Expansion policy doesn't actually generate that much econ.

Keep in mind we're currently looking at a drain of 6+ a turn - 2 True Cities, one Megaproject action, and whatever we lose to the weather.

Whatever we decide to do, it needs to generate a lot of Econ.
Oh, I meant after completing the forest and moving on to other megaprojects. There's no way I want to switch to Expansion policy right now. We're cutting it fine here; we can't really afford to take a hands-off approach to managing Econ in this last leg.
I accounted that, but I didn't really make any calculation beyond the next turn.

I also assume we get expansion slots the moment we made a new settlement, but the +1 econ will be available only the next turn.
I think that is pretty much how it's worked before so it should be fine to assume that.
By the way, in reference to the pre-update discussion about coinage, I had an interesting thought about our communist system: it copes well with big windfalls.

To illustrate: the Discworld novel Making Money includes the discovery of
an army of four thousand large, tireless, obedient magical golems, but the city has to bury them all in the ground, because to actually make use of them would completely ruin a capitalist economy by putting everyone out of work.

Looking at it from an outside perspective, that's crazy. Having to pass up an opportunity like that, because it doesn't harmonise with your economic system? Huge lost opportunity.

Of course, the modern world doesn't have
giant magical robots
, but we constantly develop all kinds of labor-saving or labor-enhancing technology, and it does indeed tend to disrupt the system, by concentrating power and reducing the demand for individual laborers. Eventually it can stabilise, but ultimately capitalism is not good at coping with large advances and sudden windfalls. Whereas the People will take whatever advances you give them, use them to the full, and spread out the benefits to everyone.

It's a pity RL communism never lived up to its stated ideals.
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By the way, in reference to the pre-update discussion about coinage, I had an interesting thought about our communist system: it copes well with big windfalls.

To illustrate: the Discworld novel Making Money includes the discovery of
an army of four thousand large, tireless, obedient magical golems, but the city has to bury them all in the ground, because to actually make use of them would completely ruin a capitalist economy by putting everyone out of work.

Looking at it from an outside perspective, that's crazy. Having to pass up an opportunity like that, because it doesn't harmonise with your economic system? Huge lost opportunity.

Of course, the modern world doesn't have
giant magical robots
, but we constantly develop all kinds of labor-saving or labor-enhancing technology, and it does indeed tend to disrupt the system, by concentrating power and reducing the demand for individual laborers. Eventually it can stabilise, but ultimately capitalism is not good at coping with large advances and sudden windfalls. Whereas the People will take whatever advances you give them, use them to the full, and spread out the benefits to everyone.

It's a pity RL communism never lived up to its stated ideals.
Part of that is that we are not really communist as is commonly thought of in say the West.

We're Marxist Communalist. Subtle difference really.

Plus they kinda cheated because they are being driven by, to them, tens of thousands of years old spirits who have seen the pitfalls before.
Isn't that the premise of most religions?
Well the premise of most religions is that you think you are being guided by tens of thousands of years old spirits who just know what the bad things are. Like a great big, never seen ever-knowing parent. :V

Which is slightly different from the scenario here. Which is that they are actually being guided by extra dimensional entities(read: spirits close enough) who are tens of thousands of years old to them due to time compression between dimensions and who know what the bad things are because said entities have seen examples in their own history instead of just having the knowledge from whole cloth.

So we have a leg up on most religions by actually being the gods of it and thus knowing it's a real thing for certain.

(this attempt at humor fell flat)
By the way, in reference to the pre-update discussion about coinage, I had an interesting thought about our communist system: it copes well with big windfalls.

To illustrate: the Discworld novel Making Money includes the discovery of
an army of four thousand large, tireless, obedient magical golems, but the city has to bury them all in the ground, because to actually make use of them would completely ruin a capitalist economy by putting everyone out of work.

Looking at it from an outside perspective, that's crazy. Having to pass up an opportunity like that, because it doesn't harmonise with your economic system? Huge lost opportunity.

Of course, the modern world doesn't have
giant magical robots
, but we constantly develop all kinds of labor-saving or labor-enhancing technology, and it does indeed tend to disrupt the system. Eventually it can stabilise, but ultimately capitalism is not good at coping with large advances and sudden windfalls. Whereas the People will take whatever advances you give them, use them to the full, and spread out the benefits to everyone.

It's a pity RL communism never lived up to its stated ideals.

Having recently finished a book on the historical pattern of civilization, the Ymaryn breaks the rules.

The Ymaryn pretty much was born in a very marginal area. In other words, we were on the periphery of civilizations.Nonetheless, because we were forced to develop advanced agricultural techniques that include irrigation, step farms, and black soil. It is this technological advantage that we started leveraging heavily.

Normally, the lowland would be the core of civilization. However, since the lowlanders fought each other all the time, we quickly became the core, and that hadn't change ever since.

With each ecological disaster, we took it as a chance to evolve our resistance to environmental challenges, further strengthening our position.

In world history, civilizations and empires rise and fall. The periphery became the core, and the core collapsed, as new solutions to problems were implemented in different environments that became widely successful. Technologies determine and change the meaning of geography. With better sailing technology, the ocean became a shipping freeway. New agricultural techniques determine where people could settle. And so forth.

The Ymaryn, however, never stagnated. New technologies still change the meaning of geography, but it was the Ymaryn who kept getting all of them. They stride toward the future in spite of the danger, knowing that stagnation will also brings ruin. Their statemanship is consistently excellent, probably second to none, and they had consistently chosen options for long term gains.
the Ymaryn breaks the rules.

...They stride toward the future in spite of the danger, knowing that stagnation will also brings ruin. Their statemanship is consistently excellent, probably second to none, and they had consistently chosen options for long term gains.
Well, of course. Being led by tens of thousands of years old spirits who have seen the pitfalls before will do that :)
Questionable patronage
[X] Install additional layers of chiefs (-1 Centralization, +1 Hierarchy)

Ruminating on the question of how to ease the burdens of successors, Rulwyna decided that she simply needed to make many of the informal delegations she had implemented into actual law. Changing the composition of the council was a fight she didn't want to have, so instead she slipped in an additional layer of administration a layer below the provincial governors. Far fewer matters that needed their attention would reach them, so they would come to the king less often. Rather cleverly, she also made sure to give herself power over the appointments made at that level, essentially giving her additional leverage over the provincial chiefs via their subordinates if she so chose to exercise the power. It would probably be her son Ylrulthyn who actually took up that effort though. Clever lad had definitely taken her general lessons to heart and had developed a strong network of allies before even making his bid for becoming the new heir to the kingship.

