Mainly because the moment you collide two Force Walls together, you will tell various quantum degeneracy pressures to go fuck themselves and convert most of the mass-energy of anything trapped inside into an expanding plane of gamma radiation, or worse. Assuming this doesn't instabork the universe.
found our two hour nuke guys
The thing is, normally when you punch something "stationary", you can't move it because as you push harder, it pushes back on you equally hard. If Force Walls don't transmit that counter force to the seals or anything they're attached to, that force just goes poof. Meaning the entire system of [object, gauntlet, fist] must now be moving in the direction of your punch, at the speed of your punch.

If you punched someone's body fast enough, it would pass straight through as the soft tissue surrounding the area of impact just shears away effortlessly. (Note: normally when punching you want to put force behind it, by coordinating your muscle groups and pushing off of the ground. But that is not necessary here -- you would just want to throw your hand forward as fast as you can.)

Actually, on second thought, let's not do this even if it works. Mainly because the moment you collide two Force Walls together, you will tell various quantum degeneracy pressures to go fuck themselves and convert most of the mass-energy of anything trapped inside into an expanding plane of gamma radiation, or worse. Assuming this doesn't instabork the universe.
I don't *think* this insta kills the universe. Quantum tunneling is a thing, and we aren't making a three dimensional box be smaller.
Well I just finished catching up on the latest update. Damn that escalated fast. I look forward to seeing how the Toad Sage does as Hokage.

So Akatsuki has the Three and Nine Tails but has just put themselves on Hidden Leaf's "Kill with Extreme Prejudice" list. This promises to be interesting.

Unrelated but after being inspired by this amazing work of fiction I have started my own Rationalist Quest set in the Supernatural setting. https://forums.sufficientvelocity.c...hirlwind-a-rational-supernatural-quest.38278/ If anyone from this corner of the net is interested in participating in some capacity they would be very welcome.
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[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman

