1/2) These rumors only had to last a single trade trip. They've probably got something, but we'll most likely have more information soon. It could be something along the lines of improved forges- useful and interesting, but not game-changing like bronze.
2/3) They're friendly to us. We get the benefits from them as well unless they think they'll be able to take us out and gain a benefit from doing so.
4) Thank you for reinforcing my point. If we steal secrets from the metalworkers, we'll need to invest several actions into exploiting it just like last time. Since we probably won't because we have other things we want done...

We could just wait for an instability event and they will once again fall into our laps. :V
[X] Highland Kingdom
[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] Xohyssiri
Hmm. Not sure how we're going to spend our diplomacy.

I think it's possible that other people will come to us to negotiate peace.
Hmm. Not sure how we're going to spend our diplomacy.

I think it's possible that other people will come to us to negotiate peace.
We'd make a great Switzerland.

Or I am now imagining us as a bartender while the Yakuza and Mob meet:

"You will come in here and negotiate peace. Any funny business and ya'll be out on your ear and ma boyz here will teach you some new words for pain." The tall twenty something tattooed Welsh barlady glances around. Putting her smoke aside she pulls up a compound bow and some arrows.

She raises an eyebrow. "Are we clear?"

Everyone in the bar nods vigorously.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on May 6, 2017 at 7:37 PM, finished with 196 posts and 72 votes.
[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] Xohyssiri
Who are the Southern Hill Folk? The metal workers?
No, they were people who were raiding our southern shores. They DO produce wine and have a similar setting of a bunch of different competing groups, but are more akin to the Greeks than to, like, whatever a representative group of mountain living tribes is.

I support HK and Xo-ri above the other choices. Xo is more limited cus the priests definitely will die and that will harm our ability to contact their core city. HK is sort of more urgent but can be put off. TH is moderately important because they're old allies and the solidification of a monarchy system within them is an important development; but since they're old allies it's not urgent. MW is the least urgent; if the tech is true it's not going to disappear, and waiting a while will decrease its value to them.
Okay, so, it looks like Carrion Eaters & Xohyssiri will win. This is kind of a neutral end result imo; there doesn't appear to be much synergy between the two actions. But at least the priests are being returned to their homeland and the ability to gift them with salt will synergize internally. Aka, the Xohyssiri choice synergizes with the current time period rly well. And since the priests will be leaving it's important to do CE to get as much benefit now as possible. Plus, maybe they'll get extra training in the DP's city!!
Adhoc vote count started by Umi-san on May 6, 2017 at 7:39 PM, finished with 198 posts and 73 votes.
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...and now I know what happened:

Dead Priests:

...and then thex decided to do something against it.

...holy crap, even the "communist" bit fits

I am positively struck dumb by how incredibly accurate that likely is lined up against the DP. It even comes with a skull obsession!

[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] Xohyssiri

Carrion Eaters are nice. We cannot start the Garden without MAXIMUM SYNERGY starting the dam at the same time. Let's go to the wall of fucking skulls so we can recall just how much we aren't supposed to like the DP, in character.
1/2) These rumors only had to last a single trade trip. They've probably got something, but we'll most likely have more information soon. It could be something along the lines of improved forges- useful and interesting, but not game-changing like bronze.
2/3) They're friendly to us. We get the benefits from them as well unless they think they'll be able to take us out and gain a benefit from doing so.
4) Thank you for reinforcing my point. If we steal secrets from the metalworkers, we'll need to invest several actions into exploiting it just like last time. Since we probably won't because we have other things we want done...
1) Improved forges are just as important as the metal itself, and there isn't a discovery that isn't game changing at this point.
2) They sure as hell won't just hand us their tech because we asked, it'll likely take a trade of extreme value to get something that they worked so hard on.
3) No, it doesn't actually have to do with your point as what I was talking about is if we steal the entirety of the knowledge needed for what they discovered. Not a partial collection of information.
[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] Xohyssiri
I am positively struck dumb by how incredibly accurate that likely is lined up against the DP. It even comes with a skull obsession!

[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] Xohyssiri

Carrion Eaters are nice. We cannot start the Garden without MAXIMUM SYNERGY starting the dam at the same time. Let's go to the wall of fucking skulls so we can recall just how much we aren't supposed to like the DP, in character.
To be clear, barring interference from world events, your vote is will be something like:
[] [Main] The Dam
[] [Secondary] The Garden
[] [Secondary] The Gardenx2

Any kicks or...?
1) Improved forges are just as important as the metal itself, and there isn't a discovery that isn't game changing at this point.
I think improved forges for a material we haven't even dug out of the ground yet might qualify.

