@Ugolino I honestly don't understand why you keep talking about "ANSWERS" - what questions has Ono asked?

Ono isn't asking us what happened in Sendai. She clearly already thinks she knows. We need to get through that before we start explaining anything.
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@Ugolino I honestly don't understand why you keep talking about "ANSWERS" - what questions has Ono asked?

Ono isn't asking us what happened in Sendai. She clearly already thinks she knows. We need to get through that before we start explaining anything.
Hopefully, the update will cut short if it's not appropiate to explain things.

I feel we might be validating Ono's point of view by trying to defend ourselves from it, but maybe we do need to defend ourselves, try to challenge whatever idea Ono has. This could also be just bait, and we're biting into it.

Ultimately, lots of people here don't want this comment to go unchallenged for long.

And maybe we can get Ono talking like this. I don't know.

[X] Ugolino

If I keep changing my mind, I'll have to be right eventually!
But then, you'll also become un-right right after being right. :p
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Ono Megane:

Appearance: Sky blue eyes, curly black hair.

Voice: A warm contralto.

Magical Girl costume: A modestly cut evening gown that bares the shoulders, sky blue in colour, like her eyes. Elegant high heels.

Weapon: An ornate, shimmering glassy staff. A ranged weapon, it activates by gathering sparks at its tip, before releasing bursts of light.

Magical Skills:

??? [Cosmetic magic?]: Allows every action done by Ono Megane to look prim and proper. Even frantic, fearful movements become elegant and contemptuous. Lowers her life expectancy due to its seemingly permanent nature.

Personal Skills:

Schrönödinger: Due to her ego being apparently as strong as glass, Ono Megane exists both as a Magical Girl and as a Witch, unless observed.

Oh no plomacy: Beyond other special brands of diplomacy, which tend to backfire, this one specifically aims to hurt oneself and others, achieving even more disastrous results than previously thought possible, and doing this purposefully instead of accidentally.
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Residue processing pt. 18
You exhale slowly - you can't exactly say you're surprised. The little white rat has been entirely too quiet, recently, and... she got rid of that Grief Seed, didn't she? She must have talked to Kyuubey. Might this be the first signs of Kyuubey turning hostile towards you? Or just it poking at you?

You and I remember Sendai very differently. For example, I don't remember you being there at all.

You... kind of want to say it. Or something witty and sarcastic and biting, just one moment to maybe turn the tables on Megane.

What you say instead is a neutral, "Sendai... was a mess, yes. I'm not going to pretend otherwise. It wasn't what I wanted to happen or why I went there."

Ugh. As well all yourself a watch wearing dildo. Or maybe not. That appellation doesn't suit you at all. You take a long, long moment of thought to formulate what you want to say.

"I'm sure you would have preferred that everyone immediately fell in line with your orders," Megane says, refocusing on you.

... well, she's not wrong...

"I went to stop a war that'd have killed a dozen magical girls and even more civilians," you say instead, keeping your voice steady.

Mami touches you lightly on the elbow. Her face crinkles into a gentle, reassuring smile, golden eyes warm and fond. Silent support. You return it, before refocusing on Megane.

The girl's frowning at the two of you.

You sigh. "Alright. First of all. Cleansing," you say, waving a finger in a small circle. Grief trickles into the air from all your Soul Gems, swirling together into a malevolent mass that you crush down into marbles and send outside to join the main bulk of Grief. Mami gives you a quick smile, while Homura nods an acknowledgement to you.

"Second of all..." you frown at Megane. "Well, I can guess at what you know, and who told you. I'm going to tell you my side of the story."

"I don't need to hear your justifications," she says. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Mami frowning.

"Justifications... well, I think saving people is a pretty good one," you say, faux thoughtfully. "The first thing I knew about it were earthquakes. I'm sure you saw those on the news. When I went to investigate, I found... a fight. A big on, in Ishinomaki."

"Of course you went to investigate," Megane says scornfully.

"How many Magical Girls do you think would have died if I hadn't gotten involved?" you challenge, arms still folded. "I went to Ishinomaki to rescue one Hamasaki Akiko and half her group. Then we found out that the other half of her group, back in Sendai, was being attacked, and I followed up on that."

You pause, watching Megane. She doesn't really seem to be listening to you, eyes focused above your head once more.

... you'll give it another shot.

"Akiko, it turns out, had been beating the University girls -by which I mean the group of girls based at Sendai University- down and starving them to death. Literally to death, Miss Ono, while the Sendai group got fat on their tax," you say, emphasizing the words with disdain.

Megane frowns slightly at that, her eyes flicking down to you and away again.

"So yes, I intervened," you say, raising your eyebrows at the girl. "And yes, we did a lot of damage to stop her and her allies - considering that she pulled in magical girls from across the prefecture. And yes, she went catatonic after she lost - I didn't do that deliberately."

You grimace at the memory before continuing. "The rest of the Sendai girls gave up and agreed to leave the others alone, if you want to call that toeing the line. I can introduce you to the girls directly involved, if you want to talk to them directly."

You could get them here in a few moments, even, if you enlisted a certain foul mouthed teleporter's help.

... Well, actually, no, since you don't have telepathy in timestop. But still.

You wait for a response from the girl, watching her with your arms folded.

