I called grabbing a cultural trait at least. I'm glad we don't have to go maximum warmachine at least.

We also might want to change our policy.
@Academia Nut is War Mission an eligible province action now? Or if we leave the policy on offense, will it only do military build-up?
I wonder what the nomad negaverse is thinking about now. Our people are filled with fevor and pride let's use that to get stuff done.
can we trap the area leading from the steppes to our lands?

edit: actually we still need to pay them back right? eye for an eye and all that
I called grabbing a cultural trait at least. I'm glad we don't have to go maximum warmachine at least.

We also might want to change our policy.

It'd be tempting to switch to Expansion so the provinces can establish new settlements and EXPAND FORESTS. On the other hand our military is badly mauled right now. I want to take expand carrion eaters myself.
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Study Tailings

We're still on Offense mode, so our province actions can build armies for us at present. We can afford to clean up the remains of other other issues in the interim.
I have no idea what happened, but happen it did.
Also, Offensive Policy? Not terribly useful, but I do not think we have to switch from it.
What do we need now? Restoration of Legitimacy, Iron Weaponry. Otherwise...don't know.

[X] [Main] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Survey Lands

That's why we make a new march after integrating this one

Nope. That would give us even more steppe land to defend.

@Academia Nut , will Offensive policy still apply if nomads return?
Hahaha! We've developed a real sense of Noblesse Oblige, that is awesome! Now let's focus on expanding the focus so that something like this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN!

I also really wonder how the Stallions are going to change, because they just lost a bunch of their warriors, and it's likely that their women will need to step into a lot of roles to fill the gaps.

[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Study Tailings
[x][main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[x][secondary] Proclaim Glory
[x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

Generally the same path as @Powerofmind, but opening up the iron mine rather than hoping secondary Tailings' "tiny chance" pays off.
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I believe the Nomads' collective response this turn was something along the lines of, "Holy shit, the tree-sitters went on the warpath. They never do that!"
[X] [Main] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Secondary] Expand Warriors
[X] [Secondary] Study Metal

I don't really know how stats work, but I think it's a good idea to start a new settlement in the north while the nomads are gone. It also helps offset Econ costs from expanding our military.
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New Honour Code Slot Opened Up!
New Honour Code Developed!

Lord's Loyalty
The ties between the People bind tight, and while this increases the obligations of the superior, it also makes the subordinate more likely to listen.
Pros: +1 Subordinate States, subordinate states less likely to break away
Cons: Minimum force commitment in defence of subordinates and allies increased one step, worse consequences for failure to assist
This is great - this is exactly the sort of value that we want to encourage. Right now it's mechanically just sub states playing nicer, but it's going to bind our people together even closer.

[x] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[x] [Secondary] Study Metal
[x] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
Hahaha! We've developed a real sense of Noblesse Oblige, that is awesome! Now let's focus on expanding the focus so that something like this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN!

I also really wonder how the Stallions are going to change, because they just lost a bunch of their warriors, and it's likely that their women will need to step into a lot of roles to fill the gaps.

[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Study Tailings

We are going to get Iron as soon as we get a settlement on the mine: either by settling Bleeding Cliffs or by surveying Red Hills.
Imagine nomad faces when they see an army with star axes.