(As a final note; we don't actually need to be relevant in combat. That's what we have teammates for. Our goal combat-wise is to do exactly as much combat as we need to to keep up with our unstagnations, and no more.)
Can we drop our combat domain somehow? The only real reason we go into combat is that we need to unstagnate... It's not really something we do anymore.

Declare (1FP): Hazou advised Naruto to order Leaf Summoners to train CR and get the favor of their Summons, maximizing the chance of them summoning their Boss
Have we confirmed that we can in fact make this Declare?

Orochimaru sighed in disgust and rolled slit-pupiled eyes. "Yes, yes. 'Detail is de part of de snake dat goes in de hole de last.' Very droll."
I lol'ed too hard at this. Thanks, @eaglejarl.

Thursday being an interlude, topic suggestions are welcome.
In no particular order:
  • Anything Ami-related
  • Anything Hazflake-related
  • Where on Earth is Gōketsu Kagome
  • Beta timeline
  • More conversations with Best Boi Cannai
  • Missing-nin slice-of-life
Thursday being an interlude, topic suggestions are welcome.
I think an Ami interlude would be cool, either what she's up to now or a continuation of her date contest with Snow.

Can we drop our combat domain somehow? The only real reason we go into combat is that we need to unstagnate... It's not really something we do anymore
Have we confirmed that we can in fact make this Declare
[x] Incomprehensible Questionably Canon Ami Interlude Which Seems to Reveal Tons of Novel Information Without Actually Making Anything Clearer
Anything that involves Sasori, Konan, or another Akatsuki member we haven't seen on screen.

Unless we revive them, this might be our last shot to see them written.
Can we drop our combat domain somehow? The only real reason we go into combat is that we need to unstagnate... It's not really something we do anymore.
Nah, we've asked. Ninja Culture being what it is means that you're indoctrinated into it and have it from the Academy, onwards. Otherwise Orochimaru would've ditched it way back when.
Can we drop our combat domain somehow? The only real reason we go into combat is that we need to unstagnate... It's not really something we do anymore.
There are a few angles complicating this:
  • Hazou's combat stats genuinely take up a lot of space in his build. Sure, they're not his capstone, but he's invested a serious amount of XP and pyramid slots into them already. It's hard to argue, even if they're eclipsed by our research abilities, that it hasn't been a major focus.
  • Hazou still fights! In part this is just fishing for unstagnations, and so forms a sort of catch-22 where our mere desire not to get screwed over by combat stagnation perpetuates the combat domain, but it remains true that Hazou makes serious use of his combat skills semi-regularly.
  • Ninja in general are trained for combat first and foremost. It's the first domain on every ninja's sheets because that's just what the Academy does. Everything in the very foundation of Hazou's ninja education is bent towards a combat domain.
This all rounds off to "no", as Stompy put it, and some of this has been explicitly confirmed by QMs on previous occasions (specifically the part about Academy training, IIRC), but I'd also like to offer another angle: if we drop our Combat domain we're essentially committing to always being a shrimpy weakling that everyone else in the setting bullies. Time and time again we see that essies refuse to respect you if you aren't in their weight class combat-wise, and that even has echoes among our most friendly essies within Leaf. Even if nothing else, we need to keep pushing our combat stats so that we can sit at the big boys table without constant patronizing undercurrents about how we only technically deserve to be here.

(Oddly, I don't get this vibe from Orochimaru. I suppose, ever the pragmatist, he simply ignores all social games and looks directly at what we can do.)
Can we drop our combat domain somehow? The only real reason we go into combat is that we need to unstagnate... It's not really something we do anymore.
As others have said, we can't actually do this, and we still do want to do combat pretty regularly (example; surviving in the beyond-Wind chakra beast land),but I think it's also worth noting that in general having two domains is better than one almost regardless of what they are. If we dropped Combat, we'd have to unstagnate Sealing every 500 XP instead of 1000, and we've barely kept up with our Sealing unstagnations in an arc we've spent doing almost nothing but research. Furthermore, we wouldn't be able to unstagnate as far in advance. With two domains, we can remove barriers up to 1000 XP ahead of where we actually are; with one, we can only remove barriers 500 XP ahead, so we'd have to be a lot more consistent about when we did unstagnations and e.g. getting a Severe for three months so we couldn't unstagnate would be a much bigger loss to our XP. Finally, with two domains, the penalty for being fully stagnant in one is reduced compared to if you only have one domain (0.3 vs 0.1).
[x] Incomprehensible Questionably Canon Ami Interlude Which Seems to Reveal Tons of Novel Information Without Actually Making Anything Clearer
Thursday being an interlude, topic suggestions are welcome.
If a bunch of players showed interest in seeing a continuation of Hazō's conversation with King Kamehameha, would that make you more likely to write it?

I've spoken with a few people who want it to happen, but do not vote for it because they believe it never will.
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If a bunch of players showed interest in seeing a continuation of Hazō's conversation with King Kamehameha, would that make you more likely to write it?

I've spoken with a few people who want it to happen, but do not vote for it because they believe it never will.
Good to know, but it is also extremely spoon-costly. Since interludes are traditionally things we do when low on time/spoons, it is in an awkward position (and there are also some heavy cosmological questions in there which would require triple QM signoff).
[x] Interlude which is clearly canon, with characters we recognize in a place that we would like information from, yet it still gives no useful information for the purposes of resolving our current situation.
@eaglejarl @Paperclipped @Velorien , non-urgent question; how much of a model do you have of what the sealing disciplines we haven't unlocked yet (biosealing, Minatosealing, (carved sealing?)) can and can't do? (Question sparked by Oro recently claiming that his SCs are "competent elite jōnin" but no more, suggesting that you might have at least the top layers of an Orochimaru pyramid built, for which you would need to know roughly what kind of buffs he can expect out of his bioseals.)
[X] Scenes from Tenten's life as part of team Uplift.

[X] Something about Yuno's relationships. Noburi, Satsuko, Jashin, other Uplift members.

[X] Team Uplift bonding during their time as missing-nin.

[X] Clan Goketsu after team Uplift goes missing.

[X] Naruto's perspective on Akatsuki showing up to attack Orochimaru.
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How about a Honoka interlude, showing what things have been like for her after we went missing-nin ? We are about to end the quest or return to Leaf soon, so either way we'll soon know what happened to the clan.
I'd personally like something happy and I have a feeling her life got a LOT worse in meaningful ways after we went missing.
Can we drop our combat domain somehow? The only real reason we go into combat is that we need to unstagnate... It's not really something we do anymore.
Nope. To my knowledge, even Reo — perhaps the ultimate example of someone well suited to this — hasn't been able to drop his Combat domain. We haven't got an explicit ruling about that, however, and you may want to check with the QMs on the issue if you really are serious about pursuing a dropped Combat domain.
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Hm, if we're doing actual voting for the interlude instead of just dropping suggestions then I guess I'd better actually vote.

[X] Incomprehensible Questionably Canon Ami Interlude Which Seems to Reveal Tons of Novel Information Without Actually Making Anything Clearer
[X] Ami buys groceries
[X] Future Interlude: Instances of Three Individuals, Part 4, but with an explosive tag

[X] Kagome leaves Team Uplift, but with many explosive tags
[X] Clan Goketsu after team Uplift goes missing.
[X] Naruto's perspective on Akatsuki showing up to attack Orochimaru.
[X] Beta Timeline

[X] Lore Update
maybe? Pretty please?

And of course,
[X] Interlude: The Akatsuki Christmas Special, EM Nuke Rune Edition