That is not an option we have. I'm fine if you would like to. We can't. It's a natural progression at this stage (we agree on that much) and we have no concepts to even express it as a problem IC. Our broadscale options will NEVER eliminate it, because we can't make IC people actually focus on it.

All we can do is limit and reduce it. And that's not our only priority.

I agree in general but disagree as to the degree it can be mitigated. Let's see the options before arguing though.
@pblur, DocMatoi isn't talking about eliminating sexism entirely, because it's impossible. He's saying what you're saying - that it should be limited and reduced as much as possible.
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
Choose the next heir

[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])

Choose a midturn project
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)

Refugee policy
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Grand Sacrifice offsets Magwyna as the heir, and she is probably the best leader available right now.

And while I would love for us to have a true city, right now as we are fighting a disease is not a good idea. Unless somehow cramming all these people together makes people's immune systems better able to resist this sickness? I don't think that will happen though since from the symptoms described I am pretty sure its Whooping Cough, which is the result of a bacterial infection and needs pretty hardcore antibiotics to treat. Which don't exist yet, as in we don't have the tools or the knowledge to get the tools and knowledge to get the tools and knowledge we need, repeated several more times.
Oh, I cost us the tax reform? You fail to recall that we had little choice to raise stability prior as we were in the middle of yet another nomad war, and we went from 1 to -2 due to taking the opportunity vote for a tax reform up to 11, entirely against most reasonable risk assessments, which warned that it wouldn't go over well. But of course, how could you know, because you just posted [X] veekie and ignored the thread till the next update. In addition, until we had Greater Good, the only functional mechanic to raise stability was restore harmony (as people were too terrified to use festivals), which was only effective as a main and we had already lost the action prior to the tax reform coming up, and even then it sent people into a terrified tizzy because it first applied -1 stability.

What you fail to realize is that it wasn't my rhetoric that prevented stability from going to 3, it was the opportunity cost of raising stability at all that prevented it from going to 3 on it's own.

As to my speculations, the mood of the people doesn't specifically indicate how it affects us mechanically. Emboldened, yeah, sounds great, but then somebody does something retarded because they feel safe enough that if it goes wrong nothing really bad will happen, and causes a mess. I never speculated that the narrative wouldn't appear to be puppies and sunshine, I speculated that mechanically, we would see fewer advancements at a time that we couldn't even deliberately perform study actions. Given that we can do dedicated study now, I would say high stability has some other hidden negative tied to it, possibly in relation to Observance's frankly horrendous Con effect, which would logically be enhanced by higher stability at the time, or related to the 'people feel protected enough that retarded decisions seem better' speculative I presented above. are aware that I was against the tax reform in the first place, right?

And your rhetoric had a lot to do with people being unwilling to raise stability even before the previous crisis and the nomad war happened.

Hell, even now, you are so convinced in your own infallability, that you are trying to convince everyone, yourself included, that high stability is a bad thing.

Are you truly this unable to admit a mistake?

And frankly, your attitude of being the only intelligent person being caught in a thread with a bunch of idiots is grating and tiring.
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To make my own stance clear:

There is nothing wrong with voting for Attrikwyn. His stats are damn impressive, and while he's wrong about Magwyna's accomplishments being insignificant, he's up in the north where they aren't happening. He's also probably coming from a culture where women are far less outspoken, so it's not shocking he sees her charm as 'seductive'- chances are her behavior is beyond the pale by Stallion Tribe standards. And, let's face it, while we know that the current health crisis has nothing to do with metal, most people believe 'helped open mine= helped create plague'.

So Magwyna isn't going to be a popular choice anyway, and the Stallion Tribes are likely going to feel snubbed over having an undeniably great and exceedingly competent candidate for High Chief be overlooked to put a southerner who's under a cloud of suspicion for starting a plague in office. It looks a lot to them like southerners won't elect a Stallion Tribe chief to become high chief no matter how bad the alternative is, just because he's Stallion Tribe.

Yeah, if we're gonna do this, we better be ready to placate the Stallion Tribes in some other way this turn or the next. It isn't a crisis yet, and I honestly think they would be more likely to split off than begin a civil war, but by their lights we've shown a lot of disrespect and this is another bitter pill.

That said, I really want another big female exemplar, and heroic in Admin and Diplomacy is hard to turn down. I'm going for the bait. But I do discourage the idea that Attrikwyn is some kind of barbaric misogynist just because he's Stallion Tribe and dislikes Magwyna.

Agreed. The appearance of disenfranchisement is a serious problem. (Of course, it's partially ACTUAL disenfranchisement; some people in this thread of made it clear they would never support a Stallion king.)

