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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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vote no to burudin so we not have to focus on another thing, no embrace, so they do not distract snorri, reject society, return the AP :V
Frankly, from how Soulcake's described them, I don't think they'd soak up AP so much as offer options like rune trading with very old Runelords.

It doesn't seem a... demanding, group, save by pride and ego.

Which works on Dawi, granted, but I don't think they'll be saying "Burudin want you to make a Adamant Smelter for them! Must spend 3 actions over 3 turns."
[X] [Home:] Reject
- [X] Find new accommodations

This seems like the best option; not rocking the boat, while keeping in character

[X] [Burudin:] No

I honestly think they can't offer us anything better than what Snorri could find himself. I worry they might push him to keep his knowledge contained to just the group. Bugger politics
I mean it is not so much that we think we know better as we think dozens of runelords including the son to Thungi knows better than the hermit talking about the evils of politics.

From a purely character perspective, I don't think there's a single runelord Snorri would trust as a judge of that more than his master.

Potentially even including Thungi's son.

And, regardless, I feel like nothing the Burudin can offer us would be worth potentially alienating Yorri. They just don't hold much value besides being a token achievement and a possible generator of political trouble.
From a purely character perspective, I don't think there's a single runelord Snorri would trust as a judge of that more than his master.

Potentially even including Thungi's son.

And, regardless, I feel like nothing the Burudin can offer us would be worth potentially alienating Yorri. They just don't hold much value besides being a token achievement and a possible generator of political trouble.

That looks like more hero worship than I think is healthy for Snori and I will be honest if Yori will be 'alienated' by choosing to join a social club after all we have done to help him with the elf learning and all than he is really not worth that hero worship.
The problem here is that it is, clearly to me at least, a situation where we are blatantly disregarding a warning given by our mentor who has never misled us or otherwise betrayed us… because we think we know better?

Seems like an awful reason to potentially tarnish our relationship by visibly dismissing his judgement.

And, assuming that he is right and they're 90% politics and skullduggery… why would Snorri be well suited to any of that? He would be the newest and least respected member (and thus, have really no say in how things are done) on top of being utterly unsuited to politicking.
Yorri said Alric Thungnisson's not his boss.
Yorri is not Snorri's boss.

Unsolicited Advice has been offered freely, taking it or leaving it is up to Snorri.

Yorri won't hold it against Snorri if he doesn't take his advice that the Burudin are too controlling.

Also: never led us wrong? Yorri himself feels that his advice/egging on almost got Snorri killed just two turns ago.
It wasn't malicious, and the cloak is monstrously powerful. But Snorri almost died.
Yorri is very much not infallible, and Snorri is his own person, not Yorri's heir.

Disappointed mentor? Maybe.
Snorri is a thousand years old, and Yorri probably thrice that.
he'll get over it.

And probably come back to say i told you so.
That looks like more hero worship than I think is healthy for Snori and I will be honest if Yori will be 'alienated' by choosing to join a social club after all we have done to help him with the elf learning and all than he is really not worth that hero worship.

To me, that feels like what you're suggesting. Yorri is a personal connection, we know and trust him. He has yet to seriously mislead us, takes time he really doesn't have to anymore to assist us, and more.

Thungi's son is the 'hero' figure, we don't really know him, we don't know any of the runelords on the Burudin as far as I'm aware. All we know of this group and the people within are tales and fables, secondhand at best.

Hero worship isn't trusting a loved one's judgement, hero worship is trusting the judgement of someone you've only ever seen from afar.
[X] [Home:] Embrace
[X] [Burudin:] Yes

I can understand some of the reluctance, but by all accounts we won't need to dabble in politics unless we decide to, you know, dabble in politics. The group's only stated purpose is to advance Runesmithing by creating a Runesmith meeting of the minds. Even if Yorri's right and some of it's members have been using the influence it grants for political purposes, that hardly means we need to. For every hoary ancestor that's trying to control the Runesmithing tradition of their region there's probably another that's just seeking to advance their craft whom we might be able to collaborate with. And even if we decide we don't really want to engage with the group it doesn't sound like there's much to be lost by just limiting our interaction with them. It's a collaborative learning environment, not an actual political position with a bunch of duties, although from the sound of it some of it's members regard it as such. Even assuming that some of it's members disapprove of the way we conduct ourself and want to hinder us, considering how rock solid our position in the Far North is I don't really see any sort of soft power measures they could take that'd meaningfully inconvenience us.
To me, that feels like what you're suggesting. Yorri is a personal connection, we know and trust him. He has yet to seriously mislead us, takes time he really doesn't have to anymore to assist us, and more.

Thungi's son is the 'hero' figure, we don't really know him, we don't know any of the runelords on the Burudin as far as I'm aware. All we know of this group and the people within are tales and fables, secondhand at best.

Hero worship isn't trusting a loved one's judgement, hero worship is trusting the judgement of someone you've only ever seen from afar.

This is fundamentally trusting a loved one with a political judgement. It is like saying 'well my family member told me to vote that way, guess I should or they will hate me'. Even apart from the fact that Yori is blatantly biased in the matter this does not seem sensible.
Ah... yes our dreadful rival... Frangi I think his name was :V
Man I'm so looking forward to meeting the guy.

Just for the look on his face when we tell him we voted for him.
Snorri: good job.
Vragni: are you mocking me?
Also potentially hilarious: in trying to beat Snorri at his own speciality, he becomes (unintentionally) the 2nd best Snorrist :V
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[X] [Burudin:] No:

[X] [Home:] Reject
- [X] Find new accommodations: In removing one problem, that being the overcrowding of your home, you have created another. Perhaps it is no concern of yours, but you will do what you can to find a way to house them now that squatting in your home is no longer an option. Unlocks further options.
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I genuinely don't understand why Embrace is so popular. Why do we want all the Runesmiths bunking in our house rather than in a more appropriate place like a dorm in Khazid Okraz? What's so great about people invading our home that it's 4 times more popular than other options?
I genuinely don't understand why Embrace is so popular. Why do we want all the Runesmiths bunking in our house rather than in a more appropriate place like a dorm in Khazid Okraz? What's so great about people invading our home that it's 4 times more popular than other options?
I didn't vote for it, and i don't want to dismiss it as a meme vote.
But... "Santa's Workshop"
At the end of the day, I have some questions: what would we do if it didn't happen, and would joining or leaving get in the way of what we're doing?

Would Snorri, the Gift Giver want to give his gifts to the Karaz Ankor, or keep them in the North where your gifts do the most good?
[X] [Burudin:] Yes:

They already hold enough power to shift dwarven society. The potential chink is already in the armor. Now it comes to dwarves like Snorri to ensure it doesn't actually get exploited.

[X] [Home:] Embrace

Welcome, one and all.
Another question: would we be trying to pass on Snorri's interpretation of the Rule of Pride to as many Runesmiths outside the North?
I didn't vote for it, and i don't want to dismiss it as a meme vote.
But... "Santa's Workshop"

Fundamentally I think because it is the most generous choice. They want to be here for reasons that seem good to them so let them in, under some level of organization because we are also a hoary old dwarf and the level of chaos that a simple 'accept' would involve would doubtless sting.
[X] [Burudin:] No:

[X] [Home:] Reject
- [X] Find new accommodations: In removing one problem, that being the overcrowding of your home, you have created another. Perhaps it is no concern of yours, but you will do what you can to find a way to house them now that squatting in your home is no longer an option. Unlocks further options.

Building a Dwarven College Dormitory beside our house? Fitting.
Voting will open in 9 hours, 4 minutes