[X] [Main] Great Temple
[X] [Secondary] Expand Holy Sites
[X] [Secondary] Expand Holy Sites x2
Listen guys, you are all forgetting one very important fact - our provinces aren't stupid. They're aware of the Mysticism costs and will themselves take action to ensure it stays up. With Megaproject Support, they will do Study Start and Expand Holy Sites not only to ensure the costs of the Library are paid for, but to ensure we don't run out of Mysticism while doing it while taking into account Love of Wisdom as well.
Megaproject support means they help finish the project, not do other things.

Let us build a buffer before trying the megaproject please?
Our current stability is a massive problem. We absolutely need to fix that immediately.
Also, we've literally taken a single Study Forests this entire game despite it being a major part of our peoples' lives. Let's fix that now that we have a ridiculous Study boost.
[X] [Main] Grand Sacrifice
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Law
[X] [Secondary] Study Forests
This city pretty much forces us to start expanding in order to feed it's voracious appetite. We're already starting to run low on Expand Econ slots, so we're going to need new provinces to keep up.
@Academia Nut A few questions.

Will the Silver/Alabaster mines demand more coal production?

Will our provinces be aware of the passive mysticism cost and generate more mysticism every turn?

Will the Temple produce mysticism passively when it's finished?

Ouch...i was expecting True City to be somewhat bittersweet, but i'd expected a stronger bonus to go along with the tradeoffs... hopefully there's narrative boosts to "innovation and invention" and the like... @Academia Nut is the "when spending econ" a "once per turn" or "once per action" deal?
What kind of a bonus were you expecting. You realize that this literally means every single Econ action costs one less than it used to. EG. Exp Forests is free, etc.
Listen guys, you are all forgetting one very important fact - our provinces aren't stupid. They're aware of the Mysticism costs and will themselves take action to ensure it stays up. With Megaproject Support, they will do Study Start and Expand Holy Sites not only to ensure the costs of the Library are paid for, but to ensure we don't run out of Mysticism doing it while taking into account Love of Wisdom as well.

Even if this is the case, we cannot afford to have the provinces not take expand economy until we are out of the danger zone in terms of econ expansion slots. With Megaproject Support and our econ at a healthy level I don't know if they will. Staying on Balanced mitigates this risk, since it's likely to drop slots by at least 4.
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Now i'm imagining a bunch os shamans fouding schools of thougth because of Love of Wisdow... ceticism will be the first one... so much headaches, i love it.
[X] [Main] Expand Holy Sites
[X] [Secondary] Improve Annual Festival
[X] [Secondary] Improve Annual Festival x2

Stability and myth score are both important, since the provinces will generate economy or other actions; this ensures we have enough safety net.
Debilitating Belief
Weapons of the Gods
Metal and things that come from the heavens are cursed! While the People will use that which is already present or trade, metal mining and open study now costs Stability.
Needs updating - pretty sure we no longer have this.

As for the turn, I think boosting Art, Mysticism and Stability is probably the best move for now, to be followed up in future turns with building the Library and a Boats action.
We should also consider A Place To The Stars - it might generate Mysticism (though I'm hoping the Library might also do that.)

I honestly don't get the point of having a True City. It seems to be a lot more trouble than it's worth.

We can also just trust our provinces to increase Mysticism. Again, they're not stupid.
It depends - is a point of Econ worth multiple Econ slots? And if it's close, is a boost to innovation enough to swing it for you?

At worst, we can just let the Econ slots pool grow big enough to make it not a true city any more.

What kind of a bonus were you expecting. You realize that this literally means every single Econ action costs one less than it used to. EG. Exp Forests is free, etc.
It refunds a point to the expansion pool, not an actual Econ point.
I honestly don't get the point of having a True City. It seems to be a lot more trouble than it's worth.
I mean, it's literally giving us incredible vertical expansion atm. We can burn econ and get slots for each action. The city consumes an econ and replaces it with a slot. Paired with the fact that expand econ gives us 2 econ not one, this alone essentially gives us constant growth.

All of this ignores innovation benefits.

[X] [Main] Great Temple
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] New Trails x2
Why does everyone want New Trails to fix our Centralization problem? Our primary problem is weak lower management, not lack of communications. Enforce Law is perfect for that.

Also: [Main] New Settlements remain our best way of creating Mysticism, especially since it also feeds our city's econ cost.
[X][Main] Build Quarry/Silver Mine
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Law
[X] [Secondary] Study Stars

This brings centralization back up and overflows diplo to art and mysticism.

Changed my vote. Now completes old objectives and also inmproves stability as well as getting more mysticism. We have provinces found a new settlement or two alongside expanding forests and we have more buffer.
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[X] [Main] Expand Holy Sites
[X] [Secondary] Improve Annual Festival
[X] [Secondary] Improve Annual Festival x2

Changing to this since Diplomacy is going to overflow next turn, which is going to hit ART. Since this will max Art, this will then overflow to Mysticism. All while providing +1 stability!
[X] [Main] Expand Holy Sites
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] New Trails x2

Switching my vote to this to give provinces more freedom and to offset that mysticism cost
Build Quarry/Silver Mine - There is a location where alabaster and lead and silver can be found in Northshore, building there would surely be of benefit to the People's art
*S: [] Silver Mine, -2 Econ, +2 Diplo, +1 Art
*S: [] Alabaster Quarry, -2 Econ, +2 Art, +1 Diplo
*M: -3 Econ, +3 Art, +3 Diplo, both materials

The quarry will overflow both diplomacy and art, which will give a passive +2 spillover to mysticism.