Also, another point to all the 'civil war and stomp them into an example' crowd; we're electing a king with bad Martial. It's VERY not the time to go to war with our most heavily martial province.
Agreed. The appearance of disenfranchisement is a serious problem. (Of course, it's partially ACTUAL disenfranchisement; some people in this thread of made it clear they would never support a Stallion king.)

Also, another point to all the 'civil war and stomp them into an example' crowd; we're electing a king with bad Martial. It's VERY not the time to go to war with our most heavily martial province.
...could you please point out a post where someone would suggest declaring a war on our own province.

Not that it even were possible, mechanically.
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
Choose the next heir

[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])

Choose a midturn project
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)

Refugee policy
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Grand Sacrifice offsets Magwyna as the heir, and she is probably the best leader available right now.

And while I would love for us to have a true city, right now as we are fighting a disease is not a good idea. Unless somehow cramming all these people together makes people's immune systems better able to resist this sickness? I don't think that will happen though since from the symptoms described I am pretty sure its Whooping Cough, which is the result of a bacterial infection and needs pretty hardcore antibiotics to treat. Which don't exist yet, as in we don't have the tools or the knowledge to get the tools and knowledge to get the tools and knowledge we need, repeated several more times.
The problem I have with this vote is that Grand Sacrifice doesn't solve our biggest problem. We're shaping up to a crisis with the March within 3-4 turns. Snubbing yet another legit King candidate (admittedly in favor of a better one, but they don't know that) is just going to accelerate it.

I'd recommend Roads. The faster we start prepping for that crisis, the fewer turns we'll have to eat penalties from it.
The problem I have with this vote is that Grand Sacrifice doesn't solve our biggest problem. We're shaping up to a crisis with the March within 3-4 turns. Snubbing yet another legit King candidate (admittedly in favor of a better one, but they don't know that) is just going to accelerate it.

I'd recommend Roads. The faster we start prepping for that crisis, the fewer turns we'll have to eat penalties from it.

High stabilty shows the general satisfaction of our people in the rule of the new queen, and will make it impossible to undermine her rule easily.
This said, I am all for building trails next turn.
Last edited: are aware that I was against the tax reform in the first place, right?

And your rhetoric had a lot to do with people being unwilling to raise stability even before the previous crisis and the nomad war happened.

Hell, even now, you are so convinced in your own infallability, that you are trying to convince everyone, yourself included, that high stability is a bad thing.

Are you truly this unable to admit a mistake?

And frankly, your attitude of being the only intelligent person being caught in a thread with a bunch of idiots is grating and tiring.
So hang on. You bitch that it's my fault that the tax reform went so poorly, and then when I explain how it wasn't my damn fault, you turn around and say 'well I didn't want it in the first place'?

My rhetoric was nothing! Basically anyone who wanted to main restore harmony had to go through a wall of people arguing against it because there were other priorities for main actions! My argument was drowned in action economy arguments!

I am convinced that high stability is not all good - primarily because that's what AN actually said on the matter - and I work to remind people of that. I have never said it's a bad thing, I've only said that it's not purely good. I will not admit any mistake, because I'm not the one being misunderstood here. If you don't like my attitude, stop arguing with me from the position of misunderstanding my god damn points.
For the purposes of resolving this crisis narratively, it's not clear Grand Sacrifice does much that's useful. Meanwhile, actually making sure the March and our northern provinces benefit from the infrastructure we're building (through roads and aqueducts) and then Restoring Order to make the remaining hotheads sit down and shut up has obvious narrative utility. (Enforce Law might also work, if we bring our centralization down a bit first.)
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Agreed. The appearance of disenfranchisement is a serious problem. (Of course, it's partially ACTUAL disenfranchisement; some people in this thread of made it clear they would never support a Stallion king.)

Also, another point to all the 'civil war and stomp them into an example' crowd; we're electing a king with bad Martial. It's VERY not the time to go to war with our most heavily martial province.

If our diplo king can get the northern provinces on side we would still win by sheer dint of economic disparity. However under the circumstance I do not think it is worth it.
The problem I have with this vote is that Grand Sacrifice doesn't solve our biggest problem. We're shaping up to a crisis with the March within 3-4 turns. Snubbing yet another legit King candidate (admittedly in favor of a better one, but they don't know that) is just going to accelerate it.

I'd recommend Roads. The faster we start prepping for that crisis, the fewer turns we'll have to eat penalties from it.

If i am honest. I want that crisis a bit, even if that means we lose the march.*
That doesn´t mean that i don´t plan to build the road next turn.

At this point i don´t really care if the roads or the Grand Sacrifice win.
Both have different out comes as we need to take different actions next turn.
I really plan to deal with the March now and if we have to exile /kill quite a few of them.

