It's a fairly simple set of priorities for these artifacts: Fun > Solving Pressing Home Problems > New Frontiers in Space > New Frontiers Across Dimensions

Defeating Toffee falls under "Solving Pressing Home Problems" to which we don't really need more than the bare minimum for the inator to actually achieve. Anything more would fall more under "New Frontiers Across Dimensions" by attempting to establish a permanent presence and involment across dimensions, to which I have no interest in. I barely have an interest in space, and still view any escapades to space to be more a long-term thing than something we will reasonably get in the next in-game year or two (barring crits on GalFed tech).
@Artemis_Fowl_2nd I am going to give you the benefit of doubt and say you didn't realize this wasn't a joke of any kind. That said, this is not a humorous post so I would advise you remove your funny.
No, as in, we would spend 15 points, assuming it's sucessful.
Ah, in that case, it is as I said that going so lowball on the items - especially when two of the items have had explicit interest shown from other people with money - is very likely not going to end up with us getting all three. I see the most likely outcome being we spend 10 points on the Cookbook and Key, or 5 points on the Key and losing the Cookbook to Xanatos as the second most likely outcome for the Acquire Knowledge plan.
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No, as in, we would spend 15 points, assuming it's sucessful.
That feels like a pretty big if to me; the crystal key could be a solid 6-7 to the right person, and we'll flat out lose to Xanatos if he decides to focus on one of the books instead of the others.

15 as a whole is a lot, but 5/5/5 is small enough in each of their specific betting pools to have a good chance at "loss"
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No, as in, we would spend 15 points, leaving us with 12, assuming it's successful. I thought that was clear from context.
Well you see, possible outcomes:
1) we somehow win all 3 items, which leaves us with 12 points.
Result: we end auction with 4 items and decent (but not definite) chance of acquiring fifth.
2) we win 2 items, which leaves us with 17 points. We spend all this points on one item in the third round.
Result: we end auction with 3 items and very good chance of acquiring fourth.
3) we win only one item or go with keys plan. We have 22 points. People will split points 10/12 or near that.
Result: we end auction with 2 items and decent (but not definite) chance of acquiring third, and chance not one which we really want.

It's case when having more points in the third round can be worse than having less.
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[X] Plan Acquire Knowledge, revised

With Xanatos taking an active interest in some of this stuff, we probably won't get all three, but we stand a decent-ish chance of getting two.

There is a small chance of Monty Hall beating us to the key with a 6 bid and I am fearing that Xanatos may beat us with a semi-serious bid to the Scrolls of Jo-Lan, since he is a martial artist.

I am not too concerned about any of that, though. This is the "okay stuff, moderate price, no major drawbacks" level. If we win all of our bids, that probably leaves enough to make a serious attempt with at least one of the stage 3 items. If we lose two or even all three, then we can probably consider making two stage 3 bids.

However, I would like to remind people that the stage 3 items are not only going to have issues of cost and whatever natural downsides come with the item in question, but also are almost certainly guaranteed to draw aggro from one of the minor players present, those being Pandarus, the Morganians, Likely!Demona and Mystery Redhead.

We don't want any of those people to start making alliances with our already existing enemies. Particularly Demona. She is damn near a natural ally for Toffee.
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I'd say the only round 3 item I really care about getting is the talisman. It's possible something might pop up that I value more, but I just really want to start and finish a collection of all the talismans.
Are any of you actually planning to spend 15 points? Really? I'm not even condescing, i'm legit asking. Do you really want to have only 1, 2, 3...12 points left, in a round where the minimum bet is 7? That means we get, what, 1 item, maybe not even that, since Xany is gonna be dipping deep into his pocket book, when we know there are at least two, and probably three, we should REALLY snag? Impulse control. Like, people, the Encantus is valuable, but it's not unquie: It's a book, there are multiple copies. THis is our one shot at getting the talismans.

I am, at the very least. Xanatos was the one who made us aware about the Encantus in the first place, so we probably don't have too worry about too much competition from him on that front. He'll likely put down a min bid or a couple points above, but we'd be putting down 12/7 = 1.71 times the min bid, or just over two thirds the listed value. That should be enough to snag us the Encantus. Plus, if any of this round's bids fail, that's even more money to be spent on securing the Encantus. I consider a minimum spending plan of at least two thirds greater than the listed price to have fairly good odds in securing us the item.

And I consider the scroll and cookbook worth just as much, if not more than, the set of Talismans on offer. Like, realistically, let's think about what the Talismans offer: magic-like abilities for our Hero Units. The scroll and cookbook offer much the same, except they are both cheaper and more comprehensive. Of course, Talismans have the edge in that we can give them to any hero unit we've got, and they don't take time to learn how to use. in contrast, the scroll and cookbook would be limited to Hero Units who wanted to learn them, and would presumably take Personal Actions for each hero who wanted to learn the stuff.

Like, this is how I would compare the two:

Talismans: Easy to use, part of a set, applicable to every Hero Unit, can only ever have one instance of the effect going at once, only provide specific effects.
Cookbook+Scrolls: Takes time/actions to learn, only applicable for interested Hero Units, possible loyalty buffs to specific Hero Units, more than one Hero can learn it thus effects can be spread to multiple Heroes at once, provide full magic systems with multiple abilities inherent to them.

