[X] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)
[X] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X] [Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)
Anyway my look at the candidates:

  • Dythuwyn - Patrician. Agenda: Valleyhome Association Supremacy. Admin: Excellent, Diplo: Excellent, War: Poor. Turns King: 1
Patrician. Plays the system well and is dictatorial. Not necessarily corrupt but modern views might paint him that way so word of warning. Gives more power to the artisans by suborning outside artisans to Valleyhome. + 1 to Stability and some econ and Art. Wealth takes a hit though. Not gonna be around for too long though will probably try to cement his changes before he goes, and has the skills to be successful.
  • Giirry - Golden Boy. Agenda: Land Reform/Bribery. Admin: Mediocre, Diplo: Good, War: Abysmal. Turns King: 2, maybe 1
Gives out distribute land. He does it kinda badly though, and his admin is not helpful for it. However! He does reduce our centralization so we can take north trails and trails in general. He will be around for a while unless someone kills him.
  • Phygrif - Chieftain. Agenda: Conquest. Admin: Mediocre, Diplo: Mediocre, War: Heroic. Turns King: 1, maybe 2
Outsider who knows some of the system. He is also the North's candidate so helping him will make the north happy. Also his outsiderness makes him a kind of blank slate. There is not a lot of people to conquer and he ain't gonna be around for long.
  • Rulwyna - Puppet. Agenda: Stability. Skills: Undeveloped. Turns King: 3-4
She may be a hero. She may not. Blank slate to let the Oligarchs paint. Also sets weird precedent for regency which would basically be Dythuwyn I think... not sure actually who would be the regent. Regency has uses but ehh comes with problems. The blank slate is nice though.

Need to think more.
Then the heir made it clear he planned to have the priesthood be the power behind hiis throne, and their agend probably included puzhing Sacred Forest's interests over Valleyhome's.
What? Even if you read Dythuwyn's "loyalty" with the qualifier "...as long as it still serves his interests", your theory still doesn't work because you got the heir's support wrong:
the boy had announced that his patron was Hynryn, God of Smiths and the Underworld, and thus had secured considerable support with the artisans, miners, and warriors
Nothing about priests here.
Sweet if memory serves me right the hat should have a tin, silver and gold mine so we would be swimming in money especially if we become dominant in gold.
I can't believe the child is managing to get votes after all the times we went crazy about hereditary rule and laughing at the HK and their problems with succession.
Its because the zealous and outright dogmatic fellows against heredity either don't care as much now, have not arrived yet or are secure enough to not blow up.
Like at this point guys, we can't really afford to have an older king candidate drop the ball due to their focus or view, starting fresh with Rulwyna lets us take faith in the advisor system we've set up and hopefully.... She'll become competent through training like most other Heirs.

Advisors only work when advising, give them power and they never give it up. Look how most regencies historically ended. Or how child emperors/monarchs where playthings of the bureaucracy/eunuchs/advisors/palace slaves, historically.

The rule of advisors only ends with overthrow.
[X] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)
[X] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X] [Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)

Urgh, reading the early discussions this is my vote, but I don't like any of the king options.
So.... because you don't like the king options, You decided to go with the guy who wants to conquer shit in the middle of the bronze age collapse? I'm sorry, but i thought we were having a hard enough time as it is keeping ourr own shit together without going after other people.. XD
I can't believe the child is managing to get votes after all the times we went crazy about hereditary rule and laughing at the HK and their problems with succession.

the kid's a bad choice, but so is literally everyone else. on top of that they are all bad in different ways, so there is unlikely to be much consensus on who is the worst.
The issue being he's the outsider candidate who doesn't really do the system...

Well the dark horse warhawk being better than half the options is ow.
From the post:

"While this would undoubtedly upset many, the man wasn't entirely an outsider and understood how kingship among the People worked, and so long as he did the ceremonies of induction properly there was no rule against his leadership. He would simultaneously be enough of an outsider that he couldn't adroitly manipulate the system while being strong enough that he wouldn't bow to the interests of the south, likely relying on the closer ties to the north to rely on the chiefs from those provinces for advise... and letting them wedge open the door for further moves against the southern influence networks that had become increasingly entrenched against them."

He knows how we rule and work with the system, and will get advice from the northern provinces, which are still The People, even if they have slightly altered values.

Eh, good enough for me.

[X] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)
[X] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X] [Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)

Phygrif's heroic martial could lead to interesting innovations. I considered selecting Dythuwyn, but it'd only worsen the tensions with the north at a crucial point. It's just not his time.
Nothing about priests here.
What's about priests is the bit here, for some readings of what's going on:
Holding up a hand to silence his protests, Rulwyna said, "If you truly feel a deep connection to Hynryn I have nothing to say towards your patronage with him, but it is the 'revelation' of the king's patron being the current King of the Gods that I have trouble with. While you and your associates may feel it to be true,
If Hatvalley is a colony, it is likely to absorb some of the communities directly, giving you less immediate Econ but boosting it's ability to reclaim mines quickly.

That's pretty damn good.

[X] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)
[X] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X] [Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)
Also, forgot to vote for what I was advocating for.