Edit* just so we can bring out the big guns and make sure that the provinces get the note that they can´t just go try to become independet and if they try that they get hammered don´t by the rest of the nation.
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...could you please point out a post where someone would suggest declaring a war on our own province.

Not that it even were possible, mechanically.
That's not what I said. I said they were in favor of a civil war, not that they specifically wanted to declare it.

Most recently:
I think March was a mistake and we should purge them, possibly with the help of nomads. Fighting those was not as painful as dealing with March.
So hang on. You bitch that it's my fault that the tax reform went so poorly, and then when I explain how it wasn't my damn fault, you turn around and say 'well I didn't want it in the first place'?

My rhetoric was nothing! Basically anyone who wanted to main restore harmony had to go through a wall of people arguing against it because there were other priorities for main actions! My argument was drowned in action economy arguments!

I am convinced that high stability is not all good - primarily because that's what AN actually said on the matter - and I work to remind people of that. I have never said it's a bad thing, I've only said that it's not purely good. I will not admit any mistake, because I'm not the one being misunderstood here. If you don't like my attitude, stop arguing with me from the position of misunderstanding my god damn points.

Now, either you were, and I quote you, "one of perhaps two people" seeing the possible bad sides of high stability... and thus convincing the voters to not raise stabilty for turn after turn after turn...

Which led to a situation where we entered a major crisis at negative stability in the end, or you were one of the "wall of people arguing against it because there were other priorities".

Take your pick.
As I read it, your rhetoric was key to our low stability at this time.

And you keep trying to argue it. In my eyes, it nears a delusion.
If i am honest. I want that crisis a bit, even if that means we lose the march.*
That doesn´t mean that i don´t plan to build the road next turn.

At this point i don´t really care if the roads or the Grand Sacrifice win.
Both have different out comes as we need to take different actions next turn.
I really plan to deal with the March now and if we have to exile /kill quite a few of them.

Edit* just so we can bring out the big guns and make sure that the provinces get the note that they can´t just go try to become independet and if they try that they get hammered don´t by the rest of the nation.
So you want civil war? Are you mad! Nothing good can come from such an action all it will do is breed resentment among the people and wast valuable resources better spent elsewhere
I'm lost. What does this even mean?
*shrug* I was irritated and assumed that you had switched to new-but-related topics since you couldn't(?) argue directly against my replies.
Yes, so we got an up front Stability cost on a leader who has Heroic level roll on the most efficient Stability recovery action here.

You think the Stallions wouldn't have raised hell over ANY Hero being elected? Her gender is the excuse. They're pissy over having two Heroes rejected for Kingship in recent history
The root problem lies with the sexism in the Stallion Tribes, where remember, Crwiid had twelve wives and everyone carried on the tradition, where women were overwhelmingly from subjugated tribes and held no positions of importance.
It's possible he legitimately does not believe a woman could be useful like she does.
Stick to one, please.

And its' already been outlined how to prove the superstition false:
1) Wait for the disease to fade to normal levels.
2) Study Metal or Build Mine
3) Demonstrate the lack of disasters happening.
4) Repeat until Observance has been convinced.
This has nothing to do with Study Health, though. Study Metal solves the bad logic problem. Study Health would help us fight this rib-cracking cough, whether by developing a vaccine (unlikely) or simply developing: a habit of washing hands; face masks; cough syrup; idk enough about whooping cough to continue.

Why ARE people taking Study Health after explicit Word of AN that its not going to help?
As already stated, please consider as to what "immediate problems" might mean. Is a continuous, endemic disease really only an "immediate" problem?

Well, once you develop a warrior culture, to justify away the Stability losses of protracted war, you lock yourself into more wars so that you can win glory or win slaves.

Hmm, that's a fair point.
Actually, if we opened a new province next turn, we'd be able to do a Double Main New Trails with a Heroic Diplomat/Administrator the turn after.
She's noted to be Young, so we could potentially get 3 turns of her.

Hmm, I wonder....

For the CA proc... is it already calculated in?

So, Take in some, is chance fail, another roll fail, before we get a Stab lost?

Cosmopolitan Acceptance
the first Econ boost a turn only has a chance of causing a stability drop rather than a guaranteed drop

Shouldn't we try taking a bit more -Stab?
It's already calculated in because the first option is only a chance yet provides Econ.

-They have boats of similar quality, higher availability and were the source of the pirates from before when they suffered a social breakdown.
It's unknown whether they're actually of higher availability. Our boats and their boats just happened to meet, and it's quite possible that the pirates stole them in the strife, which would mean they have less boats at home.

Remember that each boat is likely owned by a family in their civilization, and "owned" by a family in ours.

So probably costs Stability and a bunch of Hard Stats in the process and/or requires making a political compromise at some point.

