The Curse-You-Person-I-Am-Pointing-At-Inator! (Good): You know, firing up the Probability-Inator got you curious about how exactly this whole probability-manipulation thing works. After some investigation, you've managed to isolate the negative probability ions from the positive ones, and made a device to harness them! For some reason, there were a lot of them in Danville, and even more clinging to you in specific, but no matter! You've manages to drain it all, and now you can point all this concentrated bad luck somewhere else! Boy, someone is about to have a bad day.
(A rival King of your choice receives a -15 malus to all rolls for one turn due to all the bad luck. Additionally, sending all your bad luck to someone else's territory makes you slightly luckier, giving +5 to all rolls for the turn)
The Curse-You-Person-I-Am-Pointing-At-Inator! (Self-destruct): Okay, why did you think gathering all the bad luck in the Tri-State Area to your location was a good idea again? With all that concentrated negative probability, the machine obviously exploded the second you tried to turn it on, coating you and the city in negative probability ions! Oh boy, you are in for a rough couple of months now. Curse you, Curse-You-Person-I-Am-Pointing-At The Inator!
(You receive a -15 malus to all actions for a turn due to concentrated bad luck. Additionally, the probability ion polarization means someone else experiences an upsurge in luck, giving +5 to all rolls of a QM-selected King for a turn)