Although one of his moves to secure the support of the priesthood was something she should consider making a ruling on before she passed on. Most People knew of the wise Mathulmyn, God of Kings, but there was still a longstanding disagreement over who was the King of Gods. Ylrulthyn had pushed forward the idea that, as the gods revealed their choice of human king through the voting of the chiefs and priests, the current King of the Gods was revealed through the aspect of the king. The argument was a bit theologically shaky, as there wasn't actually a consensus over whether or not the position of King of the Gods was something that was transferable among immortals the way it had to be among mortals, but it was a decent enough argument - no doubt made with the help of advisors - that suggested that the gods shared the position depending upon their needs at the time, and then revealed their current status via inspiring the king to enter into a relationship of patronage with the deity. This was also bringing up the issue of divine patronage in general, with many high ranking figures proclaiming that they held the patronage of a divine being, and by providing support for the god's shrines, holy places, and priesthood they were endowed with additional boons related to their patron's divinity. While many priests were supportive of the idea, many others were pointing out that essentially buying the support of gods was an idea that would only lead to suffering and heartache. Spirits and gods had their own agendas and just because you helped gild a shrine didn't guarantee support. Thus, for the king to say such things even further could lead to trouble.

Rulwyna probably didn't have the power to forbid the patronage relationships between the powerful, but she could still potentially wade in and tamp down on the idea of the king's patronage being a mortal representation of who the current King of Gods was... although if his reasoning and revelations were correct it had the potential to be a powerful idea. Of course, her silence on the matter sent a message of its own...

Ugh. At least the boy had announced that his patron was Hynryn, God of Smiths and the Underworld, and thus had secured considerable support with the artisans, miners, and warriors. A multi-faceted deity, Hynryn was the guardian of the entrance to the Underworld, the keeper of mineral wealth, and the maker of the weapons of the gods. A patron of smiths, miners, and of key importance to warriors, he was thus a widely respected deity, even if perhaps not the most popular. Then again the most popular gods weren't exactly the easiest to leverage popular support from, if only because they were already fairly well supported by the office of the king.

Still, something to think about.

What is Rulwyna's pronouncement on the king of gods?
[] [Divine] Stay silent (+1 Religious Authority)
[] [Divine] Speak against it (-1 Religious Authority, potential trouble for heir)
[] [Divine] Speak up for the idea (+1 Religious Authority, other effects)

While all of this was happening, news came down from the north that nomadic tribes had decided to pick a fight with the Heaven's Hawks, but the Stallions had already mobilized to support them and support from the rest of the kingdom was unneeded. From the reports Rulwyna agreed, and resources could definitely be better used elsewhere, but then again she was somewhat concerned about the North feeling too autonomous, lest they start getting ideas that they simply didn't need the South. She knew that the People were stronger as one, but the northern provinces were being less hurt by the poor weather than the south- the nomads seemed to actually be doing better than usual!-, as well as less disrupted by the refugees that tended to come up from the lowlands. Everyone was confident that the People could meet whatever challenge the gods had set for them now, but that might change in the future.

Although after years of working at the problem, the group that had asked for funding and authority to find a way to harness the flowing of water had managed to get a design together that was capable of grinding grain and not breaking under the forces it was harnessing.

+2 Econ from completion of a water mill

Art Patronage - Wealth of the first and second kind can be used to create wealth of the third kind to the benefit of all
* S: -1 Wealth, +2 Art
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Wealth, +4 Art, +1 Prestige, potential innovations

Black Soil - There are many places that could benefit from further black soil, but making more is starting to take up more resources than it is currently returning
* S: -1 Econ, chance of +1 Econ next turn, +2-3 Econ Expansion
* M: +2-3 Econ Expansion
* used 3 times

Build Chariots - The vehicle of the elite, chariots are the most effective way of waging war the People know.
* S: -1 Econ, -1 Wealth, +2 Martial, +1 Art
*M: -1 Econ, -2 Wealth, +4 Martial, +1 Art

Build Docks - With large numbers of ships being built, a new place to store them all, the goods they bring in, and a place to build them might be a good idea
*S: -1 Econ, +1 Diplo, increased trade power
*M: -1 Econ, +1 Diplo, increased potential for new innovations, increased trade power

Build Glassworks - A new material discovered recently, new luxuries and trade goods could be made from relatively cheap materials
*S: -1 Econ, +1 Wealth, +1 Art, small chance of new innvoations
*M: -1 Econ, +2 Art, increased chance of new innovations

Build Mills - By harnessing the power of flowing water, work can be done, freeing up considerable amounts of labour
*S: -2 Wealth, -1 Art, +2 Econ, potential for innovation
*M: -3 Wealth, -1 Art, +3 Econ, increased potential for innovation

Build Wall - The practice of building city walls has reached new heights with access to superior tools making the cutting of stone simpler (60% light walls, 30% significant walls, 10% massive walls)
*S: -1 Econ, +5% light walls
*M: -2 Econ, +5% significant walls
*2M: -4 Econ, +5% massive walls

Build Watchtowers - Stone and brick towers for warriors to sit in and scan the horizon for trouble, these towers can help stave off raids and improve response against attacks. (40% coverage)
*S: -1 Econ, +5% coverage
*M: -1 Econ, +10% coverage

Change Policy - Adjust the current Policy to one better fitting the situation
*S: Change Policy to one of the available ones listed below
Balanced - Takes whatever actions seem reasonable. Expand Economy is considered a Policy action for interaction with other effects
Defence - Builds walls and watchtowers
Expansion - Builds new settlements, expands economy, expands forests, and can even create new provinces
Infrastructure - Extended projects
Megaproject Support - Provinces can spend actions in support of a megaproject
Offence - Can recruit warriors and specialists, can send war actions against declared enemies
Progress - Takes studying actions and art patronage
Restoration - Takes stability improving actions
Spirits - Builds temples
Trade - Sends out trade missions, produce art and luxuries

