First Second Second-and-a-half edition go!
Additions red. Minor corrections in wording and stuff.
[X] Action Plan: The Better Part of Valour
AKA Are We Ninja or What
So yeah, all the social stuff was fun and hella entertaining, and taught us a lot, yadda yadda etc etc... But. It's clear now that we won't be subverting this particular mud hole any time soon, and killing everyone will make Akane sad (probably Jiraiya too, when he finds out) so I suggest we remember what we really came here for - the Summoning Scroll. With that said...
- Survive.
- Get out and away from here, and return to our fort.
- Try to do it without killing people in the village, though anyone who follows us beyond it is fair game.
- Come back once we're stronger and the hustle dies down a bit, probably in a couple of months or so, we'll see how it goes.
- De-escalate situation with Kouta
- Stop Kagome from murdering people right now
- Call out to him saying this doesn't warrant a hostile (explosive) response. Ask him to trust us and let us handle this.
- Let Kouta and the others run away, we're not going after them
- Yell out to Kouta calling him a traitor for trying to hurt us a second time. (doesn't matter if Hazou didn't catch all details, we know both Akane and Kouta enough to make a judgement call. Hell, if it counts as a bluff - it totes should - we might get to test those shiny Dec dice against the crowd. Even with negative mods that ought to be worth something)
- Proclaim loudly that it was not our fault, but they'll need to wait to talk to our sensei once she and us have rejoined to sort things out. Suggest to see for themselves if the cut is even serious.
- Return to our camp with all haste, once on "our" territory set of the "regroup at local camp" signal (so locals can't honestly say we are setting off explosions in the village proper)
- If going back to camp is impossible (enemy ninja mass teleport in and surround us or something) set off the "come here quick" signal, then wait for others in defensive formation. Don't initiate combat but defend if it starts anyway.
- At whatever point combat becomes unavoidable set off an explosive seal as a warning and threaten to escalate, use up to 2 dice' worth of chakra. (Don't actually escalate unless we must, I'm trying to keep this bloodless dammit!)
- Once others arrive make way to camp (in a non-lethal manner if possible, otherwise.. do as necessary) the defences should stall enemy long enough for us to catch up.
- Once back at the camp, give Akane a hug and tell her that it wasn't her fault (because it wasn't) and that some people are just awful like that.
- Prepare our things for quick departure.
- Have Kagome gather seals that can be recovered without compromising the perimeter, rig the rest to self-destruct once we leave (the goal is to deny knowledge rather than kill, arrange self-destruction accordingly)
- Once Mari and Co rejoin us, explain the situation and strongly recomend we leg it now and grab the scroll later, without any middlemen next time. Listen to Keiko's report, and Mari's. Conclude that creepy old men making such demands of 13 y.o. girls is hella shady (Mari will prob agree) and reiterate our proposition. Which is to leg it. ASAP.
- Pack up whatever's left and leave. (Did we ever make that escape tunnel?)
- Sneak out if possible (actual stealth? mass genjutsu? maybe Noburi has some air-bourne sleeping powder or something for the situation? set off a smoke bomb to conceal our exit?) just run if not, disable immediate threats non-lethally if possible.
- E&E time: employ anti-tracking maneuvers. Tree-hopping, kawarimi, water-walking, clone tricks...
- Occasionally leave behind proximity-activated explosive tag to discourage pursuit, though not so many that they make a trail. Leave fewer of those the farther we get from ninja village.
- Return to base
- Return to our fort, begin siege preparations.
- Talk with Kagome about long-distance delivery methods for explosive seals
- Suggest MEW cannons powered by explosive seals
- Suggest throwing Kunai
- Ask about his suggestions --> we'd like to be able to hit stuff from distance, while stationary or moving from place to place.
- Fortify, trap, make escape tunnel(s?) with MEW... Be daring, be creative, go wild.
- Make the place better-suited for longer-term dwelling.
- Check our food supplies, begin stockpiling if possible and necessary.
- Hunt/fish/gather - storage seal away. Always in groups of at least three, close to the fort (by ninja standarts)
- Ask Kei, Noburi and others about making a well. (Possible? If yes, where? Don't suppose Noburi can sense these things? How?)
- Settle down, prepare for training montage. Or siege. Whatever.
- Once we're back, make time to work on our social links
- Reassure Keiko that this is just a set-back, we're not abandoning our mission and she will win her power-up yet, on her own terms, and we'll support her all the way.
- Acknowledge Noburi's exellent work, he never got into trouble, worked to make the team look good and actually did good with his healing.
- Moral support for Akane - some people are so malicious they will harm themselves to harm others. She made every effort to make friends, what happened is 100% Kouta's fault.
- Let Kagome air his grievances, listen to him, assist with defences, more security will make us all feel better.
- Hang out with Mari, tell her we're glad we have her to look out for us. We got a reminder that the world is a scary place, but not so scary we can't deal with it as long as we stick together.
- If people approach us diplomatically before we rejoin with Inoue, insist we won't make decisions without our sensei there, while making way to meeting point. Under no circumstances go with people places.
- If people approach us with hostile intent at any point, disable or evade and run. No killing, maiming or lasting mental trauma as long as it can be avoided.
- Maintain basic contingency that explosive seals going off in particular patterns mean:
- We need to escape, meeting place for within 5 minutes of explosive seal going off is camp, meeting place for after 5 minutes is forest fallback point.
- Come here quick
- Have someone keep watch from the fort wall when we get back --> keep an eye out for shenanigans.
- Once reunited, stick together, at least till we reach the relative safety of our fort. (yes, that means potty-break buddies till we make it. Get over it)
- If village ninja do come after us, withhold nothing at any point once combat begins. We'll be fighting for our lives. Always use lethal methods. Take no prisoners.
- Use reroll if there's a roll which results in one of us dying. (do we actually have this?)
So this is pretty much Hazou and Co sounding the alarm, whole team meets in local camp (both groups should be able to reach it real quick from their locations) we share info, then run all together to main camp/fort
- Hopefully without killing everyone in our way. I wanna make the initial break-off as painless as possible, as last effort to keep our peace. Not at the cost of our lives/limbs tho.
- Unless they insist on going after us after we leave. At that point, anything goes.
Once there we bunker up and settle down. Plenty of stuff for one update methinks, we can decide what do/train/whatever next vote, once we know what we're dealing with (open pursuit? siege? complete lack of retaliation?)
Once we're sufficiently buffed up (yes hello sealing and stuff) we can skip the village stage, go for the Sanctuary (or whatever that place was called) and get the Scroll. Once we have it we can figure out the summoning thing on our own time and terms, including cashing in favors from Jiraiya (once we earn them)
We'll get there.
If the wording is wonky you'll have to pardon me, it's like
3 5 AM or something. Tag me for improvements and stuff, I'll edit this monster again, later.