"I'm sure you had your reasons," the girl says, glaring at you. "What will it take for you to release me, and let me see the least amount of you?"

[] Write-in


Unfriendly, much?
"I'm sure you had your reasons," the girl says, glaring at you. "What will it take for you to release me, and let me see the least amount of you?"

Negotiations have begun. In Ono speak, the bolded part is basically a concession that we're dictating terms. Actually...we can even use it as leverage to make her keep grief seeds instead of giving them to Kyubey.
Just get her to confirm what she knows and add any need to know stuff and leave, then later on send an third party to check up or explain.
dammit, i knew this was going to happen - and now we've lost our chance to hear what she heard, from whom, and (hopefully) use it as a springboard into the "kyubey is a deceitful little rat" discussion.
[] "The least I want out of people: To live and let live."
-[] But you're not getting rid of me so easily. Want to go for a walk?

So... what are we gonna tell her? We can't lichbomb her right? She might just break into tiny little pieces if we do.

Uh, there was a reason it's called lichbomb.

On how she wants to see us as little as possible: She seemingly can't go a day without needing cleansing help, and I don't think we can trust her with a Clear Seed, so...

I'm rather skeptical she did.
"Akiko, it turns out, had been beating the University girls -by which I mean the group of girls based at Sendai University- down and starving them to death. Literally to death, Miss Ono, while the Sendai group got fat on their tax," you say, emphasizing the words with disdain.

Megane frowns slightly at that, her eyes flicking down to you and away again.
She couldn't avoid listening.
"I'm sure you had your reasons," the girl says, glaring at you.
And she's looking at us, now. Glaring, but still.
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[X] I get the feeling you don't believe me, but making friends is not why I'm here. All I want is to let you live a full life.
[X] I believe I've already told you, but you don't seem to be getting the point: if your gem goes black you're dead. I can't save you at that point.
[X] If we must talk like this is a negotiation, then fine. You keep a seed on you, keep cleansed, and contact me for cleansing whenever you need it. I can also refresh used seeds so you can use them again, and I ask that you not give them to Kyubey. Kind of a waste, you understand.
[X] So long as I don't have to tell you not to get into fights with other magical girls in town, you shouldn't have to see too much of me if you don't want to.

Tempted to take this and bail, but there's a damn good chance she's got no intention of following through. In fact, if anyone was going to go obtain mercs and try to kill us, it'd be Ono, I think.
[X] First things first: offer to let her down so long as she agrees not to try to attack us again.
-[X] As for her question... some sort of assurance that she'll actually live past the end of the week? Because at the rate she's using magic, she'll be lucky to last more than a few days.
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[] I can release you right now if you promise to stop being violent.
[] If you really find my company that unpleasant, I won't try to force us to spend quality time together. I'll even even allow you to leave our team if that's what you really want, but I doubt you'll find many other magical girls as accommodating. After all, most would kill you as competition.
[] That said, we're not leaving you till we're satisfied you won't get yourself killed and I'm not going to ignore any evidence that you are endangering yourself or others.
[] I seen to have left a very bad impression on you and for that I apologise. But believe it or not, I'm trying to keep everyone safe and relatively happy. I hope that that doesn't seem like a terrible goal.
[] I can try encouraging a neighbouring group to take you in, but I have a lot less influence than you seem to think, I don't think it's likely they'll agree, and you obviously don't realise this, but we really are the best chance you have.
[] I admit that I've made mistakes, concerning both you and others, but may I ask how you would've preferred me to handle those situations? I'm not actually out to offend or annoy you. Not on purpose at least.
[] I must also express curiosity on why you trust the words of the one who neglected to tell you about telepathy more than the one who taught it to you.
[] Friends aren't easy to come by in our line of work. I do hope that you are more willing to try an amicable relationship in the future, but if you want minimal contact, strictly business for now, so be it.
Mine is proooobably a little too villainous sounding for its own good, but it's what I've got. NSMS's looks good, but Imma wait for the votes to shake out a bit.
We need to address her problems. Excessive magic use and a poor understanding of witches in general. Keeping cleansed only stops a symptom.
We can't lichbomb her right?
Haven't we been planning to lichbomb her from the start? That's why this talk had to be in person instead of just sending her some text messages.

[] We'll let her down if she doesn't attack us.
[] She'll see the least amount of us if we can trust her to survive without us.
[] With that in mind, start Magical Girls 101.
-[] The soul gem is actually her soul. If it gets destroyed she dies. If it gets more than a hundred meters it disconnects from her body. If it gets cracked, it'll start filling up with grief even faster than it already is and she'll be stuck with at least daily visits to us or death. The rest of her body is replaceable, the soul gem is not.
-[] Grief seeds are a limited and vital resource. She keeps used ones for us to recycle.
-[] The Incubator never lies, but it has implied girls to their deaths. If she wants information from it make sure to get a direct factual claim.
-[] We don't have to actually meet her to cleanse her if she doesn't want. We can cleanse her from a block away from now on.
-[] Avoid Kasamino. We'd put even odds on Kyoko stabbing her in the face.
-[] Masami and Hiroko might be okay, though. Try contacting them before going out hunting alone. Girls who hunt alone tend to die alone.
[] Quiz her after to ensure understanding.

Anything I missed?