Maybe we should do a quick check with Mari? Maybe spend an FP to share a voluminous "do we room to push a little more?" Or "can you tell if Kabuto thinks we have room to push a little more?"
[X] Action Plan: To Sleep? Perchance not

Still haven't taken a proper look at the plans, but this one is straightforward enough that I'm confident I'm happy with it.
PSA: Update delayed. Also, hiatus starts after it comes out.
I immediately disbelieved this just based on the day (though I didn't figure out why the chapter wasn't released yesterday for an embarrassingly long time), but figured it might be true, so I was a little worried. Until the truck was carrying Easter Eggs. Then it was just a a joy to read as you made things more and more ridiculous. I'm sympathetic towards other peoples bad days, but I thought it was great comedy.

I'm sorry that you're having such a crappy day, and that I made it worse. If you'd like a sympathetic ear to vent to, feel free to drop by the Discord. I'll be in and out most of the night and am happy to listen, either via text or voice chat.
I love this place.
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  • Orochimaru will provide five packets of notes/information of equivalent value to those currently offered (per part) if any parts are damaged during his investigations. Equivalency to be determined by Tower-appointed arbiter. The remnants will be returned and the deal will be terminated.
  • If any parts are destroyed during Orochimaru's investigations, as above, but ten packets.
I'd just like to note that this is functionally equivalent to 'You can do these actions freely if you pay us this much more', and that the currency we cite is something of nigh-trivial value to him. This may be intentional in a 'I don't mind losing the dragon parts if we get that much Sealing XP in exchange' sense, but if it's meant to serve as deterrent I don't think it would really serve its job very well.
Did Hazō or anyone else ever bring up how it seems as if there could be a direct connection between the incipient collapse of the Seal holding back the Dragons and the appearance of someone with a bloodline marking him as the Heir to the Sage of Six Paths? My understanding is that these two events appears to be totally unprecedented. Recorded history is naturally extremely limited due to the apocalyptic nature of the setting, but I think we can safely assume that the awesome power of the Rinnegan and the destructive potential of anything sealed away by the Sage would still prove sufficient to leave an unmistakable historical impression. The absence of such an impression means that world has seen two events that had never before occurred over the countless millennium since the Sage was last active take place within what must have been at most a few decades. Doesn't it make more sense for there to be a connection than for this to be just an incredible coincidence?

If we assume that there is a connection between these two events than it seems as if we have an answer to why the Sage didn't take steps to prepare for the eventual collapse of his Seals. His plan would have been for his spiritual heir either restore the failing seals or gather a new group of powerful followers (as Pain did with Akatsuki) to find a way of implementing a more permanent solution. This plans seems like it would provide far more of a reliable solution to the eventual collapse of the Seals than relying on the accurate transmission of knowledge by a few clans. The only thing needed for this plan to work is for the Sage to have some means of transferring his knowledge and unique power into the distant future. The failure states of such a plan are limited to some kind of error in the transfer process or the complete extermination of anyone who could serve as a potential heir. There are far more failure states in any plan that relies on people following his past instruction. Consider all the challenges that a clan would have to overcome to survive and maintain an intact culture for the thousands of years that would pass before they are needed. Even if we assume that there is some kind of Bloodline or Artifact mental influence that could keep the clans indefinitely focused on their intended purpose, there would still be the strong probability of them simply dying out due to the incredibly violent nature of the world.
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I'd just like to note that this is functionally equivalent to 'You can do these actions freely if you pay us this much more', and that the currency we cite is something of nigh-trivial value to him. This may be intentional in a 'I don't mind losing the dragon parts if we get that much Sealing XP in exchange' sense, but if it's meant to serve as deterrent I don't think it would really serve its job very well.
This terminates the deal. He can do it for the last part, sure, but if he wants more he has to play nice.
We could ask for some negotiating help from Nara and Ami before finalizing a deal
He's in front of you right now, in the middle of investigating the parts, and he's made a solid offer. You can, if you so desire, turn down his offer and take the parts away from him while you bring someone else in to do your negotiating for you.
Did Hazō or anyone else ever bring up how it seems as if there could be a direct connection between the incipient collapse of the Seal holding back the Dragons and the appearance of someone with a bloodline marking him as the Heir to the Sage of Six Paths? My understanding is that these two events appears to be totally unprecedented. Recorded history is naturally extremely limited due to the apocalyptic nature of the setting, but I think we can safely assume that the awesome power of the Rinnegan and the destructive potential of anything sealed away by the Sage would still prove sufficient to leave an unmistakable historical impression. The absence of such an impression means that world has seen two events that had never before occurred over the countless millennium since the Sage was last active take place within what must have been at most a few decades. Doesn't it make more sense for there to be a connection than for this to be just an incredible coincidence?

