Except we know that the standard King is Good at everything, if not exceptional.
All Average, actually. It was the stallion tribes guy that was all Goods

You gotta X those in to vote!
You saw nothing.... he said, as he sends this post without actually responding to this at first....god i'm tired D=
Also, i just realized...Heroes usually spawn due to interesting rolls...So was Yehlmyn spawned off his mother's heroic crit? because that makes heroic crits even better than i thought!
[X] Send an envoy to request the Thunder Speakers rein in youths (-2 Diplomacy,chance of TS king actually complying,small chance of triggering war)
[X] Support son (Chance of -1 Legitimacy, heir becomes Yehlmyn [Mediocre Martial, Good Diplomacy, Heroic Admin])
[X] Send an envoy to request the Thunder Speakers rein in youths (-2 Diplomacy, chance of TS king actually complying, small chance of triggering war)
[X] Remain quiet (Next king is probably standard)
[X] Send an envoy to request the Thunder Speakers rein in youths (-2 Diplomacy, chance of TS king actually complying, small chance of triggering war)

Don't feel like arguing today.​
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on May 13, 2017 at 8:42 PM, finished with 124 posts and 43 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on May 13, 2017 at 8:48 PM, finished with 136 posts and 46 votes.
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That's pretty hypocritical since we turned down 3 heroic leaders from the March due to politics and persevering our government type yet yell meritocracy when it'll undermine our government and isn't the best choice to lead us into war.
They wanted to fuck up a mega project and make the monarchy more hereditary for certain, not just make it a slim possibility like this guy is.

Totally different circumstances.

Also I didn't vote in those ones, so you can't call me hypocritical.
@Academia Nut do we know if primitive indexing would have improved the centralization or hierarchy tolerance, or do we have to get to yellow to see that?

Seems like it would do both.

Also considering that there is still the issue with the March & the fact that Redhills still lacks trails for quick response & easy travel I would like to suggest a double New Trails in hope to integrate the March further & allow the chance for a tech upgrade for New Trails

In that case:

[Main] New Trail
[Secondary] Switch policy - Defense
[Secondary] Proclaim Glory (if necessary)

Should help with March getting down here for a defensive war.

And my votes.

[X] Send an envoy to request the Thunder Speakers rein in youths (-2 Diplomacy, chance of TS king actually complying, small chance of triggering war)
[X] Support son (Chance of -1 Legitimacy, heir becomes Yehlmyn [Mediocre Martial, Good Diplomacy, Heroic Admin])
So, yeah, people do realize 'chance' has been shown to be around 50/50 right?

And that losing our legitimacy means our stability cap is dropped

And that our stability cap being dropped means our stability should drop, which ends green stability.

Sigh, the shortsightedness of it all makes me sad.
Basically the issue is that he is such a good candidate that even going "I'm recusing myself to avoid bias" makes everyone go "Huh, must be something wrong with him we haven't seen, there is literally no reason other than him being her son not to vote for him".
He was perhaps not quite as charming, but given that Magwyna had her suspicions that at least a few of her 'children' from her wives had come from her son it was perhaps best for all that he had not inherited all of her charms, lest every babe in Valleyhome be born with his eyes.
You know, screwing your parent's wife is normally frowned upon...particularly when you have a go at more than one of them.

It isn't nepotism. It just looks like nepotism. The son is legitimately the best candidate available. If Maggie wanted solidify her family's rule, she could have done it last turn when she had a much better opportunity.

Once he comes to power, the people will realise how much better he is than the other candidates. Plus I don't want to make the same mistake we made with Gwygowtha's son. :(
Contested facts:
-The appearance of nepotism is what matters historically. Whether it actually IS nepotism, future chiefs would be able to cite precedent when pushing for their own children in that "Look, Magwyna did it too", which would also undermine the message sent to the Stallion Tribes.
-While normally he would be an excellent candidate, with potential war on the line, he is...not very excellent. It may well be ideal with Attrikwyn's son to get elected s a Martial Good(probably?) king instead.
On further reflection, since this is more about the perception of nepotism than actual nepotism, I have downgraded the cost from being definitely -1 Legitimacy to only a chance for -1 Legitimacy. Should probably beef this post up to over a hundred words so that it triggers an alert for people and they can thus see this, and since it is early enough in it shouldn't make too much of a mess of the votes. Just need a few dozen more words at this point, or wait, is it a hundred or a hundred fifty? Should ramble on a bit for a few more sentences to make sure that an alert is triggered. Hum dee hum dee hum. Was there anything I wanted to suggest otherwise? Going through mental notes says nothing at this moment in time, but I'm sure there's stuff I could share with people... well, hitting one fifty now, so that's good.

