[X] [Conq] Take the northern lowlands (Thunder Speakers become vassal, Txolla annex additional territory, gain Ruined Thunder Horse as vassal, remainder fragment, -4 Econ and 4 temporary Econ damage from supporting wrecked vassal)
[X] [Refugee] Use the military to evacutate as many as possible (8 temporary Econ damage, -9-11 Econ Expansion, -2 Stability, chance of further loss, +9-11 Econ next turn, incompatible with most ambitious conquest option)
[X] [PttS] Horse Valley
[X] [PttS] 0 Stability
[X] [Diplo] Let's maybe spread out in case the gods throw another bolt (Found Far Northern Trade Post)
Well this is certainly going to be some interesting next updates, I know that much.

I am certain that something is up with Yenyna. I won't speculate on the causes or all the details, but it is clear to me she did something waaaay outside the rules I was expecting.

We may or may not be in a low magic setting. I won't speculate. I have no grounds to speculate, and a very good point has been made that our best course is to keep on keeping on because no magic solutions still work.

I ain't touching the situation with Tormulyna with a 100 foot pole. Nope. Zero coherent conclusions. That topic looks like a mess of gygo I don't want to stick my foot in.

And that's pretty much my summary of "Strange Shit Y/N?" for now. I guess I've made my points now with this and all my previous posts and so don't have much more to contribute to this specific thing.

I'll still be here to chat and stuff but you guys and gals will have to carry this specific thing if you want new stuff about it. The font of Bungie hath been exhausted on this topic!
Well, the prophecy as presented to us was anything but vague.

It was precise enough to predict the chain of events needed to core out the strength of the Thunder Horse without crippling the Ymaryn.
The Prophecy itself was pretty vague, the response to it seems to be where the precision comes in, they predicted something bad was gonna happen, Dragon and dragon egg, w/e that means and help the Swamp Guys. Literally Anything could have happened and the prophecy could still be met to varying degrees
Yenyna is the only thing that really makes me scratch my head, but I'm gonna just chalk it up to the same kind of stuff that makes animals instinctively flee earthquakes and stuff. People just tend to ignore their instincts, whereas Yenynas genius is in her intuition.
You ask for an unexplainable event; this is what I've got. *shrugs*. I'm not going to say that magic is the only explanation, but magic is certainly a better explanation than the alternatives; i.e. in a world with magic Yenyna's insight maxes a lot more sense than in a world without magic. Thus, it is evidence for magic.

Is it enough evidence to actually convince me? Not really. But it is enough to make me consider the possibility much more seriously.
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Analysis and Diffcheckers -- "Inflection Point"​
Diff Checker (Civ Sheet)
Diff Checker (Civ Sheet BBCode)
@veekie @BungieONI @zamin
Diplomacy 9 [+5]
Economy 18 (+1) [-3+16]
-Sustainable Forests 13/16
-Econ Expansion 11 [+3-16]
Martial 14 {20}
Wealth 18 [+7-3]
Baby boom/pop explosion updated to +16 total.

Culture 18 [+1]
Mysticism 18 (+1) [+2]
Tech 15
Prestige 78
Prestige 68 -> 78:
68 + 10 (The Gods smote our enemies, and our priests saw it coming!) = 78

Stability 3 (terrified but glad)
Legitimacy 3 (max)
Stability 2 -> 3:
2 + 1 (Natural Disasters are good when they hit others, and the King and Priests see them coming :V ) = 3

Centralization 4
Hierarchy 7
Religious Authority 8
Religious Authority 4 -> 8:
4 + 4 (The priests can see smiting in advance, and the admin hero just pledged to always listen to them...) = 8
Well thats a major boost to RA... luckily our tolerance is apparently much higher than we'd expected. It used to be yellow at 4, then after the crisis passed i think the guesses were usually that it'd be yellow at 6. So either the crisis lowered tolerance way more than expected, our government upgrades raise tolerance, or something else raised tolerance... Still, we shouldn't have much problem with other religions for the near future it seems...