I know we have small quantities from trade, but until we have the mine running we won't be able to leverage proccessing advances very well.
Local Religions
Hey guys, I'm going to restart the voting because I realized that I made a few math mistakes, and after consideration, yes, you get +1 Stability for starting the Garden this turn. This probably won't shift things too much, but I figure a reset is in order.

However, I will give a few religious tidbits to bulk this threadmark out a bit.

Major Spirits of the People
Crow - A tripartite spirit, Crow is considered a composite being encompassing the Teacher, Trickster, and Devourer, with a unified form sometimes called Spider-Eyed Crow. A being of creation, knowledge, and taboo, Crow is considered among the most important of spirits but in no way rules over other spirits or the earth
Gwy and Goya - Hermaphroditic primordial spirits who mate with each other to give birth to all complex creatures and spirits. Gwy is typically seen of as the more masculine of the two, with Goya the more feminine, but both are attributed to impregnating the other and bearing their own children
Bytah - A daughter of Gwy and Goya, sometimes also conflated with Goya, and considered the progenitor of animals such as horses and deer
Gygowyn - The first human being and progenitor of the people. Often invoked as a bearer of fertility and a protector of women. Considered to have powers over all descendants, which is essentially everyone
Arxyn - An important ancestor/spirit, considered the first man and first king, who brought forth demons with foolishness and greed. Important for a form of negative invocation

Major Spirits of the Highlanders
Black Eagle - King of the gods, this anthropomorphic eagle is associated with both wise rulership and ill-omens, particularly solar eclipses, which are directly attributed to Black Eagle spreading his wings
Macra - A primordial giantess and demon, Macra was seized by Black Eagle as his wife, giving birth to the world. She is considered to sleep beneath the earth, her body giving shape to the hills
Holchim - A bull headed god of fields and pastures, considered the prince of gods who waters his fields with the blood of his father's enemies
Tosytox - Goddess of corruption and the summer sun, she is the matron of prostitutes and disease, and enjoys perverting and befouling things both physically and spiritually

Major Spirits of the Xohyssiri/Dead Priests
Thunderbird - A rainbow winged eagle who brings rain and destruction, Thunderbird shaped the world with the beating of his wings, bringing forth all things good and evil. He requires blood both so that he will not hunt on his own and thus bring ruinous weather with his flight, and to strengthen him when he battles more destructive demons and gods
Choxosyn - Head of a lion, body of a man, and legs of a bull, Choxosyn is the demon god of conquest who requires a steady supply of virgin maidens sent to him to keep him preoccupied with fulfilling his immediate lusts, so that he will not head out into the world to shake the ground with his passage or draw Thunderbird's ire. Enemy warriors can instead be sacrificed to him in order to gain his favour when on conquest
Tuultox - Serpentine goddess of disease and healing, her venoms can bring both death and life, depending upon her whims. Invoked by both prostitutes and pregnant mothers for protection, with the deaths of either considered to be her feast of blood
Teossoxyn - A demon who dwells within the north star, he is entirely random and destructive, and can only be satiated with the blood of loyal warriors, although not necessarily their deaths

Major Spirits of the Thunder Horse/Speakers
Thunder Horse - A cosmic horse that created the world when he ran across a featureless plain, the fall of his hooves explosively reshaping the land. Now mostly concerned with reshaping the sky, but invoked through certain rituals to share his virility and thus bring forth children and good harvests
Patir Torm - The current king of the gods, who gained the position by lashing the cosmic equine children of the Thunder Horse to pull the Sun Chariot and who reworked the sparks from Thunder Horse's hooves to create lightning bolts that he hurls to smite his enemies
Gasania - Mother goddess of the earth and deep places, noted for her jealousy for the attention of Patir Torm and rages when his attentions wander to other women. Considered the matron of good harvests, women in childbirth, and the deeps of the earth
Firlco - Peregrine messenger and deadly archer in his father's service, the only thing faster than Firlco are his arrows of sunlight and disease

Reminder, everyone will need to vote once more
[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] Xohyssiri
[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[X] Metal Workers
[X] Highland Kingdom
[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] Xohyssiri

Oh right, btw, the Xohyssiri can provide opium too.