Anyway, slight modification to vote, you may wish to go back and edit or vote again.
No change warranted on my part
Well veekie AN just downgraded the thing to a chance for a legitimacy drop. Thoughts were made apparently.
Yes. The problem is perception of nepotism to begin with. It doesn't matter whether it is. It matters what it looks like.
And the guy DID bang more than one of his stepmothers...
Hang on a second. Does a standard king have good or average stats? Those are different things entirely by the scale AN uses and I was under the impression the standard king was just average all around.

Mediocre is just under average, so the gap between mediocre and average isn't much, but the gap between mediocre and good is quite significant. The difference between 'average king' and 'good king' is huge, so I'd like to be very clear as to which we'd actually get with the standard stat layout.
The standard kings tend to have average stats, not good stats.
[X] Send an envoy to request the Thunder Speakers rein in youths (-2 Diplomacy, chance of TS king actually complying, small chance of triggering war)
[X] Support son (Chance of -1 Legitimacy, heir becomes Yehlmyn [Mediocre Martial, Good Diplomacy, Heroic Admin])
Good Diplo + diplo activity means there's a better chance of this actually happening, so that's good.
Even better, mum's still alive so heroic diplomacy's being used (at least partially)

You have to have an election after the death of a king, but if you find a better candidate or the old one does something stupid you can hold a new election at most once a year to change the heir.
Hold on, does this mean that we don't have the whole apprentice thing we used to? I thought it took like a decade after the election before you were actually the new king since you needed a ton of training.

BTW, here's the source for the standard kings:
[x] Send an envoy to request the Thunder Speakers rein in youths (-2 Diplomacy, chance of TS king actually complying, small chance of triggering war)
[x] Support son (-1 Legitimacy, heir becomes Yehlmyn [Mediocre Martial, Good Diplomacy, Heroic Admin])
So, yeah, people do realize 'chance' has been shown to be around 50/50 right?

And that losing our legitimacy means our stability cap is dropped

And that our stability cap being dropped means our stability should drop, which ends green stability.

Sigh, the shortsightedness of it all makes me sad.
There are not only 2 possible outcomes, so the chance here is not a flat 50/50. The TH king could ignore us completely without declaring war.
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[X] Send an envoy to request the Thunder Speakers rein in youths (-2 Diplomacy, chance of TS king actually complying, small chance of triggering war)
[X] Remain quiet (Next king is probably standard)
Even better, mum's still alive so heroic diplomacy's being used (at least partially)

Hold on, does this mean that we don't have the whole apprentice thing we used to? I thought it took like a decade after the election before you were actually the new king since you needed a ton of training.

OK. It's a bit confusing. I misunderstood it too.

When a king die, the current heir becomes king. Which means you have no heir, so you need to do an election immediately.
So we got Stability 3 from an Admin crit, which also gave us another Admin tech and a Heroic Admin character. ...Okay!

The new Admin tech! Which gives us another way to catch corruption by lower level chiefs. However, this is also a tech that boosts the effective value of our Mysticism, allowing the shamans to separate knowledge into categories and specialization.

It was something Attrikwyn was mulling over all the way home, in that even if the 'marriages' were essentially a polite fiction and abuse of the People's traditions for the benefit of mollifying outsiders, there was something distasteful about the whole affair. He would speak with his own wives as to their thoughts...
Hoo boy, this is ominous. We know his culture has the Ancestral Honor trait, that emphasizes familial ties. Is this a potential fracture point where the People's ideas of sex and disregard of blood lineages clash with the Stallion Tribe's honor value of blood ancestors?

It got so bad that not only did the traders say that the Swamp Folk to the far south had broken away, no longer offering tribute or any sort of political support, but eventually it came up that the priest-king in charge of their great city had decided to simply play the same game the Thunder Speakers had and requested vassalization from the same king in the east
Ohh, shit. The Xohyssiri lost their Blackbird equivalents, which isn't worth quite so much since they're not likely to raid us and makes their raids against our rivals less effective. The losses also strengthens the Highlanders' relative position, since they can more easily acquire territory from the Xohyssiri with less fear from retaliation. However, the most worrying development is that there is one absolutely predominant power in the lowlands. The only consolation is the Thunder Horse are probably going to degenerate into infighting and look away from the lowlands within a turn or so. Even that has a dark lining, as then the Highlanders would be able to conquer the lowlands with impunity, since both the Thunder Speakers and Xohyssiri would be preoccupied supporting their king's ambitions to the east.

So for the actions taken this turn... We did a [Main] Grand Sacrifice, spending 3 Econ for 1 Stability and a reset of tax evasion penalties. However, on a worrying note, there was only 1 [Sec] action done this turn for the northern provinces, all the others spent on Valleyhome or the new southern provinces. We also haven't tried to further integrate the March or further fortify our new provinces with Expand Forests.