King of the Hill: You are the most prestigious polity around, gaining you +1 Diplomacy a turn, but all other groups gain the 'Take the Crown' casus belli
Baby Boom:
Converting 7 Econ Expansion to 7 Econ a turn
Population Explosion: Converting 7 Econ Expansion to 7 Econ a turn
Efficient Economy: +1 Wealth/turn while above Econ 10
This still hasn't updated wtih the new numbers.

Iron is "dominating" instead of "dominant"; no actual change, just making things consistent.
Pilgrimage: Thunder Horse dropped off, we went "leading" -> "Dominating" from massive RA boost and the whole "they can make the gods smite entire cities holy shit!" reaction :p
Interestingly, TH are still listed in other trade sections. Not sure if thats on purpose, and the Ruined Thunder Horse will maintain those if we don't absorb them, or what...

Periphery States (7/9+3) (Loyalty [L], Dependence [D])
This should be 8/10+3 i believe...
What power has a king before the gods, before the forces cosmic? Hertythyn didn't decide immediately, he went through the details as best he could with his background, he went to other priests to decide, before finally he came to the decision to take this matter to the council and push it forward.
Well, at least when listening to prophecy our king double and triple checks everything first...

he council was not happy, not happy at all, and the warriors had to be called in more than once to break up a few fights
Hey @ManusDomine you got a cameo appearance as a collective batch of warriors, congrats :V

In the end though the king put his foot down and got the situation rolling. The Highlanders would be sent an official missive declaring that the People had sworn before their gods that they would not declare war upon them while their current king or current heir lived
That's a pretty long time considering our Hero's supposed to live another 1-2 turns...

the Red and Dragon Banners would be summoned forth to press into Harmurri territory to push the Thunder Horse back and out. The Txolla were actually quite pleased by this announcement, as it suggested the possibility of seizing more territory for them in the process of beating back the Thunder Horse.
Txolla really needs some influence subordinates...

While not entirely controversial, getting Yenyna out of retirement was a bit of a different process, in that time had not been kind to the Dragon General - already decided to be a position assigned by the king after her death. While it was known that warriors joints had a tendency to seize up latter in life, Yenyna was a particular major example as she had essentially lost the use of her limbs to arthritis by her late forties, and was now carried into battle upon a palanquin, her husband and son at her side.
Huh... I guess the speculation that she was basically overclocking her muscles to keep up in combat was accurate, and that fucked up her limbs. Thats really sad :(

Her son, Eckhyrt, had been born unusually late in her life, and was thus only about ten when the king swept into the quiet life he and his family had been living, insisting that not only must his mother leave her quiet retirement, but that he had to accompany them far from home as well. Of course, given how well his mother was treated by the warriors, it was not like the boy was in a bad place.
This doesn't sound like a very healthy upbringing for poor Eckhyrt either... half of me wants him to be bad at military stuff, so they maybe leave him alone and let him live his life, but the other half says that would just lead to more pressure on him... :(

Of course, the rumour of the Dragon General and her son being brought forward to lead the armies had run ahead of their movements, and the Thunder Horse had enough warning to begin redeploying to counter the movements they expected.
Turns out the Thunder Horse still remember what she did to their forces last time :V

Camped out on the river separating their territory from the Thunder Horse, Yenyna sat upon her chair watching the opposite side as twilight ate away the last of the red of sunset in the world. All of a sudden she began to scream, gazing up at the sky in terror. An attendant ran to her, and he managed to get from her lips:

"crows, a sky full of them"

Then she went quiet and gazed up in horror, looking to the western sky.

To the rapidly brightening western sky.
...This is ominous o_O
(Also, for the magic debate, i'll note that my immediate guess for how she had warning was noticing the glint of the light from the west in stuff to the east; something like the spearheads of the warriors in front glinting in the newly bright sun)

It was like a shooting star, but like the sun was to a campfire. A tremendous streak of fire and light, it cleared the horizon in an instant, leaving an orange smear across the sky and smaller shooting stars trailing like courtiers in a king's retinue.
...Oh dear. Bolide strike!