We've got a lot of traveling to do.
  • General policies:
    • Refer to Jiraiya as Hokage-sama unless he says otherwise.
    • Minami is our squad leader. We defer to her plans, but give well thought-out advice (i.e., the plan).
      • That being said, don't overburden her with too much information.
  • Some quick things for Hokage-sama before he goes to bed.
    • Do we have authorization to use Skywalkers for speed/stealth purposes?
    • Are we allowed to memorize the letters as a backup?
    • Ask permission to speak about the recent meeting in front of Minami/Akane.
      • Ask for some details on the Bird Summon such that the Pangolins can more quickly find and deliver said information to Leaf.
        • Jiraiya can delegate the information to Nakamura if needed (pretty sure Nakamura was still there).
    • Ask Jiraiya if there's any problems he'd like Hazou to think about while we're out. If we're lucky we might be able to give him another "Just turn them upside down".
      • We're not asking for seals, but problems he would like us to work on solving.
    • Tell Jiraiya that we've got his back and we'll fight for him just like we'd fight for any other member of this team.
      • Use the form of address a son would use with their father informally, as long as it doesn't involve explicitly calling him dad. (That's a whole separate discussion we should have together when tempers and stress are lower.)
      • If such a form doesn't exist, use a form of address that is both informal and deeply respectful.
  • Basically as soon as we leave the room:
    • Talk to Akane with CCnJ
      • We still care deeply about you.
      • We're sorry for being an idiot about so many things.
      • [AKANE CHAT] We're in a huge rush right now and we promise to have a proper chat as we travel/when we make camp.
      • We would like to give you a hug now though. Please don't crush us since you're super duper strong now.
  • Talk with Minami.
    • Do this while we're moving to get gear/prep.
    • Give her a rundown on how we move quickly with Nobby's power.
    • Ask after what our tactical orders are
      • When do we disengage?
      • How much risk is acceptable?
      • What exactly constitutes success?
    • Trade intel on general abilities/seals/protocols.
      • Make note of how we use Noburi's bloodline to boost our border crossings with chakra (without the risk of running out).
      • (If authorized) Brief Minami on Skywalkers.
      • If we are planning to go into Mist, brief her on our mom.
  • Do things (split up to do this):
    • Get/make:
      • Kunai & shuriken.
      • Rations.
      • Seal-quality paper and ink(stones).
      • If there's a standardized go-bag, pick up a few.
        • A seal/small book of seals with an assortment of rations, weapons, clothing, soldier pills, etc.. The sort of things a ninja would need to run for their life really fast.
      • Specialized things:
        • Water supply (for Noburi's jutsu).
          • Ideally in barrels. (Worst case his barrel breaks, and we also have enough to sealing paper to let him make a new one.)
        • Macerator payloads:
          • Very fragrant things, ideally very fargrant oils for scent bombs. Something that clings to people would be best.
          • Some irritants (like pepper or chillis) for irritant bombs.
          • Very fine ash or talk for smoke bombs.
          • Iron that we can heat for a flash-bang.
            • We can superheat iron ourselves using Elemental Mastery if a smithy is unavailable.
            • Alternatively we just do this when visiting some village with a blacksmith.
        • Portable Skybase.
        • Make Skywalkers (if authorized).
    • Ask Keiko if she should send a Pangolin messenger (contracted to her) to the Toad Clan using the Summoning Realm.
      • Have we already done this?
      • Reasons for this:
        • Would allow Keiko to summon the messenger to give updates to the Toad Clan, and therefore to Jiraiya.
        • Would allow Jiraiya to send messages to the messenger through the Toad Clan, and therefore to Keiko.
        • Grants rapid communications between Konoha and our team after the 10 day travel time.
      • If yes, tell Mari-sensei so Konoha knows about it.
    • If we don't have an extra barrel for Nobby stored with the pangolin, let them hold onto a spare.
  • Talk to Mari.
    • Make sure she knows we still love her.
    • Give her a hug.
    • Thank her for everything.
    • Promise her we'll come back.
    • Tell her to make friends and be happy.
    • Ask her to check on whether Jiraiya saw anyone from our families die.
    • What else?
  • [NARA LETTER] If and only if we have time, write a quick note to the Nara laying out the idea in this post
    • Ask Kagome if he is okay with sharing the force wall seal.
      • We believe it's usable to protect from enemy ninja with skywalkers, but we're not going to have the time to develop those ideas ourselves.
      • We need to use the brainpower available to us in the form of other ninja.
      • This is to keep us safe. (Though it doesn't help all of Konoha by proxy)
      • Give Kagome the 30s sketch of the idea, ask him to allow sharing it even if he doesn't think it's workable, since the Nara might be able to figure something out.
    • Don't do the rest of this if Kagome isn't okay with sharing his force walls. If he is, then get one set of seals from him.
    • Address to "Nara Shikamaru or Nara Central Dispatch if Nara Shikamaru is unavailable in a short time frame"
      • Where "Nara Central Dispatch" is either some service or person that will get pieces of information to the Nara clan members who need them. I fully expect this to be a thing.
