[X] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way
[X] Northern Nomads (Probably gain Honour Value)
[X] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way
[X] Northern Nomads (Probably gain Honour Value)
I forget, what does Pioneering Spirit do?
Whenever our stability drops, our own social values change (which can be quite annoying) in exchange for a boost in economy and innovation.
This is incorrect- on stability drops our centralization drops in exchange for a boost in economy (and probably an automatic settlement). However, much of our strength is in our centralization, so I don't want this at all.

I do not want honorable death. Is there some reason we can't re-roll for a new try at a ST trait though? It's not like the Honour Values are likely to be that much better...
[X] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way
[X] Northern Nomads (Probably gain Honour Value)
On the values....hmmm.
Honourable Death has a potential to be useful.
Pioneering Spirit, if we had a project to increase Centralization, would be a no-brainer, because Economy.
[X] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way
[X] Northern Nomads (Probably gain Honour Value)

This is incorrect- on stability drops our centralization drops in exchange for a boost in economy (and probably an automatic settlement). However, much of our strength is in our centralization, so I don't want this at all.

I do not want honorable death. Is there some reason we can't re-roll for a new try at a ST trait though? It's not like the Honour Values are likely to be that much better...
My feeling on going for the ST values a third time:

I don't particularly want it (I dislike swapping Traits willy nilly) but I feel it worth pointing out the ridiculous synergy that shares with Land Of Opportunity.
A neighbor suffers a disaster, we sacrifice some stability in exchange for the massive econ growth of absorbing them ... and then we get even more econ from the loss of stability. That feels like it could be part of a powerful econ engine ... except for the fact that it's inherently unstable and inherently risks destabilizing itself as traits get swapped.
True, but is just isn't worth it. At all.

With Pioneering Spirit, it doesn't matter what we get as a benefit in terms of innovation or economy boost, the drop in stability always prompts social strife and societal change (via dropping centralization in case that wasn't clear) when we really don't need it.
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On the values....hmmm.
Honourable Death has a potential to be useful.
Pioneering Spirit, if we had a project to increase Centralization, would be a no-brainer, because Economy.
Honourable Death could be useful if we somehow shifted it to 'honourable life' instead. Sync it even more in with Harmony.

Dunno how we'd do that.
So...what should we do with Dead Priests? On one hand, I would like sending nomads against them, especially since nomads will fuck them up in plains like no one else could, but I am very leery of giving them access to our lands.

Economy 8

Uh, well then. This sounds like a good opportunity to start catching up militarily, or at least fort up to the point any aggression against us becomes a Famously Bad Idea. I mean, we've got a bit of that already, but turning the God Damn Mountain into Dwelf Fortress seems appropriate.
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Pioneering spirit causes less problems then the other options.
Not really? Since any Stability hit causes Centralization hits and that's what our Gov structure is based off of.
Still unsure if doing a Megaproject with the DPs rampaging is a smart idea, even if we have the Econ for it.
Yes, Just a little excited,

It means that we can Main Festival for Stability and Wall our Southern Valley Village and leave the other secondary for research projects.

@Academia Nut How are we on crowding in our villages and cities?
Alright, so, the plan was walls close to Dead Priests, settlements away from the Dead Priests, and one action free?
So...what should we do with Dead Priests? On one hand, I would like sending nomads against them, especially since nomads will fuck them up in plains like no one else could, but I am very leery of giving them access to our lands.
Fuck if I know. My gut feeling is we need to turtle up and tech like mad so we can fight them off. I do think though, that sending them south won't actually help that much, definitely not more than getting in contact with the metal people would anyways
Need to try to Restore Harmony as well to get that stab hit fixed. -1 isn't bad, but it leaves no cushion for stuff like the opportunity we just seized, since -1 is about as low as you ever want to go willingly.
*Rolling on the ground crying tear of blood

Those people have stable copper production? This is so not allowed! We must have it too!
So...what should we do with Dead Priests? On one hand, I would like sending nomads against them, especially since nomads will fuck them up in plains like no one else could, but I am very leery of giving them access to our lands.
It's really a question of which way we want to go. Do we go South East for rich land and pastures? Or do we go north for metal and trade?
Alright, so, the plan was walls close to Dead Priests, settlements away from the Dead Priests, and one action free?
That depends on what AN says about crowding, if isn't that much of a problem, we can Wall, Festival, and one free action.
BTW, here's a list of the traits we can get from the nomads. 3/5 is... acceptable odds, I guess. The bad ones are about as bad Honorable Death anyway.
The nomads have, relative to the People, a higher emphasis on the following values:
  • The honouring of given word and deals
  • Ties of family
  • Fighting as a means of social advancement
  • The glory of battle
  • The importance of the defense of weaker members of your in-group
Yes, Just a little excited,

It means that we can Main Festival for Stability and Wall our Southern Valley Village and leave the other secondary for research projects.

@Academia Nut How are we on crowding in our villages and cities?

Do not forget that our fishing is screwed over by distances; we need a new coastal village to be able to expand it.
But we definitely need to wall lower valley settlement, because Dead Priests, so...

Fuck if I know. My gut feeling is we need to turtle up and tech like mad so we can fight them off. I do think though, that sending them south won't actually help that much, definitely not more than getting in contact with the metal people would anyways

Yeah, because, well, logistics.
On second thought, we can probably feed their whole army now, and repair their things, so logistics are less of a concern, but I still do not like the idea of letting nomads into our lands, where three unwalled settlements are.

BTW, here's a list of the traits we can get from the nomads.

They are all shit, at least specifically for our society.
[X] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way
[X] Northern Nomads (Probably gain Honour Value)
I forget, what does Pioneering Spirit do?

Whenever stability drops, centralization is consumed to fuel Econ growth. It's basically people going "Shit sucks here, I'm going to do my own thing" and walking off to do their own thing, while still remaining a part of the overall system.



How are we on crowding in our villages and cities?

Pretty high, will be addressed during the next main turn, which I am not putting up because what favour you get from the nomads is going to massively influence what options you have for the next main turn.