Several heartbeats of terrified staring upwards and those who had been in their tents scrambling out to find out what had just happened, and a wall of sound crashed into their position. Tents were knocked over, and ears, eyes, and noses bled at the tremendous volume. More than one person was permanently deafened, and even those who regained their hearing knew that it had been diminished by the event. Many horses were also lost as they broke free from where they had been tied and ran away in blind panic at the cacophony.
This isn't even the impact. this is just how ridiculous the sound from it passing by is o_O Also, no, our horses! we need those to keep breeding them! D=

A short time later, just as the camp was desperately trying to put out what fires had been set by knocked over torches and lamps and the first people were running to consult the confused and terrified priests, everyone nearly jumped out of their skin again when another whipcrack wall of sound passed them by, coming from the east rather than from above like last time. Looking to the east, they could see an ugly early dawn sitting there for far too many heartbeats before the sky faded to a strangely muted version of its usual brilliance.
And there's the impact...

The scouts that pressed forward the next morning were still concerned for the enemy, but they were perhaps more terrified by the prospect of the unknown and the working of the gods.

They found no resistance.
Said impact was apparently rather effective... also, can i just mention how we like never manage to actually guess how long wars will take? Everytime we expect a long drag out fight it takes way less time, and every time we expect an easy mopup its super hard o_O

The army spent days picking forward into Thunder Horse territory through a haze of dust and ash, finding confused and terrified survivors who were far more interested in the fact that they had found humans rather than the wrath of the gods.
Note that "days". The effect was so bad it left resistance broken for days and days of travel.

Eventually they made their way to what had been one of the great cities of the western portion of the Thunder Horse territory. It was vaguely recognizable by what was left of its walls and the knowledge that a small river had run nearby, but of the tens of thousands of people or their major structures... naught but a few charred poles of wood amidst ash and pulverized stone. Several people began to shake in terror and disgust when they started to work out that logically some of the ash in the air had to be human.
knowledge that a small river had run nearby
Wow... not only did it annihilate a city (though i'll note not a True City, AN said if they had one it would be on their eastern side, iirc), it destroyed or rerouted a river completely, by all accounts o_O

Logically, from what they already knew of Thunder Horse disposition, not only had they just lost one of their largest centers of trade and administration, they had also just lost the majority of their warriors. All that was left was the local militias in the far eastern cities, and with the catastrophic damage to a huge chunk of everything they were no doubt going to be staring down famine in short order.
And it looks like the hit damaged a lot more than just the city; looks like the whole city-state equivalent was taken out...

It took the better part of a moon for this to get back to the king in Valleyhome and the priests in Sacred Forest
Travel time info: Most of a month from the destroyed city to home. Just so you know that administrating this will be a pain

but they had experienced the event, and they had known since that night that the predictions had not been prophecies but warnings. The gods were irritated with Man and had a divine sized thunderbolt prepared for the most quarrelsome lot among them.
...I can't tell exactly who the People think are the most quarralsome...

Declaring an extension of the truce with the Highlanders, moving to protect the Harmurri, calling for Yenyna and her son... these were not steps to prevent the gods wrath or call it down, but to move it far enough away. Gods were not subtle, and even them declaring that for their treachery they would be smote... the People would have been struck a terrible blow simply for standing next to them.
Ok, so it sounds like they were thinking the most quarralsome was the Highland Kingdom, because they were our nemesis and so our cultural lens right now says they're the worst. By declaring peace and marching on the Thunderhorse, we were basically showing the Gods who we thought the worst were, by the People's reckoning ?

No, they had to move to break up the quarrel in the lowlands, and with the rumours of Yenyna and her son running ahead of the army, the disharmonious mass of the Thunder Horse army had repositioned into their heartland.
and of course, having Yenyna there to concentrate the TH helped...

The astrologers shook in terror that first night, and then again once their fears were confirmed by wide eyed couriers. This could have been them, and their predictions only gave vague warnings!
<+4 Religious Authority" :p

By the end of the season all significant neighbours had sent envoys to the People that basically amounted to "Please don't kill us!"
And so we see, much like with the Spirit Talkers, how easy it is for rumors to grow to the point that they think we caused this, instead of just being there to see it and maybe predicting it, maybe having a lucky coincidence in prediction.