Distribute Land - By reworking the distribution of land, the king can improve tax income and reduce pressures administrative overhead
*S: -1 Centralization, +1 Wealth
*M: -2 Centralization, +3 Wealth

Enforce Justice - The king is a servant of the law, and he can use the army to remind people of that fact [GJ]
* S: 1 Stability, +1-3 Centralization
* M: 1 to 2 Stability, +2-3 Centralization
* the more settlements with walls outside of the capital, particularly large walls, the less effective this action is
*Max Stability: Legitimacy

Expand Economy - Encourage the growth of food producing activities such as farming, pastures, or fishing, depending on where focus is placed
*S: +2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, potential additional effects
*6 Econ Expansion available (max 11 to keep Sacred Forest True City; max 15 for Valleyhome)

Expand Forests - The People have knowledge of how to regrow and repair forests, which extends to bringing them to places they have never been, with considerable effort. With charcoal now in higher demand, can also provide a sustainable supply (7/7 currently locked up)
* S: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, grows forest, +1 Econ next turn if in settled territory and controlled
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, grows forest, +2 Econ next turn if in settled and controlled territory

Expand Snail Cultivation - While now more reliably grown and harvested, the snail domestication has only managed to hold environmental changes at bay rather than increase production. More investment would increase cultivation
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Wealth
* M: -1 Econ, +1 Wealth, +1 Art, potential additional effects

Expand Vineyard - There is a location in Blackriver that is judged an ideal place to grow the small fruits that are favoured for making a particularly potent drink
*S: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, +2 Wealth next turn
*M: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, +1 Wealth, +1 Art

Expand Warriors - More men can be inducted into the ranks of the warriors every year and not face major food shortfalls
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Martial
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Wealth, +3 Martial, +1 Art, potential additional effects

Found Colony - When a province gets too distant, sometimes it is best to grant it additional autonomy so that they can get down to the business of working the land and gathering resources without needing to talk to the king about every little thing. Current Target: Greenshore
*S: Change Greenshore Trading Post to a Colony
*M: 4 Econ Transfer, -2 Martial, founds colony to produce raw resources

Found March - Sometimes you need an extra buffer between you and hostile powers, or a place to stash excess warriors. Current Target: North-East
*M: -5 Martial, 2 Econ transfer, founds march to take independent martial actions

Found Mercenary Company - With new coinage, those who fight for less than savoury reasons can be bargained with more effectively. Paid well they can enhance your forces, or can be hired out to other groups, but beware of having them sit around without pay!
*M: -5 Martial, -1 Wealth per turn in your employ, +1 Wealth per turn if hired out to another group, or 0 Wealth per turn and adds directly to Martial score

Found Trading Post - When doing long distance trading, sometimes having your own infrastructure in place at the other end can be quite useful. Current Target: Far North (dangerous), Near Trelli (risky)
*M: -3 Diplo, -2 Wealth, 2 Econ Transfer, -2 Martial, founds trading post to generate Diplomacy

Integrate Colony - Part of the colony of Western wall can be integrated into the People more fully, transitioning from a Colony to a province
*M: -6 Diplomacy, gain Econ and Martial from integrating Colony

Integrate March - Better communications and administration means that the Stallion Tribes or Hatriver can be integrated into the People more fully, transitioning from a March to a province
*M: -6 Diplomacy, gain Econ and Martial from integrating March

Improve Annual Festival - A festival for every season, but their expansion can help put the People at ease and teach good practices.
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Wealth, +1 Stability, +2 Art, chance for additional effects
* 2M: -2 Econ, -2 Wealth, +1 Stability, +4 Art, chance for additional effects
* Max Stability: Legitimacy - 1

More Blackbirds - Elite scouts and woodsmen, the Blackbirds are a potent force, if not exactly mainline fighters. More of them could prove useful
* S: -1 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, +1 Martial, +1 Art, more Blackbirds
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, +2 Martial, +1 Art, many more Blackbirds, additional effects

More Carrion Eaters - Keepers of sacred and profane knowledge, the Carrion Eaters thread a dangerous path but bring valuable knowledge for treating wounds and inspiring courage, greatly bolstering the morale of warriors by ensuring them that their companions are not doomed if they fall. More could prove useful.
*S: -1 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, +1 Martial, +1 Art, more Carrion Eaters
*M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, +2 Martial, +1 Art, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects

More Boats - The things are expensive but oh so useful, so having more of them will increase your capacity for trade, travel, and fishing
* S: -2 Econ; +1 Econ, +1 Econ Expansion, and +1 Diplo next turn, other potential effects
* M: -2 Econ, -1 Wealth, +1 Art; +1 Econ end of turn, +1 Econ, +1 Econ Expansion and Diplo next turn, additional effects,
* used 6 times

New Settlement - There are a few new sites that could have new settlements placed on them: northern Blackriver, far eastern Redhills, far north-eastern Redhills, south of cataracts
* S: +1 Econ next turn, increases number Econ Expansion depending on environment
* M: +1 Econ and +1 Mysticism end of turn, increases Econ Expansion
Special: Main new settlement in south of cataracts, far eastern Redhills, or far north-eastern Redhills can produce new provinces

New Trails - There are many settlements with only marginal trails, so more could be useful
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, other effects
* M: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, +1 Diplo, other effects

Proclaim Glory - By using art the King can promote people to trust his decisions; modified by Diplomacy skill
* S: -2 Art, +1 Legitimacy
* M: -3 Art, -1 Econ, +1 Legitimacy, +1 Stability, potential +1 Prestige
* Max Stability: Legitimacy

Restoration of Order - The people are uncertain, and into that uncertainty bad behaviour can flow. Send in the warriors to reassure people and root out corruption and dissent, restoring the proper function of the People, at the cost of disturbing their confidence that the king has their best interests at heart. Max Stability: Legitimacy-1
* S: Gain 0 to 2 Stability at a cost of -1 Legitimacy
* M: Roll twice, take best result
* modified by Administrative skill

