FML. We're very strong right now, fighting the Nomads may have been a better choice, especially compared to Danegeld.
But tech for Law.

Can't have a cake and eat it.
If Marie wasn't sheltered and uninformed about what was t

Oh wait, MY GIRL MARIE NEVER SAID THAT! That quote makes me so angry it's literal shitty propaganda and Marie was, from what we can historically tell, actually and legitimately trying to help people and was kind of accomplishing that before the raving mobs killed her.

That saying is trash, shit, and its supposed moral is also defeatist crud that is proven wrong fairly often. You can totally have your cake and eat it too. You just need to be smart about things.

Btw I'm not mad at you I just really love Marie Antoinette.
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We're very strong right now, fighting the Nomads may have been a better choice, especially compared to Danegeld.
The Stallions and even the Hawks don't think so.

Seriously, we can spare the Wealth, and I doubt that the nomads will spread the knowledge of iron smelting very far. This horde will get iron, sure, but they don't plan to beat on us with it, so it's not so bad.
If Marie wasn't sheltered and uninformed about what was t

Oh wait, MY GIRL MARIE NEVER SAID THAT! That quote makes me so angry it's literal shitty propaganda and Marie was, from what we can historically tell, actually and legitimately trying to help people and was kind of accomplishing that before the raving mobs killed her.

That saying is trash, shit, and its supposed moral is also defeatist crud that is proven wrong fairly often. You can totally have your cake and eat it too. You just need to be smart about things.
Wrong saying dude, "have your cake and eat it too" is a more generalized saying trying to accomplish contradictory goals. It's not based on the fake Marie quote.
I'm all for yelling at the sheep-man, but I'd rather be correct when it's done.
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The Stallions and even the Hawks don't think so.

Seriously, we can spare the Wealth, and I doubt that the nomads will spread the knowledge of iron smelting very far. This horde will get iron, sure, but they don't plan to beat on us with it, so it's not so bad.
Plus in all likelyhood they will just spend themselves on the MW, take over, and we get our friends back but this time with a new brain. ANd they'd be friendly too so we can probably trade with them.
[X][Main] The Law (Iron Age)
[X][Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X][Secondary] Plant Hemp
[X][Free] Change Passive Policy - Defence (+1 significant walls/turn)
[X][Free] Found Colony - Change Greenshore Trading Post to a Colony

That was certainly interesting and we now have new stats! I'd very much like Vassal Support, but after thinking about it, we're much more likely to support subordinates than build walls with our normal actions. A couple of turns on Defence Policy would help as well.
Some quick analysis on Defense vs. Infrastructure:
Defense gives results equivalent to +1 Secondary action and +2 econ (~2/3 of an action). Thus, 1.6 secondaries.

Infrastructure gives results equivalent to +1/3 secondary action except when building annexes, where it's +1 secondary if I'm reading it correctly. (no progress counter on the annexes)
Its stat-equivalence gains vary from +1 econ to +4 total (+2 econ +2 culture) for annexes. Most seem to be worth +2 net stats though.

So, Infrastructure is worth 2.3 secondaries while building annexes but 1 secondary otherwise, and down to 0.6 secondaries building an aqueduct.
Wrong saying dude, "have your cake and eat it too" is a more generalized saying trying to accomplish contradictory goals. It's not based on the fake Marie quote.
I'm all for yelling at the sheep-man, but I'd rather be correct when it's done.
Um...I thought that the statement misattributed to Marie Antoinette was the "no bread? Let them eat cake" thing.

Also, it's just as well we're planting hemp, dude, because you need some.
Someone has lied to me. Someone has lied to me, about cake!
I'd very much like Vassal Support, but after thinking about it, we're much more likely to support subordinates than build walls with our normal actions.
There's also some uncertainty about whether the Vassal Support policy would actually influence their culture, or just their loyalty. Because as veekie pointed out, our less-loyal subordinates are also more culturally divergent, so we likely need to use Influence Subordinate on them anyway - making the policy redundant.

And in the long run, which is what you have to look at for passive policies, we want to integrate them, not just make them loyal.
If Marie wasn't sheltered and uninformed about what was t

Oh wait, MY GIRL MARIE NEVER SAID THAT! That quote makes me so angry it's literal shitty propaganda and Marie was, from what we can historically tell, actually and legitimately trying to help people and was kind of accomplishing that before the raving mobs killed her.

That saying is trash, shit, and its supposed moral is also defeatist crud that is proven wrong fairly often. You can totally have your cake and eat it too. You just need to be smart about things.

Btw I'm not mad at you I just really love Marie Antoinette.
Not sure if laugh or hug is more appropriate
I think it is quite convenient - and slightly ironic - that we're going to be putting large walls everywhere after we got siege-craft. We can't get locked out by our own cities having massive walls.
Someone remind me; what is the policy for Econ Slot refunds and Mysticism Refunds when it comes to Main action? If we have one true city and take a main action that uses -2 econ, are those both refunded or just one? Do Mysticism Refunds from Libraries work the same way?
So, Infrastructure is worth 2.3 secondaries while building annexes but 1 secondary otherwise, and down to 0.6 secondaries building an aqueduct.
Good to know.

