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IIRC, he made it to both Chunin and Jounin fairly late, but hit Essie within a year of making Jounin.

So I suspect his genius was the "can invent minatosealing" kind, not the "join ANBU at age 9" kind.

That implies a very promising time-to-hiraishin after acquisition of the Minatosealing stunt, then! The primary mechanical question would be whether Minatosealing uses the paper sealing stat (privileging SSA) or its own stat (and thus DoB)…
Also, we need a ground-protecting defensive rune to go with Runic Air Domes, even if Runic Force Domes are beyond us for now. I'm going to slightly modify @Cariyaga's original version to only affect a hollow dome of ground, which will hopefully make it more efficient, and place below.

[X] [prep day] Iron Earth Dome Rune

Iron Earth Dome Rune

All soil and stone intersecting a hollow hemisphere centered on the rune is frozen in place and made far more durable. This effect is similar to how air domes affect air, but benefits from the solid base material to end up much tougher than an air dome. This effect also prevents tunneling or digging jutsu, as well as other techniques that move existing earth or allow a ninja to move through the earth (e.g. Hiding Like A Mole).
For anti-personnel measures within the area of an air dome rune, I think it's likely we'd find Implosion Runes to be the easiest option.
IIRC, he made it to both Chunin and Jounin fairly late, but hit Essie within a year of making Jounin.

So I suspect his genius was the "can invent minatosealing" kind, not the "join ANBU at age 9" kind.
Y'know, I thought I remembered that too, but I've been searching the thread for a source on that and can't find it.

That implies a very promising time-to-hiraishin after acquisition of the Minatosealing stunt, then
We don't have Tobirama's hirashin technique, though, which Minato based his off of... I don't know if developing it without that will even be possible.
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We keep kicking Storage Runes down the road, but these might allow us to make Implosion Runes and will definitely get more space time veterancy. I prefer that plans do less prep days and research those in a non-SSA slot at the moment.
Are implosion runes... useful?
We need delivery mechanisms, not another half-dozen variations on "kill anyone who's obliging enough to approach the rune and stand around for 30 seconds while you activate it."

Also I have a suggestion that's basically identical - Trad Explosive Rune, why not just suggest I put "(no/significantly reduced)" I the description?
Missed it, the name wasn't clear to me.
Yeah, that sounds good. Please make that change.
[X] [prep] Trad Explosive Rune

The primary mechanical question would be whether Minatosealing uses the paper sealing stat (privileging SSA) or its own stat (and thus DoB)…
Every other alternate sealing Paradigm we've seen(Biosealing, Lithosealing) has required a stunt and unlocked a new skill. We've seen Minatosealing's unlock stunt, and it looks like the others.
Hazou's description of Minatosealing(seals useing chakra as the medium) sound at least as different from graphosealing as lithosealing is, if not more so.
So I'm preeety sure it's a separate skill.

But let's ask.
@Paperclipped @Velorien @eaglejarl
Does Hazou suspect that Minatosealing will follow the same principles as conventional sealing? Or does he expect to be learning a new(but related) skillset like he did for Lithosealing?
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Anti-PAPER Rune

She's made of paper? She can't exist in the AoE. She can't use her paper clones etc.

I want to work up to infused seals but that sounds pretty damn hard. Not destroying them, but preventing the inevitable sealing failures from such.
The thing about infused seals are that they are infused with chakra. That's the thing that's not being destroyed. Do you think that Konan's magic chakra paper is not infused with chakra?
I don't think we have anything up the sleeve to kill these bastards when they show up, last I checked, so yes they are obviously useful.
I don't think this engaged with or answered my question?

We already have Explosive Runes.
They aren't that useful, because they're immobile, extremely conspicuous, and have a really long activation time.

If Implosion Runes are like Explosive Runes but +10 DC, that hasn't actually solved the things we need to solve to make explosive runes usable. We still can't get someone the stand by the increasingly glowing ominiously humming bomb for 30 seconds while it activates. And if we could, our current Explosive Runes could kill them fine anyways.
I don't think this engaged with or answered my question?

We already have Explosive Runes.
They aren't that useful, because they're immobile, extremely conspicuous, and have a really long activation time.

