So, anyone considering what to do after the war seeing how far we pushed our research so far?
I can't find some of the proposed road maps, but there were some big things people wanted done before the next Conclave.
Stuff like Akazit, Happening of Things, and Rune Metal.
That said, I won't deny that new developments has kind of shifted my priorities. Two big things for me.
Studying Thungni's Master Rune, and material research. Aside from that, I find myself really invested in going further into Rune Metal.
Looking into Thungni's Master Rune, as well as finishing off the current part of Movement, seems like a good way to approach Thungni's riddle.
Material research seems so important because of how much it gives to Akazit, as well as other branches, beyond additional sources of reagents. Seems like a good idea to take advantage of this, rounding out Snorri's foundations before tackling the real thing. That said, Akazit is definitely the biggest thing Snorri could reveal. Which, I feel would kind of necessitate finishing off Anöqueyan.
My renewed interest in Rune Metal progress is because it seems like a happy medium. It's a huge deal for the Dawi as a whole, breaking new ground, while also fitting in with Snorri's biggest problems. That said, I think I'm remembering some things here. Let me put it like this.
In order to progress Mind of Things, and get access to Holocron tech, we need a higher tier of metal. Higher than Adamant.
Except, in order to do that, we need to make our forge better. Which seems like a perfect reward for learning Akazit and Anöqueyan, as that involves Transmutation.
So maybe things aren't that different than how they originally were, at least as it relates to Mind of Things and Rune Metal stuff.
Akazit -> Rune Metal -> Mind
Though, as I said, my feelings about our approach to Akazit are more complicated now.
Is Transmutation with Anöqueyan needed, we've already started it?
Is it better to brute force Akazit, keeping the material research in reserve and value it mostly occasional progress in other branches?
As for how the whole thing with Thungni will fit in, as well as Happening of Things, I have no clue.
And, none of that mentions any investment on the workshop.
This is just where my thoughts are floating around, I plan to listen to the experts.
Though…that banner the Hearthguard made, with the giant silvered wolf skull, seems like a perfect base for the project we've been planning for them. We've got progress with the Rune of Brotherhood, and the symbolism tied to wolf packs and stuff should fit nicely. As well as the story of how they claimed the skull.
Anyway, I might as well actually look at the vote.
[X] Brynna quietly watching a group of Zornish warriors go about their duties.
I always like getting more time with the local Runelords.
[X] Let them come to you. Random Encounter.
I can get behind the idea of Snorri leaning into his position as an honored and mysterious elder lol.
[X] Vragni Silverbrand and his horde of attendant apprentices.
Oof, torn on this one. I'm afraid that it could end poorly, but it'll certainly prove interesting.