Is it really a Debilitating Belief if everyone did it? I am more scared about what letting our hatred decide our course instead of the counsel of our wisest will do to us.

This war and the aftermath will be a test for our civilizations values that could easily damage us more than some small neighbours taking a swing at us ever could.
Her prediction is similiar to someone today saying that innovations in automatisation will immensely challenge cultures who base an individuals worth on their productivity. Predicting problems isnt the same as predicting the future.

Even the automation thing isn't set in stone by any means. For all we know there will be a nuclear war soon that prevents further research into AI for centuries. For all we know there will be a gamma ray burst and we will all go extinct. For all we know, for every single thing we learn to automate, we create ever more esoteric work that only humans are capable of.
The sophistication and complexity was extreme, and we began to literally dig up ancient records of harvest results to compare to noted astrological phenomena.

The gods reveal their signs and portents through the motions of the heavens, but unless you know what they did the last time there was a certain alignment or disruption you can't have any idea what any given sign might mean. Along the way it was discovered through the systems my predecessors established in the wake of Yenyna that Tormulyna has a particular affinity for this sort of work. We gave her resources and support and... well."
So we've only matched astrology v harvest records, which is basically just predicting weather issues.
Tormulyna was picked through some sort of system the predecessors established to figure out who geniuses are or something?? Or just dealing w/ people who have severe mental problems that are, simultaneously, beneficial? @Academia Nut What "systems" are these?
It's sort of dubious whether Tormulyna is focused solely on history or not. If she's rooting her prediction in astrology, it's a solid no. If she's rooting her prediction in history, there is some validity to her suggestion assuming she somehow is really good at figuring out how harvests, economics, etc. are related to international politics. I.e., an iffy yes leaning toward no.

It's worth considering what our goal in the war would be: getting the TH and the SF to stop fighting.

If we pick [] No (???) conquering and integrating the HK would get rid of the "anvil" the TH think they can hammer us against, while setting us up to better intervene in the war later. All while the TH are distracted by their war against the SF and thus too distracted to attack us.

The potential loss is RA, Stability, and Prestige.
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Astrologer: Obviously we did not get a perfect century because of some sin or failing, even the gods cannot anticipate the failings of men, like not listening to the astrologers enough.
All right then. That's proof that the prior prediction
ensure fabulous peace and prosperity for at least a century,
was wrong. Clearly there is something, but our predictions were not correct. It is something worth investigating further. If the gods cannot predict man, then we cannot fully trust their predictions for men exist.
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[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)
So our king found no smoking gun despite the fact we know we have compromised institutions, that's unfortunate. Heavily implies we're never solving it if our hero spec'd to counter it couldn't even find a trace.
Have we used our iStO stab negation for this turn yet?
How long does the HK treachery CB have left, and how likely is it that Hertythn will be in control next turn?
...Also, random thought but shouldn't we have 4 true cities now? We had 3 at 18 EE, and now we're all the way down to 11. Is the gap between cities that much more now?

Not yet.
2 more turns on the treachery CB, Hertythyn will be in charge for 1-2 more turns. He's a lot more spry than anticipated.

So, our smaller neighbors are winning against the Great Powers. Can we get a ranking of who won?

Trelli, Swamp Folk, Khemetri, Metal Workers, the People.

does upgrading a temple from level 1 to level 2 give +1 RA, or +2?

+1 RA.

Does this mean "First stability point lost", or outright technically being able to go "You would normally lose - 5 stab from thi- *NEGATED BOYOS!"?

First point in a turn.
Her prediction is similiar to someone today saying that innovations in automatisation will immensely challenge cultures who base an individuals worth on their productivity. Predicting problems isnt the same as predicting the future.

That is bullshit. That Automation is a challenge is something that rests on centuries of experience with automation as well as solid scientific research.

These predictions are based on a technology we have had for only a few years and rest on nothing but an autistic girls calculations.
Alternatively, go to war with the HK, and the TH will join anyway
And then we can force them to give us tribute when we kick their arse with one of our two mercenary companies and our Heavens Hawk march.