      • Mark the letter as fragile and hand deliver to the Nara, or ask Inoue to give it to Shika or someone appropriate in the clan relatively quickly.
        • Note: I ask for "Shika" here on purpose. If Shikaku is curious enough to intercept this, he should absolutely be able to do so. However, given that he is putting out fires and is actually busy, it would be incredibly presumptuous to force him to deal with it.
      • Don't seal the outer letter, there's fucking seals in there, I don't want to risk someone tearing them.
    • In the outer letter:
      • Ask Shikamaru (or the recipient) to get the internal letter (and also this note for context) to the least busy Nara sealmaster with enough clearance to know about new inventions with major strategic implications.
      • Tell him Shikaku told us about a problem we created and we have an idea for a potential solution.
      • If this is Shikamaru, and he knows both sealing and what we're talking about above, he should feel free to read the letter.
      • It is unlikely to work, especially unmodified, but we expect an experienced sealer to figure out whether it's feasible or not very quickly.
      • Because of orders we don't have the time to immidiately develop or explore the idea, and would appreciate your help.
      • Be thankful and polite.
    • In the inner letter (in a nested envelope):
      • Mark the letter as "Fragile, contains live seals" (arf arf arf)
      • Make sure there
        • Epistemic Status: We expect the idea to not be workable as is. We expect it is suggestive of something that could potentially work to solve the tactical issue with defending against skywalkers.
        • Outline the ideas in this research proposal (the poor man's sky squid).
          • Smaller force walls would make testing all of this much easier.
          • The control systems we outline are purely mechanical, and something made with seals is likely to be more effective. However, they also come with further development and research effort, that is likely beyond Hazou's short term reach.
        • Once we get back and the recipient has time, we would appreciate (but do not require) that the recipient of this letter:
          • If the idea is unworkable, spend some of their time helping us understand why.
          • If the idea or some derivative thereof is workable
            • If we are skill enough, allow us to to contribute to its further development.
            • if our skill is too low, allow us to observe and learn from those who are developing the idea further.
      • Put in a pair of force wall seals for the Nara to study.
  • Leave Leaf.
    • Defer to the Hokage and head to Rivers first.
    • If allowed, when we make camp, trace all the letters so Iron Nerve memorizes them.
    • Use Skywalkers if authorized.
  • [AKANE CHAT] (Don't do this in the background if the plan is too long, this is stuff is something the thread needs to both see and have control over)
  • When on the move, when we make camp, or when circumstances generally permit, have a chat with Akane. Generally use CCnJ.
    • We love her and missed her so very much.
    • We're sorry about getting kicked out.
    • We're sorry about not sending her a letter or anything sooner after talking to her father. We felt it was against the spirit of our agreement with him, until someone else reminded us that that choice probably was hurting you.
      • [SENSEI WORRIES] Optionally, at Hazou's discretion: (following are sentiments Hazou wants to express, not things Hazou says verbatim)
        • I don't think you father was actually wrong about some stuff.
        • On reflection being both your sensei and your partner seems problematic.
        • I want to be your equal in a relationship, not your superior.
        • I worry that the power dynamics of being a sensei and being a partner interact badly and can become something exploitative or abusive, even without one of us noticing.
        • I will always have stuff to teach each other and we should.
        • I want to know that, when you think I'm wrong, you'll tell me.
          • My judgement is not perfect, or even all that good, and having someone who I can trust to proactively tell me when I'm being an idiot would be very nice.
    • I think the whole missing-nin issue is sorted though. *smug face*
    • Please don't get a bowl cut or start talking in weirdly oblivious innuendo.
    • Generally catch up.
    • [INO CHAT] Don't insert it yourself, but if the topic of Ino or Rock Lee comes up:
      • We're fine either poly or mono, though we should discuss what we actually want.
      • If she's got a crush on Lee (or anyone else) and wants to go for it, we're cool with that. We're going to be here for her either way, as a partner or a friend. (though we would definitely prefer being a partner)
      • We're not exactly sure how we feel about Ino.
        • There's definitely some attraction on our end, and she definitely acts like she's at least a little attracted. Though she's certainly capable of toying with us without our noticing.
        • There's a non-trivial cynical part of us that sees how she's an incredibly politically advantageous partner to have.
  • [KAGOME BRAINSTORMING] If we got some problems to ponder from Jiraiya then have a chat with Kagome when circumstances allow.
    • Are there any seals he has, or he expects Konoha to have, that are interesting in the context of these problems?
    • Any broad ideas? Early thoughts?
    • Honestly, there's not much I can add here without the actual problems. I'm sure you QMs can figure out a decent brainstorming session though.