Sailing Mission - Boats have proven themselves capable of exploring long distances, so what else might they discover along the shores of the sea?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Salt Gift - With the saltern, the People have access to tremendous amounts of salt, which can be used to awe outsiders
*S: -5 Wealth, random amount of Diplomacy, Art, and Prestige generated
*M: -5 Wealth, random amount of Diplomacy, Art, and Prestige generated (min. 1 of each) and the possibility of Mysticism generation

Study Alchemy - Materials can be made to transform their form through special treatment. What wonders can be discovered in this process?
*S: -1 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, potential new discoveries
*M: -2 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, -1 Econ, increased chance of new discoveries

Study Forests - The holy site within the sacred forest is the repository of lore on the forests and the things within them, but could the shamans learn more? 1 Use
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Wealth, +1 Mysticism, improved odds of success

Study Health - What secrets of nature can be used to improve the health of the People?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Wealth, +1 Mysticism, improved odds of success

Study Metal - Iron and copper, gold and silver, what other secrets are hidden in metal and stone?
* S: -1 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Wealth, -1 Mysticism, improved chance of new insights

Study Stars - What secrets do the heavens hold when you study the stars and their motions carefully? 10 Uses, 2/4 Uses in a Row
*S: -1 Wealth, +2 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
Cannot be used as a Main action

Support Subordinate - Send resources over to a subordinate state to help prop them up.
*S: Transfer 1 Econ and Martial, +1 Econ Expansion
*M: Transfer 2 Econ and Martial, +1 Econ Expansion

Survey Lands - What interesting discoveries are within the People's lands?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success; used 2 times

Trade Mission - Sending a major caravan to another large group can bring new opportunities and find out more about the outside world
* S: -1 Wealth, additional effects depending on target, +1-2 Diplo end of of turn;
* M: -1 Wealth, -1 Econ, additional effects depending on target, +1 Diplo end of turn, +1-2 Diplo next turn, +0-1 Wealth next turn

War Mission - You can send raiding parties against groups that have declared themselves hostile. Can only declare war if you have a valid casus belli (currently only if someone declares war first)
* S: Potential loss of Martial, can prevent Econ and Diplo damage when being attacked, can damage enemy Martial and Diplo
* M: Probable loss of Martial, can prevent Econ and Diplo damage when being attacked, can damage enemy Martial, Diplo, and Econ, always has a mid-turn decision point

Extended Projects- Extended Projects are major infrastructure projects that take more than a single Main action to complete but aren't as all consuming as megaprojects
Saltern - Northshore Saltern Expansion (0/10), Southshore Saltern Expansion (0/10). Each {S} committed consumes 2 Econ for 2 Progress. Completion gives additional Diplomacy and every 2 salterns or expansions increases the per turn Diplomacy by +1
Aqueduct - Redshore (0/8), Lower Valleyhome (0/4), Stonepen (0/6), Blackmouth (0/8), Redhills (0/6). Each {S} committed consumes 2 Econ for 2 Progress. Completion adds +4 Econ Expansion and can allow for the formation of another True City
Temple - Progress listed below, each {S} committed consumes 2 Econ and 2 Art for 2 Progress. Completion increases Religious Authority
Library - Any location with a temple and/or True City status can have a library, with each {S} committed consuming 2 Art and 2 Mysticism for 2 progress. Completion grants Mysticism, every 2 libraries past the first increases the Mysticism refund by 1. Valleyhome (0/4), Sacred Forest (0/4)

Reminder: 2 {S} applied to the same project = 1 {M}
Additionally: 2 Mains may have non-linear effects

Mega-Projects - Mega-Projects can require many generations to complete, take an unknown amount of time to do so, and drain Econ while active, but can produce massive benefits once complete. Once chosen, the occupy the Main Focus slot until either completed or stopped early. Early stopping once started does not refund any of the investments and increases social strife. To reduce confusion, mega-projects are not listed as part of the voting project list and must be "written-in".
The Census - How many People are there anyway? (4-6? action commitment, -2 Mysticism per action) [Reserves + Library]
The Games - Physical competition and prowess are becoming a popular pass time and way for warriors and militia to train. Could a special festival be founded to celebrate this? (4-6? action commitment, -1 Mysticism and Art per action, 2 Econ total commitment) [Elites]
Grand Docks - With the new docks in place, further expansion to something of a more significant scale could be of benefit (4-6? action commitment, -1 Econ per action, will likely require a significant supply of timber)
Grand Palace - The king's palace is not just a dwelling but a place of government, a stockpile for the People's needs, and a symbol of strength to outsiders (5-7? action commitment, -1 Econ and Art per action)
Great Dam - The river can run wild and dangerous when the rains come strong, but could it not be controlled by the same principles by which the water on the hills is channelled and contained, merely on a larger scale? (5-7? action commitment, -1 Econ per action)
The Mountain - What greater display of strength can the People make than to pile stone upon stone so as to create an artificial mountain that all can see? [King] (8-14? Action commitment, -1 Econ per action)
Place to the Stars - The shamans have noticed deeper patterns among the stars than they ever imagined, and setting up long term memories of where things should be could be intensely useful, if also labour intensive to get sufficiently durable markers in place (7-10? action commitment, -1 Econ per action, some Mysticism commitment)
Sacred Forest Renewal - The weather is changing, fight back against the forests becoming something different and less hospitable to the People (5/8-12? Action commitment; -2 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Art per action)

[Stewards] special kicker: Pay 1 Stability to double the effort on a megaproject action, consuming twice the required per turn resources but advancing the job faster. If taking a second main action on a megaproject, requires additional Stability payment to double that as well.
One Main and Two Secondary actions or One Main x2 and One Secondary available. Must commit at least 1 Main Action to the Sacred Forest Renewal Megaproject. The Stallions and Heaven's Hawk are going to take War Missions against the Northern Nomads this turn; assistance is appreciated but not needed

