[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
Adhoc vote count started by Motoko on May 17, 2017 at 7:33 AM, finished with 36007 posts and 71 votes.
[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
There we go.
Well... as I posted, if our provinces have enough to expand troops, they won't chase the nomads.
Someone calc that?
I'd change it if proven that they won't have enough stuff to expand troops/
War Missions are free resource wise. They can always do them. Even if they expand troops. And with the Rage Against the Steppe legacy we have constant Causus Beli against Nomads.

All it takes is one war mission and we've fucked ourselves when we didn't need to.

In your vote we spend -2 Econ putting us at 2. Provinces can only do Secondary Build Chariots one time. Any of the other three actions can be a War Mission and will almost certainly be becasue we will be at 6 Martial. They are not inclined to Expand Econ.

I just woke up haven't had time to read the arguments oh god what should I vote for D:
This is a safe vote.

[] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion

A little weird looking but hey shit be weird.
...where did AN say that? Offense's priority is WAR MISSIONS supported by raising troops.

We need to because our Provinces are set to Stupid Mode right now.

Doing what you are voting for will have them going off to get eaten by Nomads in the steppe, bringing more hungry Nomads to us. If the Nomads are actually backing completely off for a few generations I want that to continue by not bugging them.

They think of themselves as the frontline of the People, not really as a separate group.

Yes, the provinces can in fact launch their own subdue/humiliate missions right now
Uh, will they, if they can afford to raise martial instead?

If they have the resources to expand Martial they will do that first, yes.

Well, if they have enough econ, they won't be stupid. They'd expand troops.
Refer hence.
aaaand back to my original vote

[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
I'm not trying to convince you.
I'm trying to get you to convince me.
Mainly, I want the econ because we need to GS before/while doing the Iron Mine since that is a certain Stab hit to do it, and going negative stability-even briefly-while trying to overturn our superstition is...likely to not be fun.
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Mainly, I want the econ because we need to GS before/while doing the Iron Mine since that is a certain Stab hit to do it, and going negative stability-even briefly) while trying to overturn our superstition is...likely to not be fun.

To quote a great movie in the name of exaggeration

[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests

Still don't feel like doubling up tho...

But S Expand forest is so gonna loose. Why all the Main votes and none S?
BTW, will it merge, and end up with Main Forest now?
[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests

Still don't feel like doubling up tho...

But S Expand forest is so gonna loose. Why all the Main votes and none S?
BTW, will it merge, and end up with Main Forest now?
No on the merging.

Not doubling up is fine, though.
[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Balanced
[X] [Secondary] Build Chariots
Only way to stop Nomads is to conquer the whole of the Stepps. And we would need a dedicated militarised and mounted segment of our society for the kind of warfare that would entail (ie Cossacks) And we would need a very strong and well established aristocracy (margravates, grand dukes, beylerbeys) or a tradition of militarised small landholders (ala ottoman sipahi/sanjaks or Spanish hidalgos/Austrian free knights ) to hold and protect such an immense expanse of land. So we should work on ending communism and establishing private property already.
That's new to me, therefore
:Citation Needed:
Only reason I think that is that Expand Forests is general. That sounds like it applies to the whole Polity.

Expand Forest Stallion Tribes is specifically the Tribes, with no effort given to the wider Ymaryn. Logic on this makes me think they should not be fusing. But I do not know so ask AN.
The whole reason why we want to absorb the Stallion Tribe is because of value drift and the threat of secession. But now, I am kinda meh on that one.

We got a new honor code that isn't based on kin loyalty, and as long we don't ignore the Stallion Tribe and make sure that it is amply supported, we should have no problem with them staying around until it's time to establish a new March.

We need to build trails, though.
Only way to stop Nomads is to conquer the whole of the Stepps. And we would need a dedicated militarised and mounted segment of our society for the kind of warfare that would entail (ie Cossacks) And we would need a very strong and well established aristocracy (margravates, grand dukes, beylerbeys) or a tradition of militarised small landholders (ala ottoman sipahi/sanjaks or Spanish hidalgos/Austrian free knights ) to hold and protect such an immense expanse of land. So we should work on ending communism and establishing private property already.

Can't be done without gunpowder. It would be a massive waste of resources.
Only way to stop Nomads is to conquer the whole of the Stepps. And we would need a dedicated militarised and mounted segment of our society for the kind of warfare that would entail (ie Cossacks) And we would need a very strong and well established aristocracy (margravates, grand dukes, beylerbeys) or a tradition of militarised small landholders (ala ottoman sipahi/sanjaks or Spanish hidalgos/Austrian free knights ) to hold and protect such an immense expanse of land. So we should work on ending communism and establishing private property already.
I point you to Russia.

The only country to conquer Asia from Steppe to Steppe.

And they were communist.