[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o INO CHAT
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o SENSEI WORRIES
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o INO CHAT, SENSEI WORRIES
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o KAGOME BRAINSTORMING
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o INO CHAT, KAGOME BRAINSTORMING
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o SENSEI WORRIES, KAGOME BRAINSTORMING
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o INO CHAT, SENSEI WORRIES, KAGOME BRAINSTORMING
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o AKANE CHAT
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o AKANE CHAT, KAGOME BRAINSTORMING
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o NARA LETTER
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o NARA LETTER, INO CHAT
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o NARA LETTER, SENSEI WORRIES
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o NARA LETTER, KAGOME BRAINSTORMING
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o NARA LETTER, INO CHAT, KAGOME BRAINSTORMING
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o NARA LETTER, AKANE CHAT
[X] Action Plan: Dearth of a Salesman w/o NARA LETTER, AKANE CHAT, KAGOME BRAINSTORMING

As with Action Plan : Dearth of a Salesman but without the specified sections.

Going to keep the to damn far line in but will edit it to make sure Jiraiya knows he is part of the plan. It is to strong narratively not to include. Also both your and @Jello_Raptor plan feel pretty boring. It's all very by the numbers. Suggest including something fun for eaglejarl to write. Also suggest have packing happen off screen

Fine I made it more fun. I even added options. PlanBot is going to have some fun with this :V

Major changes are:
  • We give Jiraiya an explicit show of trust.
  • We write a letter with the Poor Man's Sky Squid Idea and Hand it off to the Nara
  • We Chat with Akane
  • We chat with Kagome
There's versions of the plan (the pile of new votes at the end of the post) that let you edit the plan or remove those last three.
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Er... unless I'm missing something, can't we just put a force wall on a frame at the end of a glove, and punch through literally anything? The counter force that would normally be applied to the gauntlet/your hand is just poofed, so you have the force of the object pressing against the force wall being exactly cancelled out, leaving net force in the direction of your punch.

Dammit this is weird.

@Jello_Raptor @Radvic?

That's pretty much exactly what I expect. Main problem there is that the seals poke out a bit in front of the wall and so will the frame, so most of the things you punch will hit the frame first, giving you relatively little benefit.

Though hell, I would love to make a version of forcewall that can fit in ~2-5cm disks. Make some badass chainmail/body armour.

The thing is, normally when you punch something "stationary", you can't move it because as you push harder, it pushes back on you equally hard. If Force Walls don't transmit that counter force to the seals or anything they're attached to, that force just goes poof. Meaning the entire system of [object, gauntlet, fist] must now be moving in the direction of your punch, at the speed of your punch.

If you punched someone's body fast enough, it would pass straight through as the soft tissue surrounding the area of impact just shears away effortlessly. (Note: normally when punching you want to put force behind it, by coordinating your muscle groups and pushing off of the ground. But that is not necessary here -- you would just want to throw your hand forward as fast as you can.)

Actually, on second thought, let's not do this even if it works. Mainly because the moment you collide two Force Walls together, you will tell various quantum degeneracy pressures to go fuck themselves and convert most of the mass-energy of anything trapped inside into an expanding plane of gamma radiation, or worse. Assuming this doesn't instabork the universe.

E: Actually actually, in practice you couldn't get perfect alignment and /or push them together fast enough. So probably not instabork or gamma rays, but still pretty bad.

In practice I expect alignment issues to come into play.

if the planes are not perfectly parallel, then they should just stop each other with only an infinitesimal point where there actually touch.

Of course, if force walls just pass through other force walls then we can totally break the universe.
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Personal opinion is that mobile force walls aren't going to be a thing. It's to obvious that a bunch of seal masters wouldn't have tried to make it work
Once again, thanks so much for taking the time to look these things up and answer my questions. You do the quest a service :)
I tried looking up how Hooke's law applies to substances like wood, saw the huge matrix on wikipedia, and gave up.

1123m/s is a velocity I'm much more happy with, given the fastest guns fire bullets in the 790m/s range. Great point about the Banshee slayer seal! I don't know how I could forget, but setting it to mute all volume(or whatever it's maximum is) effectively removes wind speed from the bullet accuracy equation, right? Are you saying that the seal would also reduce air drag on a projectile? That makes sense to me, since high enough drag would produce a sound, so I suppose the question becomes, is the drag the source of the sound or is it air that's already reduced the speed of the bullet? Wait, since the bullet will be supersonic, is there a chance that the seal won't activate since 'sound' will never catch up to it? Guess it depends on what the seal classifies as sound. I could be thinking about this the wrong way, since the sound originates at the bullet and the seal is the 'listener.' Sorry for bugging you, but these things aren't clear to me.

edit: after reading this, I think there's a decent chance banshee slayer seals could classify sound in a way that excludes shock waves. If shock waves aren't created instantaneously, instead formed by quickly compressing sound waves, then a sonic boom would never occur. Man, things get weird when you start ignoring physics.