For the options:
[] Attack Thunder Speakers to stop border raids (Declares war with goal of stopping attacks, Highlanders will join, likely brings in Thunder Horse and Xohyssiri)

Attacking means getting embroiled in a two front war -- the northern steppes front, which will hit the March only with likely all three nomad-descended polities, with no allies; and the southern lowlands front, where we're joined by the HIghlanders, but also likely attacked by the Xohyssiri too. Furthermore, attacking will trigger everyone else's retaliation traits, which we know the Xohyssiri has, so they'll attack us even after we're satisfied and so trigger Protective Justice again. In any case, with the concern brought up last time about offending the March by making a decision that'll offend the nomads, this is obviously not a choice to be taken.

[] Send an envoy to request the Thunder Speakers rein in youths (-2 Diplomacy, chance of TS king actually complying, small chance of triggering war)

We have Diplo to spare, and Magwyna has Heroic Diplomacy. The worry here is the known inability of the TS king to control his lowest level warriors, and Magwyna's Poor Martial. We won't crit fail, but factors work against us succeeding, here. Also, if we fail, makes Magwyna and the southerners look weak to the March. That it's the southern Redhills being raided might be a mitigating factor, though...

[] Ignore the issue (-1 Prestige, large chance of loss of stability)

Ignores the whole thing. We have both a buffer of Prestige and Stabilty to lose. The real negative is the narrative effect of our prominent female king ignoring the martial concerns of the people.

[] Support son (Chance of -1 Legitimacy, heir becomes Yehlmyn [Mediocre Martial, Good Diplomacy, Heroic Admin])

Possible loss of Legitimacy, which only Proclaim Glory gives, and subsequent loss of Stability. Furthermore, if war occurs, his Mediocre Martial works against us. There is also the possibility that the main turn actions will be taken away from us, so our pet projects won't be advanced.

[] Remain quiet (Next king is probably standard)

Gives us back full control, while retaining Yehlmyn's Heroic Admin in a lesser capacity, since he'll be the 2nd most powerful actor in the Clerk Chief's area of influence (as Magwyna was 3rd most powerful as heir, after the king and the relevant adviser chief).

[X] Send an envoy to request the Thunder Speakers rein in youths (-2 Diplomacy, chance of TS king actually complying, small chance of triggering war)
[X] Remain quiet (Next king is probably standard)

We need to switch to Defense Policy, and work on integrating the March.
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He's not Heroic though, and we have a trait that lessens the possibility of getting heroic characters, thus the opportunity to gain two Heroic character leaders in a row is, from a purely logical and gaming standpoint, too good to pass up.
The fact that we want a meritocracy and he's the best for the job also makes it the best choice from a story standpoint.
He is Heroic, he is really good at one thing and the rest of his stats had been lowered.

It is very good to pass up if his stats don't address the problems we are facing
Turning down the ACTUAL best candidate hurts our meritocracy more than the possibility it looks like nepotism. Look at AN's posts guys, he's the best candidate for the job. Plus Legitimacy is fairly easy to get back, a secondary Proclaim Glory only costs 2 Art, which we are full of anyway.
Except he isn't the best canditate simply heroic in Administration. We have possible conflict next turn, having someone good at war would be much better.
A standard king is average...saying they exceptional is just exaggerating the benefits of your side of the discussion.

Also, our king having mediocre martial is easily compensated by the war chief (citing our current king as my example.)
I never said they would be exceptional only that they would be good.

@Academia Nut We really need something cleared out

What are the stats of the average King in relation to this scale you mentioned?
I'm being a bit loosey-goosey, but it's something like non-existant->awful->poor->mediocre->average->above average->good->exceptional->heroic

What is the rating of our War Chief?

What is the difference between a War Chief with high Martial and a King with high Martial?
There are not 2 possible outcomes, so the chance here is not a flat 50/50. The TH king could ignore us completely without declaring war.
Wasn't talking about that vote?

That vote also has a small chance of the war.

Also, even if it's 'only' a 1/3 chance, that's disturbingly possible when it comes with re-enforcing nepotism.

Like, this isn't even hereditary leadership, it's just nepotism we're talking about here.

He also still puts his admin stats to use by being an adviser, so there is no reason he needs to be king here really.
[X] Send an envoy to request the Thunder Speakers rein in youths (-2 Diplomacy, chance of TS king actually complying, small chance of triggering war)

[X] Remain quiet (Next king is probably standard)
[X] Send an envoy to request the Thunder Speakers rein in youths (-2 Diplomacy, chance of TS king actually complying, small chance of triggering war)
[X] Remain quiet (Next king is probably standard)