[X] I want to do Scrying Runes before Chakra Runes
Hey everyone. Longtime lurker, great quest btw. Is there any concrete reason why you don't have sapient seals/runes yet? It should surely be possible for Hazo to make a computer with either one of these, and then program an AI. These constructs should be a great alternative to SC due to their permanence. Maybe you could even put an instance of Snowlake on it to give her some more time to interact with the world.
Making a computer sounds easy. Making a computer capable of modern feats of computation, much less AI, sounds extremely hard. It doesn't do us much good to create, like, a sealtech half-adder with a clock cycle of once per second. irl computers are useful because they can manage millions or billions of operations per second, with data storage to match, and it seems unlikely to me that seals will scale up to such extreme heights without a fight.
However, I wouldn't take that to intrinsically mean Hazou couldn't make a sealtech AI. It's just that he wouldn't do it by making a sealtech microprocessor and then writing lines of code in it. Instead, he'd need to approach the problem from a different angle, one more conducive to directly leveraging Sealing's talents. Although, even here I would be surprised to find such a feat within our grasp.
Now, regarding a different matter. I only read the QM posts, most of the time, so I have little clue. This must have been discussed before, but where is the Edo Tensei? Orochi knows it in canon, but I know this is nothing like canon, so what's up? I know Henge has been nerfed (which I approve of. I also think substitution should be nerfed ((by becoming a gejutsu)) because those moves are way too OP to be taught at school). Is Edo Tensei a similar case?
The official line from Leaf, when we first asked them about it, is that Edo Tensei was a propaganda scam Leaf pulled on the other villages, pretending they were getting back all their fallen war heroes in order to intimidate and panic the other villages. That is, according to Leaf, Edo Tensei never existed and the rumors of its existence are a deliberate fabrication. Nothing we've heard since we entered Leaf has contradicted this, not even as we sat in on discussions at the highest echelons of power, so it seems likely to me that they were telling the truth.
Taking a step back, the reason Edo Tensei was likely given this treatment comes from how, in a setting like this, it would be even more broken than it was in canon. Unlike in canon where the cost of a human sacrifice would deter the good guys from using it, Leaf would have no compunctions against using Edo Tensei to its fullest potential to gain a military advantage over its foes (MfD Leaf would still balk at using Leaf civilians for the task, but they'd have no problem kidnapping foreign civilians in secret). Moreover, canon Edo Tensei grants the resurrected ninja infinite chakra (in a game system where chakra is a pretty limited resource) and the caster of Edo Tensei can even control the resurrected ninja with absolute obedience (which would sound pretty tempting even to Leaf given that even it has problems with powerful ninja going crazy and then going missing). If it existed, it would by no means be a secret forbidden technique, it would be the centerpiece of Leaf's ascendance. Even if you strip out the add-ons, just the resurrection part of it would break the balance of power over its knee, so it's likely the QMs just decided it was never a thing in this universe.
Of course, it's not
impossible that Orochimaru discovered it on his own, and is the only ninja who can use it, and has yet to feel inclined to share that fact with anyone else. I don't think we have a particular reason to believe that's true, but I suppose we can't rule it out. It becomes a moot point, though, if it's so secret that he'll never actually use it.