The gods have ripped the heart from the Thunder Horse, and an army stands at their doorstep. How much is conquered?
[] [Conq] The land is cursed, pull back (Thunder Speakers break away, rest of the Thunder Horse fragment into desperate city states)
[] [Conq] Just the western parts (Thunder Speakers become vassal, Txolla annex additional territory, rest of the Thunder Horse fragment into desperate city states)
[] [Conq] Take the northern lowlands (Thunder Speakers become vassal, Txolla annex additional territory, gain Ruined Thunder Horse as vassal, remainder fragment, -4 Econ and 4 temporary Econ damage from supporting wrecked vassal)
[] [Conq] Push to the East (Gain all previously listed territories, forces actively fight with surviving Mountain Horse cities, -8 Econ and 8 temporary Econ damage from supporting wrecked vassals and distant war missions)
Wow, thats a lot of potential land...and a lot of vassals we dont have the actions to wrangle. So while it looks clear that we're going to be overextending with the northern option, i'm just gonna push personally for the western option...

The body of the Thunder Horse dissolves, leaving behind the flesh of its people
[] [Refugee] Take as many who run to you (4 temporary Econ damage, -4-5 Econ Expansion, +4-5 Econ next turn, chance of stability drop)
[] [Refugee] Send out runners that you have food and intact farmland (6 temporary Econ damage, -6-8 Econ Expansion, -1 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ next turn)
[] [Refugee] Use the military to evacutate as many as possible (8 temporary Econ damage, -9-11 Econ Expansion, -2 Stability, chance of further loss, +9-11 Econ next turn, incompatible with most ambitious conquest option)
Our new PiA boost is very clear here, with what would have been a 4 stab drop back before CA now being a -2.5 drop. I'm too tired to figure out the overflow and expansion math, so i'll leave this to other people i guess. I'll say that narratively the full option seems like it'll either be best (if it works as planned) or worst (if things go wrong), and that we really dont need the stats so this is almost entirely a question of narrative, stability and how many statswe can actually eat...

AN: In Service of Order has not yet triggered this turn due to the fact that a natural disaster has actually increased confidence in the king.
XD Well i guess thats one advantage of saying yes...

ou only suffer one point of Stability drop if temp Econ damage exceeds current Econ
Good to know.

"So... where do you want the Temple of the Stars, Black Mirror or Horse Valley?" Hertythyn asked the Spirit Chief the next time they met after the reports were in.
Yeah that sounds about right... notsure if "temple of the stars" is an actual difference/upgrade relative to "place to the stars", or just another name for it...

e already felt like years had been shaved off of his lifespan through reflecting upon the fact that he had almost taunted the gods into smiting him via refusing to listen to their portents, and he was not going to let this ever happen again.
Almost sounds like Hertythyn lost some of his longevity, but AN confirmed that it was just that he'll be really busy.

Reaction for this turn: Beginning construction of the Place to the Stars. Where should it go, and should any stability be kicked into it?
[] [PttS] Black Mirror
[] [PttS] Horse Valley
[] [PttS] 0 Stability
[] [PttS] 1 Stability
[] [PttS] 2 Stability
Ok, so "temple" and "place" are just interchangeable, no upgrade/difference it seems. This option has been argued very frantically and i really dont know enough to give input, so i'll abstain from it personally :p Kicking would only be worth it imo if we were going to take minimum refugees, and even then only potentially.

Soon enough there was also news from the Heaven's Hawks about their trade to the east. The nomads there had recently been united by a great chieftain, and he had been somewhat unsure about the offers of trade from the People, but when the God Fist had struck and then it had come out that the People had a hand in where it fell the response by the nomads had been a definite "You know what, let's take the offer of trade and go elsewhere." Where exactly they might next turn was still unknown, but that would probably depend upon where the People stopped their military advances. This did however raise the question of how exactly to engage with their neighbours.
And so we accidentally terrify yet another group into leaving us alone :p