If Implosion Runes are like Explosive Runes but +10 DC, that hasn't actually solved the things we need to solve to make explosive runes usable. We still can't get someone the stand by the increasingly glowing ominiously humming bomb for 30 seconds while it activates. And if we could, our current Explosive Runes could kill them fine anyways.
EJ on Discord said:
Also, I feel like y'all are sleeping on one: implosion rune+force dome. Multi-km dome does up, trapping the targets inside. A moment later, all the air disappears. Best of all, vacuum doesn't look any different from air.

Obviously all ponwog, it's late, I'm tired, maybe doesn't work, etc etc

If we're throwing in the towel on cooking up anything to just murderize them all in a forced engagement, then I agree that we should not pursue anything with the specific intent of killing them, but then I think we should focus on ways to hide currently active runes (hopefully doubles to hide our own ninja)and various countermeasures for their overpowered bullshit IMO. After that, then we should figure out a way to defend underground so that they can't just Collapse 2.0 Leaf.

But I'd rather just kill 'em with some horrifically overpowered nonsense to be honest.
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I don't think this engaged with or answered my question?

We already have Explosive Runes.
They aren't that useful, because they're immobile, extremely conspicuous, and have a really long activation time.

If Implosion Runes are like Explosive Runes but +10 DC, that hasn't actually solved the things we need to solve to make explosive runes usable. We still can't get someone the stand by the increasingly glowing ominiously humming bomb for 30 seconds while it activates. And if we could, our current Explosive Runes could kill them fine anyways.
The other side of the coin here is that I don't think Explosive Runes will be enough, not even if we catch them right in the epicenter somehow.

Hidan gets chunky salsa'd and walks it off. Konan is too large to get more than a small fraction of her caught in the blast. Kisame might just literally tank the TN 100 blast. You're right that a weapon is useless without a delivery mechanism, but a delivery mechanism is useless without a weapon.

I understand and agree that delivery mechanisms are the bigger unknown and thus more important to sort out, but we still have work to go on both halves of this equation.
[X] Action Plan: That's Right Kids, More Rune Research
Word Count: 295
Intended Duration: Two research cycles - however long that is.
  • Move locations again when it's time. Ask Kei if it's about time to leave Aisu Bay.
  • Research
  • Start off at full prep on all 3 tracks, drop days if Hazoupilot is confident he isn't risking failure.
    • SSA Track 1: Air Leadening Rune
    • SSA Track 2: Icarus Rune
    • Non-SSA Track: Storage Rune (do not proceed if not ...well within...)
  • Other tracks on prep days, then sealing notes
  • Cannai
    • Respectfully sir, if you send another raiding party, Hazou thinks a larger force is warranted. We never had even a 2:1 advantage of numbers.
      • The Dogs' great strengths are their numbers, their coordination their stamina, and their tracking abilities.
      • Based on the interrogation, the Leopards seem to be traveling in "packs" of 5 or so combatants.
      • A favorable strategy might be to harry their "packs" in groups too large for them to fight (20 members?), and corner them when they have to defend their cubs, or they're too tired to keep running.
        • Not that Hazou knows Dog's strengths better than Cannai does, of course.
    • Ask Cannai if he knows a Dog that might be interested in helping Hazou develop Roki into something that can be used against quadrupeds.
      • If so, ask him to introduce us, try to make a good impression
      • Work on this during SSA rest days.
      • Do your best to incorporate Force Blades into the expanded taijutsu style
  • Misc
    • Give Noburi a copy of MS7 and ask him if he thinks there are medical uses.
    • Test if a HOWR makes a 5SB expire faster than it otherwise would
    • Test if a campfire will trigger LR seal set to receive below-red.

Please format your votes for additional prep days in the following format.

[x] [prep day] Insert Idea

As an ADDITIONAL NOTE I will be doing the ones already voted last research plan first. Regardless of the vote this cycle. So likely that means three novel prep days this cycle. Please take note.
Edits to my plan, primarily the Cannai section, it was getting a lil' wordy, we are below 300 with a bit of space for the last 3 prep days now. But probably no more major additions.
It looks like remote-explosion will be in the list of prep days, and the current plan has Storage Rune as an actual research cycle. I'm not sure what else I could ask for here, given that I don't favor any specific attack vector right now.

