-Trading Post - Metal Workers. This is mostly useful if we wanted to assimilate the Metal Workers later, since I have NO IDEA how we'd even connect a periphery state that far away enough to integrate.
I am assuming the answer your question is either we make better boats or make a bridge mega project.
Curiosity here: How close are we to unlocking a Great Wall project of some kind after recent events?
Isn't that what dams are essentially a large wall that disrupts the flow of water?
They would be able to defend further expansion into the hills, since the new March would be in the Northeast.
That just sounds like they're in the triangle area to me. It also doesn't make a difference, really, because new expansion into the hills is like to come from Redhill, and would involve being on the southern side of the hills at first. Or at least that was my opinion based on looking at the old map w/ terrain details.

@Academia Nut Where exactly would the new March be? Can we do write-in's for Colony locations?
I am assuming the answer your question is either we make better boats or make a bridge mega project.

Isn't that what dams are essentially a large wall that disrupts the flow of water?
I'm pretty sure he means a defensive wall with watchtowers spanning our civilization. I'm sure it would be worth the cost especially with added aquaducts. Glorious centralization, and integrated communication network. So much synergy.
North and east of Stonepen, providing further protection from that direction.

And no, you may not write-in a colony location as it is entirely possible that your write in will be a non-viable location for one reason or another.
Hmm...definitely this site is to head off the Thunder Speakers and Thunder Horse attacking from the North AND opens up a route for the March to claim the old Spirit Talker pad eventually?

Plus the considerable benefit of two Marches next to each other who agree that Yes Nomads Spank who can split Nomad attention.
Basically as I outlined above, wait until the March is fully fortified to the gills completely settled, then integrate them and crap out a new March to repeat the Steppe-walk.
Yeah basically. I mean, it was as I outline in a completely different convo but yes.
But before all that, please leave Defense on long enough to actually finish Walling everything up so we can do all these things without spending bullshit amounts of actions and economy building defenses after they get reamed. Again.
We're not on Defense so... tbh I'd rather switch to Expansion and expand in Southshore, the iron mine, and put forests in ST, and it seems other people agree.

Hmm...dam might help, but I suspect it's Iron + Building enough walls.
I'd prefer to do the Dam before building the wall, irregardless.

*zombie moan* DammmmM!!!!! DAAAAAAAAAMMM!!!! *gnawing noises*
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We're not on Defense so... tbh I'd rather switch to Expansion and expand in Southshore, the iron mine, and put forests in ST, and it seems other people agree.
Urgh. Dragging out the fortified city even longer by increasing the number of sites that must be covered. I can see what AN means by the necessary voting discipline being nearly impossible.
Urgh. Dragging out the fortified city even longer by increasing the number of sites that must be covered. I can see what AN means by the necessary voting discipline being nearly impossible.
That assumes all cities must be walled. If so, yes. It might also result in a new province, however.
What do you think happened last turn then? Based on the statsheet, it lines up with an All In War Mission. Everything War Mission.
You'd have to show me that. What I see is:
[x][Main] Study Iron Smelting (-1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Stability)
[x][Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads
[x][Secondary] Proclaim Glory (-2 Art, +1 Legitimacy)

Provinces Expand Econ x4

Thunder Horse [Main] War Mission - Northern Nomads x2
I remember @veekie saying something about Iron. Dunno about that, but my guess would be moar metals.

Basically, we might get Chalcopyrite.
Tailings are pretty much sulfuric acid, they'd eat into pretty much everything we have and leach out the minerals. The tailings pits can be reprocessed for small quantities of iron and other mineral sulfates. And cyanides. And you get the idea.

Nothing pleasant to find if you are trying to push back the curse.
You'd have to show me that. What I see is:
Something snapped within them. As one the People called out that the king must keep fighting, must offer up as much support as was in his power to do so. Young men begged to be allowed to go north to fight or even just repair the pillaged farms, and while many were turned away, a sense of something greater buoyed the People, driving them onward. A great rope that stretched from lowliest half-exile to the king drew taut and vibrated like a bowstring ready to fire.
The bolded here is nearly exactly the same phrasing as when we triggered Symphony on Salterns
Policy Switched to Offence

Once more chariot archers swept out from the hills, and this time when they joined up with the depleted but reinforced warriors of the Stallions they had murder on their minds. To them this was no longer simply repulsing raids or even war, but the excising of a canker from a blighted tree. And for the nomads, clearly thinking that the People were on the back foot and nearing depletion of will and warriors, they were caught completely off guard by this sudden surge of resistance, and an entire tribe camped out by Stallionpen to keep the People within trapped had the majority of their male population put to the mace. Still though the Stallions suffered, their warriors milled down once more to almost nothing.
We switched policy and then performed War Missions. A LOT of War Missions, which means our provinces took action. We sent every single dude who could get there.

We've spent 0 Econ so the Offense Policy did not build any chariots. The Stallion Tribes spent a Main War Mission worth of Martial.
Therefore we had all our provinces take a war mission, and triggered Symphony.
The bolded here is nearly exactly the same phrasing as when we triggered Symphony on Salterns

We switched policy and then performed War Missions. A LOT of War Missions, which means our provinces took action. We sent every single dude who could get there.

We've spent 0 Econ so the Offense Policy did not build any chariots. The Stallion Tribes spent a Main War Mission worth of Martial.
Therefore we had all our provinces take a war mission, and triggered Symphony.
There wasn't even a TURN there... You're claiming that a turn and midturn action were skipped solely on the basis of fluff?

Edit: Also, want to do your march plan as soon as iron is done and legitimacy maxed again.
There wasn't even a TURN there... You're claiming that a turn and midturn action were skipped solely on the basis of fluff?
Fluff which destroyed an entire Nomad tribe, in a manner which looks EXACTLY like the original Double Kicked Double Main War Mission against a single raiding tribe, yes. It looks VERY much like we rolled well on the Mid Turn reaction roll so instead of just getting a free Secondary War Mission like normal, our population rose up and brought their own. All of them.
Fluff which destroyed an entire Nomad tribe, in a manner which looks EXACTLY like the original Double Kicked Double Main War Mission against a single raiding tribe, yes. It looks VERY much like we rolled well on the Mid Turn reaction roll so instead of just getting a free Secondary War Mission like normal, our population rose up and brought their own. All of them.
It's possible, but highly speculative. That all could also have been fluff on the midturn choice.