!Sparta without slaves?
Hmm! Yeah. Basically! Though like Dakka said also more like Athens.

It just amuses me that a conquering army could walk in to a village, lord over our people, then in the night they all die in their beds as our people kill them in a variety of ingenious ways. We are very peaceful but by Crow do we fuck you up if you try to fuck with us.
More like Athens. Every voting age citizen was also a soldier.

In our case, that would include women I think.

Obviously we can't mobilize them all, but expect us to be able to levy truly absurd numbers of troops.
That would also make invading us, raping and pillaging an unhealthy venture.

We are very peaceful but by Crow do we fuck you up if you try to fuck with us.
Just visit our main temple and take a look at our major !deity ...
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Certainly. Which is why I am not arguing more fiercely against RO. Our dude may not be the best at admin but he definitely ain't the worst and he actually can do this.

Hmm! Interesting thought, but I wonder if our Admin skill levels are actually worth more than other civs because we have been so admin focused? Like our Exceptional is the HK's Heroic, or our Average is someone's Above average.

I wonder if skills can improve now as well with the library. Kings can be in office for nearly 60 years. It would be really odd if they didn't get better at their jobs over that time.
I wonder if skills can improve now as well with the library. Kings can be in office for nearly 60 years. It would be really odd if they didn't get better at their jobs over that time.
Not 60 years for our system. Our system works a lot like corporate CEO positions or things of that nature. Our Kings usually become Kings when they are past 40 and are getting white in the hair. In fact we have had several instances of our kings dying one right after the other because of old age.
We are like Switzerland in that regard. Mountainous and everyone that is able to went through basic training and has a weapon at home.
We also have the full capability to turn our land into a death trap like Switzerland. Supposedly they have rigged themselves with metric tons of dynamite and artillery positions. Instead in our case it would be traps and trees rigged to fall and sewage outflows into enemy camps and floods and well you get the picture.

I wonder if skills can improve now as well with the library. Kings can be in office for nearly 60 years. It would be really odd if they didn't get better at their jobs over that time.
Well most likely is that we will slowly build up an archive of stupid things kings should not do, from us and others around us, and this may passively give us a crit fail mitigation bonus. Gonna take a while though.
Not 60 years for our system. Our system works a lot like corporate CEO positions or things of that nature. Our Kings usually become Kings when they are past 40 and are getting white in the hair. In fact we have had several instances of our kings dying one right after the other because of old age.

Yeah, but as Heirs they are involved in the day to day running, so they already gather experience. And to get to the position of Heir they need to show skill before that. Which includes being good enough at diplomacy to maneuver into that position against other candidates. Which makes our Oligarchy amusingly effective. To get to the top, you need the qualities we look for in a King. Mostly diplomacy and Administration. Martial Heroes are oddballs because it rarely helps you to rise unless a war is on, in which case you are needed and get shuffled to the front of the queue.
[X][Value] Spread value (+Hero Generation)
[X][Main] The Census
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Balanced

I personally think the ideal method would be to just slow build the Census for a couple turns, as we just don't have the mysticism income to make complete use of the mega project support policy at this time. This then let's us change our policy to balanced which is ideal currently as we could still be attacked mid turn via either the northern nomads or from the south by the Hathayn. This gives us flexibility in our actions as the provinces will take the best actions available at the time which is this policies core strength, whether that's war, economy, new settlements, another Enforce Justice to make it a main action, study, or exploration via the sea.

As others have started arguing, Restore Order is shit with our administration skill. Enforce Justice on the other hand gives us an automatic +1 stability, and between 1-3 centralization which will help given it aids military actions and there are still all those martial heroes surrounding us. While new trails would have been nice to have, we've had the capability to start them for 3 (4?) turns now and haven't done so. I don't see any reason that would change given there are other actions available such as glassworks, vineyard to establish dominance, stability actions to push us back into positives, extended projects or mega projects, war actions ... I just can't see it happening.

