The mechanics behind the attribute values and interaction of actions with said attributes. Currently, it's like listening to a discussion of MtG deck creation without knowing the mechanics.
Diplomacy = luxuries and diplomatic ties with outer nations.
Economy = available free-ish manpower + *potential* manpower you can throw at doing things (which, really, means food surplus, more or less).
Martial - warriors and how good they are.
NOTE: It can be skewed by having a few elite warriors - they would 'inflate' the value, but one bad fight would massacre your martial because of low numbers. There is (of course) unmarked WoG on that somewhere 1000 pages ago, about when Spirit Talkers died.
Centralization - measure of king's ability to assume direct control. Is good for preventing corruption (unless king is into it), but micromanaging is inefficient and hard to sustain. And bad king with high Centralization is a disaster.
Hierarchy - roughly speaking, you can imagine it as amount of levels of separation between a peasant and the king. Does not mean king gets all uppity, but can mean that they are *different*. High Hierarchy is a sign of big administrative apparatus, in our case local chiefs and advisors and stuff, which are kind of 'between' king and commoner.
Although in our society a masterful artisan can become the king, so....not so sure.
This one is pretty complicated to me too, honestly.
Stability - how good people are feeling about the life in general. -4 is Bad End for typical civ, for us it is, thanks to Symphony, -3 with a bad Admin roll in it, I think.
Legitimacy - trust of people in the king's office.
Religious Authority - no fucking clue, it's a new one. Apparently, measure of how much sway priests hold in the society?
Art - free artist- and specialist- (like masons or blacksmiths) power you can throw at things.
Mysticism - amount of shaman- and priest-power to throw at things. Low means everyone of those is too busy doing things to look into something new.
Prestige - bragging rights, basically?
roughly along those lines.
@Academia Nut , how much of it is right or wrong? Could you make any corrections, please?
Also, could you chime in on, hm, meaning of Hierarchy yet again?