Nope I do not like this. Do not like the silence.

[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

This is fine. Would rather have more chariots but, eh.
I understand people way want certain things. I would like people to at the very least consider Main Forests, Secondary Glory.

1. We do not personally need to rebuild our army. Offense policy enables spending to boost martial (we can expect between 2 and 4 additional martial if they choose not to war action into the savannah).
2. Forests specifically make it harder for nomads to fight us, and we haven't expanded them in a while. They feel neglected and unloved.
3. Glory is critical. We really want max legitimacy, if only so in the near future stability 3 is possible, if not aimed for.

Uh, will they, if they can afford to raise martial instead?
Forests take time to grow, time we don't necessarily have if they were just pulling a fast one on us.
*coughs loudly*

[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
Proclaim Glory is a bad idea right now.

Legitimacy 2 is enough- it needs to be raised once our stability starts nearing it, but we're not going to get positive stability for 2-3 more turns so it can wait until then. Trying to raise it back to 3 would bring us to Art 0, which is extremely dangerous when we're also planning on doing a bunch of ironworking- something which we've designated to our artisans.

We're gonna damage our stability again to get the iron mine up and running, and so we'll have Restore Order available then. That can only get us to Stability 1, so Legitimacy 2 is fine.
Remember narrative>/=stats right now trust in the king is dented and the only reason the nobles has not been capitalizing on that is because of the nomads we need to ensure that people have full trust and respect for the king

[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
Could we maybe do military building manually, and swap to policy expansion? I don't want to burn martial on the steppe.

I mean, I'm 80/20 on them actually having left...

Ninjad by an.
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Proclaim Glory is a bad idea right now.

Legitimacy 2 is enough- it needs to be raised once our stability starts nearing it, but we're not going to get positive stability for 2-3 more turns so it can wait until then. Trying to raise it back to 3 would bring us to Art 0, which is extremely dangerous when we're also planning on doing a bunch of ironworking- something which we've designated to our artisans.

We're gonna damage our stability again to get the iron mine up and running, and so we'll have Restore Order available then. That can only get us to Stability 1, so Legitimacy 2 is fine.
False. Our Diplomacy is overflowing and gives us a point in Art for every turn it is so. With a Secondary Proclaim Glory, we will be at Art 1 at the end of the turn, with another point on the way thanks to Saltern.

[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

Stallion are bloodied right now and need help to recover, let's send them some soldiers.
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
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Remember narrative>/=stats right now trust in the king is dented and the only reason the nobles has not been capitalizing on that is because of the nomads we need to ensure that people have full trust and respect for the king

[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

To add to that: "King sends everything to help subordinates in trouble" is a great narrative for Proclaim Glory.
Because you had 3 (+1) Econ and used 2, leaving them with none that they could safely use?
...But i thought we only spent 1 econ?

Diplomacy 14 (max, overflowing) [+1 Art]
Economy 4
Martial 6

Stability 0 (neutral)
Legitimacy 2 (dented)

Centralization 3
Hierarchy 6

Art 2
Mysticism 2
Prestige 9

Periphery States (1/2)
Very few changes.
Econ 7->4 and +1 Periphery States as expected, but martial went from 8 to 6, instead of 8 to 5, so we gained a martial back somewhere...
Lord's Loyalty
The ties between the People bind tight, and while this increases the obligations of the superior, it also makes the subordinate more likely to listen.
Pros: +1 Subordinate States, subordinate states less likely to break away
Cons: Minimum force commitment in defence of subordinates and allies increased one step, worse consequences for failure to assist

+2 Centralization Tolerance
+1 Hierarchy Tolerance
Rush Builders: Extended projects cost more per turn but complete faster
Rage Against the Steppes - Always have a casus belli with Subdue Tribe or Humiliate War Goal against steppe nomads
Only other change in the civ sheet is the honour code and legacy. Otherwise, "primitive iron bloomeries" became "early iron bloomeries" at some point before this update but after i checked last, so thats probably just a delayed update for the study metal last turn.
Expand Economy - Encourage the growth of food producing activities such as farming, pastures, or fishing, depending on where focus is placed
* +1 Econ, potential additional effects
* 12 uses remain before requiring new territory
16 -> 12, as expected.
Found Colony - When a province gets too distant, sometimes it is best to grant it additional autonomy so that they can get down to the business of working the land and gathering resources without needing to talk to the king about every little thing. Current Target: West of Black River
*M: -4 Econ, -2 Martial, founds colony to produce raw resources

