I'm really morbidly curious about what sort of twisted doublethink leads people to insist that
- making an enemy out of the Martial/Diplomat is any way not a retarded idea
- about how a noble and beloved hero of the people being stymied by corrupt and out of touch bureaucratic chiefs will somehow serve as a reprimand on the idea of heroes taking office when it cements the negative image already established of our leadership
- How the thematics of this further cement the idea of our oligarchy becoming more reactionary and antagonistic to any attempt on status quo- we might solely have the best intentions opposing Criid, but the Oligarchs that actually rule might see this as a useful precedent
- Establishing that proper service to the state is rewarded with suzerainty is a bad thing.
Like people are fucking
wildly projecting, from Tenchi's inane ramblings to Bluefur somehow insisting this is the same thing as a general seizing the proconsulship of Rome.
This is the petty hubris in the quest, not the ambitious tax reform, not the economic reform in the middle of a war- but the rabid,
irrational vehemence the thread responded to a character pointing out their questionable choices and calling them to task for them. Punishing dissent, stomping over previous decisions because we've decided to withhold reward for someone who chose to try and dedicate their lives to our People rather than the government- what a