all subordinates have to provide something worthwhile

It's going to either be a stat or a trade good
Metal Workers being a protectorate: Let's us take war actions to defend them and they slowly conform to our culture. We could do this to stop bronze from falling into the hands of the nomads.

Sort of based around a trade good, but it's not a trade outpost or colony. I, again, seriously expect this to be the case for the subordinate coming up.

Family First and descendants can be very nice for a civ that doesn't have a proto-untouchable caste or occupational administration. I'm sure it serves the Nomads just fine.

What it would do to us, though...
All settled cultures develop undesirables and specialization though. And most of them eventually settle upon one caste as the 'rightful' source of leadership
Metal Workers being a protectorate: Let's us take war actions to defend them and they slowly conform to our culture. We could do this to stop bronze from falling into the hands of the nomads.

Sort of based around a trade good, but it's not a trade outpost or colony. I, again, seriously expect this to be the case for the subordinate coming up.

It'd be nice to wean them off of slavery-it's clearly made their relations with their neighbors completely untenable and no doubt led to no small amount of instability, in addition to our moral objections.
Do luxuries, strategic resources, and cultural resources provide different benefits for dominating them? Or do they all give +1 diplo?'s a thought... @Academia Nut do either the current Stallion Tribe chief or our king think that the ST should have more leeway, after these last battles? Because "more independent march" sounds like a new subordinate type that relates to things that have happened recently, and sounds like a logical mid-turn decision...

"Nope"-d by AN, which is good :p
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All settled cultures develop undesirables and specialization though.
That just means we're already in trouble, and don't need to be making it worse.

Note that this trait didn't originally come from a settled culture, and as such we'd find out about any negative synergies it has with the rest of our stuff the hard way.
@Academia Nut Does our Hero have any ideas about how to set up a police force or something closer to it for the city?
Currently, are they likely to just expand main econ while on megaproject support or default and act like it's balance policy without anything to do?

Pretty much. It would be like a far less efficient Balance since all they would do is expand attempt to increase stats for a potential new megaproject.

Have we figured out rotation farming?

Sort of? You know to leave some fields fallow, and technically the Sacred Forest system does crop rotation with trees over a period of generations.'s a thought... @Academia Nut do either the current Stallion Tribe chief or our king think that the ST should have more leeway, after these last battles? Because "more independent march" sounds like a new subordinate type that relates to things that have happened recently, and sounds like a logical mid-turn decision...

@Academia Nut How much longer is the current bumper crop of heroes likely to live? As in, will the nomad hero and Hathatyn hero have enough time to attack us, or will it be their descendants that will do so?
Pretty much. It would be like a far less efficient Balance since all they would do is expand attempt to increase stats for a potential new megaproject.

Okay, given this I'd request that anyone who's advocating letting policy run out on its own consider their options-we'd certainly be getting at least four econ out of Balanced, probably more, and they will try to keep the baby boom going, with a new settlement if need be.
How much longer is the current bumper crop of heroes likely to live? As in, will the nomad hero and Hathatyn hero have enough time to attack us, or will it be their descendants that will do so?

One to two more turns for each. The nomads might peter out with whatever their plans are, but once the Hathatyn come into contact with their old territory they basically have to try to reclaim it, so yes, expect someone to take a swing at you in Hatriver.
The trait makes tracking your lineage super important for the Stallion Tribes. Calling someone a bastard is fighting words there, where in the south it tends to be significantly more mild. While performing your own deeds is quite important, people who can't point to ancestors and relatives with significant deeds of their own - especially death deeds - are considered less trustworthy, because obviously they must be hiding the ill deeds of their ancestors, or they have such poor parents that they gave them no heritage to have pride in.
Would the bastard thing really be a significant issue given the People have matrilineal lineage though? In patrilineal lineage it makes sense as while children in marriage are naturally assumed legitimate, there's no definite answer that says that the child that this women just bore is yours, and thus the obligation to an inheritance and/or the help of the wider extended family and their resources.

For matrilineal lineage though, it should be pretty difficult to contest that a child that has just come out of a woman isn't hers thus the lineage that matters is secured, unless I'm mistaken for how this society works?
Would the bastard thing really be a significant issue given the People have matrilineal lineage though? In patrilineal lineage it makes sense as while children in marriage are naturally assumed legitimate, there's no definite answer that says that the child that this women just bore is yours, and thus the obligation to an inheritance and/or the help of the wider extended family and their resources.

For matrilineal lineage though, it should be pretty difficult to contest that a child that has just come out of a woman isn't hers thus the lineage that matters is secured, unless I'm mistaken for how this society works?

Being a bastard means you lose half your ancestry, so that's a huge blow.
@Academia Nut how much of a Hero's circumstances do you roll for, as opposed to "what narrative do I want to do". Specifically, do you roll for gender and background? Or i guess maybe just a generic "how much are they part of the traditional power structures?" roll?
Like... was Magwyna a woman because you wanted us to have another chance to fight the patriarchy, or because the dice decided it?
I ask because i was really hoping and speculating (though i don't think i mentioned it) that this last nomad waagh would be defeated by the daughter of the stallion tribes chief rushing out to battle and kicking both the nomads and gender norms in the face, and while i'm glad we got the hero, do i have your narrative or the dice to blame for not getting 100% of my hopes there? :p
That's probably going to be one of the more confusing practices for historians...

Luckily, all the forest lore should be documented in our brand spanking new library.

@Academia Nut Given the generational hemorrhaging of Hathatyns, are we going to retain distinct a language population? How many different significant group of languages and ethnic groups are in the Ymaryn civilization, or are we really good at assimilating people into a melting pot?
how much of a Hero's circumstances do you roll for, as opposed to "what narrative do I want to do". Specifically, do you roll for gender and background? Or i guess maybe just a generic "how much are they part of the traditional power structures?" roll?
Like... was Magwyna a woman because you wanted us to have another chance to fight the patriarchy, or because the dice decided it?
I ask because i was really hoping and speculating (though i don't think i mentioned it) that this last nomad waagh would be defeated by the daughter of the stallion tribes chief rushing out to battle and kicking both the nomads and gender norms in the face, and while i'm glad we got the hero, do i have your narrative or the dice to blame for not getting 100% of my hopes there? :p

It's mostly narrative, but if I decide that I have a couple of ideas that could work I'll roll for them. Magwyna was decided on a dice roll.
One to two more turns for each. The nomads might peter out with whatever their plans are, but once the Hathatyn come into contact with their old territory they basically have to try to reclaim it, so yes, expect someone to take a swing at you in Hatriver.
Pretty much a given unless the Hathatyn catch fire again.

What would it take for them to forget they have a claim anyway?
Eating it all?
Metal Workers being a protectorate: Let's us take war actions to defend them and they slowly conform to our culture. We could do this to stop bronze from falling into the hands of the nomads.

Sort of based around a trade good, but it's not a trade outpost or colony. I, again, seriously expect this to be the case for the subordinate coming up.
Protectorate makes a great deal of sense when it comes to trade goods, as opposed to the stats that trade outposts and colonies are more like to provide. It's likely to different places specialize in different trade goods, so establishing a protectorate would capitalize on that.

For matrilineal lineage though, it should be pretty difficult to contest that a child that has just come out of a woman isn't hers thus the lineage that matters is secured, unless I'm mistaken for how this society works?
The ST might be patrilineal, considering the first stallion and his multiple sons.