And we already have one of the Talismans, so we won't have to worry about other people triggering any "Collect them all and gain phenomenal power!" effects the Talismans have anyway.

So if getting the cookbook+scrolls means that we can't get the Talismans, I'll consider that a pretty good trade off.
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I am, at the very least. Xanatos was the one who made us aware about the Encantus in the first place, so we probably don't have too worry about too much competition from him on that front. He'll likely put down a min bid or a couple points above, but we'd be putting down 12/7 = 1.71 times the min bid, or just over two thirds the listed value. That should be enough to snag us the Encantus. Plus, if any of this round's bids fail, that's even more money to be spent on securing the Encantus. I consider a minimum spending plan of at least two thirds greater than the listed price to have fairly good odds in securing us the item.

And I consider the scroll and cookbook worth just as much, if not more than, the set of Talismans on offer. Like, realistically, let's think about what the Talismans offer: magic-like abilities for our Hero Units. The scroll and cookbook offer much the same, except they are both cheaper and more comprehensive. Of course, Talismans have the edge in that we can give them to any hero unit we've got, and they don't take time to learn how to use. in contrast, the scroll and cookbook would be limited to Hero Units who wanted to learn them, and would presumably take Personal Actions for each hero who wanted to learn the stuff.

Like, this is how I would compare the two:

Talismans: Easy to use, part of a set, applicable to every Hero Unit, can only ever have one instance of the effect going at once, only provide specific effects.
Cookbook+Scrolls: Takes time/actions to learn, only applicable for interested Hero Units, possible loyalty buffs to specific Hero Units, more than one Hero can learn it thus effects can be spread to multiple Heroes at once, provide full magic systems with multiple abilities inherent to them.

And we already have one of the Talismans, so other people won't be able to trigger any "Collect them all and gain phenomenal power!" effects the Talismans have anyway.

So if getting the cookbook+scrolls means that we can't get the Talismans, I'll consider that a pretty good trade off.
That magician guy is probably gonna pony up a lot for the Encantus considering A. He's rich. and B. getting that thing was his main motive.
Cookbook+Scrolls: Takes time/actions to learn, only applicable for interested Hero Units, possible loyalty buffs to specific Hero Units, more than one Hero can learn it thus effects can be spread to multiple Heroes at once, provide full magic systems with multiple abilities inherent to them.
Also all gains derived from the books are permanent
Yeah. If it's a choice between magic knowledge or a Talisman I'm voting for magic knowledge no question.
The books take time to learn. The Talismans? THose can turn anyone into a super for a while. And are they really less valuable then a cookbook? Also, I feel like Xany would probably appreicate us letting him take one. Ya know, repay the favor and all.
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[ ] Plan : We want the big shinies !
-[ ] Bid for nothing

Our best shot at getting 2 items next round.
It's not going to win but I'm putting it here for the sake of completion.
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The books take time to learn. The Talismans? THose can turn anyone into a super for a while. And are they really less valuable then a cookbook?
For me, yes. Like even if we have 22 points left, I'll just put them all on Encantus so we can guarantee it acquisition. I'll go for second item only if we lose all second round bets.

Also, I feel like Xany would probably appreicate us letting him take one. Ya know, repay the favor and all.
If Xanatos want them, he will buy them.
That magician guy is probably gonna pony up a lot for the Encantus considering A. He's rich. and B. getting that thing was his main motive.
Alright, sure. But just being rich is like the minimum buy in for the round three items. We've seen already that the round two stuff is more expensive than some people can afford, and the round three minimum bid is almost double what the min bid is here.

Like, the round three stuff is priced so high because Magica knows people want it. She's not going to just let a highly sought after item go for cheap, after all. So let's assume that this entertainment millionaire has enough money to go just a hair above one and a half times the market value of the item. That's 11 points, still slightly beat out by our 12. I'd be willing to bet that the amount of money that [generic millionaire] can throw around is less than 2/5ths of a King's operational budget.

For further evidence of their budget being 11 or less, check this last update. Drake takes an interest in the scrolls, but gets shut down, suggesting that they somewhere in the neighborhood of 11 points. Could possibly have less, if Drake was wanting the item but Hovarth had to remind him it wasn't in the budget. Could have equal to eleven points, thus Drake seeing that it was possible to get both items and getting excited, but Hovarth reminding him that getting both was unfeasible. Might have slightly more, in that spending the four points for the scrolls would provide an acceptable margin of error for Drake, but not for Hovarth.

All in all, I'm willing to accept the risk inherent in a bid of 12 on the Encantus if it means us gaining access to two other, less comprehensive magical textbooks.

Plus if Xanatos wins the Encantus then we might be able to bum lessons off of him in exchange for lessons on the scroll/cookbook, and if Drake/Hovarth win then we make like a Supervillain and steal it later.

Also, just a thought, but are we sure Drake/Hovarth are actually going for the Encantus? Drake being rich seems to imply that he possesses/possessed an Encantus, after all. What are the odds that the Encantus up for grabs was originally his, which he and Hovarth pawned to Magica for the dosh needed to buy a different round three item? For instance, if Magica de Spell was selling the Grimhold itself, something the wiki seems to imply Hovarth/Drake didn't have in their possession originally?