[] Art Patronage
[] Black Soil
[] Build Chariots
[] Build Docks
[] Build Glassworks
[] Build Mills
[] Build Wall
[] Build Watchtowers
[] Change Policy
[] Distribute Land
[] Enforce Justice
[] Expand Economy
[] Expand Forests
[] Expand Snail Cultivation
[] Expand Vineyard
[] Expand Warriors
[] Found March
[] Found Mercenary Company
[] Found Trading Post
[] Integrate Colony
[] Integrate March
[] Improve Annual Festival
[] More Blackbirds
[] More Carrion Eaters
[] More Boats
[] New Settlement
[] New Trails
[] Proclaim Glory
[] Restore Order
[] Sailing Mission
[] Salt Gift
[] Study Alchemy
[] Study Forests
[] Study Health
[] Study Metal
[] Study Stars
[] Survey Lands
[] Support Subordinate
[] Trade Mission
-Target Options: Highland Kingdom, Thunder Speakers, Metal Miners, Lowland Minors, Xohyssiri, Thunder Horse, Northern Nomads, Into the Wild (Eastern Sea), Into the Wild
[] War Mission
-Target Options: Northern Nomads, Xohyssiri (Baby Eaters)
Provinces for Projects: Valleyhome, Redshore, Stonepen, Sacred Forest, Northshore, Blackriver, Redhills, Southshore, Hatriver
Major Holy Sites: Rainbow Trail (0/4), Sacred Forest (Temple 0/8), Holy Sea (0/4), Horse Valley (0/4), White Circle (0/4), Warrior's Rest (0/4), Star Mirror (0/4), Sunrise Grove (0/4), Skyforest (0/4), Bloodgrove (0/4), Spiritwell (0/4), Moonwell (0/4), Sparkling Cave (0/4)

AN: Rulwyna will be passing away before the next midturn but will help with order of operations concerns. Ylrulthyn is an heir with Good skills in the three Primary stats and mediocre skill in Mysticism
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Ylrulthyn is an heir with Good skills in the three Primary stats and mediocre skill in Mysticism
IIRC, mediocre in Mysticism is a lot better than most get, right?

Diplomacy 2 [+2]
Economy 11
Econ Expansion 6
Martial 6 {10}
Wealth 9 [+1-2]

Stability 3 (emboldened)
Legitimacy 3 (max)

Centralization 6
Hierarchy 6
Religious Authority 3


Art 7
Mysticism 14 [+1]
Prestige 27
[X] Install additional layers of chiefs (-1 Centralization, +1 Hierarchy)

Ruminating on the question of how to ease the burdens of successors, Rulwyna decided that she simply needed to make many of the informal delegations she had implemented into actual law. Changing the composition of the council was a fight she didn't want to have, so instead she slipped in an additional layer of administration a layer below the provincial governors. Far fewer matters that needed their attention would reach them, so they would come to the king less often. Rather cleverly, she also made sure to give herself power over the appointments made at that level, essentially giving her additional leverage over the provincial chiefs via their subordinates if she so chose to exercise the power. It would probably be her son Ylrulthyn who actually took up that effort though. Clever lad had definitely taken her general lessons to heart and had developed a strong network of allies before even making his bid for becoming the new heir to the kingship.

Although one of his moves to secure the support of the priesthood was something she should consider making a ruling on before she passed on. Most People knew of the wise Mathulmyn, God of Kings, but there was still a longstanding disagreement over who was the King of Gods. Ylrulthyn had pushed forward the idea that, as the gods revealed their choice of human king through the voting of the chiefs and priests, the current King of the Gods was revealed through the aspect of the king. The argument was a bit theologically shaky, as there wasn't actually a consensus over whether or not the position of King of the Gods was something that was transferable among immortals the way it had to be among mortals, but it was a decent enough argument - no doubt made with the help of advisors - that suggested that the gods shared the position depending upon their needs at the time, and then revealed their current status via inspiring the king to enter into a relationship of patronage with the deity. This was also bringing up the issue of divine patronage in general, with many high ranking figures proclaiming that they held the patronage of a divine being, and by providing support for the god's shrines, holy places, and priesthood they were endowed with additional boons related to their patron's divinity. While many priests were supportive of the idea, many others were pointing out that essentially buying the support of gods was an idea that would only lead to suffering and heartache. Spirits and gods had their own agendas and just because you helped gild a shrine didn't guarantee support. Thus, for the king to say such things even further could lead to trouble.

Rulwyna probably didn't have the power to forbid the patronage relationships between the powerful, but she could still potentially wade in and tamp down on the idea of the king's patronage being a mortal representation of who the current King of Gods was... although if his reasoning and revelations were correct it had the potential to be a powerful idea. Of course, her silence on the matter sent a message of its own...

Ugh. At least the boy had announced that his patron was Hynryn, God of Smiths and the Underworld, and thus had secured considerable support with the artisans, miners, and warriors. A multi-faceted deity, Hynryn was the guardian of the entrance to the Underworld, the keeper of mineral wealth, and the maker of the weapons of the gods. A patron of smiths, miners, and of key importance to warriors, he was thus a widely respected deity, even if perhaps not the most popular. Then again the most popular gods weren't exactly the easiest to leverage popular support from, if only because they were already fairly well supported by the office of the king.

Still, something to think about.

What is Rulwyna's pronouncement on the king of gods?
[] [Divine] Stay silent (+1 Religious Authority)
[] [Divine] Speak against it (-1 Religious Authority, potential trouble for heir)
[] [Divine] Speak up for the idea (+1 Religious Authority, other effects)

While all of this was happening, news came down from the north that nomadic tribes had decided to pick a fight with the Heaven's Hawks, but the Stallions had already mobilized to support them and support from the rest of the kingdom was unneeded. From the reports Rulwyna agreed, and resources could definitely be better used elsewhere, but then again she was somewhat concerned about the North feeling too autonomous, lest they start getting ideas that they simply didn't need the South. She knew that the People were stronger as one, but the northern provinces were being less hurt by the poor weather than the south- the nomads seemed to actually be doing better than usual!-, as well as less disrupted by the refugees that tended to come up from the lowlands. Everyone was confident that the People could meet whatever challenge the gods had set for them now, but that might change in the future.

