If we had said "no" that comet would have immediately been claimed by the priests as proof that the gods are sending disasters though.
That's true, with religious mumbo jumbo as vague as Astrology, there is no real win as it were, since they can claim it any which way
Yes, there is some vague talk about it in our origin stories (Not even specifically calling it out as a meteor I think) but nothing that would place it into any sort of context that could be useful. So maybe it was just a blind guess that paid off, that's somewhat possible, but the idea she logically used that prior info to make the deduction doesn't hold up.
We don't actually know exactly what she did, just that it had something to do with History and the sky.
Camped out on the river separating their territory from the Thunder Horse, Yenyna sat upon her chair watching the opposite side as twilight ate away the last of the red of sunset in the world. All of a sudden she began to scream, gazing up at the sky in terror. An attendant ran to her, and he managed to get from her lips:

"crows, a sky full of them"

Then she went quiet and gazed up in horror, looking to the western sky.

To the rapidly brightening western sky.
[X] [Refugee] Use the military to evacutate as many as possible (8 temporary Econ damage, -9-11 Econ Expansion, -2 Stability, chance of further loss, +9-11 Econ next turn, incompatible with most ambitious conquest option)
[X] [PSN] Lots more black soil (Main Black Soil, -2 Centralization)
Please don't vote for -2 Centralisation. We need as much Centralisation as possible to handle the refugees.
[X] [Conq] The land is cursed, pull back (Thunder Speakers break away, rest of the Thunder Horse fragment into desperate city states)
[X] [Refugee] Use the military to evacutate as many as possible (8 temporary Econ damage, -9-11 Econ Expansion, -2 Stability, chance of further loss, +9-11 Econ next turn, incompatible with most ambitious conquest option)
[X] [PttS] Black Mirror
[X] [PttS] 0 Stability
[X] [Diplo] Let's maybe spread out in case the gods throw another bolt (Found Far Northern Trade Post)
[X] [PSN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)

Say no to more land, TH is wayyy to far to control in a vaguely sane way. Also remember that we have VERY good chance of getting foreign ideas and tech.

[X] [Diplo] Send out reassurances (Sec Trade Mission to Khemetri, Trelli, and Harmurri)
[X] [Diplo] Stay home, write panic driven poetry (Main Build Theatre)
[X] [PSN] Push forward forests (Sec Expand Forests, -1 Centralization)
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It took the better part of a moon for this to get back to the king in Valleyhome and the priests in Sacred Forest, but they had experienced the event, and they had known since that night that the predictions had not been prophecies but warnings. The gods were irritated with Man and had a divine sized thunderbolt prepared for the most quarrelsome lot among them. Declaring an extension of the truce with the Highlanders, moving to protect the Harmurri, calling for Yenyna and her son... these were not steps to prevent the gods wrath or call it down, but to move it far enough away. Gods were not subtle, and even them declaring that for their treachery they would be smote... the People would have been struck a terrible blow simply for standing next to them. No, they had to move to break up the quarrel in the lowlands, and with the rumours of Yenyna and her son running ahead of the army, the disharmonious mass of the Thunder Horse army had repositioned into their heartland.

The astrologers shook in terror that first night, and then again once their fears were confirmed by wide eyed couriers. This could have been them, and their predictions only gave vague warnings!

By the end of the season all significant neighbours had sent envoys to the People that basically amounted to "Please don't kill us!"

Horse valley is called out as the best stargazing spot also.

Star Mirror - Location: Blackriver

A curiously out of place sinkhole in dark stone, the water that collects in this secluded place is always dark and clear, and thus when the sun sets it becomes a perfect mirror for the heaven's above. While not as good for the direct study of stars, many priests and shamans claim to have nearly lost themselves in the glittering dark, their souls detached from their bodies. There have also been assuredly been those who literally lost themselves to the surprisingly
water through accident or darker means. Aside from disturbing the water, there is also a fairly strong current of mysterious source just beneath the surface that is believed to be part of what keeps the water so clean.

Horse Valley - Location: Stonepen

A broad box canyon that has had living structures sprout up along the perimeter, Horse Valley serves both as a place to house sacred herds of cattle and horses for the Stonepen region and as the premier star gazing location, renowned for its clear nights and excellent sight lines. While a favorite with locals and mystically inclined shamans, it is far enough off the main trails that it gets comparatively little attention for its age. The founding of the Heaven's Hawk has considerably increased its traffic, and sacred falconers have begun to appear among the priests and shamans.
[X] [Conq] Take the northern lowlands (Thunder Speakers become vassal, Txolla annex additional territory, gain Ruined Thunder Horse as vassal, remainder fragment, -4 Econ and 4 temporary Econ damage from supporting wrecked vassal)
[X] [Refugee] Send out runners that you have food and intact farmland (6 temporary Econ damage, -6-8 Econ Expansion, -1 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ next turn)
[X] [PttS] Black Mirror
[X] [PttS] 0 Stability
[X] [Diplo] Send out reassurances (Sec Trade Mission to Khemetri, Trelli, and Harmurri)
[X] [PSN] Keep it under control (Do not activate this turn)
That doesn't really mean anything, since we don't actually know what Triggers her schizo crows, we just assume its death, but we don't really know.
It could trigger when she gets stressed, like when the sky starts brightening that much.
We had 15 last turn, though.
Check my analysis; the math says we should have 18. I actually discussed it a lot in a conversation with him; thats why, if you check my analysis, i know where some of the econ (and thus wealth) came from "good harvests", and how study stars didn't return any mysticism because it was needed to adjust to the new astrology tech. But he didn't ever give a reason to change the rest of the math, which had us overflowing by 8 points from mysticism, as well as 3 points from culture, all into tech.
[X] [Conq] Just the western parts (Thunder Speakers become vassal, Txolla annex additional territory, rest of the Thunder Horse fragment into desperate city states)
[X] [Refugee] Use the military to evacutate as many as possible (8 temporary Econ damage, -9-11 Econ Expansion, -2 Stability, chance of further loss, +9-11 Econ next turn, incompatible with most ambitious conquest option)
[X] [PttS] 0 Stability
[X] [Diplo] Send out reassurances (Sec Trade Mission to Khemetri, Trelli, and Harmurri)
[X] [PSN] Bit more black soil (Sec Black Soil, -1 Centralization)
[X] [Conq] Take the northern lowlands (Thunder Speakers become vassal, Txolla annex additional territory, gain Ruined Thunder Horse as vassal, remainder fragment, -4 Econ and 4 temporary Econ damage from supporting wrecked vassal)
[X] [Refugee] Send out runners that you have food and intact farmland (6 temporary Econ damage, -6-8 Econ Expansion, -1 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ next turn)
[X] [PttS] Black Mirror
[X] [PttS] 0 Stability
[X] [Diplo] Let's maybe spread out in case the gods throw another bolt (Found Far Northern Trade Post)

