Finally voting!

[X] There is much glory to fighting in the south
-[X] We will offer you safe passage through our lands
[X] No (Keeps Honourable Death)

Back to Lurking!

Ugh. We just got out of a war. Why can't we use the Normads to terrorize the DP so we can focus on other stuff.

If we want to contact the metal workers, let's build boats and new settlements.
We might be still in it as Sacred War might not have un-triggered, just delayed for a turn.
If we let the constantly everyone else fight all our we lag behind in military strategy, practical experience, ad military tech and be weaker over time. We can probably do considerable damage as The DP still use Bone mainly they are probably out numbered with the ST and WC sill fighting , we out range with improved bows and maneuver them. Most importantly we have a martial 5 we con afford it to stop DP momentum where ST and WC can put up more of a fight.

why we can't build boats is we have only vague idea of were they are by rumor. Why would our Civilization build trading boats, let alone anything other than small fishing boats, if all we know of the sea is that it has fish and snails.
[X] There is much glory to fighting in the south
-[X] We will offer you safe passage through our lands
[X] No (Keeps Honourable Death)
[X] There is much glory to fighting in the south
-[X] We will offer you safe passage through our lands
[X] No (Keeps Honourable Death)

....ok, having ALL the nomads move south oif us and make the DPs miserable sounds awesome.
Slight correction:
They are tribes of masterful charioteers. Against expert wall builder Dead Priests. On lands the DP know well and the Nomads do not.
The have a wall around their Primary City. All of their supporting farmland though, not to mention their raiding battlehosts? Kind of Wall-less.

It won't kill off the DP, but it would be one hell of a nightmare!

Metalworking hardliners unite! We could rush (in theory) the surveying with a main (8 econ) and do the rest with periodic secondaries just to ensure we don't need to dump a full turn on it.
Econ isn't the problem, it's that we just have to many problems we have to deal with at the moment.

We have Instability that needs Restore Harmony
We have Overcrowding that needs a New Settlement
We have the Death Priests that we need walls for

That's three projects we need to take care ASAP and as thus don't have time to send a Trade Mission to the north for some copper goods. And only some copper and no knowledge how as trying to buy copper goods for all our people would be ludicrously expensive and they have no reason to teach us their secrets.
We might be still in it as Sacred War might not have un-triggered, just delayed for a turn.
If we let the constantly everyone else fight all our we lag behind in military strategy, practical experience, ad military tech and be weaker over time. We can probably do considerable damage as The DP still use Bone mainly they are probably out numbered with the ST and WC sill fighting , we out range with improved bows and maneuver them. Most importantly we have a martial 5 we con afford it to stop DP momentum where ST and WC can put up more of a fight.

why we can't build boats is we have only vague idea of were they are by rumor. Why would our Civilization build trading boats, let alone anything other than small fishing boats, if all we know of the sea is that it has fish and snails.

No, we are out of the war. Sacred War is not active, and will not activate until we go to war again.

We could have won the war but we chose to get out and let the DPs dominate the lowlands. Restarting the war will just result in suffering massive losses we could have avoided if we wanted to stop the DPs earlier.

Now we MUST focus on peaceful expansion, growing faster than the Death Priests is our best chance of winning a future war.
This prospective plan does not address our negative stability at all - something we really cannot afford to ignore.
True maybe start a festival instead of expand warriors or trade and see if Sacred War still in effect or not will help with in conjunction of main war mission. Depends on how well this turn goes.
Noting that at least three said players have already stated the great difficulty of doing the Trade mission while dealing with the stability drop, the overpopulation and the Dead Priest threat...

One of these things have to burn.
Could you honestly say that you would not try to get a trade mission in within two turns if that's what wins this vote?

Also, frankly I think that walling up against the dead priest threat can probably hold at least one more turn, because I think the chance of them both taking out the WC and then moving on to us in the same turn or just abandoning the fight with the WC and the ST and attacking us this next turn is so slim as to be nonexistent. Probably unlikely the turn after that too.
Econ isn't the problem, it's that we just have to many problems we have to deal with at the moment.

We have Instability that needs Restore Harmony
We have Overcrowding that needs a New Settlement
We have the Death Priests that we need walls for

That's three projects we need to take care ASAP and as thus don't have time to send a Trade Mission to the north for some copper goods. And only some copper and no knowledge how as trying to buy copper goods for all our people would be ludicrously expensive and they have no reason to teach us their secrets.

If we can redirect the normad's energy, we don't need wall, because we'll have buffer buffer state, at least until the normads turn on us in two or three generations.
They will not take the city of the DP's, that's true.

They also do not need to.
Raiding of the infrastructure outside of the city's walls will be more than enough.

The minor Death Priest settlements could easily be walled if they felt the need.
The DP could just attack the Nomads and retake anything they do succeed in taking.
The big advantage of the Nomads moving into the lowlands is it will slow the Death Priests, not have any chance of winning.

True maybe start a festival instead of expand warriors or trade and see if Sacred War still in effect or not will help with in conjunction of main war mission. Depends on how well this turn goes.
Sacred War not in effect, expand warriors / any other military action is a very bad idea. Our Martial is high enough to provide a defence, now we are at peace we must take advantage of it.

Econ isn't the problem, it's that we just have to many problems we have to deal with at the moment.

