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C'mon guys it sounds the coolest and we get credit for inventing it! Do you want people to Empathy us and see an aspect named "lithosealer" or see something named "Primordial Sealer" and start freaking the fuck out?
My understanding (or lack thereof) was that people guess things about us through Empathy, they don't derive OOC knowledge through the names of aspects?
[X] [Discipline Name] Lithosealing
It sounds like lithobraking, which makes me laugh.
[X] [Discipline Name] Primordial Sealing
It does sound bad ass.
[X] [Object Name] Chakralith
[X] [Discipline Name] Epic Sealing Discipline of Awesomeness With A Really Awesome Name That You Have To Say All Of Every Time Or It Won't Work And Also I'll Punch You In The Face, This Means You, Jiraiya
[X] [Object Name] Epic Seal of Awesomeness With A Really Awesome Name That You Have To Say All Of Every Time Or It Won't Work And Also I'll Punch You In The Face, This Means You, Jiraiya
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[X] [Discipline Name] Epic Sealing Discipline of Awesomeness With A Really Awesome Name That You Have To Say All Of Every Time Or It Won't Work And Also I'll Punch You In The Face, This Means You, Jiraiya
[X] [Object Name] Epic Seal of Awesomeness With A Really Awesome Name That You Have To Say All Of Every Time Or It Won't Work And Also I'll Punch You In The Face, This Means You, Jiraiya
When we rez Jiraiya, we've gotta get Orochimaru in on this.
[X] [Discipline Name] Epic Sealing Discipline of Awesomeness With A Really Awesome Name That You Have To Say All Of Every Time Or It Won't Work And Also I'll Punch You In The Face, This Means You, Jiraiya
[X] [Discipline Name] 3D sealing
[X] [Object Name] Lithoseal

We have a good name people already use that will strike fear into the heart of every other research sealmaster. We can call them lithoseals for the science feel of it.
[X] [Discipline Name] Primordial Sealing
[X] [Object Name] Epic Seal of Awesomeness With A Really Awesome Name That You Have To Say All Of Every Time Or It Won't Work And Also I'll Punch You In The Face, This Means You, Jiraiya
[X] [Discipline Name] Akanesealing
[X] [Object Name] Akanes
[X] [Object Name] These Things

[X] interlude-The Bingo books on leaf (AKA Tell us are nicknames already QMS!

Also -- Can we have confirmation that Defend The Log (cast by Pandojuru) would function under the same buff as Pantokrator's Hammer? I assume that it does, because the text of the jutsu says that it functions very similarly. @Paperclipped @eaglejarl @Velorien

Additionally, I assume chakra effects generally remain in place for the duration even if its owner perishes/vanishes to the summon plane?

It occurs to me that Defend the Log would, over the course of a fight, probably save more chakra than summoning Pandojuru would use, so.
Reminder post; these questions are relevant to the next plan.
[X] Action Plan: Ghosts of Hazōmas Past
Word Count: 278

We discuss the below with the team.
  • Hazou's immediate thoughts:
    • We're not splitting the party. There's too much of a chance something will attack either weakened group.
    • We're not abandoning Yuma. That's not what we do.
  • Kei: Suggest using ranged Earth Domes/Electrocution Seals, or any other offensive ninjutsu that could be effective.
    • Don't pry about the Nara clan jutsu. If she thinks they'll be useful, she'll use them.
  • Point out the common link here: Our enemies were humans Hazou's seen die.
    • We're all seeing the same thing, right?
    • We haven't seen: Joutarou, Yami, Arikada's bodyguards, Minami Nikko, Squirrel-nin. Get everyone filled in on them: Skills, appearances, etc..
    • Hazou is uncertain if he should leave/reverse summon:
      • If Hazou continues, would the shades take on the Hyenas he's seen die? The Dragon?
      • Would him leaving make the shades stop coming, xor would they pick someone else to fixate on?
    • Get everyone's thoughts, then proceed.
  • The team keeps going.
    • Hazou considers enlisting Cantelope, Canun, or other ninjutsu-using Summons' aid. We group around and protect them.
    • Approach Yūma carefully, he might be confused or an enemy in disguise.
    • After we get him, Skywalk and Tunneling Excavation out.
      • When we get to the surface, call off the rescue mission. Use Earbusters if necessary to get the attention of reinforcements.
    • If more shades appear, and IFF it doesn't reduce our combat ability, try communicating with them - we just want to get our buddy and leave.
      • If it's a Seventh Path shade - Hyena, Cat, ... - Hazou reverse summons immediately. No way we're risking a Dragonshade.
    • If anyone thinks they can't kill shades, even with GS or PEA, they'll apply Maneuvers to support the others.
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[X] Action Plan: Ghosts of Hazōmas Past