Everyone around you is a little terrified right now, how to engage diplomatically?
[] [Diplo] Send out reassurances (Sec Trade Mission to Khemetri, Trelli, and Harmurri)
[] [Diplo] Victory lap (Main Salt Gift)
[] [Diplo] Let's maybe spread out in case the gods throw another bolt (Found Far Northern Trade Post)
[] [Diplo] Stay home, write panic driven poetry (Main Build Theatre)
Trade missions are always good, and it would give the best action economy, since its 3 secondary missions. Total -6 Wealth, +3-6 Diplo. Among other things, we could get more info on those reforms the khemetri are doing, hopefully...
Victory lap is just asking for people to get pissed at us, and not very People-y in my opinion. About the only good thing is it would probably max out tech and maybe diplo if we roll well enough, and give some more prestige. Terrible narrative though.
Northern trade post would be nice... but i think i want the merc companies both close for now, in case things go south with our likely 2 new vassals and one much stronger one...
Theatre is interesting, because we keep having the option...i can't tell if thats just that we keep doing exciting things, or if AN is trying to tell us that we should take the Theatre because it will unlock new mechanics or be really helpful or the like... We really should take that one of these days...

At home, there's a whole lot of religious gardening going on...
[] [PSN] Push forward forests (Sec Expand Forests, -1 Centralization)
[] [PSN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[] [PSN] Bit more black soil (Sec Black Soil, -1 Centralization)
[] [PSN] Lots more black soil (Main Black Soil, -2 Centralization)
[] [PSN] Push forward farms (Sec Expand Econ, -1 Centralization)
[] [PSN] Massively push forward farms (Main Expand Econ, -2 Centralization)
[] [PSN] Keep it under control (Do not activate this turn)
Turns out that "the gods almost killed us" leads to a lot of personal stewardship to help please the gods :V This also has been part of the major discussion on Expansion slots and the like, so i'm abstaining here as well.
Actually, yeah, tomorrow will be map updates, reworking some math, informational posts, and informational side story stuff. That should clear out some the question backlog.
!!! Awesome :) Informational stuff is always cool :)

Info on what our rolls actually amounted to...

Gave some, but was initially just going to wait to see what your actions were.
So we will probably/possibly be getting even more prestige from this, wow...

Nope, the further you go the more exposed they will be.
A good warning to not overextend...why much people overextend :'(

It wasn't a direct hit, but it was a Tunguska grade blast, so "land directly on top" is a bit hard to judge with a 10-30 Mt explosion affecting a Bronze Age city.
Wow...that's a lot of power o_O

About once every ten years it gets updated.
Census is relatively often, i'd expected half that often with our tech level...

You will incorporate more information into the design.

Spiritual Advisor thinks that Horse Valley is better for building big and seeing, Star Mirror for pure mystic power.
Information on place to the stars.

Centralization econ damage resistance rounds up, thankfully :)

Probably, yes. I will address some of this with fluff information.
We'll be getting some info on merc companies and/or gender norms in the upcoming informational posts :)
@Academia Nut you said you'd be getting through the question backlog via the informational posts, but i'm gonna have my normal question spoiler just for posterity's sake:
-Our Subordinate count should be 8/10+3, i believe?
-Shouldn't we have 18 tech, not 15?
Answer: The stats are staying as they are, which is fair...plus we really dont need the extra stats at this point :p
-Since we won't be seeing the action list for another turn or two due to Hertythn being way too long lived, would you be willing to share the following things, the first of which is important for planning and the next 3 are both interesting to me personally and hopefully will help inspire the thread to actually have constructive discussions about them and planning around/for them, instead of devolving into more problems for manus :p
1. The expansion limit for keeping redshore a city
2. The listing for the Artisan Competitions megaproject
3. The Listing for the Ironworks megaproject, or whatever it is that we unlocked in redhills with the aqueduct near the mines
4. The listing for the gymnasium...building? extended project?
Answer: AN will be reworking math soon, especially for cities, and the new building info will come "in good time"
-What happens if we have no nemesis?
Answer: "If you can avoid having a nemesis, then maybe the DB goes away..."
-Do we have intervention cb against the Storm Wolves? ...For that matter, what are the Storm Wolves up to? Is the hero son still around, and still fighting the metal workers?
-how often do we get new faction quests, after completing previous ones?
Answer: "Once you complete a faction quest, you get a new one the next turn."
-did we get any innovations from tinrivers docks this turn?
-Are we trading case hardened iron? or just regular iron?
-Did we succeed in the traders quest with the iron trade? you said it was possible, but not guaranteed.
-Can you confirm that the difference for the iron is that it gives a full +1 wealth on its own, instead of the usual +1 per 2 leading+ values?
-Shouldn't we have an extra settlement count for our walls, with the new province? We went from 15/45 to 16/45.
A couple very minor things for the civ sheet:
-Baby boom/pop explosion should be +8, not +7, with our new province
-Annex limit should be 12 now, instead of 11 (2 + 8/2 + 6) (Of course, now it'll be even higher with the new vassals...)
-Does the additional guild actions round up like the province actions? i.e. now that we have 8 provinces, do we have 1 main guild action, or 1 main + 1 secondary?
-To clarify your previous answer for the western wall integration, would a single (secondary) integration action get us 2 provinces from them? Or is each action 1 province and we can do so 2 times currently?
True Cities And Relevant Infrastructure [6 Potential cities, 20 Base Threshold):​
-Valleyhome [Aqueduct, Baths, Sig. Walls, Capital, Palace] (25 EE Threshold)
-Sacred Forest [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls] (23 EE Threshold)
-Redshore [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls] (20 EE Threshold)

