose. We have not really concentrated on warrior skills. Currently we are about on par with him before he was sealed. I suspect Jaffur has improved since then. Also his dice rolls in fights are insane.
Insane dice rolls are, by definition, unlikely to continue happening.
As to winning versus losing- Jaffur has had no access to trainers or reference materials at all, and he doesn't have his
body in there, only his mind.
It's possible that, with nothing to do but meditate on his massive reserves of super-saiyan power, Jaffur has managed to unlock the secret of the full power super-saiyan transformation, the one that Berra passed on to Kakara. He'd have to
deduce it the same way Goku did, but Jaffur could plausibly have done that. However, I honestly doubt Jaffur's been able to do much else that directly impacts his combat abilities on top of that. It's likely that Jaffur's action budget looks something like
[] Work on techniques to break the Seal
[] Work on techniques to breach the Seal
[] Work on techniques to CRack THE seAL
[] Work on techniques to DESTROY THE SEAL! [twitches angrily]
[] Meditate on poetic descriptions of
unyielding rage, because our rage is unyielding and therefore the only thing we can meditate on.
[] Figure out how to temporarily take over Jaron's body so we can communicate with Kakara since she doesn't seem to trance into our head often enough to matter.
[] Boost Jaron's self-esteem and give him martial arts training in his dreams.
[] Figure out a way to leak 0.2% of our power level to Jaron.
So there probably isn't a lot of time in there for working on combat techniques Jaffur can't even
use without breaking the Seal and that he has no one to use them
on even after he does because he's already got more than enough physical power to crush the only person left in the world he might want to kill.
Drat kept thinking about it and currently Jaffur and Jacob are not ready to take over. How has something like this never happened before?
We need a regent, but the two candidates are both unacceptable.
A regent doesn't have to be a super-saiyan member of royalty. A highly respected head of some Vegetan House would be a good choice. Raditz of House Senzu would be almost ideal if he weren't legally questionable due to the whole 'rebel' thing, but Yammar can and probably will vouch for him. Yammar probably has other children who, while not legally entitled to step into the line of succession, would certainly be qualified to act as regent.