If we attack them we are being the aggressors in a war that barely benefits us. I don't want to fight the HK for revenge, I want to eliminate a constant threat. The TH are no threat, being too weak to hurt us and too far away from the core to crush us. It's not worth allowing the HK to live because the Khemetri gave us shitty Horoscopes and some random girl who only speaks in riddles thinks 'something bad will happen' and refuses to expand on that point.

Fuck Astrology, Fuck the HK
All right then. That's proof that the prior prediction

was wrong. Clearly there is something, but our predictions were not correct. It is something worth investigating further.

*Priests fiddle with records and argue semantics* actually we only promised a good century... see. A century is too wide a span and every aspect too wide a playing field to be subject to rigorous testing at our tech level.
[X] No (???)

This just doesn't feel right. All this insanity makes me wish for the simpler time where all we need to worry about was trees and food. And because this is a game things have to be interesting so peace is essentially impossible. This can be sort of confirmed due to the difficulty increase from going to the Iron Age so quickly.

I bet that if we ever attained peace a civ will try to backstab us just like the AI in Civilizations.
According to our calculations, if we perform a series of extremely careful steps we can ensure fabulous peace and prosperity for at least a century, but if we fail at this, or worse yet turn against the prophecies, then terrible ruin might be awaiting us
"But if we fail at performing a series of extremely careful steps" is pretty vague though. If we don't get the predicted century of prosperity, we must have simply failed at performing the careful steps; the prediction came true!
You underestimate our limitations. We hold land much further from Valleyhome proper than the segments of the lowlands the TH control. If we only walk away making close allies of the smaller swamp folk and a fair chunk of the TH's lowland holdings, we'll have made out like bandits.
We are already administratively stressed hard by our current empire. More land is bad for us.

War missions resulting in land grab generate less for our civ than the same actions invested into building it up.

And yet, I still cry Highlander Kingdon Delenda Est. Think about it.
What "systems" are these?
It's sort of dubious whether Tormulyna is focused solely on history or not. If she's rooting her prediction in astrology, it's a solid no. If she's rooting her prediction in history, there is some validity to her suggestion assuming she somehow is really good at figuring out how harvests, economics, etc. are related to international politics. I.e., an iffy yes leaning toward no.

The priests are able to replicate her work using the same steps she uses, so its not just her, she's just able to see the patterns faster and do a tremendous amount of work on complex topics quickly, as well as knowing what to look for when stumped on something.

did we succeed in an innovation roll from doing Main Expand Forest this turn with Forestry active and a Mystic Genius on hand?

*checks notes*
*ah, right*

Fuck it.

[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

Test the hypothesis. If we're going to get hit with the beat-stick no matter what, let's pick the one that won't result in confirming the bullshit prediction.
Even if we assume that magic is real and there can be 100% accurate prophecies...

Why the heck should we believe a guy who just dazzled us with fancy math that the heavily impaired girl who can barely speak made a highly specific one?
This reeks of a con.

Let's play the old game of "where is the money?".

If we do this, we invest significant military power against the TH.
This will bind our attention and troops for quite a while and it's definitely the last campaign of our martial genius.
It means HK is de facto protected by divine decree. They would certainly like that, given their fear of us.
Worst case, we get bogged down with sorting out the TH, Swamp People quagmire for generations without really gaining anything, but having no military to spare for other campaigns.

I don't see any prosperity coming from this.
I do see many, many ways how this could prevent us from projecting military force, especially against HK, for a good long while.

Here is the thing. We know that HK has spies in our lands and a Hero Intrigue king.
Using one of his agents among the clergy to fudge this prophecy together is childs play, given the girl is barely acknowledging the existence of other people and there is next to no one who could check her magic math.

This is enemy action. By HK.
Therefore, HK needs to be destroyed.

[X] No (???)
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)
For the allfather
People should calm down and strip away the mystic mumbo-jumbo that is Ymaryn science. Because Ymaryn science is made up from actual science boxed into mystic mumbo-jumbo.

Ok, so the prediction seems fairly straightforward: if we don't do anything, the TH will soon eat the Swamp People and they will take a swing at us at the worst possible time. To avoid this, we must make sure our backs are more or less secure, guarantee the independence of the Swamp People and take a swing at the TH. If you strip off the astrology, that is a fairly sensible historical analysis. Now, is there a recurring celestial or meteorological event that could cause the aforementioned consequences?