Since we're dropping the war at this point(barring ANOTHER shift in voting) we can probably do something like Main-Trade Mission(Metal Miners), Survey Land, Study forests. Of course, this also depends on if we need to do anything regarding stability or dealing with any events.

Look at the tally, step-farms, fishing and war are winning.
Likely a combination of brick retaining wall with tree to stabilize tge soil. Shaped stones are also likely.

Stone working does not require metal tools, it just makes the trade cheaper and faster.
We just use stones that fit together rather than shape them to any significant degree IIRC, so I think it would improve our construction (at least the quality). It would make chopping wood and carving a lot easier too, not to mention it would open up the metal weapon tech tree (even armor). I think the metal tools would greatly improve our efforts with canals/dams.
[X] [Main] Step-Farms
[X] [Secondary] Expand Fishing
[X] [Secondary] Expand Pasture

Looks like we have a winner.

Now, where was that appropriate clip for the FunTM​...

Ah yes.

Course, we'll have to see how much damage they actually do against the people who aren't you (I made my answer before very specific).
[X] [Main] Step-Farms
[X] [Secondary] Expand Fishing
[X] [Secondary] Expand Pasture

Looks like we have a winner.

Now, where was that appropriate clip for the FunTM​...

Ah yes.

Course, we'll have to see how much damage they actually do against the people who aren't you (I made my answer before very specific).

Oh god, they were simply marshalling their strength, weren't they? :eek:
We just use stones that fit together rather than shape them to any significant degree IIRC, so I think it would improve our construction (at least the quality). It would make chopping wood and carving a lot easier too, not to mention it would open up the metal weapon tech tree (even armor). I think the metal tools would greatly improve our efforts with canals/dams.

100% correct, only stumbling block is the sources of metal and refining method. If our land doesn't have shallow ore veins then the cost will rise to stratosphere.
Yep, they were prepping something nasty, probably slave shields of some sort
Course, we'll have to see how much damage they actually do against the people who aren't you (I made my answer before very specific).
I very much noticed that when you first said
Weeeeelllll... of the groups you know, there is one who can absolutely ruin the day of other groups within a generation or two if they got in their heads to do so. But yes, generally speaking you have yet to develop the capacity to destroy other groups. What you can do is apply sufficient pressure to drop their stability to the point where they fracture and the remnants are either more to your liking or can be dealt with as minor powers instead of major civilization structures.
When you implied that it would affect them not us.
Have not encounter any bronze giant or uninvited guests. Or tree huggers. Or alcoholic drunks.
...But we are the tree huggers?
Ha! Anyone having second thoughts on their stance on Sacred Warriors and waging war yet? :p

Hahaha, vote's closed mate!

We skedaddled before the end arrived and they can't do diddly to us cause we're far away and don't have weakly constructed villages like the Spirit Talkers or Western Confederacy do.

On the plus side, our Land of Opportunity is going to rake it in big!
Which means our stability is gonna take at least 1 hit from our neighbors getting smacked down...I think we'll need multiple festivals soon.
Yep, they were prepping something nasty, probably slave shields of some sort

I very much noticed that when you first said

When you implied that it would affect them not us.

...But we are the tree huggers?

Hahaha, vote's closed mate!

We skedaddled before the end arrived and they can't do diddly to us cause we're far away and don't have weakly constructed villages like the Spirit Talkers or Western Confederacy do.

On the plus side, our Land of Opportunity is going to rake it in big!
You mean the trait that will cause us a stability drop when we take in new people after we will have already tanked one due to pulling out of the war?
All jokes aside, what can we do to increase our population massively?

Since food and land aren't problems, we can properly leverage our land management practice if we have giant work force.
This is how
Land of Opportunity
You welcome all, offering food and shelter if they will contribute to your community. Sometimes these newcomers behave badly, and sometimes they bring strange new ideas, but in general they strengthen your community, especially in the long run
Pros: Enhanced absorption of new ideas, +1 social value from current or historical neighbours, whenever a neighbour suffers a stability drop, have the option to also suffer a stability drop in exchange for a large boost to Econ and technological and social advancement by absorbing especially large numbers of people
Cons: Many think you weak, not accepting the needy can cause stability drops, sometimes you get values you didn't expect
Hahahahahahahaha! Looks like we dodged a bullet Boys!
Yep, we didn't send any of our warriors down to our allies in their direst time of need, and now our buffer is being worn away by a merciless enemy expanding it's borders in our general direction!

Hahaha, vote's closed mate!

We skedaddled before the end arrived and they can't do diddly to us cause we're far away and don't have weakly constructed villages like the Spirit Talkers or Western Confederacy do.
I'm aware that the vote is past. I'm also aware that if the WC is subjagated, the Dead Priests will have bases close enough for them to begin to fund siege warfare.

2743 I wonder if my pessimistic warmongering will be validated? Ooh, I do so love being validated :D
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You mean the trait that will cause us a stability drop when we take in new people after we will have already tanked one due to pulling out of the war?
Rank pessimism, in is a possibility, don't write it off as absolute.
I'm aware that the vote is past. I'm also aware that if the WC is subjagated, the Dead Priests will have bases close enough for them to begin to fund siege warfare.

My Pessimistic war
Again nothing but Pessimism. Our closest village is just at the lip of our territory and takes us 9 months to get there with our War Carts. We weren't close to them and they weren't close to us.

Besides, the option that we would have taken is Secondary War Mission, that sort of half-baked action would have done nothing.
Besides, the option that we would have taken is Secondary War Mission, that sort of half-baked action would have done nothing.
Truthfully, I'm mostly sad about not getting my Mained Sacred Warriors. We missed a synergy, and theynwould have been ready just in time for a (hypothetical) massive scale up in this conflict.

Ah well, back to ignoring this thread for the next several hours.

Narratively I find this slightly ironic. High chief's son is a cart rider; but after the shamans have finished "training" him, he backs out of the war and goes all in on food production.