Almost certainly, but then the Carrion Eaters will know that that happens and is something to look out for.
This will be a problem if we do it as a Main, as the fact that it's a trade good means that it'll start going abroad and we'd be making major profits of of it. The merchants and oligarchs would then be reluctant to take it off the market despite their negative effects because it makes them money.

Secondary first so that our shamans can identify the problems opium brings before it becomes a major product.
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@Andres110 you're wrong BTW in that paying the RB would have us at -2 wealth. You're kinda forgetting that one of the results of making phyliss here king was turning the HH to a march IIRC, so they no longer drain wealth.
I'd definitely want to wait until our communications are improved before we go making any more periphery states barring a helpful coincidence. Personally my preference is more trade posts.
@Academia Nut Can we have look at the Xohysirri's stats and playstyle like we did with the Spirit Talkers?
"If the environment is screwing with you, either bear it out, or grit your teeth and go talk to them."
I'm concerned we're too low on economy to afford to do it again next turn. (7-2 roads, 2 cities puts us at 3 next turn)

Also, if we're lucky, we can evolve the build roads action with this double main, so centralization room isn't needed. Still, I can appreciate not counting on that.

Can you convince me otherwise?
Well we have no idea hom many Trails are required, all we know is that Double New Trails only reinforces our central roads. It doesn't cover all of our edges, especially as we just got new land. Our roads are really old and needa lot of work and extension.

I hope double Main Trails gives us the tech we needed, but it is a dice roll. Could fail. Even if it doesn't it keeps us out of yellow centralization.
[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests
[X] [Policy] Offensive

Seems like a good spread, with expand forests now being effectively two actions and hopefully providing enough margin for another wildcat mine midturn pick if we get one.
We are not getting a wildcat midturn as our provinces are doing war missions and we are doing trails. A secondary distribute land guarantees we have a centralization point available to build trails to our outer territories as our current double only does the central ones.
Note that we do not approve:
Symphony Trait I imagine.
[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests
[X] [Policy] Offensive

[X] [RB] West, through the hills

[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Valleyhome

I WANT Distribute Land for Trails. But due to economy slots being wiped out, we need a bigger buffer.
Red Banner is still in decent condition, so I'd like to send them on a flanking counterattack against the HK to get them to bugger off for now.
Wonder bonus, see below

Wonder what people would think if we charged into the lowlands, destroyed the xohy...and then just went home.

Also damn, now I'm one review behind. Too busy at work x.x
I'll note we're currently Dominant in Pilgrimage.
Well, we kind of set the only rival center of religion on fire?
Ymaryn: "The Xohyr gave us this as thanks for spreading the cure. Then centuries later, we burned their cities down because we don't like their human and child sacrifice business."
What probably happens is we attribute the cure givers to different mythological figures.
Ehhh... yes and no. Yes in that it would reinforce 'standard' culture, no in that they wouldn't have to go down south to visit the temple. Although that will be solved by the Stallions anyway over the next few turns...
So a Northern Temple currently would make things better short term(as we send the priests over to get their temple started), but increase culture drift over time as the priests go native and start spreading the Northern Brand of it.

Probably want to Integrate the Stallions before they finish then.
I think it's weird how Main Poppies gives us +1 Martial.
Combat drugs. Small doses of painkillers lets you fight through wounds.
This will be a problem if we do it as a Main, as the fact that it's a trade good means that it'll start going abroad and we'd be making major profits of of it. The merchants and oligarchs would then be reluctant to take it off the market despite their negative effects because it makes them money.

Secondary first so that our shamans can identify the problems opium brings before it becomes a major product.
Don't have the Econ slots for it for a while anyways
[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Sacred Forest
[X] [RB] East, go through the lowlands into the hills
[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests
[X] [Policy] Offensive

RB West would probably the worst possible choice. Going through mountains... while the Highlanders are masters of fortifications... yeah. Best not.
Next turn.

[Main] Grand Palace
[Main] Grand Palace x2
[Secondary] (reactionary)

If not at war, change to mega support.
Because Crow kidnapped and raped his girl repeatedly, then the Daughter just made it worse purposefully

Just like we genocided the Nomads who did exactly the same thing as Crow and his tribe, who constantly raided and attacked us, literally the same thing, except Crow was there so you are making excuses for them

Didn't mean Ash had to accept or like it or that the woman wasn't being raped or that he couldn't try again and again to save her to the point of driving himself Half mad

And influencing him to kill a bunch of other innocent people and cause some pretty large damage to the system of government as well so.....
Not really that clear cut here mate.

He became worse because of Crow and his daughter so the blame is partially on them as well....
1, Not his girl. He was not at all with her in any way. He just liked her.
2, Lol at 'we genocided like a million turns after and that makes it okay' and 'making excuses'.
3, He did not drive himself half mad trying to save someone and the text is again explicit in this.
4, Wow you didn't even mention how Ash also raped and impregnated Mytan after killing her entire tribe shindigitty!
5, Ash was already killing innocent people before he kidnapped+raped Mytan.
6, Our People learned a very good lesson from this and we got our first justice trait.
7, His actions were his own.
8, I'm not making excuses for anyone.
9, You are literally excusing Ash because you've got a hateboner for Crow.
[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests
[X] [Policy] Offensive

[X] [RB] West, through the hills

[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Valleyhome
So a Northern Temple currently would make things better short term(as we send the priests over to get their temple started), but increase culture drift over time as the priests go native and start spreading the Northern Brand of it.

Probably want to Integrate the Stallions before they finish then.

Probably our best bet is to just try to build temples in every province, so that instead of two competing centres of religious thought there's a gradient, and just make Sacred Forest bigger and prettier. Of course, that runs into religious authority problems.
[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests
[X] [Policy] Offensive
[X] [RB] Rest, restores strength
[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Valleyhome
Having the RB go from the west, through the hills is a bad ideas! The Highlander held out against the Xoh/Thunder Empire because of their fortifications! So we don't want to cross mountain passes into their territory!
[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Sacred Forest
[X] [RB] East, go through the lowlands into the hills
[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests
[X] [Policy] Offensive
New tech from the boats roll; i don't know enough about boats to say how important this is, but i've heard "outrigger" before so its at least important enough for me to have heard it despite not knowing about boats?
They might lead to catamarans sooner rather than later.

It's just when you have something like a mini-hull sticking out on one or both sides of the boat. It prevents capsizing to a fairly significant degree. The spars are fragile to horizontal force (e.g. if a boat drives along your side) but the buoyancy of the outrigger is unlikely to provide enough force to break the spar, assuming it isn't already weakened by decay.

Oooh, nice...though at the same time if they build their own temple that will increase cultural divergence probably... so unless AN says it'll make it worse i think i want our free action to be a temple in the north, so we have more than just the stallion made one driving cultural and religious norms up there...
Um... we can study these dragon skeletons... *cough* evolutionary theory *cough* *cough* *cough*
Huh. @Academia Nut given that we just wrecked the first True City does this mean that archaeologists looking back will view Valleyhome and Sacred Forest as the first and second cities worth the name?
I love how it's implied we don't have magic in the setting but every once in a while there's a hint that it miiiight just exist.