Arnt the Games a wonderful thing, their effectively trying to force us to solve all the worlds problems and if we don't our people will bitch at us for it, clearly the white-knight faction now exists in-universe.

It isn't really a problem to ignore it. Being King of the Hill isn't really important for us since it only gets us into Take the Crown wars, and we have plenty of open subordinate slots, so loosing prestige doesn't really hurt us.

It is annoying, that is all.
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)
In Service to Order (PiA Linked)
Order and stability are paramount, and any king who cannot maintain that needs to be replaced in short order.
Pros: First stability hit a turn is negated
Cons: At negative stability, lose 1 Legitimacy a phase
So looking at this we only can stop a stab it once a turn, while their are about 4 phases a turn, meaning that at negative stab for a whole turn will drive us down to negative legitimacy.
This mean we can and will be fucked horribly if we fight a peer war.
Yes, there have been traders who suggested selling slaves. But it is utter nonsense to use this as an example that religious indoctrination works better for the transfer of moral values than secular education
Yes you are so right their noble education, not based too much around religion due to how our society is built, totally stopped them from bringing it up. And it totally wasn't the Priests who shot it down.

Yep. Religion didn't succeed where education failed.
Picking up a scroll, the Spirit Chief unrolled it to reveal something of a mess of astrological calculations scribbled everywhere that Hertythyn could only vaguely follow due to his knowledge of administrative math.

So the spirit touched is super good at math.

"The gods command it. We do it all to gain their favour, or we should prepare for whatever disaster their displeasure brings down upon us," the Spirit Chief stated plainly.

So if we don't do this, Hertythyn will start preparing for the disaster brought upon by the Spirits, for good or ill.

[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

I'm gonna trust our genius mystic, and we get to use our intervention CB against the Thunder Horse, who have been consistently snubing us and will undoubtedly declare war on us as soon as we are busy with someone else.
This gives us an excuse to knock their teeth in, and our civ going towards making friends with the Highlanders will give us an excuse to try and diplo annex them.
Yes you are so right their noble education, not based too much around religion due to how our society is built, totally stopped them from bringing it up. And it totally wasn't the Priests who shot it down.

Yep. Religion didn't succeed where education failed.
And that means Priests will be virtuous forever with no problems at all. Because they're just the better people. Sure, dude.
Some highlights since it'll take a while for the actual analysis:
New techs!
Gulvalley (Colony) - Expands to produce new provinces and find new resources, and can take be brought into wars to the south, south-east, and south-west (L: 4/5, D: 4/5)
Heaven's Hawks (March) - Eliminates raids from the north-east, can provide military advances and supports the Stallion Tribes (L:4/5, D: 1/5)
-1 Loyalty and Dependence from Gulvalley (loyalty likely from lack of integration or help after they almost died), -1 dependency for heaven's hawk, i guess from new trade ties with friendly tribes and fewer hostile tribes?

@Academia Nut some questions (again, the highlights before the proper analysis:
Baby Boom: Converting 7 Econ Expansion to 7 Econ a turn
Population Explosion: Converting 7 Econ Expansion to 7 Econ a turn
This should be 8 now, shouldn't it? I can't imagine the new settlement wasn't the one for the new province. Also, damn, how well have we been rolling to keep Pop Explosion from downgrading? its been like 3 or 4 turns since you first said there was a decent chance of it downgrading, right? o_O

Now that we have a dominant strategic trade good, can you tell us more about what it gives us? It looks like it gives a full wealth on its own instead of needing to be paired, but i might have just missed another wealth source in my skimming.
(Also minor thing but isn't it "Dominating" that you've been standardizing these to, instead of dominant?)
In Service to Order (PiA Linked)
Order and stability are paramount, and any king who cannot maintain that needs to be replaced in short order.
Pros: First stability hit a turn is negated
Cons: At negative stability, lose 1 Legitimacy a phase
Just to confirm, the stab hit is per turn, not phase or update? So back during the great power war, it would have only helped with the first stab hit (which i think was from kicking war missions), but not any others during the war phases, but the negative would have affected us for each phase after we kicked to negative stab?

Valleyhome Baths (3/3)
Since we wont be seeing the action list for a while, can you give the listing for these, please, since we have one now?
Edit: Also, if possible, the listing for the Artisan Competitions and Ironworks megaprojects, since we should have unlocked both; if nothing else they'll be good to actually create useful discussion instead of just more sniping :p
here was a steady trickle of refugees that the People were welcoming in with ease,
Can you confirm how much econ worth of refugees we took in? That variable value will make the analysis so much harder otherwise :(
Also, no quote for this one, but did we get anything innovation wise from study forest?
Edit: Also, how long do we have the HK CB for, and is Hertythn likely to still be in control next turn?
Edit 2 : ...Also, have we used our In Service to Order stab negation yet this turn, or do we still have it available?

Ah the games gave us a CB.
I think that was Pride in Acceptance working through the games... AN?



That might happen anyway? We do plan to go after the Highland Kingdom next turn?
She's only coming out of retirement due to the prophecy, though. Otherwise we'll likely let her rest until/unless the war goes terribly.
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[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)
Hm. So his words have some weight.

Even if there is no such thing as astrology actually predicting stuff in this universe...

People, could following that prediction allow us to lose the Nemesis Fashion maybe?
I think it's at least a first step.
It's all pretty complex, but they've spent the past ten years coming up with this by going over every record possible, and initial implementation has saved more than one harvest from bad weather. The priests trust this prediction absolutely.

Neat. They started data mining and statistical analysis. They just need to figure out cause and effect.

In this case, whatever we do here on earth is utterly irrelevant to the weather. But I expect they noticed some recurring weather patterns and we are going to get hit by a bigger disturbance.

Any chance that our King is sensible enough to still prepare for the worst even if No wins?
And that means Priests will be virtuous forever with no problems at all. Because they're just the better people. Sure, dude.
And now you're putting words in my mouth when I disprove your argument.

Very classy.

Never said they were incrorruptable, but they are harder to corrupt as we have built them and have been better at holding back corruption then other forms. With a lack of political power there really is no point in corrupting them thta much anyway.
[X] No (???)

Okay, we've got Astrology, now let's eat the RA hit (?) and debunk the prophecy part. Cross your fingers for Astronomy, everyone.

And also the Highland Kingdom must be destroyed
No, it will just shift the target.
The Thunder Horse aren't our nemesis.

Following the prediction would be us using the Intervention CB, which is only available in order to protect the Swamp Folk and get the Thunder Horse to back off.
We would be doing it on the behalf of another, which would mean we're not doing it because we hate the Thunder Horse.