Ah, classic. I mixed up the diameter and the radius, leading to an impossibly high tip speed for the centrifuge in the link. I'll give ultracentrifuges a look, thanks :) They sound scary. If you like, here's a video I found of spinning CDs up to their breaking threshold. Also, light-gas guns.

Unfortunately, I'd predict the banshee slayer would slow down the projectile. It's not vanishing molecules, or displacing them - its damping out waves and discontinuities in the bulk motion of the gas. Constant bulk motion (non-gusting wind, say) should be unaffected.

So, you end up with molecules that are trying to get out of the way of the projectile, but are being held back by damping from the banshee slayer. More collisions on the front means more drag.

There will be a region of subsonic flow at the nose of the projectile, as well as surrounding the surface as a boundary layer. Acoustic vibrations will occur in these areas, via turbulence and other means. As the seal lives on the surface, it will hear something, activate, and affect the whole volume it can cover.

That is regardless of how the shockwave is classified. Personally, I challenge anyone who has been on a flight line with supersonic jets taking off to seriously claim that shock waves aren't also sound waves.
Personal opinion is that mobile force walls aren't going to be a thing. It's to obvious that a bunch of seal masters wouldn't have tried to make it work

EJ said they should be mobile already, just that the relative positions and orientation of the seals have to stay very well aligned in order for them to be mobile.

Making the walls smaller should help a lot with that.

My opinion is that 80% of whether or not previous sealers have a reasonable chance of having already thought these ideas up, comes down to whether people in the elemental nations understand newton's three laws. If they do, then this is an obvious idea, if they don't then it isn't.

Of course, ninja bullshit magic breaks newton's laws constantly, so it's not like the notion that it might be "a law except for chakra bullshit" is reasonable.

I expect magic like this to have a weird ass effect on the development of physics. There's a bunch of readily approachable stuff if you ignore the magic, but splitting the world into magic and not-magic and only trying to physics the latter is itself non-obvious.

Honestly, I fully expect a major scientific revolution to just come from the idea of "Figure out how the world works (or how to accomplish tasks) when chakra is not involved. Then figure out how to exploit the fact that chakra can break those rules."
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Unfortunately, I'd predict the banshee slayer would slow down the projectile. It's not vanishing molecules, or displacing them - its damping out waves and discontinuities in the bulk motion of the gas. Constant bulk motion (non-gusting wind, say) should be unaffected.

So, you end up with molecules that are trying to get out of the way of the projectile, but are being held back by damping from the banshee slayer. More collisions on the front means more drag.

There will be a region of subsonic flow at the nose of the projectile, as well as surrounding the surface as a boundary layer. Acoustic vibrations will occur in these areas, via turbulence and other means. As the seal lives on the surface, it will hear something, activate, and affect the whole volume it can cover.

That is regardless of how the shockwave is classified. Personally, I challenge anyone who has been on a flight line with supersonic jets taking off to seriously claim that shock waves aren't also sound waves.


It's a low pass filter on the motion of air, when treated as vector field that changes over time.

God, that's a great model. I hope that's really how it works.

No idea how to exploit for bullshit though. Outside of using it as a sink for waste energy, and we have better ways of doing that.

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"A third, of course, is that you're missing-nin. Well, most of you. Since Miss Ishihara has not made any comment to the contrary, I'm going to assume she's a loyal Leaf genin working undercover, at least until someone from Leaf takes the time to tell me otherwise. Make yourselves valuable enough, and I might be inclined to burn a little of my own capital to get Leaf, at least, off your backs. And while I make no promises about Mist, let's just say a ninja can always find ways to cheat the system."

- Jiraiya soon after "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor"​

So I'm reading some early posts, and this is now amusing to me.
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What we really need is to learn what the heck Pangolin's Reach does and if it's applicable for throwing weapons. :D
Depending on the dexterity and strength it provides it could be used to catch thrown weapons that miss and then throw them again unexpectedly, etc.
Could you give an example?