[X] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)
[X] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X] [Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)
[X] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)
[X] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X] [Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)

Given all this, it's rather luck we're still on Restoration policy AFAIK.
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Think I'd like their territory even more than the lowlands, honestly. But I'm not sure I'd want to bet on a war with them going well, even now.
Uhh. The Red Banner making red rivers happened there in living memory, we're the iron wielding, primitive horseback riding civ with huge amounts of numbers. 'They live in hills' only goes so far as a legitimate reason to assume the worst.

We have a technological edge, a numerical edge, and while they might have doctrinal superiority in some cases (namely heavy infantry) that's a good thing. Because we're more likely to pick up on those improvements and that's easier to absorb and adapt than suddenly getting numbers or tech.

Seriously, we don't have to kill them root and branch- all we have to do is march in with our shiny iron, numbers and crush them on the field a few times and the people that make up the HK (who likely have relatives or will meet some of the migrants aiding the Ymaryn) will see that these outsiders are a) generally not assholes b) capable of protecting them c) capable of offering them a higher quality of life.

A foreign invasion dominating and absorbing another civ doesn't have to be a super bloody affair contingent on conquest. It just has to erode the ruling class' power base and hype up the invaders.
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[X][King] Dythuwyn (+1 Stability, Sec Expand Econ + Sec Art Patronage)
[X][King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)

Neither option is good, but a puppet king is not something we can accept, and I don't want campaign promises to be a major thing. I'd slightly prefer Dythuwyn due to excellent admin skills and guaranteed 1-turn lifespan, but none of the choices are good ones. Phygrif is going to do stupid actions, but making another March is awesome and it helps fix the South/North divide.

[X][Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X][Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)

More mines is good, and we absolutely need the bonus econ if Phygrif wins (which it looks like he will)

@Academia Nut
Gold should be on our Trade Goods list now, right?
Except all of those have retreated into their core areas, and the bandits that infest the lowlands can easily be taken out by our iron weapons. We don't need more weapons for that we just need to go and do it. Not spend a turn maining building friggen chariots! That what annoys me! We'll waste yet another turn doing unproductive stuff!

Chariots are useful, they're fast and perfect for mobile warfare. Also they're the bloody greatest sign of wealth, sophistication and prestige before the invention of ornate barding.

As for the idea that the thread would actualy go and declare conquest war on its own....................
"short lived" He will have a turn or 20 years to cement his changes to the system that is not short by an amount of time.
And I don't expect his changes or the way he goes about enforcing them to be pleasant. This guy's the heir to the guilds who've used assassinations in the past, and he most certainly does not have the good of the Ymaryn as a whole in mind. He's likely to be able to do a lot of damage, very quickly.

A single background use of Restore Order against, say, our new machinists for trying to do something new would set disastrous precedent.
Though of course if we do elect Phy, we might accidentally trigger a civil war if Dyth decides to react badly. Symphony should cover it and keep it from erupting, but it is something to keep in mind.
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I can't believe you guys are supporting a martial buildup and a king with conquering as an agenda! Phygrif isn't what we need right now, atleast go with Dythuwyn if not the child King because he's got more relevant things for the people in mind.. ALSO: we don't need another March! We need stability and our economy running properly!
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[X] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)
[X] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X] [Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)

Hmm. Well looks like my Spoopy Castle won't take flight yet. Oh well, no cavalcade of orchestras for me then. So sad.

My analysis of the candidates is here:

  • Dythuwyn - Patrician. Agenda: Valleyhome Association Supremacy. Admin: Excellent, Diplo: Excellent, War: Poor. Turns King: 1
Patrician. Plays the system well and is dictatorial. Not necessarily corrupt but modern views might paint him that way so word of warning. Gives more power to the artisans by suborning outside artisans to Valleyhome. + 1 to Stability and some econ and Art. Wealth takes a hit though. Not gonna be around for too long though will probably try to cement his changes before he goes, and has the skills to be successful.
  • Giirry - Golden Boy. Agenda: Land Reform/Bribery. Admin: Mediocre, Diplo: Good, War: Abysmal. Turns King: 2, maybe 1
Gives out distribute land. He does it kinda badly though, and his admin is not helpful for it. However! He does reduce our centralization so we can take north trails and trails in general. He will be around for a while unless someone kills him.
  • Phygrif - Chieftain. Agenda: Conquest. Admin: Mediocre, Diplo: Mediocre, War: Heroic. Turns King: 1, maybe 2
Outsider who knows some of the system. He is also the North's candidate so helping him will make the north happy. Also his outsiderness makes him a kind of blank slate. There is not a lot of people to conquer and he ain't gonna be around for long.
  • Rulwyna - Puppet. Agenda: Stability. Skills: Undeveloped. Turns King: 3-4
She may be a hero. She may not. Blank slate to let the Oligarchs paint. Also sets weird precedent for regency which would basically be Dythuwyn I think... not sure actually who would be the regent. Regency has uses but ehh comes with problems. The blank slate is nice though.

Also note if we make our Heaven Hawks a march then our wealth goes to 9 [+1-1] and that's a good in a mechanical sense.

It has also been brought up that this combo will allow us to get the Hathatyn's mines which we kinda need. Plus Colony in the Lowlands direction so I am happy.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jun 29, 2017 at 12:20 AM, finished with 63831 posts and 38 votes.
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