The healers also told of a rare flower that the People might be able to trade with the Highlanders for that made dealing with painful sickness and injury. It came from somewhere in the south-west, but there were traders who occasionally wandered up from that direction who might be able to be contacted through intermediaries. The Xohyssiri had routes even further to the south that the People had never heard about that bypassed the Highlanders and the Southern Hill Folk, but one of those two would probably have to be a go between for the People if they were interested. A mission to the Highlanders might also be useful as the civil war had ended swiftly and decisively, with a new king rising to prominence and apparently beginning a project of consolidation and inscription of the law inspired by tales from the People.

Nvm, it's either the Highlanders or the Southern Hill Folk, I think.
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[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[X] Highland Kingdom
Last edited:
Hey guys, I'm going to restart the voting because I realized that I made a few math mistakes, and after consideration, yes, you get +1 Stability for starting the Garden this turn. This probably won't shift things too much, but I figure a reset is in order.

However, I will give a few religious tidbits to bulk this threadmark out a bit.

Major Spirits of the People
Crow - A tripartite spirit, Crow is considered a composite being encompassing the Teacher, Trickster, and Devourer, with a unified form sometimes called Spider-Eyed Crow. A being of creation, knowledge, and taboo, Crow is considered among the most important of spirits but in no way rules over other spirits or the earth
Gwy and Goya - Hermaphroditic primordial spirits who mate with each other to give birth to all complex creatures and spirits. Gwy is typically seen of as the more masculine of the two, with Goya the more feminine, but both are attributed to impregnating the other and bearing their own children
Bytah - A daughter of Gwy and Goya, sometimes also conflated with Goya, and considered the progenitor of animals such as horses and deer
Gygowyn - The first human being and progenitor of the people. Often invoked as a bearer of fertility and a protector of women. Considered to have powers over all descendants, which is essentially everyone
Arxyn - An important ancestor/spirit, considered the first man and first king, who brought forth demons with foolishness and greed. Important for a form of negative invocation

Major Spirits of the Highlanders
Black Eagle - King of the gods, this anthropomorphic eagle is associated with both wise rulership and ill-omens, particularly solar eclipses, which are directly attributed to Black Eagle spreading his wings
Macra - A primordial giantess and demon, Macra was seized by Black Eagle as his wife, giving birth to the world. She is considered to sleep beneath the earth, her body giving shape to the hills
Holchim - A bull headed god of fields and pastures, considered the prince of gods who waters his fields with the blood of his father's enemies
Tosytox - Goddess of corruption and the summer sun, she is the matron of prostitutes and disease, and enjoys perverting and befouling things both physically and spiritually

Major Spirits of the Xohyssiri/Dead Priests
Thunderbird - A rainbow winged eagle who brings rain and destruction, Thunderbird shaped the world with the beating of his wings, bringing forth all things good and evil. He requires blood both so that he will not hunt on his own and thus bring ruinous weather with his flight, and to strengthen him when he battles more destructive demons and gods
Choxosyn - Head of a lion, body of a man, and legs of a bull, Choxosyn is the demon god of conquest who requires a steady supply of virgin maidens sent to him to keep him preoccupied with fulfilling his immediate lusts, so that he will not head out into the world to shake the ground with his passage or draw Thunderbird's ire. Enemy warriors can instead be sacrificed to him in order to gain his favour when on conquest
Tuultox - Serpentine goddess of disease and healing, her venoms can bring both death and life, depending upon her whims. Invoked by both prostitutes and pregnant mothers for protection, with the deaths of either considered to be her feast of blood
Teossoxyn - A demon who dwells within the north star, he is entirely random and destructive, and can only be satiated with the blood of loyal warriors, although not necessarily their deaths

Major Spirits of the Thunder Horse/Speakers
Thunder Horse - A cosmic horse that created the world when he ran across a featureless plain, the fall of his hooves explosively reshaping the land. Now mostly concerned with reshaping the sky, but invoked through certain rituals to share his virility and thus bring forth children and good harvests
Patir Torm - The current king of the gods, who gained the position by lashing the cosmic equine children of the Thunder Horse to pull the Sun Chariot and who reworked the sparks from Thunder Horse's hooves to create lightning bolts that he hurls to smite his enemies
Gasania - Mother goddess of the earth and deep places, noted for her jealousy for the attention of Patir Torm and rages when his attentions wander to other women. Considered the matron of good harvests, women in childbirth, and the deeps of the earth
Firlco - Peregrine messenger and deadly archer in his father's service, the only thing faster than Firlco are his arrows of sunlight and disease

Reminder, everyone will need to vote once more
Starting the Gardens? What do you mean?