Although after years of working at the problem, the group that had asked for funding and authority to find a way to harness the flowing of water had managed to get a design together that was capable of grinding grain and not breaking under the forces it was harnessing.

+2 Econ from completion of a water mill

Art Patronage - Wealth of the first and second kind can be used to create wealth of the third kind to the benefit of all
* S: -1 Wealth, +2 Art
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Wealth, +4 Art, +1 Prestige, potential innovations

Black Soil - There are many places that could benefit from further black soil, but making more is starting to take up more resources than it is currently returning
* S: -1 Econ, chance of +1 Econ next turn, +2-3 Econ Expansion
* M: +2-3 Econ Expansion
* used 3 times

Build Chariots - The vehicle of the elite, chariots are the most effective way of waging war the People know.
* S: -1 Econ, -1 Wealth, +2 Martial, +1 Art
*M: -1 Econ, -2 Wealth, +4 Martial, +1 Art

Build Docks - With large numbers of ships being built, a new place to store them all, the goods they bring in, and a place to build them might be a good idea
*S: -1 Econ, +1 Diplo, increased trade power
*M: -1 Econ, +1 Diplo, increased potential for new innovations, increased trade power

Build Glassworks - A new material discovered recently, new luxuries and trade goods could be made from relatively cheap materials
*S: -1 Econ, +1 Wealth, +1 Art, small chance of new innvoations
*M: -1 Econ, +2 Art, increased chance of new innovations

Build Mills - By harnessing the power of flowing water, work can be done, freeing up considerable amounts of labour
*S: -2 Wealth, -1 Art, +2 Econ, potential for innovation
*M: -3 Wealth, -1 Art, +3 Econ, increased potential for innovation

Build Wall - The practice of building city walls has reached new heights with access to superior tools making the cutting of stone simpler (60% light walls, 30% significant walls, 10% massive walls)
*S: -1 Econ, +5% light walls
*M: -2 Econ, +5% significant walls
*2M: -4 Econ, +5% massive walls

Build Watchtowers - Stone and brick towers for warriors to sit in and scan the horizon for trouble, these towers can help stave off raids and improve response against attacks. (40% coverage)
*S: -1 Econ, +5% coverage
*M: -1 Econ, +10% coverage

Change Policy - Adjust the current Policy to one better fitting the situation
*S: Change Policy to one of the available ones listed below
Balanced - Takes whatever actions seem reasonable. Expand Economy is considered a Policy action for interaction with other effects
Defence - Builds walls and watchtowers
Expansion - Builds new settlements, expands economy, expands forests, and can even create new provinces
Infrastructure - Extended projects
Megaproject Support - Provinces can spend actions in support of a megaproject
Offence - Can recruit warriors and specialists, can send war actions against declared enemies
Progress - Takes studying actions and art patronage
Restoration - Takes stability improving actions
Spirits - Builds temples
Trade - Sends out trade missions, produce art and luxuries

Distribute Land - By reworking the distribution of land, the king can improve tax income and reduce pressures administrative overhead
*S: -1 Centralization, +1 Wealth
*M: -2 Centralization, +3 Wealth

Enforce Justice - The king is a servant of the law, and he can use the army to remind people of that fact [GJ]
* S: 1 Stability, +1-3 Centralization
* M: 1 to 2 Stability, +2-3 Centralization
* the more settlements with walls outside of the capital, particularly large walls, the less effective this action is
*Max Stability: Legitimacy

Expand Economy - Encourage the growth of food producing activities such as farming, pastures, or fishing, depending on where focus is placed
*S: +2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, potential additional effects
*6 Econ Expansion available (max 11 to keep Sacred Forest True City; max 15 for Valleyhome)

Expand Forests - The People have knowledge of how to regrow and repair forests, which extends to bringing them to places they have never been, with considerable effort. With charcoal now in higher demand, can also provide a sustainable supply (5/5 currently locked up)
* S: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, grows forest, +1 Econ next turn if in settled territory and controlled
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, grows forest, +2 Econ next turn if in settled and controlled territory

Expand Snail Cultivation - While now more reliably grown and harvested, the snail domestication has only managed to hold environmental changes at bay rather than increase production. More investment would increase cultivation
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Wealth
* M: -1 Econ, +1 Wealth, +1 Art, potential additional effects

Expand Vineyard - There is a location in Blackriver that is judged an ideal place to grow the small fruits that are favoured for making a particularly potent drink
*S: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, +2 Wealth next turn
*M: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, +1 Wealth, +1 Art

Expand Warriors - More men can be inducted into the ranks of the warriors every year and not face major food shortfalls
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Martial
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Wealth, +3 Martial, +1 Art, potential additional effects

Found Colony - When a province gets too distant, sometimes it is best to grant it additional autonomy so that they can get down to the business of working the land and gathering resources without needing to talk to the king about every little thing. Current Target: Greenshore
*S: Change Greenshore Trading Post to a Colony
*M: 4 Econ Transfer, -2 Martial, founds colony to produce raw resources

Found March - Sometimes you need an extra buffer between you and hostile powers, or a place to stash excess warriors. Current Target: North-East
*M: -5 Martial, 2 Econ transfer, founds march to take independent martial actions

Found Mercenary Company - With new coinage, those who fight for less than savoury reasons can be bargained with more effectively. Paid well they can enhance your forces, or can be hired out to other groups, but beware of having them sit around without pay!
*M: -5 Martial, -1 Wealth per turn in your employ, +1 Wealth per turn if hired out to another group, or 0 Wealth per turn and adds directly to Martial score

Found Trading Post - When doing long distance trading, sometimes having your own infrastructure in place at the other end can be quite useful. Current Target: Far North (dangerous), Near Trelli (risky)
*M: -3 Diplo, -2 Wealth, 2 Econ Transfer, -2 Martial, founds trading post to generate Diplomacy

Integrate Colony - Part of the colony of Western wall can be integrated into the People more fully, transitioning from a Colony to a province
*M: -6 Diplomacy, gain Econ and Martial from integrating Colony

Integrate March - Better communications and administration means that the Stallion Tribes or Hatriver can be integrated into the People more fully, transitioning from a March to a province
*M: -6 Diplomacy, gain Econ and Martial from integrating March

