This country really needs an evil overlord to drag them kicking and screaming into the future.
Well, Free and Imperial Cities are only subordinate to the Holy Roman Emperor. If the throne was hereditary, all we'd have to is grab a Hapsburg and tell them to tell Drusselstein what to do.
Problem is, the Holy Roman Emperor was elected. And there are no Prince-Electors left. Even if the bloodlines are still around, they wouldn't have any authority to elect an emperor, since Francis II absolved every Kingdom, Duchy, Prince-Bishopric, and otherwise- except for Drusselstein- of any obligations to the HRE, and therefore any powers they had.
Thus, Drusselstein is a Free and Imperial City without an emperor. I doubt
Princess Baldegunde is a Princess-Elector, so they can't get a new emperor. But if we could get a new emperor, a king of kings (or perhaps, a Khan of Khans- Temujin was equal to an emperor once) elected (or bamboozle Drusselstein into thinking so), all we need to do is get them crowned by the Pope. Not even that is strictly necessary, considering that the last batch of Holy Roman Emperors went without being crowned.