The Census is being done as it is a phenomenally helpful administrative technology, and aids both economic prosperity and war actions, and should synergy wonderfully with Cosmopolitan Acceptance so immigrants are properly recorded. It's also the only one we can currently afford so there's that.

Finally, while my decision may change with a WoG if he shows the full description, I'm going with spreading the value. We already have ancestor worship so changing it so we worship their deeds and try to live up to them isn't something I'm concerned about given the history of harmony/social acceptance/justice our social values exemplify. This would also be interest to see how it interacts with the People due to their lineage being determined via matrilineal descent.
Yeah, but as Heirs they are involved in the day to day running, so they already gather experience. And to get to the position of Heir they need to show skill before that. Which includes being good enough at diplomacy to maneuver into that position against other candidates. Which makes our Oligarchy amusingly effective. To get to the top, you need the qualities we look for in a King. Mostly diplomacy and Administration. Martial Heroes are oddballs because it rarely helps you to rise unless a war is on, in which case you are needed and get shuffled to the front of the queue.
Basically. The thread before I joined worked really really hard to get this system in place too. Like it is self-reinforcing enough that in my opinion very little can dislodge it, because it is literally supported by and benefits the most, the people who actually have the power to topple it (our Oligarchs).

If you want a great example go look up Ancient China, probably pre-iron age to the late medieval.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jun 11, 2017 at 7:43 AM, finished with 52086 posts and 70 votes.
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We are getting a free "mid turn" policy change, due to not having a current mega project to support. I'd argue that we should swap to progress, to try and get more metal and armor advances to maintain our combat advantage.
We are getting a free "mid turn" policy change, due to not having a current mega project to support. I'd argue that we should swap to progress, to try and get more metal and armor advances to maintain our combat advantage.
Weapon advantages are definitely going to be a thing. See the dick measuring contests of "My dagger/knife is longer than yours!". Armor though I am less sure on. Maybe I should go look up the development of metal armor.
We are getting a free "mid turn" policy change, due to not having a current mega project to support. I'd argue that we should swap to progress, to try and get more metal and armor advances to maintain our combat advantage.
It's not free, instead they are just going to spend their actions on expand economy which wastes The Law bonus, as it can't be applied there thus effectively costing us an action equivalent anyway. Changing right now just makes more sense as you can pick the most appropriate policy. Also keeping it on mega project support runs the risk of baby boom going away, and we should try to keep that.
It's not free, instead they are just going to spend their actions on expand economy which wastes The Law bonus, as it can't be applied there thus effectively costing us an action equivalent anyway. Changing right now just makes more sense as you can pick the most appropriate policy. Also keeping it on mega project support runs the risk of baby boom going away, and we should try to keep that.
I'm not the one to talk about this really but there has been some dispute over if this disruption is physically possible, with our 9 (+1) Expansion. Hmm... Maybe I should do the math of the current leading vote to see if this is true.

Yeah I will. Back in a minute.
I just had a thought. After we have all citizens have martial training. With the mysticism refund, we could make our entire populace trained battle medics(Carrion Eaters) and stealth archers(Blackbirds). Education is truly the most OP thing civilization has come up with.
It's not free, instead they are just going to spend their actions on expand economy which wastes The Law bonus, as it can't be applied there thus effectively costing us an action equivalent anyway. Changing right now just makes more sense as you can pick the most appropriate policy. Also keeping it on mega project support runs the risk of baby boom going away, and we should try to keep that.
That's why we are doing New Settlement, it gives us econ slots and allows the provinces to boost our economy up to much healthier levels whilst not using up all our econ slots and destroying a baby boom.

Econ actions would save our gradually falling economy, boosting it right back up, and due to WHR we would be near cap on Martial ready to fight off the Nomads Son when he returns and the Hath when they make their move
As an aside - where do I find the rules that are the basis of all the rules-based arguments?
I would recommend against reading the entire thread in one sitting. My brain is still trying to reconstitute itself after being salt-dried from the "discussion" between updates.