Improve Annual Festival - A festival for every season, but their expansion can help put the People at ease and teach good practices.
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Wealth, +1 Stability, +2 Art, chance for additional effects
* 2M: -2 Econ, -2 Wealth, +1 Stability, +4 Art, chance for additional effects
* Max Stability: Legitimacy - 1

More Blackbirds - Elite scouts and woodsmen, the Blackbirds are a potent force, if not exactly mainline fighters. More of them could prove useful
* S: -1 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, +1 Martial, +1 Art, more Blackbirds
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, +2 Martial, +1 Art, many more Blackbirds, additional effects

More Carrion Eaters - Keepers of sacred and profane knowledge, the Carrion Eaters thread a dangerous path but bring valuable knowledge for treating wounds and inspiring courage, greatly bolstering the morale of warriors by ensuring them that their companions are not doomed if they fall. More could prove useful.
*S: -1 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, +1 Martial, +1 Art, more Carrion Eaters
*M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, +2 Martial, +1 Art, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects

More Boats - The things are expensive but oh so useful, so having more of them will increase your capacity for trade, travel, and fishing
* S: -2 Econ; +1 Econ, +1 Econ Expansion, and +1 Diplo next turn, other potential effects
* M: -2 Econ, -1 Wealth, +1 Art; +1 Econ end of turn, +1 Econ, +1 Econ Expansion and Diplo next turn, additional effects,
* used 6 times

New Settlement - There are a few new sites that could have new settlements placed on them: northern Blackriver, far eastern Redhills, far north-eastern Redhills
* S: +1 Econ next turn, increases number Econ Expansion depending on environment
* M: +1 Econ and +1 Mysticism end of turn, increases Econ Expansion
Special: Main new settlement in far eastern Redhills or far north-eastern Redhills can produce new provinces

New Trails - There are many settlements with only marginal trails, so more could be useful
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, other effects
* M: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, +1 Diplo, other effects

Proclaim Glory - By using art the King can promote people to trust his decisions; modified by Diplomacy skill
* S: -2 Art, +1 Legitimacy
* M: -3 Art, -1 Econ, +1 Legitimacy, +1 Stability, potential +1 Prestige
* Max Stability: Legitimacy

Restoration of Order - The people are uncertain, and into that uncertainty bad behaviour can flow. Send in the warriors to reassure people and root out corruption and dissent, restoring the proper function of the People, at the cost of disturbing their confidence that the king has their best interests at heart. Max Stability: Legitimacy-1
* S: Gain 0 to 2 Stability at a cost of -1 Legitimacy
* M: Roll twice, take best result
* modified by Administrative skill

Sailing Mission - Boats have proven themselves capable of exploring long distances, so what else might they discover along the shores of the sea?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Salt Gift - With the saltern, the People have access to tremendous amounts of salt, which can be used to awe outsiders
*S: -5 Wealth, random amount of Diplomacy, Art, and Prestige generated
*M: -5 Wealth, random amount of Diplomacy, Art, and Prestige generated (min. 1 of each) and the possibility of Mysticism generation

Study Alchemy - Materials can be made to transform their form through special treatment. What wonders can be discovered in this process?
*S: -1 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, potential new discoveries
*M: -2 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, -1 Econ, increased chance of new discoveries

Study Forests - The holy site within the sacred forest is the repository of lore on the forests and the things within them, but could the shamans learn more? 1 Use
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Wealth, +1 Mysticism, improved odds of success

Study Health - What secrets of nature can be used to improve the health of the People?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Wealth, +1 Mysticism, improved odds of success

Study Metal - Iron and copper, gold and silver, what other secrets are hidden in metal and stone?
* S: -1 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Wealth, -1 Mysticism, improved chance of new insights

Study Stars - What secrets do the heavens hold when you study the stars and their motions carefully? 10 Uses, 2/4 Uses in a Row
*S: -1 Wealth, +2 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
Cannot be used as a Main action

Support Subordinate - Send resources over to a subordinate state to help prop them up.
*S: Transfer 1 Econ and Martial, +1 Econ Expansion
*M: Transfer 2 Econ and Martial, +1 Econ Expansion

Survey Lands - What interesting discoveries are within the People's lands?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success; used 2 times

Trade Mission - Sending a major caravan to another large group can bring new opportunities and find out more about the outside world
* S: -1 Wealth, additional effects depending on target, +1-2 Diplo end of of turn;
* M: -1 Wealth, -1 Econ, additional effects depending on target, +1 Diplo end of turn, +1-2 Diplo next turn, +0-1 Wealth next turn

War Mission - You can send raiding parties against groups that have declared themselves hostile. Can only declare war if you have a valid casus belli (currently only if someone declares war first)
* S: Potential loss of Martial, can prevent Econ and Diplo damage when being attacked, can damage enemy Martial and Diplo
* M: Probable loss of Martial, can prevent Econ and Diplo damage when being attacked, can damage enemy Martial, Diplo, and Econ, always has a mid-turn decision point

Extended Projects- Extended Projects are major infrastructure projects that take more than a single Main action to complete but aren't as all consuming as megaprojects
Saltern - Northshore Saltern Expansion (0/10), Southshore Saltern Expansion (0/10). Each {S} committed consumes 2 Econ for 2 Progress. Completion gives additional Diplomacy and every 2 salterns or expansions increases the per turn Diplomacy by +1
Aqueduct - Redshore (0/8), Lower Valleyhome (0/4), Stonepen (0/6), Blackmouth (0/8), Redhills (0/6). Each {S} committed consumes 2 Econ for 2 Progress. Completion adds +4 Econ Expansion and can allow for the formation of another True City
Temple - Progress listed below, each {S} committed consumes 2 Econ and 2 Art for 2 Progress. Completion increases Religious Authority
Library - Any location with a temple and/or True City status can have a library, with each {S} committed consuming 2 Art and 2 Mysticism for 2 progress. Completion grants Mysticism, every 2 libraries past the first increases the Mysticism refund by 1. Valleyhome (0/4), Sacred Forest (0/4)

