Or, alternatively, for the Xtremist to serve out a seventeen-year prison sentence in, say, less than five years.I was wrong. Time is wonky enough for Max to still be a 20 something after 20 something years.
"That is the most dangerous toon alive. We need to run, now. He could kill us in a minute flat."
Poor Doom, not even considered for being in the running because he's just too good at hiding his nature....I now wanna see ND and Judge Doom slug it out even more who of them is the deadlier toon (of course, Doom would be missing his Dip to make things more even and improve chances of whoever wins getting tired out enough for us to take out)
[X] "Not necessarily. Sometimes I like to stretch things out."
Feels like a Negaduck answer
I was wrong. Time is wonky enough for Max to still be a 20 something after 20 something years.
I don't want to jinx anything by mentioning this, but Max/Russ/Goof have succeeded on all of their rolls so far!
"Phoneboo- listen here Million Dollars and No Sense. How long were you in prison?"
"Since late February."
"Of what year, rich twit?"
"2000, why? Hey, is Hillary Duff still popular?"
"Oh yeah! Now I remember!" Goofy recalls. "You blew up that blimp, got us all expelled, and got yerself tossed in the hoosegow for the last twenty years!"
"It was only seventeen years!!!"
"Has it really been that long?" Goofy asked, mostly to himself.