According to AN as of Gwygotha's era we already know how to exercise basic contraception. And since basically forever we have laws regulating how many children people are allowed to have. Specifically, ever since we chose to regulate prostitution it had been highlighted that we actually invest effort into preventing prostitution pregnancies.

So preventing pregnancy is possible, if not particularly reliable, and the lack of pregnancy prevention is one of the symptoms of the system breaking down.

You can refer the update two turns ago. People who cannot afford taxes are still paying taxes. They just work at even worse conditions to afford to do so.

And our oligarches are paid employees of the state. They don't own land, but they own favors, which they exchange with each other to obtain advantageous deals, which allows them to get performance bonuses, which allows them to get rich. They are hereditary because while theoretically everyone is equal, the advantage of having favors owed to your family is so huge that if you aren't born in an administrative family you'd never get anywhere because you lack the contacts.

Being a Chief, Manager, Master, etc are all paid jobs government. It turns out you can get wealthy without being independently wealthy. This means that we can tax our oligarches either on cash, or on their work hours, which would cost them cash anyway.

And yes, we've set up the system so that the best way to get rich is to be really good at your job. Even if you have to cheat

Look sorry if I'm being an ass about this I actually respect your a lot I just think you're dead wrong about this tax Stuff.
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[X][Main] The Law (Iron Age)
[X][Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X][Secondary] Plant Hemp
[X][Free] Change Passive Policy - Defence (+1 significant walls/turn)
[X][Free] Found Colony - Change Greenshore Trading Post to a Colony

Provinces – [Main] Law x2, [Sec] Support Artisans
Policy - Redshore Aqueduct (1/6), Significant Walls (7/41)
Stallion – [Sec] New Settlement, [Sec] Art Patronage
Western – [Main] Build Wall, [Main] Survey
Greenshore – [Main] New Settlement
Hatvalley – [Main] New Settlement
Heaven's Hawk – [Main] New Settlement
Txolla – [Main] New Settlement -> To Core, [Sec] Build Walls
Tinriver – [Main] Build Dock

"What is best in life?"

"To honour the gods, till fine soil, and watch your children and trees grow tall and strong."

"Such is the way of the People, and when the People live to these ideals, the gods offer their blessings."

"Such is the way of the People."

In years past the People had considered war with their neighbours, and had resisted that impulse, choosing instead to offer their hand in friendship to the most dangerous among them, a hand that had been accepted. Reining in the worst impulses had seen to the gods rewarding the People for their prudence, resulting in the gods sending fair winds and perfect rains to the People. Fields and orchards blossomed, and the demons of plague and disease were blown away with the fair air. Fythhagyna soothed the Devourer's feathers and life took prominence over death.

Baby Boom -> Population Explosion
Ironblooded now applies, expanding 12 Econ slots per turn. If run out of Econ slots, colonies can absorb up 2 growth each per turn to reduce the risk of overcrowding. Very likely to reduce back to Baby Boom, but no penalty for doing so.

Instead of war, the great challenge of the age for the People was internal conflict and self-perfection. The king called a great council to assess the law, to go over all that had been written by the ancestors, and refine them to fit harmoniously together with the new innovations that they could not have predicted. There was also a massive library of precedent and individual exceptions that needed to actually be codified, as there had been more than one case of rulings that were made without knowledge of prior decisions that, in retrospect, would have been made better had the law reflected the full breadth of the thought about it in the law itself, rather than as a side piece. Even in seeing about condensing things down, the entirety of the law would be huge after all was said and done. Gathering together all the required parties was also going to be quite the challenge, as when it came to reframing the law there were a considerable number of interests at play. This wasn't even an issue of short-sighted greed - different groups had different interests and sometimes those interests conflicted. All groups could not be made entirely happy - compromises would have to be made. The question was where those compromises should be made. What would be the overall guiding principles of these councils and consultations?