I mean, if you're thinking shuriken or kunai, you generally have enough on you for a single battle anyway, plus it sounds like a waste to spend a ninjutsu's worth of chakra on a shuriken's worth of attack. If you're thinking of scary hivemind weapons, the thrown ones I've seen ideas for don't tend to be reusable.
@faflec It came up in the discord a few days ago, but maybe we could ask J about getting a chakra blade?
We should ask Jiraiya how to make chakra blades. Maybe we can revolutionize that, too.
@Jello_Raptor, there's a separate, slightly-less-cynical part of our mind that wants to marry into the Nara because so many shinies.
[X] Also we wonder how heritable our instant planning and terrble creatitivity is, and if it would stack with a mental bloodline. Or two, assuming we can find some acceptable way for Keiko to create a hybrid for Hazou's hypothetical kid to marry. Not that we've realized we like Keiko that way. Or deny the emotional attraction based on shared social experience.
[X] Akane stop ramming your head into the wall walls are expensive.
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We should ask Jiraiya how to make chakra blades. Maybe we can revolutionize that, too.
@Jello_Raptor, there's a separate, slightly-less-cynical part of our mind that wants to marry into the Nara because so many shinies. [X] Also we wonder how heritable our instant planning and terrble creatitivity is, and if it would stack with a mental bloodline. Or two, assuming we can find some acceptable way for Keiko to create a hybrid for Hazou's hypothetical kid to marry. Not that we've realized we like Keiko that way. Or deny the emotional attraction based on shared social experience.
[X] Akane stop ramming your head into the wall walls are expensive.

Pretty sure that if Hazō's mental abilities is heritable, it would be OP as hell too.
Could you give an example?

I mean, if you're thinking shuriken or kunai, you generally have enough on you for a single battle anyway, plus it sounds like a waste to spend a ninjutsu's worth of chakra on a shuriken's worth of attack. If you're thinking of scary hivemind weapons, the thrown ones I've seen ideas for don't tend to be reusable.
I don't actually know what Pangolin's Reach is intended to be used for (though I seriously doubt we'll use it for what it's intended), so I'm just kind of spitballing things that a stronger-zephyr's-reach could theoretically be used for. Depending on how it functions, it could either take cues off of clone-type jutsu and be able to throw weapons mostly of its own accord, or it could be Telekinesis or Bigby's Grasping Hand to Zephyr's Reach's Mage Hand -- which, now that I think of it, seems more accurate.
Could you give an example?