Sounds similar to the tax crisis in a way, where the compromise grows less extreme the more accomodations we have made.
Alright, that should be clear enough for everyone.
Seems that Main New Settlement + Main New Trails may be the best way to reduce the problem at present.
Maybe. It certainly looks like New Trails will do something, but is it worth it to bring stability down to 0 over the course of our new Hero's election? What will that do to her "other effects"? I think it's quite clear that we can wait on Trails but can't wait on strengthening her position so that our civ doesn't go "wow, elect a woman and society crumbles."

Please make a convincing plan that raises stability w/o depending on a further fall to -1.

No, not at all. I just look at the march, with its nepotism, nearly hereditary rulers and land ownership and basically slaves, and say that I do not want the People to go that way.
We have all of those except "basically slaves."

So uh, anyone taking care of informing the Grand Sacrifice voters of the New Trails being confirmed to be effective on bringing the Northern provinces in from their current stance? We just need 10 or so to change over, and we are not taking large refugee amounts, so we won't need it as badly. Worst case it only enables Restore Order(which is important since without the Baby Boom we can't afford to burn Economy like that anymore).
Worst case it doesn't enable Restore Order and leaves us at 0, still needing to burn Stability.
+, doing New Trails now means it will take significantly longer to do a Double Main New Trails, though I suppose that since our goal is connecting w/ the Stallion Tribes that doesn't matter.

Still means that we connect with these infamously patriarchal people during a time when our new King has brought our people down from their previously great height. Doing GS then Dam + New Trails or Province then Double New Trails just seems less risky, socially.
Not that it even were possible, mechanically.
Strangely enough people were actually trying to do that... Dragon Paradox championed that for a few turns from what I recall. Plans kept being suggested to enrage them and then take them over with the military.

Those plans got shot down and got lots of confusion of why that was a grand idea in the first place.
High stabilty shows the general satisfacvtion of our people in the rule of the new queen, and will make it impossible to undermine her rule easily.
This said, I am all for building trails next turn.
Somewhat true,it also means the society is more standardized socially. However a lower stability means changes to society are a bit easier. At this point, there are feelings that women need to be crazy levels of competent over a male candidate to fill the same roll... this seems to be trickling down from a good old boys culture in the March. There leadership candidates all have some poison pill side effect culturally.

0 to +1 stability is actually better for excising some arrogance, compared to +2. Also the matched trails efforts with the Stallions means they look like the ones stirring the septic tank. Partly as they are way fonder of hero units that the rest of The People.
1.) Entire turn at stability 3
This brings to mind a question I've had for a while, though I don't believe it's likely to come up in practice.

Enforce Law gains ~.5 stability, where Enforce Authority costs us the same amount. Does Enforce Law have a chance of gaining stability, or chance of losing stability followed by a one-point gain?

For things that require us to maintain max stability, or that trigger off a stability drop, the difference could matter.
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Worst case it doesn't enable Restore Order and leaves us at 0, still needing to burn Stability.
+, doing New Trails now means it will take significantly longer to do a Double Main New Trails, though I suppose that since our goal is connecting w/ the Stallion Tribes that doesn't matter.
IIRC, we found out last time that the max value was the max it could be used at. It was usable the entire last time we were at 0 Stab, and turned unusable at 1.
*shrug* I was irritated and assumed that you had switched to new-but-related topics since you couldn't(?) argue directly against my replies.
Nah, I was restating the same points in different ways. I find that helps people understand things if you approach things from different perspectives until it clicks.

Also, I couldn't figure out what 'lel' meant. It could have been 'lol' put the keys are so far apart that it seemed intentional. I do understand arguing when tired causing issues.
Strangely enough people were actually trying to do that... Dragon Paradox championed that for a few turns from what I recall. Plans kept being suggested to enrage them and then take them over with the military.

Those plans got shot down and got lots of confusion of why that was a grand idea in the first place.

Somewhat true,it also means the society is more standardized socially. However a lower stability means changes to society are a bit easier. At this point, there are feelings that women need to be crazy levels of competent over a male candidate to fill the same roll... this seems to be trickling down from a good old boys culture in the March. There leadership candidates all have some poison pill side effect culturally.

0 to +1 stability is actually better for excising some arrogance, compared to +2. Also the matched trails efforts with the Stallions means they look like the ones stirring the septic tank. Partly as they are way fonder of hero units that the rest of The People.

That could be the case, if not for the descriptions.
Stability 2 being "optimistic" and stability 3 being "emboldened" shows me that our people in this case have enough trust in the government and in the next day to try out something more advenurous, actually leading to innovation and social reforms.

On the other side low stabilty has led multiple times to "my family/my village first" and reactionary dealings.