Choose a philosophy
[] [Law] Honour the gods
[] [Law] Maintain stability
[] [Law] Balance of interests
[] [Law] Community health
[] [Law] Flexibility
[] [Law] Practicality of enforcement

And then, of course, there was the fact that a great deal of the legal code was tied up in taxes and how they should be assessed. With the introduction of currency, the old laws requiring everyone to contribute labour to the king had resulted in gigantic headaches. While those in administration theoretically already contributed all of their labour to the crown and thus didn't need to do extra, there were now huge numbers of people who did vital and important work that didn't fit into any of that, and thus in order to function many of the higher ranking individuals simply paid off unskilled labourers to do the necessary work for them. It was technically illegal, but it was so vital to function that everyone ignored it... but when the idea of 'you have to break a major law to function, and no one will call you on it' gets into people's heads, it leads down dark avenues. Corruption was of course endemic, and many called for all taxes to be switched over to be based purely on currency to simplify things to the greatest extent. While this was obviously quite popular with the urban populations and the wealthy farmers, for the vast majority of the People paying taxes in food or labour was still well favoured. There was the obvious compromise of allowing multiple forms of payment to be valid for paying taxes, but that would increase the complexity of implementing the process successfully.

How can taxes be paid?
[] [Tax] Coin only
[] [Tax] Food or coin
[] [Tax] Labour or coin
[] [Tax] Food, labour, or coin

Of course, there was also another question, and that was the sale of food. The original theory behind coins was that they represented an amount of food, but that had diverged wildly over the years. There was also the question of, if coins represented food, was it just to refuse to feed someone without coin? Further, if you could exchange coin for food, and also exchange coin for other things, could one trade food? New boats were getting larger and faster and some could haul large enough cargoes of bulk material to take significant amounts of food far across the sea or up river. Previously this had been impractical outside of short-term emergency resupply in times of crisis, but in times of plenty could excess food be sold like any other product?

Can food be sold?
[] [Food] Food should not be traded outside the kingdom, except perhaps in times of crisis
[] [Food] When granaries are full, those with excess should be able to distribute the fruits of their labour as they see fit
[] [Food] The crown will maintain emergency supplies through taxation, the rest is not their concern

As a side discussion, the issue of the heir came up, and the fact that the current heir was another compromise candidate and a bit of a twit. Not terrible, but certainly sub-par. With everyone together, if they wanted to they could sort out a new heir. There weren't any stand-out candidates for king exactly, but the Spirit Chief of Sacred Coast had been talked about significantly lately as a brilliant mind, and many were wondering about the old tales of the wonders worked by shamans as kings. There was also another candidate in the form of a skilled War Chief from Western Wall, and while many considered the current prosperity a sign from the gods that peace was favoured, there were enough dangers that perhaps a skilled general was what the People needed for the near future.

Change the heir?
[] [Heir] No, compromise is good (Mediocre Admin and Martial, Average Diplo)
[] [Heir] Let the wise lead us (Poor Martial, Mediocre Admin and Diplo, Heroic Mystic)
[] [Heir] A strong general is needed in these times (Mediocre Admin and Diplo, Excellent Martial)

Upon completion of the law, choose a bonus
[] [Bonus] Upgrade government to Classical Elective Monarchy
[] [Bonus] Gain new Social Value slot
[] [Bonus] Randomly upgrade a value
[] [Bonus] Enter Golden Age immediately
[] [Bonus] Gain at least two tech upgrades (Admin and Social biased, exploding rolls)

AN: Note, I can't tell you what the stats for Classical Elective Monarchy are yet, but they are definitely better than Early Classical Elective Monarchy. Exploding rolls for the tech upgrades means that I will be rolling sequentially, and high rolls or doubles will generate additional rolls

*wakes up*

*sees this monstronsity*








Right, now that that silliness is over, because honestly I had to do that, I can express my actual feelings.


I am feeling awesome right now.

*reads through the three anaylses*

Yep you guys got this covered(also Umi yours is my favorite). Good job all! *looks at the tally* *nods* I will probably vote along the band wagon.

But first! Time to catch up on the silliness and then post a vote.
If the only two options are food and coin then what will the unemployed in the city pay with? The answer is nothing they won't pay tax they will be on the grain dole until they can find employment and then pay in coin or moved somewhere they can get employment. The thing I think you're missing is that the people we need to make sure are taxed are the wealthy merchants we need to make sure they're paying in coin and you're kind of killing the farmers with your labour tax they need to be able to pay in food If for no other reason then because they'll hate that they can't.

