umm, by my count settlement and chariots are tied

Vote Tally : Paths of Civilization | Page 1427 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.9.0
Task: Main
[24][Main] More Carrion Eaters
[19][main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[17][Main] Expand Forests
[2][Main] Integrate March
[2][Main] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[1][Main] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff
[1][Main] Study Forests
[1][Main] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes

Task: Secondary
[26][Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[25][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[25][Secondary] Build Chariots
[17][Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[15][Secondary] Proclaim glory
[10][Secondary] Change Policy - Balanced
[6][Secondary] Study Forests
[3][Secondary] Study Metal
[2][Secondary] Survey Lands
[1][Secondary] Study Tailings
[1][Secondary] Expand Warriors
[1][Secondary] More Carrion Eaters
[1][Secondary] Policy change-Expansion
[1][Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff x2
[1][Secondary] Art Patronage
Total No. of Voters: 68

I'll redo mine. One moment.

This is the raw. No indication where you are getting that chariot from. How have you chopped it up and consolidated?

Vote Tally : Paths of Civilization | Page 1427 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.9.0
Task: Main
[24][Main] More Carrion Eaters
[19][main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[17][Main] Expand Forests
[2][Main] Integrate March
[2][Main] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[1][Main] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff
[1][Main] Study Forests
[1][Main] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Secondary
[26][Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[25][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[24][Secondary] Build Chariots
[17][Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[15][Secondary] Proclaim glory
[10][Secondary] Change Policy - Balanced
[6][Secondary] Study Forests
[3][Secondary] Study Metal
[2][Secondary] Survey Lands
[1][Secondary] New Settlement-Bleeding Cliff
[1][Secondary] Study Tailings
[1][Secondary] Expand Warriors
[1][Secondary] More Carrion Eaters
[1][Secondary] Policy change-Expansion
[1][Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff x2
[1][Secondary] Art Patronage
Total No. of Voters: 68
[X][Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes

[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[X][Secondary] Build Chariots

Tactical voting time!
@Academia Nut , will foresting Stallions give econ to them?
I'm assuming people assume one of the settlement locations the provinces will do with expansion enabled is Bleeding Cliffs? I'd rather INSURE it gets settled.
Ah, that my friend is the sound of a successful exterminatus.
... no it isn't. Exterminatus is when we push the button that says "multiple main action War actions, kicked" and unleash sectupled (or more) war actions upon the enemy. Where its as much a mass migration as it is a invasion. Possibly ending up with us defacto expanding our territory

That was just the elimination of a small fringe of the nomads.

And I kind of want to push that button, to firmly establish for our expansionistic neighboring Thunder Horse empire that the People are not to be fucked with. Grabbing a bunch of clay up north could also choke the nomads by dint of seizing control of all the water supply

The downside, of course being that such a major invasion would weaken our defenses if the Thunder Horses/Speakers aren't intimidated and instead decide to use the opportunity to shank us.

Speaking of which, could you imagine someone conquering the People only to be presented next year with hundreds of clay tablets explaining what everyone did that year, beauracratic reccomendations of what they should do next year, and questions about what is commanded to be done
I'm assuming people assume one of the settlement locations the provinces will do with expansion enabled is Bleeding Cliffs? I'd rather INSURE it gets settled.
Solid thinking. The reason some folks are confident about just expansion is because we have four province actions and only three places to expand in (Southshore, Redhills, Bleeding Cliffs)

In Expansion there are three actions: Expand Economy, Expand Forest, New Settlement. Assuming we only do one New Settlement and the other actions are not then that means we have ~33% that it will be Bleeding Cliffs.
If we do two New Settlements that means ~66% chance for Bleeding Cliffs.
Three is 100% percent chance and the last action can be otherwise.

Fusing into a main means basically the same thing. It does not affect the math much.

All of these are modified by Weapons of the Gods negatively, but countered by the indicated narrative that the chiefs do not really follow the belief except for the Spirit Chief and that the people are reaching for a "We need this power to live. We will take it." kind of mentality. Probably a slight debuff.

Personally though I follow your thoughts.

