It's mostly narrative, but if I decide that I have a couple of ideas that could work I'll roll for them. Magwyna was decided on a dice roll.
So what you're saying is, i should always make sure to put my speculation about awesome female hero narratives in the thread, in case you see them and they influence your favored narrative and increase the chance of getting a dice roll chance of a female hero? :p
Given the generational hemorrhaging of Hathatyns, are we going to retain distinct a language population? How many different significant group of languages and ethnic groups are in the Ymaryn civilization, or are we really good at assimilating people into a melting pot?

They're pretty good at doing the whole melting pot thing, although the Stallion Tribes and especially Hatriver do have a distinct dialect due to initially being composed of people from other cultures as their primary component. The big thing is that communal property and the communication between chiefs means that the shuffling of settlers to make room, especially for the introduction of refugees, happens a lot, and helps keep the language evolution more even across the territory.

What would it take for them to forget they have a claim anyway?
Eating it all?

Hmmm... if they stalled out for a century without making contact they might forget, although given that you currently control a river mouth with access to the sea they're probably going to take a swing at you for Hatriver for strategic reasons anyway.
Current: M Black Soil S EJ S Settlement Note that settlement is less efficient than Change Policy - Balanced.
Adhoc vote count started by Umi-san on Jun 11, 2017 at 12:46 PM, finished with 52280 posts and 96 votes.
Well at least we have some writings.

Who knows they maybe able to translate them :D.

If we managed to last long into the modern era, historians might be taking into consideration the "Ymaryn's bias", because the most extensive primary sources are going to be the Ymaryn.

We'll likely to have a long list of wars the Ymaryn waged against the nomads, with side dishes of some wars with black sea civ and the lowlanders.
If we managed to last long into the modern era, historians might be taking into consideration the "Ymaryn's bias", because the most extensive primary sources are going to be the Ymaryn.

We'll likely to have a long list of wars the Ymaryn waged against the nomads, with side dishes of some wars with black sea civ and the lowlanders.
and occasional notes about the "lowland curse"
Hmmm... if they stalled out for a century without making contact they might forget, although given that you currently control a river mouth with access to the sea they're probably going to take a swing at you for Hatriver for strategic reasons anyway.
And that lead to the evolution of contracts between states - non aggression and free trade (ie, their ships may use the river and go to the sea).
After they lost, obviously.
The trait makes tracking your lineage super important for the Stallion Tribes. Calling someone a bastard is fighting words there, where in the south it tends to be significantly more mild. While performing your own deeds is quite important, people who can't point to ancestors and relatives with significant deeds of their own - especially death deeds - are considered less trustworthy, because obviously they must be hiding the ill deeds of their ancestors, or they have such poor parents that they gave them no heritage to have pride in.

OOoookay, that settles it. All of nope.
[X] [Value] Do not spread
[X] [Main] Black Soil
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy: Balanced
Would anyone mind explaining the mechanics of economy and econ explanation? In particular, is there a cap on econ? And does anything granting econ consume econ expansion, or just some things?
[X] [Value] Do not spread
[X] [Main] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] Expand Economy
Last edited:
@Academia Nut with the new trading post, the hat river march, the expansion of the western wall, and the increased number of docks and ships, do we have any more knowledge of the shores of the Not!Black Sea, and what if any other civs are on its borders? Or is it still "we're on the east, the trading post (and beyond is on the west, there are some nomads on the north, and we think the Hath are on the south east, but no one knows about the rest"?
Would anyone mind explaining the mechanics of economy and econ explanation? In particular, is there a cap on econ? And does anything granting econ consume econ expansion, or just some things?

Econ cap is based off of the number of province actions, the things that consume econ expansion is generally listed.

with the new trading post, the hat river march, the expansion of the western wall, and the increased number of docks and ships, do we have any more knowledge of the shores of the Not!Black Sea, and what if any other civs are on its borders? Or is it still "we're on the east, the trading post (and beyond is on the west, there are some nomads on the north, and we think the Hath are on the south east, but no one knows about the rest"?

The trading post will likely do a sailing mission this turn and you will get more information on the borders of the sea, yes.
Well at least we have some writings.

Who knows they maybe able to translate them :D.
They have to survive the test of time first. Rome and Greece had libraries too, but few of them lasted to the modern day.
Ideally you'd build many of those.
Hmmm... if they stalled out for a century without making contact they might forget, although given that you currently control a river mouth with access to the sea they're probably going to take a swing at you for Hatriver for strategic reasons anyway.
Hmm, so eat them all is the lasting solution, with the casus belli being "took a swing at me"
and occasional notes about the "lowland curse"
I imagine after some linguistic drift the lowlands will be using a synonym for "all gwygoed" as the regional term.
@Academia Nut can I ask how our conflict with the nomads has shaped our military versus the lowlander militaries? Do we tend to put more emphasis on speed to counter the nomads than the lowlanders, for example?
[X] [Value] Do not spread
[X] [Main] Black Soil
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy: Balanced

Having to wait until changing to a new vote so smarter people have time to check whether the its math works out reminds me a lot of Amber Age.
The new value sounds bad now that we have more information. Bastards being pretty accepted is a really cute feature of the Ymaryn that I dont want to give up. Lets hope we will soon find another way to turn honorable death into something more sophisticated.