I don't think not paying taxes is an option here. It goes rather against our ethos of all contributing to the whole, and if it were an option you'd think it would be mentioned in the update. I'd hate to think what happens to the disabled poor in our society.
[X] [Law] Community health
[X] [Tax] Labour or coin
[X] [Food] When granaries are full, those with excess should be able to distribute the fruits of their labour as they see fit
[X] [Heir] Let the wise lead us (Poor Martial, Mediocre Admin and Diplo, Heroic Mystic)
[X] [Bonus] Upgrade government to Classical Elective Monarchy
I don't think not paying taxes is an option here. It goes rather against our ethos of all contributing to the whole. I'd hate to think what happens to the disabled poor in our society.

We won't let it be a permanent thing for any individual person but there's always going to be an unskilled unemployed people in cities that's how they work and trying to help them at the expense of the farmers is going to be a nightmare.
According to AN as of Gwygotha's era we already know how to exercise basic contraception. And since basically forever we have laws regulating how many children people are allowed to have. Specifically, ever since we chose to regulate prostitution it had been highlighted that we actually invest effort into preventing prostitution pregnancies.

So preventing pregnancy is possible, if not particularly reliable, and the lack of pregnancy prevention is one of the symptoms of the system breaking down.

The refugee woman made no mention of the sex worker guild so it either doesn't exist or it doesn't cover refugees. The regulation system is not breaking down, it's effectively non-existent.

If it had existed then can we say that no one mentioned such organization to a suffering women? She is obviously abused and underfed with her living condition (if it counts a "living").
[X] [Law] Community health
[X] [Tax] Labour or coin
[X] [Food] When granaries are full, those with excess should be able to distribute the fruits of their labour as they see fit
[X] [Heir] Let the wise lead us (Poor Martial, Mediocre Admin and Diplo, Heroic Mystic)
[X] [Bonus] Upgrade government to Classical Elective Monarchy
[X] [Law] Balance of interests

This seems like the best philosophy to me. "Maintain Stability" and "Community Health" are good things, but as lead philosophies they could mean that single people or even single interest groups are ignored in favour of the "corpus" of the people. On the other extreme, "Flexibility" and "Practicality of Enforcement", while also good as secondary philosophies, could mean a too cynical attitude towards certain matters.

[X] [Tax] Labour or coin

We can't go coin only. That would be unfair towards the rural regions. People have spoken about incentivizing currency, but this would be more like punishing for not having currency. There needs to be at least one alternative way to pay taxes. And well, everyone has labour.​

[X] [Food] When granaries are full, those with excess should be able to distribute the fruits of their labour as they see fit

Hm. The last option could move us to a free market, but "emergency supplies" may be too few until we truly get there. OTOH, keeping things as they are is economically wasteful.

[X] [Heir] No, compromise is good (Mediocre Admin and Martial, Average Diplo)

The only values I really care about are Admin and Diplo. Mystic Guy and Martial Guy both are mediocre in that, but "twit" is at least average in diplo, so there's that. Also, compromise is in fact good.

[X] [Bonus] Gain new Social Value slot​

That is the most permanent bonus. We can still change the system through other means I think.
If the only two options are food and coin then what will the unemployed in the city pay with? The answer is nothing they won't pay tax they will be on the grain dole until they can find employment and then pay in coin or moved somewhere they can get employment.
Which you then consider: Under what criteria do you count as being unable to pay taxes?
No source of income? You just generated an incentive to dodge taxes by concealing income through smuggling.

The unemployed will be taxed if they want access to social services, and since said services include a grain ration and healthcare...labor basically translates to minimum wage government employment under our system.
Without which they will be desperate for work for coin. Which means prospective employers can institute completely voluntary terms like sixteen hour work days or other harsh but completely voluntary concessions made by the desperate.

The purpose of a system is to incentivize people to play along with society, not create a system which makes breaking the law the only way to survive.

The thing I think you're missing is that the people we need to make sure are taxed are the wealthy merchants we need to make sure they're paying in coin and you're kind of killing the farmers with your labour tax they need to be able to pay in food If for no other reason then because they'll hate that they can't.