[X] Action Plan: That's Right Kids, More Rune Research
It looks like remote-explosion will be in the list of prep days, and the current plan has Storage Rune as an actual research cycle. I'm not sure what else I could ask for here, given that I don't favor any specific attack vector right now.

[X] Action Plan: That's Right Kids, More Rune Research
A fourth runic research track? Then we need 3 full prep cycles to do all the prep days....
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@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Do Hazou's estimates for difficulty checks get more accurate if he has researched related runes? Or really does Hazou think his estimates get more accurate if he has veterancy?

For example, he's done a few time runes now, does he feel his estimates about TR 50 and TR 75 (the last two we did) are more accurate than his estimates about TR 125?
Portable Explosive Rune:

An explosive rune that has zero or greatly decreased 'runic drag'.

Storage Rune:

The rune equivalent of the storage seal. Intent: significantly up the storage limit on the mass or volume sides.
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The following plan is a fork of @Sir Stompy 's current plan that attempts to actually research some of the easier runes we have prep'd to grind some veterancy and open up subsequent runes related to them in a future plan.

I have removed the Air Leadening Rune (NB: I pushed for this one IIRC) so that theres more variety. I think the Icarus Rune is generally a better idea to start off with so lets go with that (kudos to IV, solid idea) and included the Chakra Capacitor Rune (veterancy for working with chakra stuff), the Storage Rune (veterancy for space/time manipulation, prelude to Implosion Runes or other chicanery) and the Space Warp Rune (veterancy for more space/time stuff).

I hope that getting more runes under Hazou's belt in these areas allows us to work on some space/time stuff that would help us cook up some "delivery methods" for our esoteric bullshit, give us at least one way to nerf our opponents (Icarus Rune: no skywalkers for 'em) and potentially give us a head start on either a way to interact with the chakra side of things via the capacitor one, or maybe a way to supercharge a HOWS variant to produce our death beam.

I have wiggled the prep days around and cut some so its slightly more prioritized. I think the pocket space one, the remote explosion one, storm rune, and the "Kagome-sensei satisfying" explosive one are highest priority ATM. I can do the same with the SSA vs Non-SSA tracks if anyone has a relative assessment of what should and shouldn't be SSA-d.

Ping me for edits I guess.

[X] Action Plan: An Attempt to Make Hazou Know Things
Word count: 295
Intended Duration: 12 days subjective, 10 calendar.

  • Leave Aisu Bay when Kei judges it's time. Sanity check, then head for western Gaikotsu Bay.
  • Research: Max prep. Reroll only for safety to conserve FP.
  • Other tracks on difficulty checks (in order):
  • All extra blocks on notes.
  • Spend time with Snowflake on a Skytower, under nighttime sky. Discuss:
    • Stresses of the mission and looming deadlines.
    • Missing our family. We're glad she's here, with us.
    • How we're glad to have her in our life. She's important, and deserves to hear that.
      • After losing Akane, we've realized we need to say that more. We don't want to take anyone for granted.
  • Sanity check with Kei:
    • Cannai:
      • Discuss the raid. Tentative suggestion (Cannai knows Dog's strengths best, obviously)
        • The Dogs' great strengths are numbers, coordination, stamina, and tracking.
        • Based on the interrogation, Leopards travel in "packs" of ~5+ combatants.
        • Potential strategy: harry their "packs" in groups too large to fight (20 Dogs?), cornering them when they have to defend their cubs or get too tired to run.
      • Are there any Dogs that might help us develop Roki into something that'd be useful against quadrupeds?
        • Would Cannai introduce us?
        • If yes:
          • Meet the Dog on a good day (without Consequences). Aim to make a good impression.
          • Work on this during SSA rest days.
          • Incorporate Force Blades into the new taijutsu style.
    • Misc:
      • Give Noburi a copy of MS7. Any medical applications?
      • Test whether a HOWR makes a 5SB expire faster.
      • Test whether a campfire will trigger a LR seal set to receive below-red.
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