-Stallion Pen [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls] (16 EE Threshold)
-Redhills [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls] (11 EE Threshold)
-Lower Valleyhome [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls] (4 EE Threshold)
-Greenshore [Aqueduct, Sig. Walls?] (In Subordinate)
Libraries: [Total effect: 2 Mysticism Refund]​
-Sacred Forest (Temple, Megaproject, +1 Refund by itself)
-Valleyhome (True City)
-Valleyhome (Palace Annex x2 = 1 National Library)
-Stallion Pen (Temple)
Temples [2 Total Temple Levels, 1 Natural Wonder]:​
-Sacred Forest in Sacred Shore (Lv 1) [1/6 Progress to Lv 2]
-Dragon Graveyard in Stallion Province (Lv 1 + Natural Wonder)
Salterns/Salt Mines: [Total Effect: +2 Wealth/turn, with 1 Trade Post]​
-Southshore (Lv 1 Saltern)
-Northshore (Lv 1 Saltern)
-Heaven's Hawk (Lv 1 Salt Mine, Applies to core Wealth despite subordinate)
Governor's Palace: [Total Effect: -0 Min Centralization Tolerance, +0 Admin-Free True Cities]​
None in Core or Subordinates
Colossal Walls:​
None in Core or Subordinates

Edit: Edited in Extended Projects Listing
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[X] [Refugee] Use the military to evacuate as many as possible (8 temporary Econ damage, -9-11 Econ Expansion, -2 Stability, chance of further loss, +9-11 Econ next turn, incompatible with most ambitious conquest option)
However, such a site would not be well situated to affect our new vassals! It would be a journey across the steppes and into the hills to reach it, which makes it a decidedly uncertain avenue of development. There is a reason that back when the Spirit Talkers existed, our traders would rather cross the lowlands to reach them: the steppe route was too poor and exposed to raiding, even though Stonepen was straight line closer, crossing the lowlands was faster and safer.

If you want to indoctrinate our new vassals, then the approach is simple, a dam and temple at the Cataracts forming a water route to Sacred Forest, followed by a Canal cutting across the heart of the lowlands to the east by Integrating Txolla, which would put the Spirit Cave at the same travel distance to Sacred Forest as Black Mirror is to Dragon Graveyard. This covers the Thunder Speakers.
The Thunder Horse meanwhile are even further south and completely unable to reach Stonepen. To service them, found a temple on the impact site, or Xohyr, depending on which section we integrate first.
TS go directly via steppe or old trade route, then up canal then on foot. Or just use the magic canal and then go up on foot. Regardless, reaching Horse Valley has a negligible increase in time required considering the vast increase in distance required to go to Blackriver.
TH = same
Txolla = same

There's a direct & traditional land route Dragon Graveyard -> Horse Valley -> Sacred Forest. Which, coincidentally, makes it so you don't have to pay to ride a boat.