Reminder: 2 {S} applied to the same project = 1 {M}
Additionally: 2 Mains may have non-linear effects

Special: The Highlanders and the Thunder Speakers have immediate need of mercenary forces
Special: Rulwyna will have additional effects on certain actions this turn

Mega-Projects - Mega-Projects can require many generations to complete, take an unknown amount of time to do so, and drain Econ while active, but can produce massive benefits once complete. Once chosen, the occupy the Main Focus slot until either completed or stopped early. Early stopping once started does not refund any of the investments and increases social strife. To reduce confusion, mega-projects are not listed as part of the voting project list and must be "written-in".
The Census - How many People are there anyway? (4-6? action commitment, -2 Mysticism per action) [Reserves + Library]
The Games - Physical competition and prowess are becoming a popular pass time and way for warriors and militia to train. Could a special festival be founded to celebrate this? (4-6? action commitment, -1 Mysticism and Art per action, 2 Econ total commitment) [Elites]
Grand Docks - With the new docks in place, further expansion to something of a more significant scale could be of benefit (4-6? action commitment, -1 Econ per action, will likely require a significant supply of timber)
Grand Palace - The king's palace is not just a dwelling but a place of government, a stockpile for the People's needs, and a symbol of strength to outsiders (5-7? action commitment, -1 Econ and Art per action)
Great Dam - The river can run wild and dangerous when the rains come strong, but could it not be controlled by the same principles by which the water on the hills is channelled and contained, merely on a larger scale? (5-7? action commitment, -1 Econ per action)
The Mountain - What greater display of strength can the People make than to pile stone upon stone so as to create an artificial mountain that all can see? [King] (8-14? Action commitment, -1 Econ per action)
Place to the Stars - The shamans have noticed deeper patterns among the stars than they ever imagined, and setting up long term memories of where things should be could be intensely useful, if also labour intensive to get sufficiently durable markers in place (7-10? action commitment, -1 Econ per action, some Mysticism commitment)
Sacred Forest Renewal - The weather is changing, fight back against the forests becoming something different and less hospitable to the People (5/8-12? Action commitment; -2 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Art per action)

[Stewards] special kicker: Pay 1 Stability to double the effort on a megaproject action, consuming twice the required per turn resources but advancing the job faster. If taking a second main action on a megaproject, requires additional Stability payment to double that as well.
One Main and Two Secondary actions or One Main x2 and One Secondary available. Must commit at least 1 Main Action to the Sacred Forest Renewal Megaproject. The Stallions and Heaven's Hawk are going to take War Missions against the Northern Nomads this turn; assistance is appreciated but not needed

[] Art Patronage
[] Black Soil
[] Build Chariots
[] Build Docks
[] Build Glassworks
[] Build Mills
[] Build Wall
[] Build Watchtowers
[] Change Policy
[] Distribute Land
[] Enforce Justice
[] Expand Economy
[] Expand Forests
[] Expand Snail Cultivation
[] Expand Vineyard
[] Expand Warriors
[] Found March
[] Found Mercenary Company
[] Found Trading Post
[] Integrate Colony
[] Integrate March
[] Improve Annual Festival
[] More Blackbirds
[] More Carrion Eaters
[] More Boats
[] New Settlement
[] New Trails
[] Proclaim Glory
[] Restore Order
[] Sailing Mission
[] Salt Gift
[] Study Alchemy
[] Study Forests
[] Study Health
[] Study Metal
[] Study Stars
[] Survey Lands
[] Support Subordinate
[] Trade Mission
-Target Options: Highland Kingdom, Thunder Speakers, Metal Miners, Lowland Minors, Xohyssiri, Thunder Horse, Northern Nomads, Into the Wild (Eastern Sea), Into the Wild
[] War Mission
-Target Options: Northern Nomads
Provinces for Projects: Valleyhome, Redshore, Stonepen, Sacred Forest, Northshore, Blackriver, Redhills, Southshore, Hatriver
Major Holy Sites: Rainbow Trail (0/4), Sacred Forest (Temple 0/8), Holy Sea (0/4), Horse Valley (0/4), White Circle (0/4), Warrior's Rest (0/4), Star Mirror (0/4), Sunrise Grove (0/4), Skyforest (0/4), Bloodgrove (0/4), Spiritwell (0/4), Moonwell (0/4), Sparkling Cave (0/4)

AN: Rulwyna will be passing away before the next midturn but will help with order of operations concerns. Ylrulthyn is an heir with Good skills in the three Primary stats and mediocre skill in Mysticism
Well we sort of have divine right but this cycling position is interesting.

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this cycling position is interesting.
The argument was a bit theologically shaky, as there wasn't actually a consensus over whether or not the position of King of the Gods was something that was transferable among immortals the way it had to be among mortals, but it was a decent enough argument - no doubt made with the help of advisors - that suggested that the gods shared the position depending upon their needs at the time, and then revealed their current status via inspiring the king to enter into a relationship of patronage with the deity.
This is very interesting, and by implication means that people associated with aspects from any Divine might take power, depending on what the Ymaryn think is important at the moment.

I'm going to take a while to think through the implications.

Meanwhile - we've got 11 economy. New Province/New Province/Policy: Mega Support seems practical, this turn.

Hrm. That could pop both of our True Cities.
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I wonder whether the "might attack on principle" penalty for negative Diplomacy applies to our subordinates. If not, then it might be worth integrating the Stallions as a way of expanding Econ? It's not like there are any other threats around in the next two turns before we would be back up to 0.

How would that work with our Econ slots? Presumably they have their own slots, which would come with them?

ETA And I wonder whether we'll get another chance to convert Sacred Forest to a Free City?
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This is very interesting, and by implication means that people associated with aspects from any Divine might take power, depending on what the Ymaryn think is important at the moment.

I'm going to take a while to think through the implications.

Meanwhile - we've got 11 economy. New Province/New Province/Policy: Mega Support seems practical, this turn.
I'd kinda like to do:

Main Mega
Secondary War North Nomads
Secondary Switch to Megasupport.

We might also want to hire out the Red Banner to the TS because we apparently still can in the specials if that is not a typo. Get that resource suckage going.