Found March - Sometimes you need an extra buffer between you and hostile powers, or a place to stash excess warriors. Current Target: North-East
*M: -5 Martial, -2 Econ, founds march to take independent martial actions

Found Trading Post - When doing long distance trading, sometimes having your own infrastructure in place at the other end can be quite useful. Current Target: Greenshore River Mouth (Metal Workers)
*M: -5 Diplo, -2 Econ, -2 Martial, founds trading post to generate Diplomacy
Can make periphery states on purpose now; Trading Post looks like the "always max out diplo and art" option, combined with saltern :p
Study Metal - Iron and copper, gold and silver, what other secrets are hidden in metal and stone?
* S: -1 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Stability, improved chance of new insights
Study Metal is back to normal
Study Tailings - A few generations of copper mining has built up a number of tailings pits, might there be any new insights within?
*S: -1 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Stability, improved chance of new insights
Hmm...i dont know enough about mining to guess what we might learn here other than "how toxic are tailings" and "how do we deal with tailings in the long run", both of which are important...

Support Subordinate - Send resources over to a subordinate state to help prop them up.
*S: Transfer 1 Econ and Martial
*M: Transfer 2 Econ and Martial
And AN just added this after my question, we should do at least one...though i wonder...AN, can our provinces do this, with offense focus? and would they e likely to?
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

We need the forests up. The Stallions are almost exhausted of resources and could use breathing room. And we need to continue iron path.
Could we maybe do military building manually, and swap to policy expansion? I don't want to burn martial on the steppe.

I mean, I'm 80/20 on them actually having left...
A deliberate swap would cost us the action we kind of need. I'm fine with leaving it on offense so we can rebuild our martial score (especially since our martial score due to professionalism is effectively half when calculating how much we lose).
Shouldn't we do [Main] more boats to help the marches? main forest will take several turns to grow and impact the nomad raids.
Which is why this is the best time to do so.

The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now.

[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

Stallion are bloodied right now and need help to recover, let's send them some soldiers.
They are very likely to take Chariots themselves, thus raising their own Martial
Seeing as arguments have gone circular and repetitive, everyone's dug in already.

Okay, now for the analysis
Diplomacy 12 [+1] (+1)->14 (max, overflowing) [+1 Art]

So it turns out Diplomacy overflows into Art as well.
What happens if both Art and Economy are maxed out?

Economy 3(+1) -> 7

Lost 1 to Iron, gained 4 from Provinces.

Martial 10->8

We lost 2 Martial on a Secondary War Mission. Elite troops make war missions extremely costly when failed, but we knew that.
Main War missions will hurt like a bitch. Though thats true on both sides. Nomads have unlimited manpower.

Stability 1->0 (neutral)
Legitimacy 1->2 (dented)

So far so good. We're going to need to raise Stability before starting on mines I guess. Or wait for the war to finish first.

Art 4->2

We got the overflow from Diplomacy, and then we spent it on Proclaim Glory. Normal enough.

Mysticism 4->2

Spent it all on Iron. Definitely worth it, but we need more Mysticism.

The north burns, the surviving People huddled into the settlements with walls, barely scraping by with fish and grain imported via boat, their warriors dead and chariots smashed or captured. Everything not safely protected by stone walls has been burned or carried off, depending on how valuable and transportable they are. The warriors sent north from the south have fared somewhat better, but even with their backup they have been unable to push back the tide of chariot warriors.
Noting that based on the stats, this only refers to the Stallion Tribes. It hadn't reached Northshore or Stonepen yet or we'd be seeing Economy damage.

Based on what little we know about the Stallion Tribes, they just lost most of their Economy and Martial, probably down to 1-2, since fortunately, they have fishing based economy source too.