If we assume that there is a connection between these two events than it seems as if we have an answer to why the Sage didn't take steps to prepare for the eventual collapse of his Seals. His plan would have been for his spiritual heir either restore the failing seals or gather a new group of powerful followers (as Pain did with Akatsuki) to find a way of implementing a more permanent solution. This plans seems like it would provide far more of a reliable solution to the eventual collapse of the Seals than relying on the accurate transmission of knowledge by a few clans. The only thing needed for this plan to work is for the Sage to have some means of transferring his knowledge and unique power into the distant future. The failure states of such a plan are limited to some kind of error in the transfer process or the complete extermination of anyone who could serve as a potential heir. There are far more failure states in any plan that relies on people following his past instruction. Consider all the challenges that a clan would have to overcome to survive and maintain an intact culture for the thousands of years that would pass before they are needed. Even if we assume that there is some kind of Bloodline or Artifact mental influence that could keep the clans indefinitely focused on their intended purpose, there would still be the strong probability of them simply dying out due to the incredibly violent nature of the world.
For me as well, Pein was my frontrunner explanation for why the Great Seal started breaking, primarily his heckhuge bijuu-powered ritual at Nagi Island, but I've since soured on that idea since, to the best of our knowledge, the Great Seal showed problems before the Nagi Island ritual happened.

Your take is a new spin on the idea though: Instead of the Great Seal breaking because of an action caused by Pein, Pein's Rinnegan manifesting because of the Great Seal starting to destabilize. It neatly explains how Pein might get his hands on the Rinnegan, but leaves little explanation for why the Great Seal went wrong other than the passage of time, which feels... I dunno.

It's always been the greatest coincidence of this setting that the quest started during Pein's time, when the Rinnegan was alive and something truly huge was in the works. This happenstance created a setting where 'heir of the Sage' Pein and 'fed inspiration by eldritch beings' Hazou coexisted at the same time, despite either one being a century-defining existence at the very least. Of course, OOC we know perfectly well why that happened, all the fun characters we know and love are in this timeframe as well and it just makes sense to start Hazou off around then, but IC you would have every right to look at Pein and Hazou happening at the same time and find yourself incredibly confused.

(This is perfectly fine: every story gets one free contrivance and that's in the story's premise. It's no grand coincidence that Naruto just so happens to follow the one ninja who turns out to be Ninja Jesus, nor should we be skeptical at the odds that the little muggle-raised Harry Potter turns out to be exceptional even by wizard standards. That we fled from Yagura's Mist as opposed to anywhen else is part of the premise of our story, not a strain on our credulity.)

Anyways, the thing about Hazou is that he's also going above and beyond in his own way. The other frontrunner explanation for the Great Seal failing was Hazou's proliferation of Skytowers to the Pangolins, leading to wide-scale and long-term seal use on the Seventh Path for perhaps the first time in millennia. This totally separate from Pein's also-once-in-a-millennia Rinnegan hax. If the question is what once-in-a-millennium-event the Great Seal is related to, both Hazou's seal proflieration and Pein's Rinnegan sound like plausible options to me.

(Of course, in the former case the line of causality goes from Hazou's actions to the Great Seal failing, while in the other case it's the reverse with the Great Seal failing leading to Pein's rise, but in each case we're left with exactly two once-in-a-millenium events: either Hazou and Pein or Hazou and the Great Seal)

But yeah, good thought with the idea that the Great Seal's failure caused Pein's rise! We'd then be back at square 1 for why the Great Seal started failing in the first place, but it'd explain the other big mystery of how Pein happened.
[X] Action Plan: Big picture items
  • Accept deal, if Kabuto can offer insurance against damage or other contract violations
  • Kabuto:
    • Discuss Dragon Lore, what is the interest there?
    • What's up with Orochimaru dismissing the Great Seal?
    • We're willing to trade more now or in the future, our needs
      • More access to chakra
      • More time, eg. reduced sleep
      • Better short-term survival, eg. over next year
  • Abusing MARIThe High Way Project
    • Discuss with Mari
    • MARI costs ~1 CP/m (!!) for large casts, or ~100km/y (!!) per ninja with just 300 CP.
      • There are plenty of ways to get more chakra
      • Team up with other villages, esp Mist for Wakahisa?
    • Protected, quality raised roads between locations
      • Multiple casts for higher traffic
    • Collect/channel/barricade water flows
      • Irrigate/desertify areas on demand
      • Rivers and sewer systems on demand
    • Grid areas of the map
      • Severely limits (thus depopulates) roaming predators
      • Grid cell much easier to clear out & start villages safely
      • Esp: Farms in grid cells
<200 words
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This happenstance created a setting where 'heir of the Sage' Pein and 'fed inspiration by eldritch beings' Hazou coexisted at the same time, despite either one being a century-defining existence at the very least.