We have Instability that needs Restore Harmony
We have Overcrowding that needs a New Settlement
We have the Death Priests that we need walls for

That's three projects we need to take care ASAP and as thus don't have time to send a Trade Mission to the north for some copper goods. And only some copper and no knowledge how as trying to buy copper goods for all our people would be ludicrously expensive and they have no reason to teach us their secrets.
You argued for leaving the war and now you want to built walls?
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by ABalloonyChaos on Mar 28, 2017 at 10:44 AM, finished with 10209 posts and 55 votes.
[X] There is much glory to fighting in the south
-[X] We will offer you safe passage through our lands
[X] No (Keeps Honourable Death)

Having the entire horde there as a buffer to DPs sounds good. It will also allow us to gradually integrate them into our polity when the horde inevitably breaks down after the hero's death. :evil:

In the short term it might also help mutate our Sacred Wars into something that allows mercenaries to fulfill the mandatory campaigns against DP.
Econ isn't the problem, it's that we just have to many problems we have to deal with at the moment.

We have Instability that needs Restore Harmony
We have Overcrowding that needs a New Settlement
We have the Death Priests that we need walls for

That's three projects we need to take care ASAP and as thus don't have time to send a Trade Mission to the north for some copper goods. And only some copper and no knowledge how as trying to buy copper goods for all our people would be ludicrously expensive and they have no reason to teach us their secrets.

Remember blight fighting and how we managed to get by with three settlements? Overcrowding can wait a turn, and having nomads fucking with Dead Priests will give us a buffer state making sure DP won't attack us after they've dealt with WC.
True maybe start a festival instead of expand warriors or trade and see if Sacred War still in effect or not will help with in conjunction of main war mission. Depends on how well this turn goes.
It isn't and we have three problems already we need to deal with ASAP
If we can redirect the normad's energy, we don't need wall, because we'll have buffer buffer state, at least until the normads turn on us in two or three generations.
That leaves a spot for Survey Lands then:)
The minor Death Priest settlements could easily be walled if they felt the need.
The DP could just attack the Nomads and retake anything they do succeed in taking.
The big advantage of the Nomads moving into the lowlands is it will slow the Death Priests, not have any chance of winning.
Eeh, they would a lot closer than us and thus have a chance to raid their Eastern Settlements as well.

Build Walls as a just in case as we don't want the Death Priests anywhere near us. >3>
Remember blight fighting and how we managed to get by with three settlements? Overcrowding can wait a turn, and having nomads fucking with Dead Priests will give us a buffer state making sure DP won't attack us after they've dealt with WC.
Even more of a reason to have the Nomads resettle!

It's more of an arguement why we can't trade right now because then we would have too many other projects to deal with.
Why not built a settlement? Why wait a turn? depends on how well transfer of nomads to the south goes. If it goes well, we do not have to wait; but otherwise, we need a wall in the lower valley settlement - both because sooner or later nomads will have hostile chief and because DPs miiight win (although I really doubt they have a shot at victory against hordes of chariots; their city will most likely stand, and that's about it )
Why not just pick
[] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way

Then next turn we can go with this
[] Trade caravan to metal workers -- main
-[] Walls in settlement closest to DP -- secondary
-[] New settlement on the coast -- secondary

And then the turn after that
[] Survey land -- main
-[] Walls in settlement closest to DP -- secondary
-[] Whatever else we need to do, so most likely harmony related -- secondary
No, we are out of the war. Sacred War is not active, and will not activate until we go to war again.

We could have won the war but we chose to get out and let the DPs dominate the lowlands. Restarting the war will just result in suffering massive losses we could have avoided if we wanted to stop the DPs earlier.

Now we MUST focus on peaceful expansion, growing faster than the Death Priests is our best chance of winning a future war.

Sacred War isn't active that is good, it give more flexibility. Addressing "we Must focus on expansion" there are other ways to improve our position. Improving the military and tech is one of the ways we still only building Early City Walls according to our tech. There may better ways to invest next turn.
Why not just pick
[] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way

Then next turn we can go with this
[] Trade caravan to metal workers -- main
-[] Walls in settlement closest to DP -- secondary
-[] New settlement on the coast -- secondary

And then the turn after that
[] Survey land -- main
-[] Walls in settlement closest to DP -- secondary
-[] Whatever else we need to do, so most likely harmony related -- secondary

First, because if Dead Priests win on our south, they may well turn on us. Nomads will be a royal pain in their ass.
Second, because we have negative stability now and have to fix it as soon as possible, before corruption rises again, or something else bad happens.
[X] There is much glory to fighting in the south
-[X] We will offer you safe passage through our lands
[X] No

Let's you and him fight.
Chrestomanci said:
The minor Death Priest settlements could easily be walled if they felt the need.
The DP could just attack the Nomads and retake anything they do succeed in taking.
The big advantage of the Nomads moving into the lowlands is it will slow the Death Priests, not have any chance of winning.
Eeh, they would a lot closer than us and thus have a chance to raid their Eastern Settlements as well.
Why do you think they would be able to raid the astern Settlements as well? The DPs city is in the way and as the Nomad raiders travel over that much Death Priest territory, the DPs could gather a force to destroy the raiding party. It does not matter that the Nomads are faster if they give the DPs enough time.

Build Walls as a just in case as we don't want the Death Priests anywhere near us. >3>
Contradicting your earlier arguments, such as:
Sightsear said:
I'm aware that the vote is past. I'm also aware that if the WC is subjagated, the Dead Priests will have bases close enough for them to begin to fund siege warfare.
Again nothing but Pessimism. Our closest village is just at the lip of our territory and takes us 9 months to get there with our War Carts. We weren't close to them and they weren't close to us.
It would be better to grow now while we can and start building walls when the DPs start expanding in our direction.
Growth actions give benefits that increase over time so the earlier they are done the better.
Walls offer no such advantage for doing them early.

It's more of an arguement why we can't trade right now because then we would have too many other projects to deal with.
No we do not, only priority projects are settlement and stability.