On the bright side, due to our Elitism trait, the Stallion Tribes can convert 2 Economy into 4 Martial in one Main action, bringing them immediately on par with our core polity again.

The War Chief had expected that even if the ravages of the nomad raids continued the tribes would have grown sated and used their wealth and prestige to go conquer other tribes further out. Unfortunately, it seemed that a single chieftain had managed to unify a vast number of tribes and had decided that the existence of the Stallion Tribes was a threat to him... which they honestly probably were, although that was probably because they stood between him and the even greater wealth of the northern coast and the People there. There was also some consideration that he might consider the sea trade between the People and the Metal Workers to be an obstacle to controlling the metal trade between them and thus by destroying the coastal settlements it would make such trade all the harder for the People, putting wealth into the hands of his people.

And here, the Nomad wargoals:
-Destroy the Stallion Tribes.
-Destroy the sea trade routes.

It seems he doesn't even give much of a damn about the loot he can get.


Meanwhile, in the south, the artisans devoted considerable effort to getting the process of extracting star metal from ore into a form that they could actually use. The first kilns they made worked but only produced very small quantities of the metal and were prone to cracking from the heat. It took effort to refine the process enough to get kilns that were large, durable and could get hot enough, but they fortunately still had the artisans who had worked on the original problem with Dormthun around and major backing from the king to get the process up and running.
And onto happier things. We've discovered the first problem with refractory materials, they insulated well and endure great heat, but due to this very same thing they would crack because heat doesn't propagate through them easily, causing the front to expand more quickly than the back.

The modern solution was to elevate them with supports rather than use a single piece construction. Other methods include using spaced tiles, which will expand to fill the gap piecemeal instead of shattering(though this leads to loss of heat as a result as the seal is imperfect.

Unfortunately, the very open sponsorship of the study at a time of crisis did not sit well with many, who took the devastation of the north to be further proof that the gods disapproved of the People attempting to wield their weapons, although the new king ran a major campaign to spread the official story on the project and star metal and thus was able to at least restore the confidence of the People that the nobility wasn't possessed by demons, even if there was perhaps a sense that they were just fundamentally stupid in more than a few places.
Well...not entirely wrong :p

But metal work REALLY seems to have a meta jinx on it. Send a trade mission to acquire the secrets and only a Hero averted a botch. Scribe the Star Axe and bring war to a wartorn land. The Axe shows up again and the Spirit Talkers die. Open a mine and a plague we can't stop strikes. Study iron and the Nomads form a Nomad Voltron and begin to kick us.

Fortunately the Thunder Speakers chose not to attack while the People were weak, probably because they were called by their overlords to assist in subduing the Swamp Folk to the south alongside the Xohyssiri. From what traders said the Thunder Speakers were the ones to gain the most from it, carrying off slaves, wives, and loot in large numbers while the Xohyssiri mostly muddled about trying to reclaim some of their lost territory and the Thunder Horse king caught some sort of nasty disease in the swamps, died and left a succession crisis among his sons. So while the Thunder Horse were probably going to ready to go for another round soon, and they might also get dragged into a nasty civil war.
Thunder Horse King gets the Star Axe, finally unites his people and then dies of disease.

Cursed I say!

So situation:
-Thunder Horse - Succession crisis. Hopefully civil war.
-Thunder Speakers - Prosperity, now that they ditched the axe.
-Xohyssiri - Got some land back.

As for the Highlanders, whatever spat they had internally seemed to have been sorted out quickly enough and they were back to attempting to draw more of the lowlands into their circle, with rumours of skirmishes with the Hathatyn cities to their west. Despite the lineage of Magwyna no longer holding the kingship, they might still come to the aid of the People against the Thunder Speakers or Thunder Horse out of political convenience, but were definitely of no potential help against the tribes rampaging through the People's northern territories.
Oh good, the Highlanders stopped murdering each other(again) and went looking for someone else to murder(again).
2. Forests specifically make it harder for nomads to fight us, and we haven't expanded them in a while. They feel neglected and unloved.
*laughs* Yeah, do you know what really feels neglected and unloved?
Study Forests - The holy site within the sacred forest is the repository of lore on the forests and the things within them, but could the shamans learn more? 1 Use
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success