If Hazou continues, would the shades take on the Hyenas he's seen die? The Dragon?
I would add a specific provision around here for "If we do see a Summon shade, Hazou leaves immediately with Tunnel Excavation. We can't risk a Dragon shade." Even if the chance is small, and smaller yet that it can exist outside this place, the Elemental Nations are in no way prepared for a threat like it.
[X] Action Plan: Ghosts of Hazōmas Past
Word Count: ???
  • Hazou's immediate thoughts:
    • We're not splitting the party. There's too much of a chance something will attack either weakened group.
    • We're not abandoning Yuma. That's not what we do.
  • Suggest for Kei to use Electrocution Seals/Goo Bombs. Alternatively, ask if she has learned any other offensive ninjutsu which may be of use.
    • Don't ask/suggest for her to use Nara clan jutsu: there may be a good reason she isn't using them that hasn't been said. Just float the idea of "offensive ninjutsu".
  • Point out that every enemy we've seen have been humans Hazou's seen die.
    • People we haven't seen:
    • Get everyone filled in regarding these threats: appearances, skillsets, etc..
    • Hazou is uncertain if heshould leave/reverse summon:
      • Would him leaving make the shades stop coming, xor would they pick someone else to fixate on?
      • If Hazou continues, would the shades take on the Hyenas he's seen die? The Dragon?
    • Get everyone's thoughts, then proceed.
  • The team keeps going.
    • Approach Yūma carefully, he might be confused or an enemy in disguise.
    • After we get him, equip skywalkers and Tunneling Excavation out.
      • When we get to the surface, call off the rescue mission. Use Earbusters if necessary to get the attention of reinforcements.

May I suggest mining(by launching, nothing sophisticated and time consuming) the front/back of with an massive amount of MARS Goo Bomb's/Directional explosives/Earth Domes while we advance so we can activate them if Shades spawn? There is also the fact that Kei is relatively not good offensively, so using the Chakra for a long range Summon or a Summon with PEA could be more useful.
Finally, we could position lines of earth Domes(Kagome trap version)at set intervals we can substitute behind and activate as barricades.
Oh, and substitution targets like the cave in honey, we should declare or at least start putting them down.
[X] Action Plan: Ghosts of Hazōmas Past
Word Count: ???
  • Hazou's immediate thoughts:
    • We're not splitting the party. There's too much of a chance something will attack either weakened group.
    • We're not abandoning Yuma. That's not what we do.
  • Suggest for Kei to use Electrocution Seals/Goo Bombs. Alternatively, ask if she has learned any other offensive ninjutsu which may be of use.
    • Don't ask/suggest for her to use Nara clan jutsu: there may be a good reason she isn't using them that hasn't been said. Just float the idea of "offensive ninjutsu".
  • Point out that every enemy we've seen have been humans Hazou's seen die.
    • People we haven't seen:
    • Get everyone filled in regarding these threats: appearances, skillsets, etc..
    • Hazou is uncertain if heshould leave/reverse summon:
      • Would him leaving make the shades stop coming, xor would they pick someone else to fixate on?
      • If Hazou continues, would the shades take on the Hyenas he's seen die? The Dragon?
    • Get everyone's thoughts, then proceed.
  • The team keeps going.
    • Approach Yūma carefully, he might be confused or an enemy in disguise.
    • After we get him, equip skywalkers and Tunneling Excavation out.
      • When we get to the surface, call off the rescue mission. Use Earbusters if necessary to get the attention of reinforcements.
Why aren't we suggesting Nara jutsu? She can say 'not suitable' and be done with it. This weird cave is secure enough that OPSEC isn't a concern.

I'd also like to plan for Mari and Haru arriving, as it's likely that they'll show up. Frankly, turtling for fifteen and seeing if they make an entry isn't a bad idea.
Why aren't we suggesting Nara jutsu? She can say 'not suitable' and be done with it. This weird cave is secure enough that OPSEC isn't a concern.

I'd also like to plan for Mari and Haru arriving, as it's likely that they'll show up. Frankly, turtling for fifteen and seeing if they make an entry isn't a bad idea.
Yuma is actively bleeding out and might not have 15 more minutes before he dies. It's been less than an hour so far.

Actually @eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped based on the blood trail that the team has seen, does Noburi think Yuma has 15 minutes to spare before he bleeds out?
[X] [Discipline Name] Lithosealing
[X] [Object Name] Lithoseal
[X] [Discipline Name] Akanesealing
[X] [Object Name] Akanes

TFW you come back from the dead and half the world's new inventions have your name on it

[X] Action Plan: Ghosts of Hazōmas Past
[X] [Discipline Name] Lithosealing
[] [Discipline Name] 3D Sealing
[] [Discipline Name] Primordial Sealing

Lithosealing is a cool name. It's succinct and flows off the tongue well. Primordial Sealing is admittedly a very cool name but it's not one that Hazou IC knows so there's only really one choice in my eyes.
Lithosealing would be fine of its actually confirmed that the exact same seals won't ever work with some other substrate that is not stone.

Primordial Sealing I don't quite get. It's what the QMs chose, but why os something Primordial just because the Sage of Six Paths and Pain are the only reported users before Hazō?

[X][Discipline Name] 3D Sealing

But I have no problem with having "lithosealing" used as a secondary technical term for what Hazō specifically is doing with the help of ES.
If Hazou continues, would the shades take on the Hyenas he's seen die? The Dragon?
There is a risk there, in case the failure measures intelligence, but Hazō has killed tonnes and tonnes of chakra beasts, including beasts that could have beat some of the ninja he killed (thinking of te ones he freed Akane from specifically) and none of those appeared.
Uh, frankly, I think we're best off just seeing if we can make a declaration for a Mari interrupt, if it turns out necessary.
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