I mean, if you're thinking shuriken or kunai, you generally have enough on you for a single battle anyway, plus it sounds like a waste to spend a ninjutsu's worth of chakra on a shuriken's worth of attack. If you're thinking of scary hivemind weapons, the thrown ones I've seen ideas for don't tend to be reusable.
If it provides a full reroll on a single failed Weapons usage, it sounds pretty good. Particularly since Keiko has trained with all the thrown explosive types Kagome was willing to share.
She has done that, right? Right?
I don't actually know what Pangolin's Reach is intended to be used for (though I seriously doubt we'll use it for what it's intended), so I'm just kind of spitballing things that a stronger-zephyr's-reach could theoretically be used for. Depending on how it functions, it could either take cues off of clone-type jutsu and be able to throw weapons mostly of its own accord, or it could be Telekinesis or Bigby's Grasping Hand to Zephyr's Reach's Mage Hand -- which, now that I think of it, seems more accurate.
I assumed Pangolin's Reach is intended to be used to grasp people's heads and snap their spines.
[X] Action Plan: Make Like A tree
Scene in the Hokage-office
Find out Mission critical information for Hokage-Sama
  • Ask permission to speak about the recent meeting in front of Minami/Akane.
  • Do we have authorization to use Skywalker's for speed/stealth purposes?
  • Ask if Keiko should send a Pangolin messenger (contracted to her) to the Toad Clan using the Summoning Realm.
    • Have we already done this?
    • Would allow Keiko to summon the messenger to give updates to the Toad Clan, and therefore to Jiraiya.
    • Would allow Jiraiya to send messages to the messenger through the Toad Clan, and therefore to Keiko.
    • Grants rapid communications between Konoha and our team after the 10 day travel time.
Letting Jiraiya know that team uplift has his back
  • Let Jiraiya know that he is part of the team now
  • And that team uplift is willing to go Pretty Damn far for Jiraiya as well
  • And even though we don't know him Naruto is to since he is one of Jiraiya's precious people
  • The team might not be able to fight this level of opponent (yet) but we can help give Jiraiya the tools so he can
    • So Hazou is going to need a list of seals Jiraiya would like for us to look over
    • So we can see if we can get another turn it upside down moment
    • Or if there is any other gear that Jiraiya would like to give his new clan
  • Tell Mari and Jiraiya to take care of each other
  • Hugs for everyone
Off-screen put together supplies
  • Get/make:
    • Kunai & shuriken.
    • Rations.
    • Seal-quality paper and ink(stones).
    • Specialized things:
      • Water supply (for Noburi's jutsu).
      • Macerator payloads:
        • Very fragrant things, ideally very fargrant oils for scent bombs. Something that clings to people would be best.
        • Some irritants (like pepper or chillis) for irritant bombs.
        • Very fine ash or talk for smoke bombs.
        • Iron that we can heat for a flash-bang.
        • We can superheat iron ourselves using Elemental Mastery if a smithy is unavailable.Alternatively we just do this when visiting some village with a blacksmith.
        • Portable Skybase.
        • Make Skywalkers (if authorized).
Leave Leaf
Follow standard protocol and start making our way to river
  • Talk with Minami.
  • Do this once we are on our way to river
  • Trade intel on general abilities/seals/protocols.
    • Make note of how we use Noburi's bloodline to boost our border crossings with chakra (without the risk of running out).
    • (If authorized) Brief Minami on Skywalkers.
  • Share stories about our accomplishments with Minami
    • Team uplift should be a toned down version of this our team killed every chakra beast from Fire's Swamp of Death to the jungles of Tea. We've crushed jounin, fought an entire village of ninja, and faced down Jiraiya of the Sannin. I stood my ground in front of Pantsaa of the Adamant Scales, the Boss Summon of the Pangolin Clan, and made him fear me. My comrade"—she waved to Hazou—"killed three chunin in single combat when he was only a few months out of the Academy. Our leader fought his way out of a prison designed to hold sealmasters.
    • Also include how Noburi talked a ninja team down and hustled them for money
    • What has Minami done? (This is mostly an excuse so eaglejarl can write some badass combat scenes here if he wants to)
  • Ask about what we know about the contact we are meeting
  • Get to river and find where our contact is

Made some minor edits. Any other suggestions?
Also an argument for make like a tree everyone is going to be giving Jiraiya tons of respect and blowing smoke up his ass for being the Hokage. He needs people he trust to not be sycophants. Treat him like a real person instead of the office.
I assumed Pangolin's Reach is intended to be used to grasp people's heads and snap their spines.
You know... how much force would it take to sever someone's neck if focused into one spot? If Zephyr's reach is invisible (e: It is when used with handseals, for reference), couldn't you just intercede at someone's neck as they approached (at speed)? Is someone's using Zephyr's Reach obvious?

e: We should have Hazou wear at least one of Kagome's rings, decorated to look less like Kagome and Akane's for deception reasons (I'm thinking stuff like if someone gets held hostage, pretending it's an engagement ring or something...). Oh, and he also needs to practice friggin' using them.
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spend 15 of our 120 minutes before heading out on the mission to inform Akane's dad that we're Leaf nin now and will be dating his daughter thank-you-very-much.
The "and also fuck you" can remain implied.

I kinda thought it was more powerful than that.
So did I. Wasn't the most recent previous math suggesting that even a single implosion seal would have a kill radius in the tens of kilometers...?

Mainly because the moment you collide two Force Walls together, you will tell various quantum degeneracy pressures to go fuck themselves

Unrelated but after being inspired by this amazing work of fiction I have started my own Rationalist Quest set in the Supernatural setting.