I think... we don't have the Iron Tech yet? Better we get it before we open up a mine.

Tho we seem to have lost Iron Smelting?
4 requirements:

-Get Better at Smelting through Study. We did this, why it disappeared. Got converted to 'Early iron bloomeries'
-Find ore source. Done. One in Bleeding Cliffs.
-Settle Ore source. Gonna happen this vote.
-Open Iron Mine. Settling has to happen before the option even opens. Happening next turn.
Last edited:
I think... we don't have the Iron Tech yet? Better we get it before we open up a mine.

Tho we seem to have lost Iron Smelting?
We have early iron bloomeries, so yeah we just need a site to build a mine. Which settling Bleeding Cliffs gives.

My concern is while it's a pretty good assumption that setting policy to expansion will have the provinces auto-settle the area, It's not guaranteed, so I want to make sure it happens this turn.
[X][Main] Expand Forests
[X][Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X][Secondary] Support Subordinate
We have early iron bloomeries, so yeah we just need a site to build a mine. Which settling Bleeding Cliffs gives.

My concern is while it's a pretty good assumption that setting policy to expansion will have the provinces auto-settle the area, It's not guaranteed, so I want to make sure it happens this turn.
Well the current vote is looking like:

Main Carrion Eaters. If the Expand Forests don't fuse because of differences in focus.
Secondary Change Policy Expansion.
Secondary New Settlement Bleeding Cliffs.

By a hair. So, hope?
[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Secondary] Build Chariots

Let's not double up on expansion?
[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Secondary] Build Chariots

Let's not double up on expansion?
We need to because our Provinces are set to Stupid Mode right now.

Doing what you are voting for will have them going off to get eaten by Nomads in the steppe, bringing more hungry Nomads to us. If the Nomads are actually backing completely off for a few generations I want that to continue by not bugging them.
Well fuck, chariots and change policy is tied. I'd rather change from Offense than insure settling bleeding cliffs.
[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[X] [Secondary] Build Chariots

Edit:Oh right, I already voted for the policy change, so this has no effect on the tie. FUCK!
[X][Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[X][Secondary] Build Chariots

Tactical voting.
We need to because our Provinces are set to Stupid Mode right now.

Doing what you are voting for will have them going off to get eaten by Nomads in the steppe, bringing more hungry Nomads to us. If the Nomads are actually backing completely off for a few generations I want that to continue by not bugging them.

They think of themselves as the frontline of the People, not really as a separate group.

Yes, the provinces can in fact launch their own subdue/humiliate missions right now
Uh, will they, if they can afford to raise martial instead?

If they have the resources to expand Martial they will do that first, yes.

Well, if they have enough econ, they won't be stupid. They'd expand troops.
[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[X][Secondary]Survey Lands

Changing vote again because we need to drop chariots unless and until new settlement can drop to 3rd, and survey has no chance in hell of happening.
Vote Tally : Paths of Civilization | Page 1427 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.9.0
Task: Main
[25][Main] More Carrion Eaters
[20][main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[17][Main] Expand Forests
[4][Main] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[2][Main] Integrate March
[1][Main] Study Forests

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Secondary
[27][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[27][Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[26][Secondary] Build Chariots
[17][Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[14][Secondary] Proclaim glory
[10][Secondary] Change Policy - Balanced
[6][Secondary] Study Forests
[4][Secondary] Survey Lands
[3][Secondary] Study Metal
[1][Secondary] Study Tailings
[1][Secondary] Expand Warriors
[1][Secondary] More Carrion Eaters
[1][Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff x2
[1][Secondary] Art Patronage
Total No. of Voters: 70

I have a certain image in mind right now. It involves Elrond.

God damn do I love this thread while hating it with a burning agony.
[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests

Actually, I don't care for a Secondary Chariot. Should be main or none, so... removed.
Why not go for change policy-expansion? We NEED to get off offense policy.
If we do not set the policy to something, anything else our idiotic provinces will chase down nomads through the steppe!

Well... as I posted, if our provinces have enough to expand troops, they won't chase the nomads.
Someone calc that?
I'd change it if proven that they won't have enough stuff to expand troops/