Again, bullshit. Farmers have surplus unskilled labor, it's what powered the empires of Egypt, Rome, China and Greece.
Corvee is the most favorable farmer payment terms. Farmers get paid for a year's worth of work in grain but only work for about four to six months every year. Taking out a few weeks of government work in the summer to work on the latest crazy government project is how the pyramids got built.
Which you then consider: Under what criteria do you count as being unable to pay taxes?
No source of income? You just generated an incentive to dodge taxes by concealing income through smuggling.

The unemployed will be taxed if they want access to social services, and since said services include a grain ration and healthcare...labor basically translates to minimum wage government employment under our system.
Without which they will be desperate for work for coin. Which means prospective employers can institute completely voluntary terms like sixteen hour work days or other harsh but completely voluntary concessions made by the desperate.

The purpose of a system is to incentivize people to play along with society, not create a system which makes breaking the law the only way to survive.

Again, bullshit. Farmers have surplus unskilled labor, it's what powered the empires of Egypt, Rome, China and Greece.
Corvee is the most favorable farmer payment terms. Farmers get paid for a year's worth of work in grain but only work for about four to six months every year. Taking out a few weeks of government work in the summer to work on the latest crazy government project is how the pyramids got built.

Sorry i was being overly dramatic with the killing thing but they're going to hate it if they can't pay in food. if 90% of our people hate something then we're going to have problems.
[X] [Law] Community health
[X] [Tax] Labour or coin
[X] [Food] When granaries are full, those with excess should be able to distribute the fruits of their labour as they see fit
[X] [Heir] Let the wise lead us (Poor Martial, Mediocre Admin and Diplo, Heroic Mystic)
[X] [Bonus] Upgrade government to Classical Elective Monarchy
The majority of government required labor is manual unskilled labor. We have a lot of those. What with being a stone age society. We won't be losing unskilled labor demand by the state until the invention of steam power.
I think we can stop talking about us being a stone age society, as with this vote we should be at the same development as Rome :D
The refugee woman made no mention of the sex worker guild so it either doesn't exist or it doesn't cover refugees. The regulation system is not breaking down, it's effectively non-existent.
She is specifically indicated to be working outside of the system because she is ignorant of the rules, for the most part. There is a guild, which she is not a part of, hence her activities being illegal.
If it had existed then can we say that no one mentioned such organization to a suffering women? She is obviously abused and underfed with her living condition (if it counts a "living").
She was not told because it was advantageous for those around her not to do so. The entire story was meant to show how the vulnerable elements of society were being exploited by the system.
Why keep labour at all either your work is worth coin or it's worth food Just paid with one of those.
The problem is that currency use hasn't spread to everywhere in our realm. So outside of the provincial centres, "work its worth in coin" won't work, because coins just aren't in circulation in our most rural areas. That's the basic problem. That's why we need at least one alternate method of payment besides coins.

And while 90% of our people may be employed in agriculture, that doesn't mean 90% will be farmers. The majority of them will be farm hands, day labourers, etc. The menial workers on the farms. And what about the urban poor and day labourers? They all won't easily have access to surplus food to be paid as taxes. But everyone, absolutely everyone, has surplus labour they can use as taxes.

Would the farm owners prefer to pay in food? Most definitely, but they are only part of the 90% employed in agriculture. And in any case, they would merely be inconvenienced. The classes of people I mentioned would not merely be inconvinienced - they would literally have no way of paying taxes if labour isn't a method.
Look the way I see it either unskilled workers are going to be annoyed as they have to pay taxes in coins cause labour is the thing they have the most of. or farmers are going to be annoyed because food is the thing they have the most of and we have a lot more farmers then unskilled labourers.
I don't think not paying taxes is an option here. It goes rather against our ethos of all contributing to the whole, and if it were an option you'd think it would be mentioned in the update. I'd hate to think what happens to the disabled poor in our society.
Mentioned in a past update:
They have new land they are working in that direction where down here they have mostly got everything sorted just the way they like it, so they shoo us further along. Until then they'll expect you to do things like carry water, dig ditches, cook, or whatever in exchange for your daily rations," the woman explained.

