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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Umi-san on May 30, 2017 at 7:21 PM, finished with 91 posts and 19 votes.
[x] [Main] Great Temple
[x] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[x] [CA] Xohyssiri
[X] [Clan] Roll back, institute geographic administration within Valleyhome (Possibility of stability loss)
[x] [Secondary] Enforce Justicex2
[x] [Clan] Roll back, institute occupational administration within Valleyhome (Possibility of stability loss)
[x] [Secondary] Enforce Law
[x] [Secondary] Grand Sacrifice
[X] [Secondary] Build Vineyard
[X] [CA] Metal Workers
[X] Attempt to capture the errant warriors and then make amends with the Highlanders (-5 Diplomacy, probable war with Highlanders)
[x] [Clan] Roll back, institute occupational administration within Valleyhome
[X] [Clan] Keep things the way they are (Cements Hereditary Nobility)
[X] [Secondary] Art Patronage