Following the prediction would be us using the Intervention CB, which is only available in order to protect the Swamp Folk and get the Thunder Horse to back off.
We would be doing it on the behalf of another, which would mean we're not doing it because we hate the Thunder Horse.
You do know that the Swamp folk started that war right?
Point of note, Tormulyna is a Mystic Genius.
Okay. Before the Bandwagon drives off any further I really want to bring the following part of the post to the front
You see, astrology is the study of history as much as it is the study of the heavens. The gods reveal their signs and portents through the motions of the heavens, but unless you know what they did the last time there was a certain alignment or disruption you can't have any idea what any given sign might mean. Along the way it was discovered through the systems my predecessors established in the wake of Yenyna that Tormulyna has a particular affinity for this sort of work.
Okay, the thing that we are working with here is that both the Ymaryn are trying to link world events with movements of the stars as causation. Now we certainly now that is not how it works, but what this method does do is pay increased attention to history, to see the patterns within. This means that what she saw was not necessarily something in stars, but in our history books. The wheel of history turns and we march upon the path we have before.

Look back. What past event can we see similar to our current situation?
Предсказание от мистического героя. Шансы , что неверно малы. Лучше война с военным гением на нашей стороне, чем даже маленький шанс нашего разрушения. Горцы будут следующими по новому казус бели.
Prediction from a mystical hero. The chances are that they are incorrectly small. Better a war with a military genius on our side, than even a small chance of our destruction. Highlanders will be next in a new incident.
Never said they were incrorruptable, but they are harder to corrupt as we have built them and have been better at holding back corruption then other forms. With a lack of political power there really is no point in corrupting them thta much anyway.
"Corrupting" - you make it sound like this is just an outside activity happening on the poor priests. The point is - just as people can go against their secular ethical education, or find self-serving justifications why this or that action may be 'good' after all, or develop a "it's bad, but hey everyone does it" self-justification - the same is true for people with religious moral upbringing. History has shown us time and time again that priests can very easily simply ignore and justify away core moral tenets of their belief. So in this, priests are no different than secularly educated people.
In Service to Order (PiA Linked)
Order and stability are paramount, and any king who cannot maintain that needs to be replaced in short order.
Pros: First stability hit a turn is negated
Cons: At negative stability, lose 1 Legitimacy a phase
Holy fuck nuggets. Also if we dip into negative stability we are generally fucked.
Point of note, Tormulyna is a Mystic Genius.

@Academia Nut this isn't a "secret magic" setting, right?

's all pretty complex, but they've spent the past ten years coming up with this by going over every record possible, and initial implementation has saved more than one harvest from bad weather. The priests trust this prediction absolutely.

Hm. So his words have some weight.

Even if there is no such thing as astrology actually predicting stuff in this universe...

People, could following that prediction allow us to lose the Nemesis Fashion maybe?

[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

Don't be deceived by the name guys, this astrology is actually statistics.
[x] No (???)

honestly prophecys as more often then not complet bullshit and when they aren´t then the people that spoke them where either really lucky, pulled some strings to make it happen or the people that heared it made it happen.
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

Largely because I never really cared about destroying the HK vs massively weakening/vassalizing them.
Plus, Yenyna may as well train her son in a 'short victorious war'.
Making IC contact with the Swamp Folk, to eventually cripple the Thunder.

If we do all that, I can see us dominating the Lowlands, which we could integrate slowly, eventually starting the population doom-stack we have anticipated for many millennia.

Medium risk, huge reward?

Worst case I can think of quickly, the spirit touched is plotting against us and is or works for an antagonistic Shadow King.
None of which include predicting the future beyond the cycle of the seasons. Voting yes here will set a precedent of having our policy driven by superstitious drivel.
Oh, I'm arguing against it. I don't want people following her blindly because she's Genius.

The Thunder Horse aren't our nemesis.

Following the prediction would be us using the Intervention CB, which is only available in order to protect the Swamp Folk and get the Thunder Horse to back off.
We would be doing it on the behalf of another, which would mean we're not doing it because we hate the Thunder Horse.
Right now they aren't our nemesis. But when we decide to attack them, they will be, especially with the priests going "THE HEAVENS HAVE DECREED THEM WRONG!"
When Rome lost one fifth of their adult male population in the Battle of Cannae, did they stop and cower? No, they marched on Carthage.

Highland Kingdom delenda est.
Okay. Before the Bandwagon drives off any further I really want to bring the following part of the post to the front

Okay, the thing that we are working with here is that both the Ymaryn are trying to link world events with movements of the stars as causation. Now we certainly now that is not how it works, but what this method does do is pay increased attention to history, to see the patterns within. This means that what she saw was not necessarily something in stars, but in our history books. The wheel of history turns and we march upon the path we have before.

Look back. What past event can we see similar to our current situation?
So we should start a war with someone we can't outright defeat so we pay more attention to history?

Sorry if that's a bad interpretation, but that's what I'm getting here
So looking at this we only can stop a stab it once a turn, while their are about 4 phases a turn, meaning that at negative stab for a whole turn will drive us down to negative legitimacy.
This mean we can and will be fucked horribly if we fight a peer war.

We need to be careful about kicking multiple times, but other than that i don't think it will be much of a problem.

Though we should really look into raising our stability cap to make full use of this trait... if such a thing is even possible.
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

She is a mystical genius, not even a hero.
I really do not want to contradict her, because some form of magic just might be real.
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We're going to take some serious shit from the Priests if we ignore this, aren't we?

At least -1 RA if they are completely wrong but ignored.

Just to confirm, the stab hit is per turn, not phase or update? So back during the great power war, it would have only helped with the first stab hit (which i think was from kicking war missions), but not any others during the war phases, but the negative would have affected us for each phase after we kicked to negative stab?

Yes, its one per full turn cycle, not including mid-turns or sub-phases.

Since we wont be seeing the action list for a while, can you give the listing for these, please, since we have one now?

Baths provide +1 EE, increase the cap for remaining a true city, and adjust disease rolls. They're basically an aqueduct+. Still working out full cost, probably 3 Econ and 3 Tech.

Can you confirm how much econ worth of refugees we took in? That variable value will make the analysis so much harder otherwise

4 Econ worth.
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Changing my vote.

[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

1) Tests. We've already applied this and saved multiple harvests
2) Mystic Genius is powerful, worth checking this over
3) After re-reading the relevant parts of our Martial genius, I'm thinking that the 'genius' qualifier actually does mean magic exists. It's an incredibly low-magic setting, but one which does have it.

and initial implementation has saved more than one harvest from bad weather
So just to confirm, it has both
1) Predicted disaster that came true
2) Predicted no disaster would be coming, and no disaster came
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

Eh why not