Over the remainder of the moon cycle that was indeed the case, with Noxivah eventually being told to get on a wagon going north. It was strange, in that the people she was best able to talk with seemed to be the ones who gave her the most trouble, while the Hill Folk simply gave orders they expected to be followed but didn't seem to care that much about who she was or what she did. She actually got in trouble with the people she could speak with on more than one occasion when their Hill Folk tenders decided that since she was pregnant she shouldn't do some job or another, or she got extra rations. Again, weirdly, if they caught the people around her trying to get her to do something else or give up her ration, they punished them. She supposed that they just wanted to be obeyed above all else, but their attitudes were uncomfortable and alien even when they benefited her.
If you can work, you work. Even if it's some kind of make-work. The disabled probably can teach, but I don't actually expect them to live very long if not cared for, given that between Best of the Best, Honorable Death, Symphony(everyone must play their part), Greater Justice(suffer the few for the many) and the Divine Stewards(work hard for future generations) work ethic...anyone truly rendered useless would probably find a way to quietly kill themselves over the shame of being a drain on society.

The refugee woman made no mention of the sex worker guild so it either doesn't exist or it doesn't cover refugees. The regulation system is not breaking down, it's effectively non-existent.

If it had existed then can we say that no one mentioned such organization to a suffering women? She is obviously abused and underfed with her living condition (if it counts a "living").
Theres no sex worker guild, but...hmm, controlling unwanted pregnancies is mentioned, and the shaman checking on Noha is not doing her job properly:

Another woman spoke up in consideration and said, "If we should say that if a woman who sleeps with men for extra dye or food, or a man gambles for shells, should be compelled to come to us to present a portion of their earnings, would it not be sensible to also take that opportunity to check their health? Families worry about promiscuity for good reason, it can bring disease and unwanted pregnancy, and we have known compulsive gamers who have let their chasing of the next win seize them like a fever."
[X] [Law] Practicality of enforcement

Simplicity and Practicality are the end all be all of law. I've said it before and I say it again, a law who's enforcement is more trouble than its worth is flawed. So either the enforcement method needs rework, or the law. This option let's us favour making simple laws with clear thought out consequences and clear enforcement. It the best way to kill corruption as it elements the layers that it can hide in.

[X] [Tax] Coin only

Simplicity, it is the easiest, simplest and frankly best way to get taxes, not only does it shave down the buecracy, but it spreads currency to all layers of the population and economy, giving us great potential for future innovations in all domains. It also kills most chances of corruption specialy combined with Practicality ethos, as a mixed tax system would be large and complex and so a heaven for those with interest in manipulation of the law for thier own benefits. Whilst this leaves them very little room to cheat in.

[X] [Food] The crown will maintain emergency supplies through taxation, the rest is not their concern

Simplicity, this greatly reduces government overhead, it dramatically cuts down the buecracy. whilst expanding the economy. But most importantly, it gives way for farmers and merchants to get rich,really rich if they can sell food in bulk, our insignificant peasants will become persons of significance. This option is a real bueaty, but if the thread believes there is immense risk of famine anytime soon, well, that's what we have Palace and manoral storage room for no?

[X] [Heir] Let the wise lead us (Poor Martial, Mediocre Admin and Diplo, Heroic Mystic)

Mysticism Heros are always interesting to have.

[X] [Bonus] Upgrade government to Classical Elective Monarchy

This is the most immediate benefit. The others are random or roll based, this is steady.

All this combined should give us a very slim high efficient squeaky clean administration.
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Look the way I see it either unskilled workers are going to be annoyed as they have to pay taxes in coins cause labour is the thing they have the most of. or farmers are going to be annoyed because food is the thing they have the most of and we have a lot more farmers then unskilled labourers.
Unskilled workers in rural regions have no ways of getting coins!

So how do you propose they'll pay taxes then? That isn't merely "annoyed", that is flat out "not being able to pay taxes". If coin were such widespread, then farmers can also pay their taxes in coin and the problem is solved. But they aren't!
Unskilled workers in rural regions have no ways of getting coins!

So how do you propose they'll pay taxes then? That isn't merely "annoyed", that is flat out "not being able to pay taxes". If coin were such widespread, then farmers can also pay their taxes in coin and the problem is solved. But they aren't!

My guess just tax those areas by the farm not by the person so if you're unskilled farm labour then the farm you work at is taxed not you.