@Academia Nut , if we elect her as a chief and New Trails wins, will New Trails be constructed under her control?

To an extent, I am just letting you know where the political fault lines are, so that if something bad were to happen then it would not come as a surprise where provinces might go in a hypothetical civil war.

Well, yes, thanks, I understand that we are not there yet, but it can be a start of problems if we do not take the time to consolidate. And making yet another province is not going to help.
I mean, it is a suspiciosuly specific 'tooootally hypothetical civil war scenario nothing to worry about' denial, but I never liked Young Stallions so I am biased.
It is somewhat biased towards two turns.
Awesome! Hmm...on that note, how does the life expectancy of our kings compare to our neighbors? I know our overall life expectancy is way better, especially from reducing infant and childhood mortality down to like RL 17th century levels before the whooping cough showed up, but how does our "if you make it to age 20 you'll make it to X" life expectancy compare? And does their more lopsided system make their elites live comparably or even longer on average to ours, like with our warriors being shorter?
And that kids is why we shouldn't rely on cultural manipulations to bring the North in line but give them tangible proof of our intentions and the fact they're a valued part of our nation.

And also why it's mouth breathing idiocy to invite so many immigrants into our country when we still need to get our house in order.
And that kids is why we shouldn't rely on cultural manipulations to bring the North in line but give them tangible proof of our intentions and the fact they're a valued part of our nation.

And also why it's mouth breathing idiocy to invite so many immigrants into our country when we still need to get our house in order.
I only breath through my mouth because my allergies come at me around this time of year, sir.
I mean, if Stability 3 is a Golden Age (which is possible), then Sacrifice is a better choice, but, honestly, infrastructural projects just seem more like her kind of thing.

But 'Keep Stability 3 for at least a turn without it falling = Golden Age' makes a lot of sense to me. Especially since this quest is partially inspired by Civ, where Golden Ages are generated by the Happiness.
Mid-thirties, so she would have one to two turns.
...How old was Twythulmyn when we elected him? He had 2-3, and a generation is ~20 turns, so we must have elected him at ~20 years old? Wow.
Yes, most definitely.
Oh holy cow. I was not expecting that. I thought we had a relatively long training period for our new kings so they wouldn't affect anything until they were actually king, not just heir.
[X] Omegahugger
Suddenly my reservations about the -4.5 option are all gone since we'll have a heroic level ordering of the admin rolls and guarantee the sacrifice before the immigrants.
This means we won't be able to get the Dam in all likelihood and immediate expansion is almost a requirement, but the massive benefits are easily worth it.

Next turn: {M} Restore Order {S} Enforce Law {S} Policy: Expansion.
Since these use admin rolls, we're very likely to get +3 Stability putting us right back at a safe level.
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if we elect her as a chief and New Trails wins, will New Trails be constructed under her control?

Yes, if she were elected heir she would be involved in government during all of these decisions and processes and would always be at least the third most powerful person in any given context.

Awesome! Hmm...on that note, how does the life expectancy of our kings compare to our neighbors? I know our overall life expectancy is way better, especially from reducing infant and childhood mortality down to like RL 17th century levels before the whooping cough showed up, but how does our "if you make it to age 20 you'll make it to X" life expectancy compare? And does their more lopsided system make their elites live comparably or even longer on average to ours, like with our warriors being shorter?

Life expectancy after twenty is an additional thirty years, although its actually more like after twenty five there is an additional forty. Most of your upper level leaders have a life expectancy of 70 +/- 5 years.

Average life expectancy after twenty in comparison to your neighbours tends to be five to ten years longer. More militarized groups will have the life expectancy of their leadership castes be depressed by the expectation of being able to fight causing high losses outside of peak fighting years between 25 and 40, while the Xohyssiri have comparable leadership lifespans to you.

How old was Twythulmyn when we elected him? He had 2-3, and a generation is ~20 turns, so we must have elected him at ~20 years old? Wow.

Twythulmyn was mid to late thirties and died relatively early in his third turn in his late seventies/early eighties.

How good is our record keeping? How likely is it for future real life people to be made into spirits/gods like Crow and Gwygoytha?

Guaranteed at this point that heroes will eventually become legends and then gods.
Hmm. Given our propensity to elevate our well-regarded kings of the past into divinity, and our ancestor worship as well as the fact our not!shintoism has a lot of room for spirits/gods to coexist- if we could eventually set up a system where we actively enshrine a good ruler as becoming a god/spirit in death. Or tie specific spiritual significance to the seat of King.

It seems like it would fit with the whole emphasis our religion has in following the teachings of Crow and learning from parables.

Considering we're sitting on buckets full of mysticism and shintoism seems like a fairly resilient and potentially tolerant religion from what I understand at least-trying to run a mega project to codify and make it into an organized religion might be ideal in the near future.
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[X] Omegahugger

Edit: Seriously, this IS the golden age you are looking for. We can double Grand Sac next turn to bring stab back up on the strength of our econ.
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Yes, if she were elected heir she would be involved in government during all of these decisions and processes and would always be at least the third most powerful person in any given context.
Huh... I would have expected fourth, in case of things like "major construction project in Valleyhome", with the chain of command going:
(King-Level) Construction/Artisan/??? High Chief
Valleyhome Provincial/High Chief
Valleyhome's Construction/Artisan/??? Chief

Life expectancy after twenty is an additional thirty years, although its actually more like after twenty five there is an additional forty. Most of your upper level leaders have a life expectancy of 70 +/- 5 years.

Average life expectancy after twenty in comparison to your neighbours tends to be five to ten years longer. More militarized groups will have the life expectancy of their leadership castes be depressed by the expectation of being able to fight causing high losses outside of peak fighting years between 25 and 40, while the Xohyssiri have comparable leadership lifespans to you.

Thanks for all the quick answers, by the way, I love how much worldbuilding you do :)
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
Yes, if she were elected heir she would be involved in government during all of these decisions and processes and would always be at least the third most powerful person in any given context.

You know what we really need? Heroic-level roads. Especially right after we've discovered how to Stone Good.

[X] Random Construction tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

We need some damn good roads and she can give them to us.

[Next] [Main] New Trails
[Next] [Secondary] New Trails
[Next] [Secondary] New Trails x2

Now hear me out. It will push our Centralisation to the limit, yes, but Heroic leader is the best time to do so, especially one noted as being really damn good at administration, diplomacy and stoneworking. If anyone can sort out why in hell roads make our Centralisation go so high and deal with it in an efficient manner, it's her.
Ascending to our pantheon as The Roadmaker would be cool as hell for her.
[X] Random Construction tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
Also, consider that in Omegahugger's plan a single GG proc would give you Stab 2.5. Yes, gaining stab.
Even without the proc, we'll be at Stab 0.5.

In exchange for 11-15 econ, True City, an almost certain tech advance from the refugees, and what can undeniably be described as a golden age? Yes please.