The way you describe Hazo makes me think of him as some kind of Anti Christ figure who is being subtly guided and empowered by eldritch beings that want to bring about the final destruction of the world. His overall impact does fit with this rather horrific perspective as the idealistic nature of his Uplift Philosphy and admirable personal behavior is currently far outweighed by all the terrible events he set in motion. Hazo directly helped the Pangolins begin their genocidal campaign of conquest by violating the longstanding ban on Seals in the Seventh Path. He is also responsible for the chain of events that led to Pain's death after the Akatsuki ritual (which we still know almost nothing about) was interrupted.

This perspective is further reinforced by the evidence showing that Jashin seems to favor Hazo. Having a literal evil god be supportive of your efforts is the type of thing that should make any "Hero" start seriously rethinking their life.
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[X] Hazō Training Plan: Autolevel

Alright, I'm just gonna write up a plan since most of these aren't quite to my tastes.

[X] Action Plan: To Sleep? Perchance not

  • By and large, Hazou is amenable to the deal as it stands, with one possible addition:
    • He is willing to give Orochimaru one of the claws to keep in exchange for a technique or method to reduce the necessity of sleep.
    • Reason: There is not nearly enough time in the day to do all he wishes, particularly research, and Hazou gets the impression Orochimaru would feel similar, and so have an option to deal with this. Perhaps a jutsu or technique to reduce the amount needed, if nothing else.
  • Proceed with sealing research, prioritizing ARS. Stick to SOP, including prep days.

I'd suggest anyone reticent toward negotiating with Orochimaru take a second look at this; it starts from the point that Hazou finds the deal as it stands acceptable, offers to give him a little more in exchange for a little more, in a way that will get us more information on him (is he sympathetic to the transhumanist plight, or is he more self-centered?) without putting ourselves out there too much; and the amount that we do put ourselves out there is such that it might leave him with good feelings toward us, rather than bad, as it is not at all manipulative (other than social situations being inherently manipulative, Mari-in-my-head), simply asking for something that he himself would have had interest in at Hazou's age, in a way that could work to endear ourselves to him.

e: Not, of course, that I expect that endearment to amount to much insofar as stopping him if he *really* gets an idea in his head, but it will leave him less likely to end us for small slights.

e2: Also, It's relatively short and simple to allow eaglejarl to write the scene idea he'd had.
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[X] Yet Another Set of Negotiating Parameters
Word count: 200-ish.
  • Counteroffer:
    • Orochimaru gets exclusive access to the Dragon parts for two weeks each. He only holds one at a time.
      • The others may be non-destructively investigated by other parties until the deal concludes.
      • Orochimaru will provide five packets of notes/information of equivalent value to those currently offered (per part) if any parts are damaged during his investigations. Equivalency to be determined by Tower-appointed arbiter. The remnants will be returned and the deal will be terminated.
      • If any parts are destroyed during Orochimaru's investigations, as above, but ten packets.
    • Happy to negotiate destructive/damaging research as it comes up; however, we feel strongly that all of Leaf's researchers should have an opportunity to investigate the parts before they're damaged or destroyed.
    • The Goketsu will swap parts upon request with a 24 hour grace period.
    • Flexible on how many parts are in his possession at once in exchange for useful jutsu (e.g. reduction of need for sleep), consultation on the Great Seal, Snake inclusion in the Summoning Network (if not already included), help setting up a 7th path chakra farm for Noburi to drain, and any information about Pain's ritual which may be pertinent to the Great Seal/3D sealing.

Personally i would eliminate "7th Path Chakra Farm"(1 Too close to FOOM OPSEC, 2 With the war over it gives us small returns, 3 We have Ma and Pa we can ask for help) and "Snake Inclusion in the Summoning Network"(It would only give us money, that we don't really care about) and add "More sealing notes", Sealing XP is currently one of the most valuable things we can obtain. Still, it's a good plan.

[X] Yet Another Set of Negotiating Parameters
For what I gathered orochimaru values his time way more than his assets, phisical things he can throw around like candy, but he has only so many hours in the day even whit SC, so help of any kind is pricier than seals or jutsu.
Also how are we going to make him answer our inquiries while he won't so much as go out or shower in the half month he will be geeking out whit the dragon parts? and after we don't have any laverage unless we want to give him the parts again; which would sent the message he can fuck whit us and get rewards.
The FOOM part is incidental, we want it so Noburi can be topped up from anywhere in the world rather than just at Leaf's genin-con, makes him a way better field operative

It is incidental, but incidental or not it's still something close enough that Orochimaru could ask questions, not only about Shadow Clone, but also about Noburi and how his bloodline works. Consider we didn't even ask Ma and Pa, it seems a bit premature to risk consuming a favor from Orochimaru for this, at least to me.