A better way would be to make inroads with the cult of Grimnir and then send the message by how we shape their commissions, so that we're actually working with the people who have their ears to the ground.
That sounds both cool and sensible. Cool, in that it's engaging with the world, and about finding out what is happening in the world and what the world is like. Sensible, in that it's only sensible to know what's going on, because...
It seems like typical questor arrogance to just assume that we know best without even consulting the priests of this god. However even less than that, we could just try and line up the timing with some anniversary of import rather than just whenever. And I also can't get over the assumption that people are just going to change their view of their god because they saw this statue.
... Because in this case, it's not just typical questor arrogance. It's also
meta-knowledge (plus typical questor arrogance!) at work.
We "know" that the Slayer Cult will form in the future at some point.
We "know" that this is a bad institution and a bad thing, because we know better than Dwarves, about what Dwarves want or need.
Therefore, we "know" that we need to do something to stop this.
We "know" that it is up to us to prevent or shape the future, and that we must do it, and that we can do it.
At no point in that chain of reasoning, do we ever stop and ask ourselves "Wait, guys... what do we
actually know about what the state of the Cult of the Ancestor God of Grimnir is like
right now?"
We've already decided we know what the problem is: the Slayer tradition, far in the future.
That it
is a problem. That we have to fix it. That we have to pre-emptively fix/avoid it. And that it is reasonable for Snorri to think the same things we are thinking, and be motivated by the same things, and work to fix the problem.
None of that's true. I think that if Snorri were to build a Grimnir Gronti, he would be doing it because "Gronti are really cool" and because he wants to honor the Ancestor God.
Note that, Snorri would not be doing it to "fix" or "prevent" some kind of "problem" with Dwarf culture. He would be motivated by Runesmith things, by piety for an Ancestor God, by nostalgia or wanting to honor a memory, and because he thinks a giant Gronti combatant could be useful for Kraka Drakk and/or the north.
Making a giant Grimnir golem to solve or head off a problem 4 thousand years in the future seems wrong to me. It seems like a wrong motivation to have. Too metagamey for me. (Me, I just think a giant Adamant Grimnir is cool, that's all, and want to do it.)
Though, anyway, yeah... To bring it back to the quote:
A better way would be to make inroads with the cult of Grimnir and then send the message by how we shape their commissions, so that we're actually working with the people who have their ears to the ground. It seems like typical questor arrogance to just assume that we know best without even consulting the priests of this god. However even less than that, we could just try and line up the timing with some anniversary of import rather than just whenever. And I also can't get over the assumption that people are just going to change their view of their god because they saw this statue.
If a poster wants Snorri to be motivated by the same "There is a cultural thing to be fixed or avoided!" thing as the poster himself is, it would make more sense to make inroads with the Cult of Grimnir and find out what things are like, as a step one.
And then, of course, it would probably be revealed that the problems the player is seeking to avoid do not exist, because it's millennia too early for them to happen, and at this point you can't even see the genesis of those problems yet.

So there's effectively no problem similar-to-the-problem-we-posters-know
to solve.
... But at least you'll be able to do some awesome craftsmanship for the Cult of Grimnir, though. At least you'll be able to help out a Cult of the Ancestor God.
And, y'know, that'd be good? Getting good relationships with all the Cults of the Ancestor Gods. There's nothing wrong with that.