Horse Valley offers or can be made to offer everything that Star Mirror can except a relatively close city - ignoring the fact that there isn't an actual city there yet, while Sacred Forest is south of HV.

PttS shouldn't be thought of as something that's going to increase our cosmopolitan nature on the wider stage - that's showmanship, not science. We should pick the location that will best serve the development of our astronomy and while the Star Mirror's mirror is pretty okay - as far as a sinkhole being easier to demarcate the rim goes -it inherently limits the expanse of the sky that can be seen and can be replicated by a camera-obscura style architecture or simply building a circle on pillars; @veekie is going to say "but that will block part of the sky" again but so what? The pool either a) blocks a shitton of the sky because it's small enough to make its demarcations useful or b) is so large that it offers no aid to tracking the minute movements of stars necessary for depth astronomy. I.e., the star mirror will block parts of the sky!!

Horse Valley's clear skies and better sightlines, meanwhile, are harder to replicate.

@veekie has said, and thus probably will say, that horse valley will somehow result in us only caring about the sun and the moon because they're shiny, the mayans did it, and that's just what stargazing results in. That's his opinion, but I see no logic there. Only showmanship.
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So, I guess i'll try once again to make my case for Horse Valley, in case no one has seen it yet.

I think that Horse Valley will be a better location for actually looking at and tracking the stars, while Black Mirror is a better place to increase our Mystic strength.
We could just build a Temple at Black Mirror if we wanted it for it's Mystic strength, instead of wasting our specific Temple to the Stars in a sub par area to view the Stars.

Yes, Horse Valley is also more out of the way than Black Mirror, but it shouldn't matter how out of the way it is when it's primarily our priests who will be using the PttS, not pilgrims or random Yeomen.

I would vote to support a Temple in Black Mirror for us to study it's effects, but I think our PttS should be put in the area most effective for viewing the Stars.
[X] [Conq] Take the northern lowlands (Thunder Speakers become vassal, Txolla annex additional territory, gain Ruined Thunder Horse as vassal, remainder fragment, -4 Econ and 4 temporary Econ damage from supporting wrecked vassal)
[X] [Refugee] Send out runners that you have food and intact farmland (6 temporary Econ damage, -6-8 Econ Expansion, -1 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ next turn)
[X] [PttS] Horse Valley
[X] [PttS] 0 Stability
[X] [PSN] Bit more black soil (Sec Black Soil, -1 Centralization)
[X] [Diplo] Send out reassurances (Sec Trade Mission to Khemetri, Trelli, and Harmurri)

Let's uh

Yeah I can't say anything right now. Speech Nat ONE
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Ancient Scholar on Aug 6, 2017 at 12:22 PM, finished with 97356 posts and 133 votes.
That's a pretty long time considering our Hero's supposed to live another 1-2 turns...
Maybe that's his Genius superpower.

"Oh no! The king has ordered the construction of a thousand new temples!" the Head Clerk shouted.
Oh no ... ordered ... a thousand new temples ...
Oh no ... thousand ... temples ...
Oh no ... thousand ...
Oh no ...

Deep in the depths of the Palace library, behind the shelf with the Shadow King's personal tax records, two bloodshot eyes shoot open.
"When a clerk yells out in despair, and the Demons of Bureaucracy lick their parchment lips; I awaken! For my people need me!"
Maybe that's his Genius superpower.

"Oh no! The king has ordered the construction of a thousand new temples!" the Head Clerk shouted.
Oh no ... ordered ... a thousand new temples ...
Oh no ... thousand ... temples ...
Oh no ... thousand ...
Oh no ...

Deep in the depths of the Palace library, behind the shelf with the Shadow King's personal tax records, two bloodshot eyes shoot open.
"When a clerk yells out in despair, and the Demons of Bureaucracy lick their parchment lips; I awaken! For my people need me!"
Zombie Clerk Man. Forever Alive but Dead, ready for when his people need him.

I ship it.

Maybe we should just do nothing more often. I don't want the the thread so keep locking every update. (Things seems fine right now though.)