On the one hand I've been forced to eat crow and give the HK a pass for now, on the other- this has served my imperial ambitions by nigh-completely securing the Lowlands and shattering one of its threats better than I could have hoped.

I highly advise we not get too greedy here on devouring turf, but securing the rest of the Lowlands just makes sense, and vassalizing the TS will do a lot for further entrenching and espousing our religion over theirs.
[X] [Conq] Take the northern lowlands (Thunder Speakers become vassal, Txolla annex additional territory, gain Ruined Thunder Horse as vassal, remainder fragment, -4 Econ and 4 temporary Econ damage from supporting wrecked vassal)
[x] [Refugee] Send out runners that you have food and intact farmland (6 temporary Econ damage, -6-8 Econ Expansion, -1 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ next turn)
[x] [PttS] Black Mirror
[x] [PttS] 0 Stability
[x] [Diplo] Victory lap (Main Salt Gift)
[X] [PSN] Push forward forests (Sec Expand Forests, -1 Centralization)
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[X] [Refugee] Use the military to evacutate as many as possible (8 temporary Econ damage, -9-11 Econ Expansion, -2 Stability, chance of further loss, +9-11 Econ next turn, incompatible with most ambitious conquest option)
[X] [PSN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
If you're going to vote for the max refugee option - something I support - then don't vote for -2 Centralisation. We need as much Centralisation as possible.
[X] [Conq] Take the northern lowlands (Thunder Speakers become vassal, Txolla annex additional territory, gain Ruined Thunder Horse as vassal, remainder fragment, -4 Econ and 4 temporary Econ damage from supporting wrecked vassal)
[X] [Refugee] Use the military to evacutate as many as possible (8 temporary Econ damage, -9-11 Econ Expansion, -2 Stability, chance of further loss, +9-11 Econ next turn, incompatible with most ambitious conquest option)
[X] [PttS] Black Mirror
[X] [Diplo] Send out reassurances (Sec Trade Mission to Khemetri, Trelli, and Harmurri)
[X] [PSN] Keep it under control (Do not activate this turn)
Check my analysis; the math says we should have 18. I actually discussed it a lot in a conversation with him; thats why, if you check my analysis, i know where some of the econ (and thus wealth) came from "good harvests", and how study stars didn't return any mysticism because it was needed to adjust to the new astrology tech. But he didn't ever give a reason to change the rest of the math, which had us overflowing by 8 points from mysticism, as well as 3 points from culture, all into tech.
What are you talking about?

I quoted you talking about WALLS.
[X] [Conq] Take the northern lowlands (Thunder Speakers become vassal, Txolla annex additional territory, gain Ruined Thunder Horse as vassal, remainder fragment, -4 Econ and 4 temporary Econ damage from supporting wrecked vassal)
[X] [PttS] Horse Valley
[X] [PttS] 0 Stability
[X] [Diplo] Let's maybe spread out in case the gods throw another bolt (Found Far Northern Trade Post)
[X] [PSN] Lots more black soil (Main Black Soil, -2 Centralization)
So what's the difference between the sights for PttS?

Anyone care to enlighten me?
Horse Valley - Location: Stonepen

A broad box canyon that has had living structures sprout up along the perimeter, Horse Valley serves both as a place to house sacred herds of cattle and horses for the Stonepen region and as the premier star gazing location, renowned for its clear nights and excellent sight lines. While a favorite with locals and mystically inclined shamans, it is far enough off the main trails that it gets comparatively little attention for its age. The founding of the Heaven's Hawk has considerably increased its traffic, and sacred falconers have begun to appear among the priests and shamans.

Star Mirror - Location: Blackriver

A curiously out of place sinkhole in dark stone, the water that collects in this secluded place is always dark and clear, and thus when the sun sets it becomes a perfect mirror for the heaven's above. While not as good for the direct study of stars, many priests and shamans claim to have nearly lost themselves in the glittering dark, their souls detached from their bodies. There have also been assuredly been those who literally lost themselves to the surprisingly water through accident or darker means. Aside from disturbing the water, there is also a fairly strong current of mysterious source just beneath the surface that is believed to be part of what keeps the water so clean.