Hi I'm about 30 odd pages behind but I just need to say regarding cities:
as of the census we had a pop of 3million with a 10% urban population cap. If each city is 100,000 people then we don't have the population to support 3 true cities without literally draining every other urban centre.

I suspect what actually happens is that AN decides at what point a city gains a stable population and once an aqueduct is created it will raise that stable point and the cities population will grow until it meets the new equilibrium.
Keep in mind that as late as the Victorian period cities were meat grinders that sucked up rural folk in order to match the rate that disease chewed them out. Aqueducts don't make cities because of the availability of fresh water makes more people, they do because improved hygiene reduces the spread of disease until population density rises to match it again.
[X] [Mega] Upgrade Best of the Best to Life of Arete
[X] [Main] International Games
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support
[X] [Guild] Plant Poppies
[X] [Mega] Upgrade Best of the Best to Life of Arete
[X] [Main] International Games
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support
[X] [Guild] Plant Poppies

One Main and Two Secondary actions, and One Main [Guild] action. Entering the midturn under 2 Wealth costs 1 Stability, but over 10 Wealth gives 1 Stability
War action is gone now. Back to your regular voting.
[X] [Mega] Upgrade Best of the Best to Life of Arete
[X] [Main] International Games
Guarantees that someone (likely the Khemetri) will join us in an International Games and thus set a precedent between our two nations.

[X] [Secondary] New Trails
Gives Cent and increases our cent tolerance.

[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support
Let's us rush through the International Games, which might upgrade Cosmopolitan Acceptance.

[X] [Guild] Plant Poppies
Gives a bunch of money.
[X] [Mega] Upgrade Best of the Best to Life of Arete
[X] [Main] International Games
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support
[X] [Guild] Plant Poppies

"On this day, one decade from the day, we honor the warriors that participated in the bloodiest battle man has ever seen and the day the war ended. Let this new form of battle and competition serve as a fitting tribute and path forwards for two peer nations that found mutual respect."
*adjusts vote to match this weird ass megaproject pursuit*
*hopes we just go straight into other megaprojects after since that's apparently what this is all about*
Special: At least one partner guaranteed for International Games if completed this turn
International Games - Festivals of pure sport have been organized across the land, and more friendly rivalries develop between different settlements. Could this extend to different kingdoms? (3 action commitment, -3 Diplomacy, Mysticism and Culture per action) [CA]
These are important. Reminder that the Khem have a Heroic Diplomat King right now who really wants peace with us. That should give the International Games a much better chance of success. Also, since we're hosting, it might lead us to becoming the center of a UN of sorts which we can potentially subvert down the line.

[X] [Mega] Upgrade Best of the Best to Life of Arete
[X] [Main] International Games
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support
[X] [Guild] Plant Poppies
Social Value Upgraded
We Have Reserves -> Swords and Ploughshares
Farmers can fight in wars, the marching of armies can pound out roads, and axes are good for splitting wood and skulls.
Pros: Gain +1/3 of Econ as bonus Martial, chance of negating Martial (and thus Econ) damage dependent upon Econ strength, increased power of Raise Army and Retraining
Cons: Damage to Martial can carry over to Econ (additional damage from Honour of Elites does not count)​

Actually, what changed mechanics-wise here? Not sure what the upgrade did.​
The Games - An organized series of athletic events and mock battles to maintain fighting trim and vent the aggression of less composed warriors, this also helps foster friendly rather than destructive rivalry between major settlements. Increases Martial Tolerance by 2, gives +1 Culture for every 2 True Cities, and opens up new possibilities.
Oh... oh wow. These are sports teams and I think we might have just invented soccer hooligans. That's why every two cities gives us culture, those two cities can compete against each other.
Dragon Graveyard - Gives +1 Mysticism/turn for every level of temple at the site
Oooh, no wonder the stallions had so much mysticism left...

Also we have passive stability gain now, just need 10 wealth, and if we want we can easily do so.
I think thats a temporary thing, from going low enough on wealth to potentially trigger the stab hit from our new economic system.

@Academia Nut can we split up the guild action, or does it have to be one main action?
[X] [Mega] Upgrade Best of the Best to Life of Arete
[X] [Main] Expand Forest
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] Found Mercenary Company
[X] [Guild] Plant Poppies

Right then.

What I am planning with this is several fold.

Arete is something we have been aiming for, for a while. It is the pursuit of excellence. This will shift all the costs of our actions again however our quality is going to skyrocket and it also has synergy with Love of Wisdom. This is because the Love of Wisdom is the seeking of knowledge and Arete is the drive to excel for excellencies sake and will thus drive Love of Wisdom like a flame as it is another thing to excel in.

New Trails for the Roadage, we are low on cent right now so best start raising that. It will also raise our cap so we can see what that is like narratively.

Merc Company because we are still a little high and we will want them for anything martial related we do in the coming turns, including making sure the HK are no longer a strategic problem.

Planting poppies so that we get a lot of wealth to pay for everything and try for that +1 Stability. Interesting to know that that can happen. Don't want to game it though.
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