But remember that we already have one infrastructure passive policy, which shouldn't take long to churn through annexes up to our cap - assuming that it will even do that, given how important it is to choose the right ones - so the 2.3 won't really come into play.

Plus, infrastructure is the kind of thing where we might want to be more selective about when and where we build it. We don't want to just drop random temples. Walls, OTOH, are just good everywhere. Remember, loss of land is BAD for us.

ETA On a side note, adding more Palace annexes has really good ROI. The original update mentioned possible Arsenal synergy?
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Someone remind me; what is the policy for Econ Slot refunds and Mysticism Refunds when it comes to Main action? If we have one true city and take a main action that uses -2 econ, are those both refunded or just one? Do Mysticism Refunds from Libraries work the same way?
Just one and Libraries run the same way, though the library in Sacred Forest will keep to function even if it pops.
Once we finish with The Law, is there a general direction that we want to take things? Obviously we can't make real plans at this point, what with having no idea how the Law will shake things up, but generally - are we planning to keep pushing megaprojects, or are we pivoting to other stuff?

Because while megaprojects look really tempting, we are starting to get serious buildup everywhere else. In particular:
  • An Infrastructure Policy could set up an aqueduct in Redshore, get us a saltern to get us +1 wealth (which we are losing this turn due to switching a mature trading post to a colony), fill up our Annex cap, etc.
  • Main Expand Forest x2 looks really tempting. So does Main New Trails x2, Main Build Theatre x2, and Main Support Artisans x2.
  • I remember something about Integrating the Thunder Stallions?
  • What do you mean, all of subordinates are on the verge of breaking off?
plan great golden industrial age

[X] [Main] The Law (Iron Age)
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Support Artisans
[X] [Policy] Industry
[X] [Free] Convert Greenshore to colony
The Fall of Xohyr is a grand tragedy. Phygrif is portrayed of as something of a nasty son of a bitch, but admirable in his determination to see a threat removed. Phygrif is something of a background element however, as the majority of the attention is upon a series of grand heroes (their identities haven't really stabilized yet, they are semi- to entirely-fictional in any case) in the shadow of the walls. The play/poem itself is ahistorical in that the majority of the time is spent in the shadow of the skull wall and is something of an exploration of the horrors of war and the nature of virtue and honour. The ending, with the destruction of the city, is left morally ambiguous, as while the deaths of the Xohyr nobility and priesthood is seen of as being necessary, the destruction of the city takes a major toll on the heroes, and can be regarded of as "The wrong choice for all the right reasons".
Wow. We need to get a theater next turn. I want our people to make more stories and plays like this.
There's also some uncertainty about whether the Vassal Support policy would actually influence their culture, or just their loyalty. Because as veekie pointed out, our less-loyal subordinates are also more culturally divergent, so we likely need to use Influence Subordinate on them anyway - making the policy redundant.

And in the long run, which is what you have to look at for passive policies, we want to integrate them, not just make them loyal.
I'm sure I just read AN say that it does influence culture as well. I'll have to try and find the quote.
Someone remind me; what is the policy for Econ Slot refunds and Mysticism Refunds when it comes to Main action?
I don't think we've ever had an explicit answer to this, but in the cases where a [main] has been exactly equivalent to 2 secondaries, we've gotten refunds as if we did 2 secondaries. (Infrastructure projects, mostly.)

I'd still expect to only get refunded once for a [main] Build Wall, to pick an example, though.
Once we finish with The Law, is there a general direction that we want to take things? Obviously we can't make real plans at this point, what with having no idea how the Law will shake things up, but generally - are we planning to keep pushing megaprojects, or are we pivoting to other stuff?

Because while megaprojects look really tempting, we are starting to get serious buildup everywhere else. In particular:
  • An Infrastructure Policy could set up an aqueduct in Redshore, get us a saltern to get us +1 wealth (which we are losing this turn due to switching a mature trading post to a colony), fill up our Annex cap, etc.
  • Main Expand Forest x2 looks really tempting. So does Main New Trails x2, Main Build Theatre x2, and Main Support Artisans x2.
  • I remember something about Integrating the Thunder Stallions?
  • What do you mean, all of subordinates are on the verge of breaking off?
My sincere desire after the law is to go into a "semi-Dormant" phase again.

In particular I want to deal with the Trelli, probably by making a reason to stomp on them since they seem a bit reluctant to poke us.
I would really consider integrating the Stallion Tribes a needed thing, same with pieces of West Wall.
Influence our most culturally divergent subordinates and prep for integrating them.
Aqueducting Redshore(I personally think we will be able to do this on the mid turn coming up and that if it is there we should).
E: Right how could I forget, get the Dam done.
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